コード例 #1
def detection_inclusion(polygones, point, nb_poly):
    renvoie tous les polygones dans lequel le polynome actuel (celui du segment)
    est inclus
    index_poly = -1
    inclus_dans = [
    ]  # contient les polynomes dans lequel le polynome actuel (celui du segment) est inclus
    t = [
        -1 for _ in range(len(polygones))
    ]  # contient le nombre d'intersections de chaque polynome avec le segment en question
    for poly in polygones:
        index_poly += 1
        for segment in poly.segments():
            point1 = Point(list(segment.endpoints[0].coordinates))
            point2 = Point(list(segment.endpoints[1].coordinates))
            x1 = point1.coordinates[0]
            y1 = point1.coordinates[1]
            x2 = point2.coordinates[0]
            y2 = point2.coordinates[1]
            x = point.coordinates[0]
            y = point.coordinates[1]
            if (y1 > y) != (y2 > y) and (x < (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1) +
                                         x1):  # s'il y a une intersection
                t[index_poly] += 1
    for j in range(len(t)):
        if t[j] % 2 == 0 and j != nb_poly:  #le point est dedans et on verifie que chaque poly n'est pas inclus dans lui même
    if len(inclus_dans) == 0:  # la liste est vide => c'est inclus dans rien
    return inclus_dans
コード例 #2
ファイル: events.py プロジェクト: brigondaud/BentleyOttmann
def intersection_test():
    test the intersection on basic cases with one or two neighbours
    print("\n---------Intersection neighbour test---------")
    seg1 = Segment([Point([0, 0]), Point([2, 2])])
    seg2 = Segment([Point([1, 0]), Point([1, 2])])
    events = Events([seg1, seg2])
    print("events:", events)

    Segment.current_point = Point([2.0, 2.0])
    living_segments = SortedList()

    while not events.isempty():
        current_event = events.event_list.pop(0)
        #print("current event: ", current_event.key)
        if current_event.key in events.begin_points:
            for segment in events.begin_points[current_event.key]:
                print("segment :", segment)
                print([point for point in intersect_with(segment,

コード例 #3
def test_hashs():
    fonction permettant de tester le hachage des points dans les differents carres.
    elle affiche la syntaxe svg correspondant au plan quadrille et les differents points
    de couleurs differentes selon le carre.

    le cote du carre est une valeur fixee dans le programme.

    - points est un vecteur d'elements de type Point
    distance = 40
    nbr = 400 // distance
    points = point_aleatoire(200, [0, 400])

    print("test h1")
    quadrillage_vertical = [
        Segment([Point([i * distance, 0]),
                 Point([i * distance, 400])]) for i in range(nbr + 1)
    quadrillage_horizontal = [
        Segment([Point([0, j * distance]),
                 Point([400, j * distance])]) for j in range(nbr + 1)
    quadrillage = quadrillage_horizontal + quadrillage_vertical
    tycat(points, quadrillage)

    tables = divide_into_squares(distance, points)
    tycat(list(tables[0][carre]) for carre in tables[0])
    print("test h2")
    print("test h3")
    print("test h4")
コード例 #4
def main():
    p = Point([1, 4])
    # d = p.copy()
    # print(p)
    # print(d)
    # print(p.distance_to(Point([3,4])))
    print(p.__add__(Point([2, 4])))
コード例 #5
def print_components_sizes(distance, points):
    affichage des tailles triees de chaque composante
    segments = []
    research_base = [point for point in points]

    d = distance / sqrt(2)
    n = int(1 / d)

    segments_horizentaux = [
        Segment([Point([i * d, 0]), Point([i * d, 1])]) for i in range(n + 1)
    segments_verticaux = [
        Segment([Point([0, i * d]), Point([1, i * d])]) for i in range(n + 1)
    origine = Point([0.0, 0.0])
    total = research_base.copy()
    s = 0
    while len(research_base) > 0:
        current = research_base[0]
        for point in research_base:
            if current.distance_to(point) < distance:
                s += 1
                segments.append(Segment([current, point]))

    tycat(origine, total, segments + segments_horizentaux + segments_verticaux)
コード例 #6
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: AlexDonne/ProjetAlgoGraphes
 def get_first_precision(self):
     Returns the length of the longer possible segment, to start the paving
     quadrant = self.bounding_quadrant()
     point_min = Point(quadrant.min_coordinates)
     point_max = Point(quadrant.max_coordinates)
     segmax = Segment([point_min, point_max])
     maxlength = segmax.length()
     return 2 * maxlength
コード例 #7
def generateur_polygones2(nb_poly):
    """Génère nb_poly carrés les uns dans les autres stockés dans un tableau"""
    tab = []
    for indice in range(nb_poly):
        point1 = Point([0 + indice, 0 + indice])
        point2 = Point([2 * nb_poly + 100 - indice, 0 + indice])
        point3 = Point(
            [2 * nb_poly + 100 - indice, 2 * nb_poly + 100 - indice])
        point4 = Point([0 + indice, 2 * nb_poly + 100 - indice])
        tab.append(Polygon([point1, point2, point3, point4]))
    return tab
コード例 #8
def main():

    a = Point([0.7, 0.79])
    b = Point([0.84, 0.62])
    c = Point([b.x, a.y])
    # tycat(points)
    d = a.cross_product(b, c)
    ab = a.distance_to(b)
    ac = a.distance_to(c)
    print(ab * ac)
    print(d / (ab * ac))
コード例 #9
def living_key(segment, current_point, adjuster):
    point = Point([current_point.coordinates[0] + 10, current_point.coordinates[1]])
    other_point = Point([current_point.coordinates[0] - 10, current_point.coordinates[1]])
    swipe_line = Segment([point, other_point])
    intersection = segment.line_intersection_with(swipe_line)
    intersection = adjuster.hash_point(intersection)

    if intersection.coordinates[0] < current_point.coordinates[0]:
        return(intersection.coordinates[0], angle(segment, adjuster))
        return(intersection.coordinates[0], angle(segment, adjuster))
コード例 #10
def main_1(n, temps_1, fonction):
    Genere n points aleatoires et trace leur enveloppe convexe
    Stocke les performances dans un tableau temps_1
    points = [Point((randint(5, 995), randint(5, 995))) for _ in range(n)]
    polygon_points = enveloppe_inc(points)
    polygone = Polygon(polygon_points)
    quadrant = polygone.bounding_quadrant()
    point_test = Point((200, 200))
    start_1 = time()
    print(int(fonction(point_test, polygone, quadrant)))
    end_1 = time()
    temps_1.append(10000*(end_1 - start_1))
コード例 #11
ファイル: polygon.py プロジェクト: elouatih/point_in_polygon
 def square(cls, start_x, start_y, side):
     create a square, horizontally aligned.
     used in test scripts as a quick way to get polygons.
     starting_point = Point([start_x, start_y])
     points = [
         Point([0.0, 0.0]),
         Point([side, 0.0]),
         Point([side, side]),
         Point([0.0, side]),
     points = [p + starting_point for p in points]
     square_polygon = cls(points)
     return square_polygon
コード例 #12
def print_quadrant(root):
    """marche uniquement en 2D"""
    xmin, ymin = root.min_coordinates
    xmax, ymax = root.max_coordinates
    p1 = Point([xmin, ymin])
    p2 = Point([xmin, ymax])
    p3 = Point([xmax, ymax])
    p4 = Point([xmax, ymin])
    s1 = Segment([p1, p2])
    s2 = Segment([p2, p3])
    s3 = Segment([p3, p4])
    s4 = Segment([p4, p1])
    print_segment([s1, s2, s3, s4])
    if root.childs:
        for child in root.childs:
コード例 #13
def load_segments(filename):
    loads given .bo file.
    returns a vector of segments.
    coordinates_struct = struct.Struct('4d')
    segments = []

    with open(filename, "rb") as bo_file:
        packed_segment = bo_file.read(32)
        while packed_segment:
            coordinates = coordinates_struct.unpack(packed_segment)
            points = [Point(coordinates[0:2]), Point(coordinates[2:])]
            packed_segment = bo_file.read(32)

    return segments
コード例 #14
def scale(points, distance, max_coordinates, min_coordinates):
    """met à l'échelle (=> dans le carré (ou cube, etc...) unité)"""
    pmin = Point(min_coordinates)
    echelle = 1 / (max(max_coordinates) - min(min_coordinates))
    nvpoints = []
    for p in points:
        nvpoints.append((p - pmin) * echelle)
    return nvpoints, distance * echelle
コード例 #15
ファイル: tycat.py プロジェクト: eudelins/Inclusion_polygones
def read_instance(fname):
    with open(fname, 'rt') as f:
        points = (tuple(map(float, l.split())) for l in f)
        # create polygons from [(l, x, y)]
        return [
            Polygon([Point(p[1:]) for p in poly_points])
            for _, poly_points in groupby(points, key=lambda t: t[0])
コード例 #16
 def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
     if not (isinstance(a, Point) and isinstance(b, Point)
             and isinstance(c, Point) and isinstance(d, Point)):
         raise TypeError("a, b, c, d should be Points")
     self._a = self._b = self._c = self._d = Point(0, 0)
     self._OK = False
     self._set(a, b, c, d)
コード例 #17
def random_input_generator(nb_points, cas_general=1):
    fonction permettant de generer un couple (distance, points)
    où distance est un flottant aleatoire entre 0 et 0.2 et points
    un vecteur de nb_points objets de type Point.
    distance = random() / 6 if cas_general else 1
    points = [Point([random(), random()]) for _ in range(nb_points)]
    return distance, points
コード例 #18
ファイル: segment.py プロジェクト: brigondaud/BentleyOttmann
def sweep_intersection(segment, current_point):
    computes and returns the abscissa of the intersection beetween the
    sweeping line and the segment.
    # Creates a segment that corresponds to the sweeping line around segment
    sweep = Segment([
        Point([0, current_point.coordinates[1]]),
        Point([1, current_point.coordinates[1]])
    key_point = segment.line_intersection_with(sweep)

    # The key_point is None if segment is horizontal
    if key_point is not None:
        key_point = Segment.adjuster.hash_point(key_point)
        return key_point.coordinates
        return current_point.coordinates
コード例 #19
ファイル: hello.py プロジェクト: Clarajuliealexia/Algo
def main():
    petit exemple sur l'utilisation de tycat
    print("lancez moi dans terminology")
    print("tycat permet d'afficher des points et des segments")
    print("chaque argument doit etre un iterable sur des points \
et/ou segments (ou juste un point/segment)")
    print("chaque argument est affiche d'une couleur differente")

    # un point
    origine = Point([0.0, 0.0])
    # un vecteur de points
    cercle = [Point([cos(c * pi / 10), sin(c * pi / 10)]) for c in range(20)]
    # un iterateur sur des segments (crees a la volee)
    segments = (Segment([p1, p2])
                for p1, p2 in zip(cercle, islice(cycle(cercle), 1, None)))
    tycat(origine, cercle, segments)
コード例 #20
def get_segments(polygones):
    max_length = 9999.0
    couples_indice_segment = []
    couples_indice_ligne = []
    quadrants = [polygon.bounding_quadrant() for polygon in polygones]
    areas = [polygon.absolute_area for polygon in polygones]
    for indice, polygone in sorted(enumerate(polygones),
                                   key=lambda couple: couple[1].absolute_area):
        point = polygone.points[0].coordinates
                [Point([point[0], point[1]]),
                 Point([max_length, point[1]])]),
        for segment in polygone.segments():
            couples_indice_segment.append((indice, segment))
    return couples_indice_segment, couples_indice_ligne, quadrants, areas
コード例 #21
def load_segments(filename):
    loads given .bo file.
    returns a vector of segments.
    coordinates_struct = struct.Struct('4d')
    segments = []
    adjuster = CoordinatesHash()

    with open(filename, "rb") as bo_file:
        packed_segment = bo_file.read(32)
        while packed_segment:
            coordinates = coordinates_struct.unpack(packed_segment)
            raw_points = [Point(coordinates[0:2]), Point(coordinates[2:])]
            adjusted_points = [adjuster.hash_point(p) for p in raw_points]
            packed_segment = bo_file.read(32)

    return adjuster, segments
コード例 #22
def load_instance(filename):
    loads .pts file.
    returns distance limit and points.
    with open(filename, "r") as instance_file:
        lines = iter(instance_file)
        distance = float(next(lines))
        points = [Point([float(f) for f in l.split(",")]) for l in lines]
    return distance, points
コード例 #23
def old_main():
    """main function"""
    nombre_de_points = 100
    coordonnees_des_points = 10
    limit = random.randrange(2, nombre_de_points)

    polygones = [Polygon([Point([1, 2]), Point([2, 4]), Point([-1, 2])])]
    for _ in range(3):
        points = [
        segments = []
        for _ in range(limit):
            # on ajoute le polygone si aucun de ses segments ne s'intersecte avec un segment déjà existant
            point = Point([
            print(points, segments)
            failed = is_failed(polygones, segments, points, point)

            if not failed:
                segment = Segment([points[-1], point])
                if point not in points:
                if segment not in segments:

        if len(points) > 2:
            polygon = Polygon(points)
            if polygon.area() != 0:

    with open("generated.poly", "w") as file:
        for indice, polygone in enumerate(polygones):
            for point in polygone.points:
                    f"{indice} {point.coordinates[0]} {point.coordinates[1]}\n"
コード例 #24
def detection_inclusion(polygones, point, poly, nb_poly):
    renvoie le polygone avec la plus petite aire dans lequel le polynome actuel (celui du point)
    est inclus
    index_poly = -1
    inclus_dans = [
    ]  # contient le plus petit polygone dans lequel le polynome actuel (celui du point_de_depart) est inclus
    for poly2 in polygones:
        index_poly += 1
        nb_intersect = 0
        if abs(poly2.area()) > abs(
        ):  # on teste seulement les polygones avec une aire supérieure à celle de poly
            for segment in poly2.segments(
            ):  # on teste chaque segment de poly2
                point1 = Point(list(segment.endpoints[0].coordinates))
                point2 = Point(list(segment.endpoints[1].coordinates))
                x1 = point1.coordinates[0]
                y1 = point1.coordinates[1]
                x2 = point2.coordinates[0]
                y2 = point2.coordinates[1]
                x = point.coordinates[0]
                y = point.coordinates[1]
                if (y1 > y) != (y2 > y) and (x <
                                             (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1) +
                                             x1):  # s'il y a une intersection
                    nb_intersect += 1
            if nb_intersect % 2 == 1 and len(
            ) == 0:  # si on est inclus dans rien pour le moment
                min_area = abs(poly2.area())  # l'aire minimale
            elif nb_intersect % 2 == 1 and abs(
            ) < min_area:  # si on est deja inclus dans un poly mais qu'on est inclus dans un autre avec une plus petite aire
                min_area = abs(poly2.area())
                inclus_dans[0] = index_poly
    if len(inclus_dans) == 0:  # si on est inclus dans aucun polygone
    return inclus_dans[0]
コード例 #25
def main():
    point1 = Point([1, 1])
    point2 = Point([1, 5])
    s = Segment([point1, point2])
    # print(s)
    # print(s.endpoints)
    # c = s.copy()
    # print(c)
    # print(c.endpoints)
    # q = s.bounding_quadrant()
    # print(q)
    # print(q.min_coordinates, q.max_coordinates)
    # print(s.svg_content())
    # point = Point([1,2])
    # print(s.endpoints[0])
    # print(s.endpoints[1])
    # print(s.endpoint_not(point1))
    # print(s.endpoint_not(point2))
    # print(s.contains(Point([2, 4.5])))
    a = s.__repr__()
コード例 #26
 def intersection(self, other):
     if not self:
         raise ValueError()
     elif isinstance(other, Line):
         if not self.intersecting(other):
             raise ValueError()
         det = self._a * other._b - other._a * self._b
         return Point(-(self._c * other._b - other._c * self._b) / det,
                      -(self._a * other._c - other._a * self._c) / det)
     elif hasattr(other, 'intersection'):
         return other.intersection(self)
         raise NotImplementedError
コード例 #27
def test_point_in_polygon_upper_triangles(function):
    polygone, point = (
                Point([-1, 0]),
                Point([0, 1]),
                Point([1, 0]),
                Point([2, 1]),
                Point([3, 0]),
                Point([2, -2]),
                Point([0, -2]),
        Point([2, 0]),
    assert function(polygone, point) == True
コード例 #28
def point_aleatoire(nombre, bornes):
    fonction retourner un vecteur de nombre objets aleatoires de type Point.
    les abscisses et ordonnees des points generes sont comprises entre bornes[0]
    et bornes[1].

    - nombre est un entier
    points = [
        Point([randint(bornes[0], bornes[1]),
               randint(bornes[0], bornes[1])]) for _ in range(nombre)
    return points
コード例 #29
    def hash_point(self, point):
        add a point to the hash, returning new point with adjusted coordinates.
        if point in self.fast_hash:
            return point

        new_coordinates = [
            self.__hash_coordinate(c, i)
            for i, c in enumerate(point.coordinates)
        new_point = Point(new_coordinates)

        return new_point
コード例 #30
 def partition_segment(self, area):
     prend juste la partie du edge
     delimitee par la partition
     y_i, y_j = area[0], area[1]
     ptA = self.endpoints[0]
     ptB = self.endpoints[1]
     # Garder l'orientation du segment
     vecteur = self.segment_to_vector()
     # definir le point bas et le point haut du segment
     if ptA.y < ptB.y:
         pt_min, pt_max = ptA, ptB
         pt_min, pt_max = ptB, ptA
     # On nomine les abscisses des deux points definis auparavant
     x_min, x_max = pt_min.x, pt_max.x
     # On nomine les ordonnees des deux points definis auparavant
     y_min, y_max = pt_min.y, pt_max.y
     # Les cas particuliers
     if (y_min <= y_i and y_max <= y_i) or (y_max >= y_j and y_min >= y_j) or self.is_horizontal():
         return None
         y_min_nv = max(y_i, y_min)
         y_max_nv = min(y_j, y_max)
         if self.is_vertical():
             pt_min_nv = Point((x_min, y_min_nv))
             pt_max_nv = Point((x_min, y_max_nv))
             pente, ordonnee = self.equation_segment()
             x_min_nv = (y_min_nv - ordonnee)/pente
             x_max_nv = (y_max_nv - ordonnee)/pente
             pt_min_nv = Point((x_min_nv, y_min_nv))
             pt_max_nv = Point((x_max_nv, y_max_nv))
         new_edge = Segment([pt_min_nv, pt_max_nv])
         return new_edge.orient_segment(vecteur)