def hastag_tweets(): try: if request.method =='GET': return render_template('search_form.html') elif request.method == 'POST': #tweets form_text = request.form["text"] # get form text search_term = form_text.upper() # process form text data_set = api.get_tweets(search_term, 10) #create chart neutral = 0 positive = 0 negative = 0 print(range(len(data_set))) legend = 'Number of tweets' labels = ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Neutral'] for i in range(len(data_set)): if data_set[i]['sentiment'] == 'neutral': neutral += 1 elif data_set[i]['sentiment'] == 'positive': positive += 1 elif data_set[i]['sentiment'] == 'negative': negative += 1 values = [positive, negative, neutral] print(positive) print(negative) print(neutral) geolocation(search_term) if os.path.exists('templates/heatmap_result.html'): os.remove('templates/heatmap_result.html') shutil.move('heatmap_result.html', 'templates') else: shutil.move('heatmap_result.html', 'templates') return render_template( 'chart.html', response=data_set, values=values, labels=labels, legend=legend ) except: print('Function: hashtag_tweets failed to run')
def __init__(self,options): self.DEBUG = True self.geo_utils = geo_utils() self.geoloc = geolocation() self.method = 'tdoa' # method {'tdoa'|'custom'} self.tdoa_iterator = 1 self.t_sleep = 0.01 self.user = '******' self.passwd = 'sdrc_pass' self.kml_file_number = 1 self.state = 1 self.dead_loop = 0 self.loop_escape = 5 #beacon packet number for extracting from db self.bpn = 0 self.bpn_max = 0 self.db_host = '' self.db = 'sdrc_db' self.t1 = 'data_table'+options.number self.t1_fields = '(rpt_pkt_num, rpt_team_id, rpt_location, rpt_timestamp, beacon_id, beacon_pkt_num)' self.t1_field1 = '(rpt_location)' self.t1_field2 = '(rpt_timestamp)' self.x_results = [] self.y_results = []
def find_closest_forecast_location(address): """address in format['location', 'area', 'state', 'country'], returns closes weather URL""" address_location = geolocation(address) ############CHANGE OUT OF ARCHIVE WHEN COMPLETE########## filename = r"C:\Users\thoma\Desktop\Python\TH Projects\Port\tools\weather\weather_programs\forecast_working_files\Archive\forecast_location.txt" with open(filename) as f: forecast_location_dict = json.load(f) distance_list = [] url_list = [] for key, items in forecast_location_dict.items(): forecast_lat = items[0] forecast_lon = items[1] distance = coordinate_distance(address_location[0], address_location[1], forecast_lat, forecast_lon) distance_list.append(distance) url_list.append([distance, key, items]) ranked_list = sorted(distance_list) best_ranking = ranked_list[0] answer_url = [] for url_entry in url_list: if url_entry[0] == best_ranking: answer_url.append(url_entry) print("Found these urls and using the first entry: " + str(answer_url)) return answer_url[0][1]
def __call__(self): try: location = geolocation(self.address) lat = location[0] lon = location[1] answer = [self.url, lat, lon, self.address] print(answer) except Exception as error: print(error) answer = [self.url, 'fail', 'fail', self.address] print(answer) return answer
def find_nearest_noaa_station(address, weather_type): location = geolocation(address) lat1 = location[0] lon1 = location[1] if weather_type == "T": weather_type = "TAVG" elif weather_type == "P": weather_type = "PRCP" else: print("weather type argument spelt wrong - P or T") filename = r"C:\Users\thoma\Desktop\Python\TH Projects\Port\tools\weather\weather_databases\ghcnd-inventory_processed.txt" with open(filename) as f: station_list = json.load(f) adj_station_list = [] for i in range(len(station_list)): if str(station_list[i][3]) == str(weather_type): adj_station_list.append(station_list[i]) else: None if len(adj_station_list) == 0: print("weather type argument spelt wrong - P or T") distance_dict = {} for i in range(len(adj_station_list)): station = adj_station_list[i] station_code = station[0] lat2 = station[1] lon2 = station[2] key = coordinate_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) distance_dict[key] = station_code sorted_locations = [] for key in distance_dict.keys(): sorted_locations.append(float(key)) sorted_locations = sorted(sorted_locations) eligible_dict = {} for key in sorted_locations[:30]: eligible_dict[key] = distance_dict[key] return eligible_dict
def main(): t0 = time.perf_counter() processed_forecast_location = r'C:\Users\thoma\Desktop\Python\TH Projects\Port\tools\weather\weather_programs\forecast_working_files\processed_forecast_location.txt' with open(processed_forecast_location) as f: processed_dict = json.load(f) print(" dict loaded") local_dict = {} for key, items in processed_dict.items(): local_dict[key] = items #print(local_dict) total_no = 0 for key in local_dict.keys(): total_no += 1 done_no = 0 location_dict = {} reject_dict = {} for key, items in local_dict.items(): t2 = time.perf_counter() try: raw_address = items.split(",") address = [] for location in raw_address: address.append(location.strip()) print(address) country = address[len(address) - 2] town = address[0] region = address[1] state = address[2] answer = geolocation( town, region, state, country) #[lat, lon, #of entries - above 1 bad] lat = answer[0] lon = answer[1] except Exception: lat = "Not found" lon = "Not found" if lat != "Not found": location_dict[key] = [lat, lon, items] print([lat, lon, items]) else: reject_dict[key] = items print('Not found') done_no += 1 t1 = time.perf_counter() time_taken = t1 - t0 time_prediction = ((time_taken) * (total_no / done_no) - t1) / 3600 print("On #" + str(done_no) + "/" + str(total_no) + " - estimated time to completion in hours is " + str(time_prediction) + "and the last opeation took " + str(t1 - t2)) file1 = r'C:\Users\thoma\Desktop\Python\TH Projects\Port\tools\weather\weather_programs\forecast_working_files\forecast_location.txt' file2 = r'C:\Users\thoma\Desktop\Python\TH Projects\Port\tools\weather\weather_programs\forecast_working_files\reject_location.txt' with open(file1, 'w') as f: json.dump(location_dict, f) with open(file2, 'w') as f: json.dump(reject_dict, f)