コード例 #1
    def fillOccupancy(self):
        """Function that fill the occupnacy grid on every update
                1. RobotPose is considered (0, 0, 0) to accomodate the laser scan, which produces ranges wrt to the bot
                2. The RobotPose in the occupancy grid is (X * scale_factor/2, Y * scale_factor /2, 0)
                3. The attribute robotPose is the real pose of the robot wrt to the world Frame,
                    thus it helps us to calculate the transform for trajectory and pose validity queries
        self.grid[:] = 0
        ang_min, ang_max, ranges = self.scan
        angle_step = (ang_max - ang_min) / len(ranges)
        for i, rng in enumerate(ranges):

            # Check for obstacles
            if np.abs(rng) is not np.inf:
                x, y = (
                    rng * np.cos(ang_min + i * angle_step),
                    rng * np.sin(ang_max + i * angle_step),
                newState = self.transform("bot", "map",
                                          RobotState(Point(x, y, 0)))
                x_, y_ = newState.position.x, newState.position.y

                # Checking if the range is within the grid, to mark them as occupied
                if 0 <= x_ < self.grid.shape[0] and 0 <= y_ < self.grid.shape[
                    if self.grid[int(x_)][int(-y_ - 1)] != 1:
                        self.grid[int(x_)][int(-y_ - 1)] = 1
コード例 #2
    def transform(self, frame1, frame2, rsf1):
        """Transform robotPose from one pose to the other

            frame1 (string) : from the frame (world, bot, map)
            frame2 (string) : to the frame (world, bot, map)
            rsf1 (gennav.utils.common.RobotState) : RobotState in frame1
            rsf2 (gennav.utils.common.RobotState) : RobotState in frame2
        # TODO: Make it more robust in terms of checking frames

        # Check if the required trnasform or the inverse of the transform exists
        frame = frame2 + "T" + frame1
        frame_inv = frame1 + "T" + frame2
        if frame in self.transforms.keys():
            t_matrix = self.transforms[frame]["transform"]
        elif frame_inv in self.transforms.keys():
            t_matrix = np.linalg.inv(self.transforms[frame_inv]["transform"])
            raise Exception("Transform for the frames not found")

        # Transform using matrix multiplication
        pf2 = np.dot(
            np.array([rsf1.position.x, rsf1.position.y, 1]).reshape(3, 1))
        rsf2 = RobotState(position=Point(pf2[0].item(), pf2[1].item()))

        # Return RobotState
        return rsf2
コード例 #3
ファイル: samplers.py プロジェクト: veds12/gennav
    def __call__(self):
        Randomly sample point in area while sampling goal point at a specified rate.

            gennav.utils.RobotState: The sampled robot state.
        if random.random() > self.goal_sample_p:
            new_point = Point()
            new_point.x = random.uniform(self.min_x, self.max_x)
            new_point.y = random.uniform(self.min_y, self.max_y)
            return RobotState(position=new_point)
            return self.goal
コード例 #4
ファイル: samplers.py プロジェクト: veds12/gennav
    def __call__(self):
        """Randomly sample point in area while sampling goal point at a specified rate.

            gennav.utils.RobotState: The sampled robot state.
        if random.random() > self.goal_sample_p:
            theta = 2 * pi * random.random()
            u = random.random() * self.r
            new_point = Point()
            new_point.x = self.centre.x + u * cos(theta)
            new_point.y = self.centre.y + u * sin(theta)
            return RobotState(position=new_point)
            return self.goal
コード例 #5
ファイル: astar.py プロジェクト: MihirDharmadhikari/gennav
def astar(graph, start, end, heuristic={}):
    Performs A-star search to find the shortest path from start to end

        graph (dict): Dictionary representing the graph where keys are the nodes
            and the value is a list of all neighbouring nodes
        start (gennav.utils.geometry.Point): Point representing key corresponding
            to the start point
        end (gennav.utils.geometry.Point): Point representing key corresponding
            to the end point
        heuristic (dict): Dictionary containing the heuristic values for all the nodes,
            if not specified the default heuristic is euclidean distance

        gennav.utils.Trajectory: The planned path as trajectory
    if not (start in graph and end in graph):
        path = [RobotState(position=start)]
        traj = Trajectory(path)
        return traj
    open_ = []
    closed = []
    # calcula]tes heuristic for start if not provided by the user
    # pushes the start point in the open_ Priority Queue

    start_node = NodeAstar(RobotState(position=start), None)
    if len(heuristic) == 0:
        start_node.h = math.sqrt((start.x - end.x)**2 + (start.y - end.y)**2)
        start_node.h = heuristic[start]
    start_node.g = 0
    start_node.f = start_node.g + start_node.h
    # performs astar search to find the shortest path
    while len(open_) > 0:
        current_node = open_.pop(0)
        # checks if the goal has been reached
        if current_node.state.position == end:
            path = []
            # forms path from closed list
            while current_node.parent is not None:
                current_node = current_node.parent
            # returns reversed path
            path = path[::-1]
            traj = Trajectory(path)
            return traj
        # continues to search for the goal
        # makes a list of all neighbours of the current_node
        neighbours = graph[current_node.state.position]
        # adds them to open_ if they are already present in open_
        # checks and updates the total cost for all the neighbours
        for node in neighbours:
            # creates neighbour which can be pushed to open_ if required
            neighbour = NodeAstar(RobotState(position=node), current_node)
            # checks if neighbour is in closed
            if neighbour in closed:
            # calculates weight cost
            neighbour.g = (
                math.sqrt((node.x - current_node.state.position.x)**2 +
                          (node.y - current_node.state.position.y)**2) +
            # calculates heuristic for the node if not provided by the user
            if len(heuristic) == 0:
                neighbour.h = math.sqrt((node.x - end.x)**2 +
                                        (node.y - end.y)**2)
                neighbour.h = heuristic[node]
            # calculates total cost
            neighbour.f = neighbour.g + neighbour.h
            # checks if the total cost of neighbour needs to be updated
            # if it is presnt in open_ else adds it to open_
            flag = 1
            for new_node in open_:
                if neighbour == new_node and neighbour.f < new_node.f:
                    new_node = neighbour  # lgtm [py/multiple-definition]
                    flag = 0
                elif neighbour == new_node and neighbour.f > new_node.f:
                    flag = 0
            if flag == 1:
    # if path doesn't exsist it returns just the start point as the path
    path = [RobotState(position=start)]
    traj = Trajectory(path)
    return traj
コード例 #6
ファイル: astar.py プロジェクト: MihirDharmadhikari/gennav
 def __init__(self, state=RobotState(), parent=None):
     Node.__init__(self, state, parent)
     self.g = 0  # Distance to start node
     self.h = 0  # Distance to goal node
     self.f = 0  # Total cost