def read_eop_C04(file_path_in): """ read EOP C04 file Parameters ---------- file_path_in : str path of the EOP C04 file. Returns ------- DF : DataFrame out DataFrame. """ DF = pd.read_csv(file_path_in, delim_whitespace=True, skip_blank_lines=True, skiprows=13, header=None) cols = [ 'yyyy', 'mm', 'dd', 'MJD', 'x', 'y', 'UT1-UTC', 'LOD', 'dX', 'dY', 'x_Err', 'y_Err', 'UT1-UTC_Err', 'LOD_Err', 'dX_Err', 'dY_Err' ] DF.columns = cols DF["epoch"] = conv.MJD2dt(DF.MJD) return DF
def stations_in_EPOS_sta_coords_file_mono(coords_file_path): """ Gives stations in a EPOS coords. file (YYYY_DDD_sta_coordinates) Parameters ---------- coords_file_path : str path of the EPOS coords. file. Returns ------- epoch : datetime the main mean epoch in the EPOS coords. file. stats_list : list list of 4 char station list. """ SITE_line_list = utils.grep(coords_file_path, " SITE m") stats_list = [] mean_mjd_list = [] for l in SITE_line_list: stat = l.split()[8].lower() stats_list.append(stat) mean_mjd = np.mean([float(l.split()[6]), float(l.split()[7])]) mean_mjd_list.append(mean_mjd) mjd_final = utils.most_common(mean_mjd_list) epoch = conv.MJD2dt(mjd_final) return epoch, stats_list
def read_combi_sum_full(sum_full_file, RMS_lines_output=True, set_PRN_as_index=True): Vals_stk = [] for l in open(sum_full_file): F = l.split() if "|" in F: F.remove("|") ### Find date line if "MJD:" in l: date_line = l ### Skip useless lines if not "|" in l or "------" in l: continue ### Find AC list if "PRN" in l: ACs_list = F ACs_list.append("RMS_sat") ACs_list.append("PRN_str") ACs_list.append("CONST") elif F[0].isnumeric(): Fout = [float(f) for f in F] Fout[0] = int(Fout[0]) #Add the PRN string and the constellation Fout.append(prn_int_2_prn_str(int(Fout[0]))) Fout.append(Fout[-1][0]) Vals_stk.append(Fout) elif "RMS" in F[0] and RMS_lines_output: Fout = [float(f) for f in F[1:]] Fout.append(np.nan) Fout.insert(0, F[0]) #Add FAKE the PRN string and the constellation Fout.append(F[0]) Fout.append(None) Vals_stk.append(Fout) DF = pd.DataFrame(Vals_stk, columns=ACs_list) ### Date management mjd = float(date_line.split("MJD:")[1].split()[0]) date_dt = conv.MJD2dt(mjd) DF.date_mjd = mjd DF.date_dt = date_dt DF.date_gps = utils.join_improved("", conv.dt2gpstime(date_dt)) if set_PRN_as_index: DF.set_index("PRN_str", inplace=True) return DF
def read_gfz_trop(trpfile): """ This function is reading GFZ troposphere sinex into Pandas DataFrame Parameters ---------- trpfile : Str File name of GFZ troposphere sinex. Returns ------- DF : Pandas DataFrame Pandas Dataframe of GFZ troposphere sinex. """ fields = [] flagtrop = False for line in open(trpfile,"r",encoding = "ISO-8859-1"): if re.compile('TROP/SOLUTION').search(line): flagtrop = not flagtrop continue if flagtrop ==True and line[0] == ' ': field = line.split() fields.append(field) else: continue DF = pd.DataFrame(fields) DF.drop(columns=[0,8,9,10,11,12,18,19,20],inplace=True) DF.columns = ['STAT','epoc','year','doy','secofday','ztd_est','ztd_est_std','num_sat','tgn_est','tgn_est_std','tge_est','tge_est_std'] cols_numeric = ['epoc','ztd_est','ztd_est_std','num_sat','tgn_est','tgn_est_std','tge_est','tge_est_std'] DF[cols_numeric] = DF[cols_numeric].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') DF['epoc'] = conv.MJD2dt(DF['epoc'].values) DF['epoc'] = DF['epoc'].dt.floor('H') return DF
def ESMGFZ_extrapolator(path_or_netcdf_object_in, time_xtrp, lat_xtrp, lon_xtrp, wished_values=("duV","duNS","duEW"), output_type = "DataFrame", debug=False,verbose=True, time_smart=True, interp_method="splinef2d"): """ Extrapolate loading values from the EMSGFZ models Parameters ---------- path_or_netcdf_object_in : string, list of strings or NetCDF object Input can be a file path (string), a list of string (will be concatenated) or direcly the NetCDF object (faster). time_xtrp : float or float iterable time for the wished extrapolated values for daily files: hours of day [0..23]. for yearly files: day of years [0..364]. lat_xtrp : float or float iterable latitude component for the wished extrapolated values ranging from [-90..90] lon_xtrp : float or float iterable longitude component for the wished extrapolated values. ranging from [-180..180] wished_values : tuple of string, optional the components of the extrapolated values. The default is ("duV","duNS","duEW"). output_type : str, optional Choose the output type. "DataFrame","dict","array","tuple","list" The default is "DataFrame". debug : bool, optional returns the NetCDF object for debug purposes Returns ------- Points_out : see output_type The extrapolated values. """ if not utils.is_iterable(time_xtrp): time_xtrp = [time_xtrp] if not utils.is_iterable(lat_xtrp): lat_xtrp = [lat_xtrp] if not utils.is_iterable(lon_xtrp): lon_xtrp = [lon_xtrp] Points_xtrp = (time_xtrp,lat_xtrp,lon_xtrp) if type(path_or_netcdf_object_in) is str: NC = nc.Dataset(path_or_netcdf_object_in) elif type(path_or_netcdf_object_in) in (nc.Dataset,nc.MFDataset): NC = path_or_netcdf_object_in else: NC = nc.MFDataset(sorted(path_or_netcdf_object_in)) if debug: return NC time_orig = np.array(NC['time'][:]) if time_smart: # we work in MJD start_date = conv.dt2MJD(conv.str_date2dt(NC['time'].units[11:])) if len(time_orig) <= 366: time = start_date - .0 + time_orig else: time = start_date - .0 + np.array(range(len(time_orig))) lat = np.flip(np.array(NC['lat'][:])) ### we flip the lat because not ascending ! lon = np.array(NC['lon'][:]) Points = (time,lat,lon) WishVals_Stk = [] WishVals_dic = dict() #### prepare dedicated time, lat, lon columns Points_xtrp_array = np.array(list(itertools.product(*Points_xtrp))) WishVals_dic['time'] = Points_xtrp_array[:,0] WishVals_dic['lat'] = Points_xtrp_array[:,1] WishVals_dic['lon'] = Points_xtrp_array[:,2] ### do the interpolation for the wished value for wishval in wished_values: if verbose: print("INFO:",wishval,"start interpolation at", #### Val = np.array(NC[wishval]) ### Slow Val = NC[wishval][:] if verbose: print("INFO:",wishval,"grid loaded at", Val = np.flip(Val,1) ### we flip the lat because not ascending ! Val_xtrp = scipy.interpolate.interpn(Points,Val, Points_xtrp, method=interp_method) WishVals_Stk.append(Val_xtrp) WishVals_dic[wishval] = Val_xtrp #### choose the output if output_type == "DataFrame": Points_out = pd.DataFrame(WishVals_dic) if time_smart: Points_out['time_dt'] = conv.MJD2dt(Points_out['time']) elif output_type == "dict": Points_out = WishVals_dic elif output_type == "array": Points_out = np.column_stack(WishVals_Stk) elif output_type == "tuple": Points_out = tuple(WishVals_Stk) elif output_type == "list": Points_out = list(WishVals_Stk) else: Points_out = WishVals_Stk return Points_out
def timeline_plotter(datadico,start = dt.datetime(1980,1,1) , end = dt.datetime(2099,1,1),dots_plot=False, jul_date_plot=False,datadico_anex_list = [], use_only_stats_of_main_datadico=False, colordico_for_main_datadico=None): """ A simpler version has been commited to geodezyx toolbox for archive on 20180118 15:59A """ fig , ax = plt.subplots() ax.xaxis.grid(True) ax.yaxis.grid(True) if not use_only_stats_of_main_datadico: stats_concat_list = list(datadico.keys()) + sum([list(e.keys()) for e in datadico_anex_list], []) stats_concat_list = list(reversed(sorted(list(set(stats_concat_list))))) else: stats_concat_list = list(reversed(sorted(list(datadico.keys())))) # the plot has not the same behavior if it is the morning or not # (rinexs timelines wont be ploted if it is the morning) if < 12: morning_shift = dt.timedelta(days=1) else: morning_shift = dt.timedelta(days=0) legend_list = [] # must be here before the loop for i,stat in enumerate(stats_concat_list): # PART 1 : PLOT MAIN DATADICO if not stat in datadico.keys(): continue #T = Time, O = Station name (Observation) Torig = [ e[-1] for e in datadico[stat] ] Oorig = [ e[1] for e in datadico[stat] ] # Time windowing T , O = [] , [] for t , o in zip(Torig , Oorig): if ( start - morning_shift ) <= t <= end: T.append(t) O.append(o) T,O = utils.sort_binom_list(T,O) TMJD=conv.dt2MJD(T) TGrpAll = utils.consecutive_groupIt(TMJD,True) # Tuples (start,end) of continue period for tgrp in TGrpAll: color1 = 'C0' color2 = '' extra_archive = False ###*** managing colors if colordico_for_main_datadico: igrpstart = TMJD.index(tgrp[0]) igrpend = TMJD.index(tgrp[1]) Ogrp = O[igrpstart:igrpend+1] Tgrp = TMJD[igrpstart:igrpend+1] # all dates in the current continue period opt_set = list(set(Ogrp)) if len(opt_set) == 1: # Regular case : only one archive if opt_set[0] in colordico_for_main_datadico: color1 = colordico_for_main_datadico[opt_set[0]] else: # several archives ... so the line has to be splited in segments extra_archive = True OSubgrp = utils.identical_groupIt(Ogrp) TSubgrp = utils.sublistsIt(Tgrp , [len(e) for e in OSubgrp]) Tgrp_plt = [ (e[0] , e[-1] + 1) for e in TSubgrp ] # +1 because the end boundary day is not included Ogrp_plt = [ list(set(e))[0] for e in OSubgrp ] Color_grp_plt = [ colordico_for_main_datadico[e] if e in colordico_for_main_datadico else color2 for e in Ogrp_plt ] ###*** End of managing colors tgrp = (tgrp[0] , tgrp[1] + 1) # +1 because the end boundary day is not included # must stay there, in case of not colordico_for_main_datadico if not jul_date_plot: tgrp = conv.MJD2dt(tgrp) if extra_archive: Tgrp_plt = [ (conv.MJD2dt(e[0]) , conv.MJD2dt(e[1])) for e in Tgrp_plt ] #PLOT part if tgrp[0] == tgrp[1] + dt.timedelta(days=1): # CASE NO PERIOD, ONLY ONE DAY ax.plot(tgrp[0],i , '.' + color1) else: # CASE PERIOD if not extra_archive: # ONE ARCHIVE REGULAR CASE ax.plot(tgrp,[i]*2, '-' + color1) else: # SUBCASE "EXTRA" : SEVERAL ARCHIVE for tt , cc in zip(Tgrp_plt , Color_grp_plt): ax.plot(tt,[i]*2 , '-' + cc) # PART 2 : PLOT ANEX DATADICO for idatadico_anex,datadico_anex in enumerate(datadico_anex_list): if stat in list(datadico_anex.keys()): T = datadico_anex[stat] T = [ t for t in T if start <= t <= end ] T = sorted(T) if jul_date_plot: T = conv.MJD2dt(T) pale_blue_dot , = ax.plot(T,i*np.ones(len(T)), 'o', color='skyblue',label="final SNX") legend_list = [pale_blue_dot] #### LEGEND if colordico_for_main_datadico: import matplotlib.lines as mlines for arcnam , col in colordico_for_main_datadico.items(): legend_list.append(mlines.Line2D([], [], color=col, label=arcnam)) plt.legend(handles=legend_list,loc='upper left',ncol=3, columnspacing=1) # ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0,len(plotstat_lis)-1),plotstat_lis) plt.yticks(np.arange(0,len(stats_concat_list)),stats_concat_list) fig.autofmt_xdate() koef = np.sqrt(2) * 1 fig.set_size_inches(koef*11.69,koef*len(stats_concat_list) * 0.28) #16.53 ax.set_ylim([-1 , len(stats_concat_list) + 1]) return fig
def read_eop_finals(file_path_in, precnut_model=2000, simplified_EOP_DF="mixed"): """ read EOP finals file Parameters ---------- file_path_in : str path of the EOP finals file. precnut_model : int, optional IAU Precession-Nutation Model. Valid values are 1980 and 2000. The default is 2000. Returns ------- DF : DataFrame out DataFrame - Complete content of the finals file. DF2 : DataFrame out DataFrame - Simplified content of the finals file. Based on C04 EOP DataFrame structure. If no Bulletin-B values provided, use Bulletin-A. Note ---- Format description """ if precnut_model == 2000: x_or_psi = "X" y_or_eps = "Y" elif precnut_model == 1980: x_or_psi = "PSI" y_or_eps = "EPS" else: raise Exception cols = ((0, 2), (2, 4), (4, 6), (6, 7), (7, 15), (15, 16), (16, 17), (17, 18), (18, 27), (27, 36), (36, 37), (37, 46), (46, 55), (55, 57), (57, 58), (58, 68), (68, 78), (78, 79), (79, 86), (86, 93), (93, 95), (95, 96), (96, 97), (97, 106), (106, 115), (115, 116), (116, 125), (125, 134), (134, 144), (144, 154), (154, 165), (165, 175), (175, 185)) col_names = [ 'yyyy', 'mm', 'dd', '[blank]', 'MJD', '[blank]', 'flg_xy', '[blank]', 'x_A', 'x_A_Err', '[blank]', 'y_A', 'y_A_Err', '[blanks]', 'flg_UT1-UTC', 'UT1-UTC_A', 'UT1-UTC_A_Err', '[blank]', 'LOD_A', 'LOD_A_Err', '[blanks]', 'flg_nut', '[blank]', 'd' + x_or_psi + '_A', 'd' + x_or_psi + '_A_Err', '[blank]', 'd' + y_or_eps + '_A', 'd' + y_or_eps + '_A_Err', 'x_B', 'y_B', 'UT1-UTC_B', 'd' + x_or_psi + '_B', 'd' + y_or_eps + '_B' ] DF = pd.read_fwf(file_path_in, colspecs=cols, header=None) DF.columns = col_names ### remove everything with NaN DF.dropna(axis=1, how="all", inplace=True) ### if not x_A provided, then its a blank line DF = DF[np.logical_not(np.isnan(DF['x_A']))] ### set mjd as int DF["MJD"] = DF["MJD"].astype(np.int64) #### DF 2 is a simplified version, base on the C04 DF DF2 = pd.DataFrame() DF2["epoch"] = conv.MJD2dt(DF["MJD"]) if simplified_EOP_DF == 'mixed': ### Create epoch and use B-values per default DF2[['MJD', 'x', 'y', 'UT1-UTC', 'LOD', 'dX', 'dY']] = DF[[ 'MJD', 'x_B', 'y_B', 'UT1-UTC_B', 'LOD_A', 'dX_B', 'dY_B' ]] DF2["Bul"] = "B" ### If no B-values, use A-values DF2.loc[np.isnan(DF.x_B), 'Bul'] = "A" DF2.loc[np.isnan(DF.x_B), 'x'] = DF.loc[np.isnan(DF.x_B), 'x_A'] DF2.loc[np.isnan(DF.y_B), 'y'] = DF.loc[np.isnan(DF.y_B), 'y_A'] DF2.loc[np.isnan(DF['UT1-UTC_B']), 'UT1-UTC'] = DF.loc[np.isnan(DF['UT1-UTC_B']), 'UT1-UTC_A'] DF2.loc[np.isnan(DF.dX_B), 'dX'] = DF.loc[np.isnan(DF.dX_B), 'dX_A'] DF2.loc[np.isnan(DF.dX_B), 'dY'] = DF.loc[np.isnan(DF.dY_B), 'dY_A'] elif simplified_EOP_DF == "A": DF2[['MJD', 'x', 'y', 'UT1-UTC', 'LOD', 'dX', 'dY']] = DF[[ 'MJD', 'x_A', 'y_A', 'UT1-UTC_A', 'LOD_A', 'dX_A', 'dY_A' ]] DF2["Bul"] = "A" DF2.dropna(axis=1, how="all", inplace=True) elif simplified_EOP_DF == "B": DF2[['MJD', 'x', 'y', 'UT1-UTC', 'LOD', 'dX', 'dY']] = DF[[ 'MJD', 'x_B', 'y_B', 'UT1-UTC_B', 'LOD_A', 'dX_B', 'dY_B' ]] DF2["Bul"] = "B" DF2.dropna(axis=1, how="all", inplace=True) else: print("ERR: read_eop_C04: check the simplified_EOP_DF parameter !!!") raise Exception return DF, DF2
def read_sp3_header(sp3_in, ac_name_in=None): """ Read a SP3 file header and return a Pandas DataFrame with sat. PRNs and sigmas contained in the header Parameters ---------- sp3_in : str or list path of the SP3 file can handle gzip-compressed file (with .gz/.GZ extension) can also handle the sp3 content as a list of strings (useful when read_sp3_header is used as a subfunction of read_sp3) ac_name_in : str force the AC name (necessary when read_sp3_header is used as a subfunction of read_sp3) Returns ------- Header_DF : Pandas DataFrame 2 columns "sat", "sigma" Note ------- More infos about the sigma """ if type(sp3_in) is list: ### case when read_sp3_header is used as a subfunction of read_sp3 Lines = sp3_in elif sp3_in[-2:] in ("gz", "GZ"): F =, "r+") Lines = [e.decode('utf-8') for e in F] else: F = open(sp3_in, 'r+') Lines = F.readlines() if not ac_name_in: ac_name = os.path.basename(sp3_in)[:3] else: ac_name = ac_name_in Sat_prn_list = [] Sat_sig_list = [] for il, l in enumerate(Lines): if il == 1: date = conv.MJD2dt(int(l.split()[4])) if l[:2] == "+ ": Sat_prn_list.append(l) if l[:2] == "++": Sat_sig_list.append(l) if l[0] == "*": break ### PRN part Sat_prn_list_clean = [] for prn_line in Sat_prn_list: prn_line_splited = prn_line.split() prn_line_splited = [e for e in prn_line_splited if not "+" in e] prn_line_splited = [e for e in prn_line_splited if not e == "0"] Sat_prn_list_clean = Sat_prn_list_clean + prn_line_splited try: sat_nbr = int(Sat_prn_list_clean[0]) except: sat_nbr = 0 Sat_prn_list_clean = Sat_prn_list_clean[1:] Sat_prn_string = "".join(Sat_prn_list_clean) Sat_prn_list_final = [] for i in range(sat_nbr): Sat_prn_list_final.append(Sat_prn_string[i * 3:i * 3 + 3]) ### Sigma part Sat_sig_list_clean = [] for sig_line in Sat_sig_list: sig_line_splited = sig_line.split() sig_line_splited = [e for e in sig_line_splited if not "+" in e] Sat_sig_list_clean = Sat_sig_list_clean + sig_line_splited Sat_sig_list_final = [int(e) for e in Sat_sig_list_clean[:sat_nbr]] ### Export part AC_name_list = [ac_name] * sat_nbr Date_list = [date] * sat_nbr Header_DF = pd.DataFrame(list( zip(AC_name_list, Sat_prn_list_final, Sat_sig_list_final, Date_list)), columns=["AC", "sat", "sigma", "epoch"]) return Header_DF