コード例 #1
 def suppress_nonmaxima(self, r=7):
     Removes from this cluster all points within *r* pixels of a point with
     greater intensity. In the case of a tie, only the ``last-encountered''
     tied point is preserved.
     local_maxima = []
     for p in self.points:
         z_p = get_z(p)
         neighbor_zs = [ get_z(q)
                         for q in self.points
                         if q != p and sqdist(p, q) < r**2 ]
         if neighbor_zs == list():
             z_max = max(neighbor_zs)
             if z_p > z_max:
             elif z_p == z_max:
                 # eliminate tie
                 set_z(p, 0)
     self.points = local_maxima
コード例 #2
 def suppress_nonmaxima(self, r=7):
     Removes from this cluster all points within *r* pixels of a point with
     greater intensity. In the case of a tie, only the ``last-encountered''
     tied point is preserved.
     local_maxima = []
     for p in self.points:
         z_p = get_z(p)
         is_max = True
         tie = False
         for q in [ other for other in self.points if other != p ]:
             z_q = get_z(q)
             if sqdist(p, q) < r**2:
                 if z_q > z_p:
                     is_max = False
                 elif z_q == z_p:
                     is_max = False
                     tie = True
         if is_max:
             # count it
         elif tie:
             # eliminate tie
             set_z(p, 0)
     self.points = local_maxima
コード例 #3
 def remove_geographic_outliers(self):
     avg_nn = 0
     for p in self.points:
         avg_nn += sqrt(min([ sqdist(p, q)
                              for q in self.points
                              if q != p ]))
     avg_nn /= len(self.points)
     inliers = []
     for p in self.points:
         min_neighbor = sqrt(min([ sqdist(p, q)
                                   for q in self.points
                                   if q != p ]))
         if 0.5*avg_nn < min_neighbor and min_neighbor < 2*avg_nn:
     self.points = inliers
コード例 #4
 def d_center(self):
     Returns the most recent change in center coordinates as the squared distance
     between current and previous centers or *None* if no previous center exists.
     if self.prevcenter == None:
         return None
         return sqdist(self.prevcenter, self.center)
コード例 #5
 def _calc_corners(self):
     Locates four corners to approximate the convex hull of *self.points* and
     saves them as *self.corners*.
     corners = None
     max_area = 0
     origin = Point(0, 0)
     preimage_corners = [ Point(0, 0),
                          Point(1, 0),
                          Point(1, 1),
                          Point(0, 1) ]
     for P in self._all_quads():
         area = A_2x(P)
         if area > max_area:
             if sqdist(P[0], origin) == min([ sqdist(p, origin) for p in P ]):
                 max_area = area
                 corners = P
     self.corners = corners
コード例 #6
 def sqdist_to(self, point):
     Returns the squared distance of a point from the center of this cluster.
     return sqdist(self.center, point)