def test_Column(): """ _column.Column() works as expected """ meta = _sa.MetaData() table = _sa.Table( u'mytable', meta, _sa.Column(u'Lala', _mysql.VARCHAR(255), nullable=True, server_default='""'), _sa.Column(u'lolo', _mysql.INTEGER, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), ) meta.bind = _test.Bunch(dialect=_test.Bunch(name='mysql')) symbols = _symbols.Symbols(symbols=dict(type="TT")) inst = _column.Column.from_sa(table.c.Lala, symbols) if bytes is str: assert repr(inst) == ('C(\'Lala\', TT.VARCHAR(255), ' 'server_default=D(u\'""\'))') else: assert repr(inst) == ('C(\'Lala\', TT.VARCHAR(255), ' 'server_default=D(\'""\'))') inst = _column.Column.from_sa(table.c.lolo, symbols) assert repr(inst) == ("C('lolo', TT.INTEGER, nullable=False, " "autoincrement=False)")
def test_table(tmpdir): """ _table.Table() works as expected """ tmpdir = str(tmpdir) filename = _os.path.join(tmpdir, 'tabletest.db') db = _sa.create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % (filename, )) meta = _sa.MetaData(db) db.execute(""" CREATE TABLE stocks (date DATE, trans text, symbol varchar(12), qty real, price real, primary key (date)) """) table = _table.Table.by_name('main.stocks', 'STOCKS', meta, {}, _symbols.Symbols()) expected = ("T(u'stocks', m,\n" " C('date', t.DATE, nullable=False),\n" " C('trans', t.TEXT),\n" " C('symbol', t.VARCHAR(12)),\n" " C('qty', t.REAL),\n" " C('price', t.REAL),\n" " schema=u'main',\n" ")\n" "PrimaryKey(") if bytes is not str: expected = expected.replace("u'", "'") assert repr(table) == expected
def test_Column_identity(): """ _column.Column() works ith identity """ if not getattr(_sa, 'Identity', None): skip("Identity not defined") meta = _sa.MetaData() table = _sa.Table( u'mytable', meta, _sa.Column(u'Lala', _mysql.VARCHAR(255), _sa.Identity()), _sa.Column(u'lolo', _mysql.INTEGER, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), ) meta.bind = _test.Bunch(dialect=_test.Bunch(name='mysql')) symbols = _symbols.Symbols(symbols=dict(type="TT")) inst = _column.Column.from_sa(table.c.Lala, symbols) if bytes is str: assert repr(inst) == ('C(\'Lala\', TT.VARCHAR(255), ' 'nullable=False, ' 'server_default=_sa.Identity())') else: assert repr(inst) == ('C(\'Lala\', TT.VARCHAR(255), ' 'nullable=False, ' 'server_default=_sa.Identity())') inst = _column.Column.from_sa(table.c.lolo, symbols) assert repr(inst) == ("C('lolo', TT.INTEGER, nullable=False, " "autoincrement=False)")
def test_schema(tmpdir): """ _schema.Schema() works as expected """ _warnings.simplefilter('error', _sa.exc.SAWarning) tmpdir = str(tmpdir) filename = _os.path.join(tmpdir, 'tabletest.db') db = _sa.create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % (filename, )).connect() try: db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE names ( id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY, first VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, last VARCHAR(129) NOT NULL ); ''') db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE emails ( id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY, address VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL, UNIQUE (address) ); ''') db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE addresses ( id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY, zip_code VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, place VARCHAR(78) NOT NULL, street VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL ); ''') db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE persons ( id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY, address INT(11) NOT NULL, name INT(11) NOT NULL, email INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (address) REFERENCES addresses (id), FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES names (id), FOREIGN KEY (email) REFERENCES emails (id) ); ''') db.execute(''' ALTER TABLE addresses ADD COLUMN owner INT(11) DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES persons (id); ''') db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE temp.blub (id INT PRIMARY KEY); ''') schema = _schema.Schema(db, [('persons', 'persons'), ('blah', 'temp.blub')], {'temp': ''}, _symbols.Symbols(dict(type='t')), dbname='foo') finally: db.close() with open(_os.path.join(tmpdir, ""), 'w') as fp: schema.dump(fp) with open(_os.path.join(tmpdir, "")) as fp: result = expected = ''' # -*- coding: ascii -*- # flake8: noqa pylint: skip-file """ ============================== SQLAlchemy schema definition ============================== SQLAlchemy schema definition for foo. :Warning: DO NOT EDIT, this file is generated """ import sqlalchemy as _sa from sqlalchemy.dialects import sqlite as t from import baz as _baz from gensaschema.constraints import ForeignKey as ForeignKey from gensaschema.constraints import PrimaryKey as PrimaryKey from gensaschema.constraints import Unique as Unique m = _sa.MetaData() T = _sa.Table C = _sa.Column D = _sa.DefaultClause # Table "addresses" addresses = T(u'addresses', m, C('id', t.INTEGER%(nullable)s), C('zip_code', t.VARCHAR(32), server_default=D(u'NULL')), C('place', t.VARCHAR(78), nullable=False), C('street', t.VARCHAR(64), server_default=D(u'NULL')), C('owner', t.INTEGER, server_default=D(u'NULL')), ) PrimaryKey( # Defined at table 'persons': # ForeignKey( # [addresses.c.owner], # [], # ) # Table "emails" emails = T(u'emails', m, C('id', t.INTEGER%(nullable)s), C('address', t.VARCHAR(127), nullable=False), ) PrimaryKey( Unique(emails.c.address) # Table "names" names = T(u'names', m, C('id', t.INTEGER%(nullable)s), C('first', t.VARCHAR(128), server_default=D(u'NULL')), C('last', t.VARCHAR(129), nullable=False), ) PrimaryKey( # Table "persons" persons = T(u'persons', m, C('id', t.INTEGER%(nullable)s), C('address', t.INTEGER, nullable=False), C('name', t.INTEGER, nullable=False), C('email', t.INTEGER, server_default=D(u'NULL')), ) PrimaryKey( ForeignKey( [persons.c.address], [], ) ForeignKey( [], [], ) ForeignKey( [], [], ) # Foreign key belongs to 'addresses': ForeignKey( [addresses.c.owner], [], ) del _sa, T, C, D, m # vim: nowrap tw=0 '''.strip() + '\n' if bytes is not str: expected = expected.replace("u'", "'") expected %= dict( nullable=("" if sa_version >= (1, 4) else ", nullable=False")) assert result == expected result = result.replace('from import baz as _baz', '') glob, loc = {}, {} code = compile(result, "", "exec") # pylint: disable = exec-used, eval-used if _sys.version_info >= (3, ): exec(code, glob, loc) else: exec("exec result in glob, loc")