コード例 #1
    input, output = sys.argv[1:3]
    # build dictionary. only keep 200k most frequent words (out of total ~7m unique tokens)
    # takes about 8h on a macbook pro
    wiki = gensim.corpora.WikiCorpus('/Users/kofola/gensim/results/enwiki-20100622-pages-articles.xml.bz2',
                                     keep_words = 200000)
    # save dictionary and bag-of-words
    # another ~8h
    del wiki
    # initialize corpus reader and word->id mapping
    from gensim.corpora import MmCorpus
    id2token = WikiCorpus.loadDictionary(output + '_wordids.txt')
    mm = MmCorpus(output + '_bow.mm')
    # build tfidf
    # ~20min
    from gensim.models import TfidfModel
    tfidf = TfidfModel(mm, id2word = id2token, normalize = True)
    # save tfidf vectors in matrix market format
    # ~1.5h; result file is 14GB! bzip2'ed down to 4.5GB
    MmCorpus.saveCorpus(output + '_tfidf.mm', tfidf[mm], progressCnt = 10000)
    logging.info("finished running %s" % program)
    # running lsi (chunks=20000, numTopics=400) on wiki_tfidf then takes about 14h.

コード例 #2
    id2word = dmlcorpus.DmlCorpus.loadDictionary(config.resultFile('wordids.txt'))
    logging.info("loaded %i word ids" % len(id2word))
    corpus = MmCorpus(config.resultFile('bow.mm'))

    if method == 'tfidf':
        model = tfidfmodel.TfidfModel(corpus, id2word = id2word, normalize = True)
    elif method == 'lda':
        model = ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus, id2word = id2word, numTopics = DIM_LDA)
    elif method == 'lsi':
        # first, transform word counts to tf-idf weights
        tfidf = tfidfmodel.TfidfModel(corpus, id2word = id2word, normalize = True)
        # then find the transformation from tf-idf to latent space
        model = lsimodel.LsiModel(tfidf[corpus], id2word = id2word, numTopics = DIM_LSI)
    elif method == 'rp':
        # first, transform word counts to tf-idf weights
        tfidf = tfidfmodel.TfidfModel(corpus, id2word = id2word, normalize = True)
        # then find the transformation from tf-idf to latent space
        model = rpmodel.RpModel(tfidf[corpus], id2word = id2word, numTopics = DIM_RP)
        raise ValueError('unknown topic extraction method: %s' % repr(method))
    MmCorpus.saveCorpus(config.resultFile('corpus_%s.mm' % method), model[corpus])
    logging.info("finished running %s" % program)

コード例 #3
        print globals()['__doc__'] % locals()
    input, output = sys.argv[1:3]

    # build dictionary. only keep 200k most frequent words (out of total ~7m unique tokens)
    # takes about 8h on a macbook pro
    wiki = WikiCorpus(input, keep_words=200000)

    # save dictionary and bag-of-words
    # another ~8h
    del wiki

    # initialize corpus reader and word->id mapping
    from gensim.corpora import MmCorpus
    id2token = WikiCorpus.loadDictionary(output + '_wordids.txt')
    mm = MmCorpus(output + '_bow.mm')

    # build tfidf
    # ~20min
    from gensim.models import TfidfModel
    tfidf = TfidfModel(mm, id2word=id2token, normalize=True)

    # save tfidf vectors in matrix market format
    # ~1.5h; result file is 14GB! bzip2'ed down to 4.5GB
    MmCorpus.saveCorpus(output + '_tfidf.mm', tfidf[mm], progressCnt=10000)

    logging.info("finished running %s" % program)

    # running lsi (chunks=20000, numTopics=400) on wiki_tfidf then takes about 14h.