コード例 #1
 def GetOuterCirclePoint(self, p, p1):
     Offset point by radius of connector circle
     t = 1.0 - (l - industryUIConst.RADIUS_CONNECTOR_SMALL) / l
     return geo2.Vec2Lerp(p, p1, t)
コード例 #2
 def GetNewLineStartPos(self, node, childNode):
     pos = self._GetLinePosition(node)
     childPos = self._GetLinePosition(childNode)
     if node.nodeType == NODETYPE_GROUP:
         if childPos[1] == pos[1]:
             offset = node.GetGroupWidth() + 24
             s = offset / geo2.Vec2Length(geo2.Vec2Subtract(childPos, pos))
             pos = geo2.Vec2Lerp(pos, childPos, s)
     return (int(pos[0]), int(pos[1]))
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, parent, tileFrom, tileTo):
     self.tileFrom = tileFrom
     self.tileTo = tileTo
     self.parent = parent
     k = hackingUIConst.TILE_SIZE / 2.0
     self.p0 = (self.tileFrom.left + k, self.tileFrom.top + k)
     self.p1 = (self.tileTo.left + k, self.tileTo.top + k)
     self.offset = geo2.Vec2Subtract(self.p1, self.p0)
     self.offset = geo2.Vec2Normalize(self.offset)
     self.center = geo2.Vec2Lerp(self.p0, self.p1, 0.5)
     self.lineType = self.GetLineType()
     self.line = uicls.VectorLine(parent=parent, align=uiconst.TOPLEFT)
     self.bleedSprite = None
コード例 #4
def intersect_line_segments(seg1, seg2):
    A, B = seg1
    C, D = seg2
    if seg1 == seg2:
        return geo2.Vec2Lerp(A, B, 0.5)
    cV = segment_circle(A, B, C)
    cL = geo2.Vec2Length(cV)
    dV = segment_circle(A, B, D)
    dL = geo2.Vec2Length(dV)
    aV = segment_circle(C, D, A)
    aL = geo2.Vec2Length(aV)
    bV = segment_circle(C, D, B)
    bL = geo2.Vec2Length(bV)
    Ax, Ay = A
    Bx, By = B
    Cx, Cy = C
    Dx, Dy = D
    X = Y = 0.0
    if Ax == Bx and Ay == By or Cx == Dx and Cy == Dy:
        print 'False1'
        return False
    if Ax == Cx and Ay == Cy or Bx == Cx and By == Cy or Ax == Dx and Ay == Dy or Bx == Dx and By == Dy:
        return False
    Bx -= Ax
    By -= Ay
    Cx -= Ax
    Cy -= Ay
    Dx -= Ax
    Dy -= Ay
    distAB = math.sqrt(Bx * Bx + By * By)
    theCos = Bx / distAB
    theSin = By / distAB
    newX = Cx * theCos + Cy * theSin
    Cy = Cy * theCos - Cx * theSin
    Cx = newX
    newX = Dx * theCos + Dy * theSin
    Dy = Dy * theCos - Dx * theSin
    Dx = newX
    if Cy < 0 and Dy < 0 or Cy >= 0 and Dy >= 0:
        return False
    ABpos = Dx + (Cx - Dx) * Dy / (Dy - Cy)
    if ABpos < 0 or ABpos > distAB:
        return False
    X = Ax + ABpos * theCos
    Y = Ay + ABpos * theSin
    return (X, Y)
コード例 #5
ファイル: materialGroups.py プロジェクト: connoryang/1v1dec
 def GetOuterCirclePoint(self, p, p1):
     t = 1.0 - (l - industryUIConst.RADIUS_CONNECTOR_SMALL) / l
     return geo2.Vec2Lerp(p, p1, t)