コード例 #1
def create_loop(z_value, spline_surface, v_curve, n_points, loop):
  Sample the spline surface at a given z level, result is a loop as list of points
  :param z_value: z level of all extracted points
  :param spline_surface: the spline surface as Surface object of geomdl
  :param v_curve: a b-spline curve in z direction, created by construct.extract_curves(spline_surface)["v"][0]
  :param n_points: number of points that will be sampled
  :param loop: this is the output, this list will contain points

    # get the v value for the plane of the curve in z direction
    v = get_u_by_z_value(v_curve, z_value)

    # extract u curve in surface at that v value
        if v <= 1e-5: v = 1e-5
        if v >= 1 - 1e-5: v = 1 - 1e-5
        [s0, s1] = operations.split_surface_v(spline_surface, v)
        extracted_curves = construct.extract_curves(s1)
        curve = extracted_curves["u"][0]
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error in extracting u curve in surface at a v value")
        print("v: {}".format(v))
        raise e

    curve.delta = 0.01
    curve_length = operations.length_curve(curve)
    #curve_length = get_arc_length(curve, 1.0)

    u_init = 1e-5
    for s in np.linspace(0, curve_length, n_points + 1)[:-1]:
        u_init = get_u_by_arclength(curve, s, u_init)
        point = curve.evaluate_single(u_init)
        point[2] = z_value
コード例 #2
# Set degrees
surf.degree_u = 3
surf.degree_v = 3

# Get the control points from the generated grid
surf.ctrlpts2d = surfgrid.grid

# Set knot vectors
surf.knotvector_u = utilities.generate_knot_vector(surf.degree_u,
surf.knotvector_v = utilities.generate_knot_vector(surf.degree_v,

# Split the surface at v = 0.35
split_surf = operations.split_surface_v(surf, 0.35)

# Set sample size of the split surface
split_surf.sample_size = 25

# Generate the visualization component and its configuration
vis_config = VisPlotly.VisConfig(ctrlpts=False, legend=False)
vis_comp = VisPlotly.VisSurface(vis_config)

# Set visualization component of the split surface
split_surf.vis = vis_comp

# Plot the split surface

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
コード例 #3
surf = BSpline.Surface()

# Set degrees
surf.degree_u = 3
surf.degree_v = 3

# Set control points
    *exchange.import_txt("ex_surface01.cpt", two_dimensional=True))

# Set knot vectors
surf.knotvector_u = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
surf.knotvector_v = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]

# Split the surface in V-direction
surfaces = operations.split_surface_v(surf, t=0.5)

# Translate one of the surfaces by a vector
operations.translate(surfaces[0], (0, -2.5, 0), inplace=True)

# Set number of samples for all split surfaces
surfaces.sample_size = 20

# Plot the control point grid and the evaluated surface
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisSurface()
surfaces.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
コード例 #4
def create_ring_section(spline_surface,
  Sample points on a curve in the intersection of the x-y-plane z=z_value und the surface mesh, given by spline_surface, from nearest point to start_point to nearest point to end_point.
  The direction is such that the length of the curve is minimal (there are 2 possible orientations cw/ccw).
  :param spline_surface: a spline surface of the geomdl package
  :param start_point: the line starts at the point on the surface with given z_value, that is the nearest to start_point
  :param end_point: the line ends at the point on the surface with given z_value, that is the nearest to end_point
  :param z_value: the z level of the line on the surface
  :param n_points: number of points on the boundary

    debug = False

    # get curve in z direction
    v_curve = construct.extract_curves(spline_surface)["v"][0]

    # get the v value for the plane of the curve in z direction
    v = get_u_by_z_value(v_curve, z_value)

    if debug:
        print("create_ring_section z_value={}, n_points={}, v: {}".format(
            z_value, n_points, v))

    # extract u curve in surface at that v value
    if v <= 1e-5: v = 1e-5
    if v >= 1 - 1e-5: v = 1 - 1e-5
    [s0, s1] = operations.split_surface_v(spline_surface, v)
    extracted_curves = construct.extract_curves(s1)
    curve = extracted_curves["u"][0]
    curve_length = operations.length_curve(curve)

    # find u value at start_point and end_point
    u_start = get_u_by_xy_value(curve, start_point[0:2])
    u_end = get_u_by_xy_value(curve, end_point[0:2])

    if debug:
        print("u in [{}, {}], curve_length: {}".format(u_start, u_end,

    # sample curve in between
    s_start = get_arc_length(curve, u_start)
    s_end = get_arc_length(curve, u_end)

    length_forwards = s_end - s_start
    if length_forwards < 0:
        length_forwards += curve_length

    length_backwards = s_start - s_end
    if length_backwards < 0:
        length_backwards += curve_length

    if debug:
        print("length forwards: {}, backwards: {}".format(
            length_forwards, length_backwards))

    # if backwards is shorter, change start and end point
    if length_backwards < length_forwards:
        s_start, s_end = s_end, s_start
        if debug:
            print("go backwards, s in [{},{}]".format(s_start, s_end))
        if debug:
            print("go forwards, s in [{},{}]".format(s_start, s_end))

    # forward direction
    points = []
    u = u_start

    # if passing boundary at u=1, u=0 is involved
    if s_end < s_start:
        if debug:
            print("passing boundary")

        section_length = curve_length - s_start + s_end
        interval_length = section_length / (n_points - 1)

        if debug:
            print("curve_length: {}, section_length: {}, interval_length: {}".
                  format(curve_length, section_length, interval_length))

        if debugging_points is not None:
            point = curve.evaluate_single(0.0)
            point[2] = z_value
            point = curve.evaluate_single(1.0)
            point[2] = z_value

        s = s_start
        for i in range(n_points):
            if abs(s - s_end) < 1e-7:
                if debug:
                    print("reached s_end={}".format(s_end))
                s = s_end

            # collect point
            u = get_u_by_arclength(curve, s, u)

            if debug:
                print("collect point {} for s={}, u={}".format(i, s, u))

            point = curve.evaluate_single(u)
            point[2] = z_value

            # proceed s to next point
            s += interval_length
            if s > curve_length:
                s -= curve_length

        for s in np.linspace(s_start, s_end, n_points):
            u = get_u_by_arclength(curve, s, u)

            if debug:
                print("collect point for s={}, u={}".format(s, u))
            point = curve.evaluate_single(u)
            point[2] = z_value

    # if start and end points were reversed, reverse back
    if length_backwards < length_forwards:
        points = list(reversed(points))
    return points
コード例 #5
# Set control points
surf.set_ctrlpts(*exchange.import_txt("ex_surface01.cpt", two_dimensional=True))

# Set knot vectors
surf.knotvector_u = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
surf.knotvector_v = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]

# Split the surface
surface_list1 = operations.split_surface_u(surf, param=0.25)
surfaces1 = multi.SurfaceContainer(surface_list1)

# Translate one of the split surfaces
operations.translate(surfaces1[0], (0, 0, 5), inplace=True)

# Split the other split surface
surface_list2 = operations.split_surface_v(surfaces1[1], param=0.75)
surfaces = multi.SurfaceContainer(surface_list2)

# Set number of samples for all split surfaces
surfaces.sample_size = 20

# Plot the control point grid and the evaluated surface
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisSurfTriangle()
surfaces.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
コード例 #6
surf.degree_u = 3
surf.degree_v = 3

# Set control points
surf.set_ctrlpts(*exchange.import_txt("ex_surface01.cpt", two_dimensional=True))

# Set knot vectors
surf.knotvector_u = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
surf.knotvector_v = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]

# Split the surface
surfaces1 = operations.split_surface_u(surf, t=0.25)

# Translate one of the split surfaces
operations.translate(surfaces1[0], (0, 0, 5), inplace=True)

# Split the other split surface
surfaces = operations.split_surface_v(surfaces1[1], t=0.75)

# Set number of samples for all split surfaces
surfaces.sample_size = 20

# Plot the control point grid and the evaluated surface
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisSurfTriangle()
surfaces.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
コード例 #7
surf = BSpline.Surface()

# Set degrees
surf.degree_u = 3
surf.degree_v = 3

# Set control points
    *exchange.import_txt("ex_surface01.cpt", two_dimensional=True))

# Set knot vectors
surf.knotvector_u = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
surf.knotvector_v = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]

# Split the surface on the v-direction
surf_list = operations.split_surface_v(surf, param=0.5)
surfaces = multi.SurfaceContainer(surf_list)

# Translate one of the surfaces by a vector
operations.translate(surfaces[0], (0, -2.5, 0), inplace=True)

# Set number of samples for all split surfaces
surfaces.sample_size = 20

# Plot the control point grid and the evaluated surface
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisSurface()
surfaces.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint