コード例 #1
ファイル: toy.py プロジェクト: bsergean/oglshow
def test3():
    def compute_normals(sc):
        out = len(sc.points) * [ [.0, .0, .0] ]
        triangle_normals = len(sc.faces) * [ [.0, .0, .0] ]

        def hash(p):
            return .11234 * p[0] + .35678 * p[1] + .67257 * p[2]

        from collections import defaultdict
        pt_table = defaultdict(list)

        for i, t in enumerate(sc.faces):
            p1 = sc.points[t[0]]
            p2 = sc.points[t[1]]
            p3 = sc.points[t[2]]

            pt_table[hash(p1)].append( (i, p1, t[0]) )
            pt_table[hash(p2)].append( (i, p2, t[1]) )
            pt_table[hash(p3)].append( (i, p3, t[2]) )

            normal = vcross(sub(p2, p1), sub(p3, p1))
            normal = vnorm(normal)

            triangle_normals[i] = normal

        for key, value in pt_table.iteritems():
            # we assume no collisions in the hash
            point_index = value[0][2]
            first_point = value[0][1]

            # compute the normal of each triangles around 
            # TODO should be done just once for each triangle in pre-process
            normals = []

            for t_index, p, _ in value:
                assert p == first_point
            N = (
                sum(n[0] for n in normals) / len(normals),
                sum(n[1] for n in normals) / len(normals),
                sum(n[2] for n in normals) / len(normals)
            # print N
            out[point_index] = N

        return out

    scene = load(sys.argv[1])
    with benchmark('compute normals'):
        scene.normals = compute_normals(scene)
コード例 #2
ファイル: toy.py プロジェクト: bsergean/oglshow
def test3():
    def compute_normals(sc):
        out = len(sc.points) * [[.0, .0, .0]]
        triangle_normals = len(sc.faces) * [[.0, .0, .0]]

        def hash(p):
            return .11234 * p[0] + .35678 * p[1] + .67257 * p[2]

        from collections import defaultdict
        pt_table = defaultdict(list)

        for i, t in enumerate(sc.faces):
            p1 = sc.points[t[0]]
            p2 = sc.points[t[1]]
            p3 = sc.points[t[2]]

            pt_table[hash(p1)].append((i, p1, t[0]))
            pt_table[hash(p2)].append((i, p2, t[1]))
            pt_table[hash(p3)].append((i, p3, t[2]))

            normal = vcross(sub(p2, p1), sub(p3, p1))
            normal = vnorm(normal)

            triangle_normals[i] = normal

        for key, value in pt_table.iteritems():
            # we assume no collisions in the hash
            point_index = value[0][2]
            first_point = value[0][1]

            # compute the normal of each triangles around
            # TODO should be done just once for each triangle in pre-process
            normals = []

            for t_index, p, _ in value:
                assert p == first_point

            N = (sum(n[0] for n in normals) / len(normals),
                 sum(n[1] for n in normals) / len(normals),
                 sum(n[2] for n in normals) / len(normals))
            # print N
            out[point_index] = N

        return out

    scene = load(sys.argv[1])
    with benchmark('compute normals'):
        scene.normals = compute_normals(scene)
コード例 #3
ファイル: toy.py プロジェクト: bsergean/oglshow
def test5():
    scene = load(sys.argv[1])
    from geom_ops import compute_normals
    with benchmark('compute normals'):
        scene.normals, scene.faces_normals = compute_normals(scene)
コード例 #4
ファイル: toy.py プロジェクト: bsergean/oglshow
def test5():
    scene = load(sys.argv[1])
    from geom_ops import compute_normals
    with benchmark('compute normals'):
        scene.normals, scene.faces_normals = compute_normals(scene)
コード例 #5
ファイル: viewer.py プロジェクト: bsergean/oglshow
    def setup_vbo(self):
        self.VBO_vertex = int(glGenBuffersARB(1))					# Get A Valid Name
        self.VBO_normal = int(glGenBuffersARB(1))					# Get A Valid Name

        # Load The Data
        sc = self.scene
        self.vbo_array_size = len(sc.faces) * 3
        vertices = Numeric.zeros ( (self.vbo_array_size, 3), 'f')

        if self.do_lighting:
            normals = Numeric.zeros ( (self.vbo_array_size, 3), 'f')
            if not sc.normals:
                print 'compute normals'
                from geom_ops import compute_normals
                sc.normals, sc.faces_normals = compute_normals(sc)

        i = 0
        for j in xrange(len(sc.faces)):
            t = sc.faces[j]
            p1 = sc.points[t[0]]
            p2 = sc.points[t[1]]
            p3 = sc.points[t[2]]

            vertices [i, 0] = p1[0]
            vertices [i, 1] = p1[1]
            vertices [i, 2] = p1[2]

            vertices [i+1, 0] = p2[0]
            vertices [i+1, 1] = p2[1]
            vertices [i+1, 2] = p2[2]

            vertices [i+2, 0] = p3[0]
            vertices [i+2, 1] = p3[1]
            vertices [i+2, 2] = p3[2]

            # print p1, p2, p3

            if self.do_lighting:
                n = sc.faces_normals[j]
                n1 = sc.normals[n[0]]
                n2 = sc.normals[n[1]]
                n3 = sc.normals[n[2]]

                normals [i, 0] = n1[0]
                normals [i, 1] = n1[1]
                normals [i, 2] = n1[2]

                normals [i+1, 0] = n2[0]
                normals [i+1, 1] = n2[1]
                normals [i+1, 2] = n2[2]

                normals [i+2, 0] = n3[0]
                normals [i+2, 1] = n3[1]
                normals [i+2, 2] = n3[2]

            i += 3

        glBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, self.VBO_vertex )
        glBufferDataARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB );

        if self.do_lighting:
            glBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, self.VBO_normal )
            glBufferDataARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, normals, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB );

        if self.gpu_info:
            print glGetString (GL_VENDOR)
            print glGetString (GL_RENDERER)
            print glGetString (GL_VERSION)
            Extensions = glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS)
            for ext in Extensions.split():
                print ext

        return self.VBO_vertex, self.VBO_normal
コード例 #6
    def setup_vbo(self):
        self.VBO_vertex = int(glGenBuffersARB(1))  # Get A Valid Name
        self.VBO_normal = int(glGenBuffersARB(1))  # Get A Valid Name

        # Load The Data
        sc = self.scene
        self.vbo_array_size = len(sc.faces) * 3
        vertices = Numeric.zeros((self.vbo_array_size, 3), 'f')

        if self.do_lighting:
            normals = Numeric.zeros((self.vbo_array_size, 3), 'f')
            if not sc.normals:
                print 'compute normals'
                from geom_ops import compute_normals
                sc.normals, sc.faces_normals = compute_normals(sc)

        i = 0
        for j in xrange(len(sc.faces)):
            t = sc.faces[j]
            p1 = sc.points[t[0]]
            p2 = sc.points[t[1]]
            p3 = sc.points[t[2]]

            vertices[i, 0] = p1[0]
            vertices[i, 1] = p1[1]
            vertices[i, 2] = p1[2]

            vertices[i + 1, 0] = p2[0]
            vertices[i + 1, 1] = p2[1]
            vertices[i + 1, 2] = p2[2]

            vertices[i + 2, 0] = p3[0]
            vertices[i + 2, 1] = p3[1]
            vertices[i + 2, 2] = p3[2]

            # print p1, p2, p3

            if self.do_lighting:
                n = sc.faces_normals[j]
                n1 = sc.normals[n[0]]
                n2 = sc.normals[n[1]]
                n3 = sc.normals[n[2]]

                normals[i, 0] = n1[0]
                normals[i, 1] = n1[1]
                normals[i, 2] = n1[2]

                normals[i + 1, 0] = n2[0]
                normals[i + 1, 1] = n2[1]
                normals[i + 1, 2] = n2[2]

                normals[i + 2, 0] = n3[0]
                normals[i + 2, 1] = n3[1]
                normals[i + 2, 2] = n3[2]

            i += 3

        glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, self.VBO_vertex)
        glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB)

        if self.do_lighting:
            glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, self.VBO_normal)
            glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, normals, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB)

        if self.gpu_info:
            print glGetString(GL_VENDOR)
            print glGetString(GL_RENDERER)
            print glGetString(GL_VERSION)
            Extensions = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)
            for ext in Extensions.split():
                print ext

        return self.VBO_vertex, self.VBO_normal