コード例 #1
ファイル: signal.py プロジェクト: kitchoi/geodat
def regress(y, x, axis=0, reverse=False):
    """ Regress y with x (or x with y if reverse is True) where x is an 1D array

    where x is 1D of shape (M,), y is (...,M,...)
    axis specifies where M is in y

       y (numpy array)
       x (numpy array)
       axis (int)
       reverse (bool): if False (default), then y = slope*x + intercept
                       if True, then x = slope*y + intercept
       slope, intercept, p, corr

    where p is the p-value of the correlation.  corr is the correlation coefficient
    if x.squeeze().ndim != 1:
        raise Exception("x is supposed to be 1D")

    x = x.squeeze()
    if y.shape[axis] != len(x):
        raise Exception("The {}-th axis of y(={}) should match the length"+\
                        "of x(={})".format(axis, y.shape[axis], len(x)))

    # Slice object for making x shape broadcast-able to y
    xtoy = (numpy.newaxis,)*axis + (slice(None),) + \

    if reverse:
        # x regressed with y
        x_dev = x[xtoy] - x.mean()
        y_dev = y-keepdims.mean(y, axis)
        slope = keepdims.sum(x_dev*y_dev, axis)/\
            keepdims.sum(numpy.power(y-y.mean(), 2), axis)
        intercept = (keepdims.mean(x[xtoy], axis)-\
                     slope*keepdims.mean(y, axis)).squeeze()
        slope = slope.squeeze()
        intercept = intercept.squeeze()
        # y regressed with x
        x_dev = x[xtoy]-x.mean()
        y_dev = y-keepdims.mean(y, axis)
        slope = keepdims.sum((x_dev*y_dev), axis)/\
                keepdims.sum(numpy.power(x-x.mean(), 2))
        intercept = (keepdims.mean(y, axis)-\
                     slope*keepdims.mean(x[xtoy], axis)).squeeze()
        slope = slope.squeeze()
        intercept = intercept.squeeze()

    def compute_sqrt_x2(x, axis=None):
        return numpy.ma.sqrt(keepdims.sum(numpy.power(x-x.mean(), 2), axis))

    def compute_nd(y, axis=None):
        if axis is None:
            nd = len(y)
            nd = y.shape[axis]
        nd *= numpy.ones([n for idim, n in enumerate(y.shape)
                          if idim != axis])
        if isinstance(y, numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray) and y.mask.any():
            nd = (~y.mask).sum(axis=axis)
        return nd

    sqrt_y2 = compute_sqrt_x2(y, axis=axis)
    sqrt_x2 = compute_sqrt_x2(x)
    if reverse:
        corr = (slope*sqrt_y2/sqrt_x2).squeeze()
        corr = (slope*sqrt_x2/sqrt_y2).squeeze()

    # calculate degree of freedom
    if isinstance(x, numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray):
        if x.mask.any():
            nd = compute_nd(x[xtoy]*y, axis=axis)
            nd = compute_nd(y, axis=axis)
        nd = compute_nd(y, axis=axis)

    # t-test
    ts = numpy.abs(corr)/numpy.ma.sqrt((1-corr*corr)/(nd-2))
    p = 1 - scipy.stats.t.sf(ts, nd)
    return slope, intercept, p, corr
コード例 #2
ファイル: signal.py プロジェクト: kitchoi/geodat
 def compute_sqrt_x2(x, axis=None):
     return numpy.ma.sqrt(keepdims.sum(numpy.power(x-x.mean(), 2), axis))