コード例 #1
def recompute_relax_torsion_profile(scanxyz, pdb_fnm, dihedralstxt,
    grid_geo_data, _ = read_scan_xyz(scanxyz)
    dihedral_list = read_dihedralstxt(dihedralstxt)
    sysxml_path = os.path.abspath(sysxml_fnm)
    m = Molecule(pdb_fnm)
    # create a new tmp dir for running calculations
    if os.path.exists(tmpdir):
    # loop over each geometry in each grid
    for grid_id, geo in grid_geo_data.items():
        folder = 'gid_' + '_'.join(f'{d:+03d}' for d in grid_id)
        print(f'Running constrained optimization in {folder}')
        # copy files
        m.xyzs = [geo]
        shutil.copy(sysxml_path, 'openmm_system.xml')
        write_constraints_txt(dihedral_list, grid_id)
        # run geometric
        command = "geometric-optimize openmm_system.xml constraints.txt --openmm --pdb frame.pdb --qccnv --reset --epsilon 0.0 --enforce 0.1 --qdata"
        subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True)
コード例 #2
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: fengmudong/torsiondrive
 def load_geomeTRIC_output(self):
     """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
     # the name of the file is consistent with the --prefix tdrive option,
     # this also requires the input file NOT be named to sth like tdrive.in
     # otherwise the output will become tdrive_optim.xyz
     if not os.path.isfile('tdrive.xyz'):
         raise OSError("geomeTRIC output tdrive.xyz file not found")
     m = Molecule('tdrive.xyz')[-1]
     m.qm_energies = [float(m.comms[0].rsplit(maxsplit=1)[-1])]
     return m
コード例 #3
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        !!!only Cartesian molecule specification is supported at the moment!!!
        Load Gaussian09 input
        Example input file:

        # B3LYP/6-31G(d) Opt=ModRedundant

        water energy

        0   1
        O  -0.464   0.177   0.0
        H  -0.464   1.137   0.0
        H   0.441  -0.143   0.0

        elems, coords = [], []
        reading_molecule, found_geo = False, False
        gauss_temp = [
        ]  # store a template of the input file for generating new ones
        with open(input_file) as gauss_in:
            for line in gauss_in:
                ls = line.split()
                if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
                    reading_molecule = True
                    if not found_geo:
                        found_geo = True

                elif reading_molecule:
                    if line.strip().lower() == '':
                        reading_molecule = False


                if 'opt' in line.lower():
                    self.temp_type = 'optimize'
        assert found_geo, "XYZ geometry not found in molecule block of %s" % input_file
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should be a opt job to use native opt"
        self.gauss_temp = gauss_temp
        self.M = Molecule()
        self.M.elem = elems
        self.M.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=float)]
コード例 #4
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        """Input file is the name of the pdb file with the coords in we also require that the xml has the same name"""

        self.m_pdb = Molecule(input_file)[0]
        self.M = copy.deepcopy(self.m_pdb)

        xml_name = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + '.xml'
        # Check the xml file is present
        assert os.path.exists(
        ) is True, "OpenMM requires a pdb and xml file, ensure you have both in the current folder with the same prefix"
        with open(xml_name) as f:
            self.xml_content = f.read()
コード例 #5
 def launch_opt_jobs(self):
     Mimicing DihedralScanner.launch_opt_jobs,
     assert hasattr(self, 'next_jobs') and hasattr(
         self, 'current_finished_job_results')
     while len(self.opt_queue) > 0:
         m, from_grid_id, to_grid_id = self.opt_queue.pop()
         # check if this job already exists
         m_geo_key = get_geo_key(m.xyzs[0])
         if m_geo_key in self.task_cache[to_grid_id]:
             final_geo, final_energy, final_gradient, job_folder = self.task_cache[
             result_m = Molecule()
             result_m.elem = list(m.elem)
             result_m.xyzs = [final_geo]
             result_m.qm_energies = [final_energy]
             if final_gradient is not None:
                 result_m.qm_grads = [final_gradient]
             grid_id = self.get_dihedral_id(result_m,
             if grid_id is None:
                     f"Cached result from {job_folder} is ignored because optimized geometry is far from grid id {to_grid_id}"
                 self.current_finished_job_results.push((result_m, grid_id),
             # append the job to self.next_jobs, which is the output of torsiondrive-API
コード例 #6
ファイル: td_api.py プロジェクト: fengmudong/torsiondrive
def current_state_json_load(json_state_dict):
    """ Load a state from JSON dictionary """

    json_state = copy.deepcopy(json_state_dict)
    natoms = len(json_state['elements'])

    # convert geometries into correct numpy format
    init_coords = [
        np.array(c, dtype=float).reshape(natoms, 3) * bohr2ang
        for c in json_state['init_coords']
    json_state['init_coords'] = init_coords

    # convert grid_status into dictionary
    grid_status = defaultdict(list)

    # create a molecule object here to evaluate dihedrals later
    m = Molecule()
    m.xyzs = init_coords
    m.elem = json_state['elements']

    dihedrals = json_state['dihedrals']
    grid_spacing = json_state['grid_spacing']
    # create grid status dictionary
    for grid_id_str, grid_jobs in json_state['grid_status'].items():
        grid_id = tuple(int(i) for i in grid_id_str.split(','))
        for start_geo, end_geo, end_energy in grid_jobs:

            # convert to numpy array, shape should match here
            start_geo = np.array(start_geo, dtype=float).reshape(natoms,
                                                                 3) * bohr2ang
            end_geo = np.array(end_geo, dtype=float).reshape(natoms,
                                                             3) * bohr2ang

            # here we check if the end_geo matches the target grid id
            m.xyzs = [end_geo]
            dihedral_values = np.array(
                [m.measure_dihedrals(*d)[0] for d in dihedrals])
            for dv, dref in zip(dihedral_values, grid_id):
                diff = abs(dv - dref)
                if min(diff, abs(360 - diff)) > 0.9:
                        "Warning! dihedral values inconsistent with target grid_id"
                    print('dihedral_values', dihedral_values, 'ref_grid_id',

            dihedral_id = (np.round(dihedral_values / grid_spacing) *
            real_grid_id = tuple(
                (d + (180 - d) // 360 * 360) for d in dihedral_id)

            # here we append the result into the real grid_id
            grid_status[real_grid_id].append((start_geo, end_geo, end_energy))

    json_state['grid_status'] = grid_status
    return json_state
コード例 #7
def test_gaussian_write_geometric(tmpdir):
    Test writing out new gaussian style geometric files.
    engine = EngineGaussian(input_file=get_data("hooh_geometric.com"),
    # set the dihedral to be scanned and the value
    engine.set_dihedral_constraints([[0, 1, 2, 3, 90]])

    # check if gaussian can be ran else expect an error
    g_version = get_gaussian_version()
    if g_version is None:
        with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

        engine.gaussian_exe = g_version

    # make sure the molecule is the same
    molecule = Molecule("input.com")
    assert molecule.Data["bonds"] == engine.M.Data["bonds"]
    assert molecule.Data["elem"] == engine.M.Data["elem"]
    assert molecule.Data["charge"] == engine.M.Data["charge"]
    assert molecule.Data["mult"] == engine.M.Data["mult"]
    assert len(molecule.molecules) == len(engine.M.molecules)
    assert np.allclose(molecule.xyzs[0], engine.M.xyzs[0])
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_gaussian_version_wrong():
    Test loading an engine with an incorrect version.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="gaussian09")
コード例 #9
def read_scan_xyz(filename):
    Parse the scan xyz file into a dictionary

    filename: str
        path to the scan.xyz file generated by torsiondrive

    grid_data: dict
        A dictionary of {grid_id: energy} """
    grid_data = {}
    m = Molecule(filename)
    for line in m.comms:
        # parse comment line, find grid id between "(" and ")"
            left_p_idx = line.index('(')
            right_p_idx = line.index(')')
        except ValueError:
            print("Grid id in (XX, XX) format not found in file")
        grid_id_str = line[left_p_idx + 1:right_p_idx]
        grid_id = tuple(int(s) for s in grid_id_str.split(',') if s)
        # read the last element as energy
        ls = line.rsplit(maxsplit=1)
        energy = float(ls[-1])
        grid_data[grid_id] = energy
    return grid_data
コード例 #10
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
 def load_geomeTRIC_output(self):
     """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
     # the name of the file is consistent with the --prefix tdrive option,
     # this also requires the input file NOT be named to sth like tdrive.in
     # otherwise the output will become tdrive_optim.xyz
     if not os.path.isfile('qdata.txt'):
         raise OSError("geomeTRIC output qdata.txt file not found")
     m = Molecule('qdata.txt')[-1]
     # copy the m.elem since qdata.txt does not have it
     m.elem = self.M.elem
     # check the data loaded
     assert len(m.qm_energies) == 1
     assert len(
         m.qm_grads) == 1 and m.qm_grads[0].shape == self.M.xyzs[0].shape
     return m
コード例 #11
ファイル: launch.py プロジェクト: lpwgroup/torsiondrive
def main():
    import argparse, sys
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Potential energy scan of dihedral angle from 1 to 360 degree", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('inputfile', type=str, help='Input template file for QMEngine. Geometry will be used as starting point for scanning.')
    parser.add_argument('dihedralfile', type=str, help='File defining all dihedral angles to be scanned.')
    parser.add_argument('--init_coords', type=str, help='File contain a list of geometries, that will be used as multiple starting points, overwriting the geometry in input file.')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--grid_spacing', type=int, nargs='*', default=[15], help='Grid spacing for dihedral scan, i.e. every 15 degrees, multiple values will be mapped to each dihedral angle')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--engine', type=str, default="psi4", choices=['qchem', 'psi4', 'terachem', 'openmm', "gaussian"], help='Engine for running scan')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--constraints', type=str, default=None, help='Provide a constraints file in geomeTRIC format for additional freeze or set constraints (geomeTRIC or TeraChem only)')
    parser.add_argument('--native_opt', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use QM program native constrained optimization algorithm. This will turn off geomeTRIC package.')
    parser.add_argument('--energy_thresh', type=float, default=1e-5, help='Only activate grid points if the new optimization is <thre> lower than the previous lowest energy (in a.u.).')
    parser.add_argument('--energy_upper_limit', type=float, default=None, help='Only activate grid points if the new optimization is less than <thre> higher than the global lowest energy (in a.u.).')
    parser.add_argument('--wq_port', type=int, default=None, help='Specify port number to use Work Queue to distribute optimization jobs.')
    parser.add_argument('--zero_based_numbering', action='store_true', help='Use zero_based_numbering in dihedrals file.')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print more information while running.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # print input command for reproducibility
    print(' '.join(sys.argv))

    # parse the dihedral file
    if args.zero_based_numbering is True:
        print("The use of command line --zero_based_numbering is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use #zero_based_numbering in dihedralfile")
    dihedral_idxs, dihedral_ranges = load_dihedralfile(args.dihedralfile, args.zero_based_numbering)
    grid_dim = len(dihedral_idxs)

    # parse additional constraints
    constraints_dict = None
    if args.constraints is not None:
        with open(args.constraints) as fin:
            constraints_dict = make_constraints_dict(fin.read())
            # check if there are extra constraints conflict with the specified dihedral angles
            check_conflict_constraints(constraints_dict, dihedral_idxs)

    # format grid spacing
    n_grid_spacing = len(args.grid_spacing)
    if n_grid_spacing == grid_dim:
        grid_spacing = args.grid_spacing
    elif n_grid_spacing == 1:
        grid_spacing = args.grid_spacing * grid_dim
        raise ValueError("Number of grid_spacing values %d is not consistent with number of dihedral angles %d" % (grid_dim, n_grid_spacing))

    # create QM Engine, and WorkQueue object if provided port
    engine = create_engine(args.engine, inputfile=args.inputfile, work_queue_port=args.wq_port, native_opt=args.native_opt)

    # load init_coords if provided
    init_coords_M = Molecule(args.init_coords) if args.init_coords else None

    # create DihedralScanner object
    scanner = DihedralScanner(engine, dihedrals=dihedral_idxs, dihedral_ranges=dihedral_ranges, grid_spacing=grid_spacing, init_coords_M=init_coords_M,
                              energy_decrease_thresh=args.energy_thresh, energy_upper_limit=args.energy_upper_limit, extra_constraints=constraints_dict, verbose=args.verbose)
    # Run the scan!
    # After finish, print result
    print("Dihedral scan is finished!")
    print(" Grid ID                Energy")
    for grid_id in sorted(scanner.grid_energies.keys()):
        print("  %-20s %.10f" % (str(grid_id), scanner.grid_energies[grid_id]))
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_gaussian_correct_version(version):
    Check that allowed versions do not raise errors.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe=version)

    assert engine.gaussian_exe == version.lower()
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_setting_threads():
    For an input file with threads make sure we can overwrite them to our desired value.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09", threads=30)
    engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    assert "%NProcShared=30\n" in engine.gauss_temp
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_missing_force_input():
    Make sure an error is raised if we do not request the force in the input file.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "no_force.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09")
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "no_force.com"))
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_checkpoint_name():
    If the user supplies a file with a different checkpoint name make sure we overwrite it.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_wrong_name.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09", threads=None)
    engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_wrong_name.com"))
    assert "%Chk=ligand\n" in engine.gauss_temp
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_checkpoint_missing():
    If the user passes a file with no checkpoint line make sure it is added.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_no_data.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09", threads=None)
    engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_no_data.com"))
    assert "%Chk=ligand\n" in engine.gauss_temp
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_adding_threads_none():
    If we have an input with no threads and threads is None make sure we write 1.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_no_data.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09", threads=None)
    engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_no_data.com"))
    assert "%NProcShared=1\n" in engine.gauss_temp
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_adding_threads_value():
    If we read an input file with no threads set but want them make sure they are added.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_no_data.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09", threads=30)
    engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "ethane_no_data.com"))
    assert "%NProcShared=30\n" in engine.gauss_temp
コード例 #19
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
 def load_native_output(self, filename='output.dat'):
     """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
     found_opt_result = False
     final_energy, elems, coords = None, [], []
     with open(filename) as outfile:
         for line in outfile:
             line = line.strip()
             if line.startswith('Final energy is'):
                 final_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
             elif line.startswith('Final optimized geometry and variables'):
                 found_opt_result = True
             elif found_opt_result:
                 ls = line.split()
                 if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
     if final_energy is None:
         raise RuntimeError("Final energy not found in %s" % filename)
     if len(elems) == 0 or len(coords) == 0:
         raise RuntimeError("Final geometry not found in %s" % filename)
     m = Molecule()
     m.elem = elems
     m.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=float)]
     m.qm_energies = [final_energy]
     return m
コード例 #20
def read_scan_xyz(fnm):
    m = Molecule(fnm)
    grid_geo_data = {}
    grid_energies = {}
    for geo, comms in zip(m.xyzs, m.comms):
        dihedral_str = comms.split()[1][1:-1]
        grid_id = tuple(int(d) for d in dihedral_str.split(',') if d != '')
        grid_geo_data[grid_id] = geo
        grid_energies[grid_id] = float(comms.split()[-1])
    return grid_geo_data, grid_energies
コード例 #21
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        Load TeraChem input
        Example input file:

        coordinates start.xyz
        run gradient
        basis 6-31g*
        method rb3lyp
        charge 0
        spinmult 1
        dispersion yes
        scf diis+a
        maxit 50
        self.tera_temp = []
        geo_file = None
        with open(input_file) as terain:
            for line in terain:
                # we don't need to change the temp
                linest = line.strip()
                if not linest: continue
                key, value = linest.lower().split(None, 1)
                if key == 'coordinates':
                    geo_file = value
                elif key == 'run':
                    if value == 'gradient':
                        self.temp_type = 'gradient'
                    elif value == 'minimize':
                        self.temp_type = 'optimize'
        # place holder for writing native constraints
        # check input
        assert geo_file, 'coordinates key not found in input file %s' % input_file
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should be a opt job to use native opt"
            assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "input_file should be a gradient job to use geomeTRIC"
        # load molecule from separate file, one frame only
        self.M = Molecule(geo_file)[0]
        # store the name of geo_file
        self.tera_geo_file = geo_file
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_gaussian_template():
    Make sure the template is formed properly when reading input files.
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09")
    engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    assert engine.gauss_temp == [
        '%Mem=6GB\n', '%NProcShared=2\n', '%Chk=ligand\n',
        '# hf/6-31G(d) Force=NoStep\n', '\n', 'ethane\n', '\n', '0 1\n',
        '$!geometry@here', '\n', '\n'
コード例 #23
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
 def load_native_output(self, filename='output.dat'):
     """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
     found_opt_result = False
     found_final_geo = False
     final_energy, elems, coords = None, [], []
     with open(filename) as outfile:
         for line in outfile:
             line = line.strip()
             if line.startswith('Final energy is'):
                 final_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
             elif line.startswith('Final optimized geometry and variables'):
                 found_opt_result = True
             elif found_opt_result == True:
                 ls = line.split()
                 if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
     if final_energy == None:
         raise RuntimeError("Final energy not found in %s" % filename)
     if len(elems) == 0 or len(coords) == 0:
         raise RuntimeError("Final geometry not found in %s" % filename)
     m = Molecule()
     m.elem = elems
     m.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=np.float64)]
     m.qm_energies = [final_energy]
     return m
コード例 #24
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
class EngineOpenMM(QMEngine):
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        """Input file is the name of the pdb file with the coords in we also require that the xml has the same name"""

        self.m_pdb = Molecule(input_file)[0]
        self.M = copy.deepcopy(self.m_pdb)

        xml_name = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + '.xml'
        # Check the xml file is present
        assert os.path.exists(
        ) is True, "OpenMM requires a pdb and xml file, ensure you have both in the current folder with the same prefix"
        with open(xml_name) as f:
            self.xml_content = f.read()

    def write_input(self):
        """Write a pdb file with the latest geometry and the input xml file"""

        self.m_pdb.xyzs[0] = self.M.xyzs[0]
        with open('input.xml', 'w') as out:

    def optimize_geomeTRIC(self):
        """ run the constrained optimization using geomeTRIC package, in 3 steps:
        1. Write a constraints.txt file.
        2. Write a gradient job input file.
        3. Run the job
        # sep 1
        # step 2
        # set3
            'geometric-optimize --prefix tdrive --qccnv --reset --epsilon 0.0 --enforce 0.1 --qdata --pdb '
            'input.pdb --openmm input.xml constraints.txt',
            input_files=['input.xml', 'input.pdb', 'constraints.txt'],
            output_files=['tdrive.log', 'tdrive.xyz', 'qdata.txt'])
コード例 #25
 def finish(self):
     """ Write qdata.txt and scan.xyz file based on converged scan results """
     m = Molecule()
     m.elem = list(self.engine.M.elem)
     m.qm_energies, m.xyzs, m.comms = [], [], []
     # only print grid with energies
     for gid in sorted(self.grid_energies.keys()):
         m.comms.append("Dihedral %s Energy %.9f" %
                        (str(gid), self.grid_energies[gid]))
     print("Final scan energies are written to qdata.txt")
     print("Final scan energies are written to scan.xyz")
コード例 #26
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
 def __init__(self,
     self.temp_type = None  # will be set to either "gradient" or "optimize" later
     self.work_queue = work_queue
     self.native_opt = native_opt
     self.extra_constraints = extra_constraints
     self.rootpath = os.getcwd()
     if input_file is not None:
         self.M = Molecule()
コード例 #27
def read_scan_xyz(filename):
    """ Read the scan xyz file and return a dictionary of {grid_id: energy} """
    res = {}
    m = Molecule(filename)
    for line in m.comms:
        ls = line.split()
        # read the second element as grid id
        grid_id_str = ls[1]
        assert grid_id_str[0] == '(' and grid_id_str[-1] == ')'
        grid_id = tuple(int(s) for s in grid_id_str[1:-1].split(',') if s)
        # read the last element as energy
        energy = float(ls[-1])
        res[grid_id] = energy
    return res
コード例 #28
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: lpwgroup/torsiondrive
    def load_native_output(self,
        """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
        # Check the log file to see if the optimization was successful
        opt_result = False
        final_energy, elems, coords = None, [], []
        with open(filename2) as logfile:
            for line in logfile:
                # Accept both
                # Optimization completed.
                # Optimization completed on the basis of negligible forces.
                if 'Optimization completed' in line:
                    opt_result = True

        if not opt_result:
            raise RuntimeError("Geometry optimization failed in %s" %

        # Now we want to get the optimized structure from the fchk file as this is more reliable
        end_xyz_pos = None
        with open(filename) as outfile:
            for i, line in enumerate(outfile):
                if 'Current cartesian coordinates' in line:
                    num_xyz = int(line.split()[5])
                    end_xyz_pos = int(np.ceil(num_xyz / 5) + i + 1)
                elif end_xyz_pos is not None and i < end_xyz_pos:
                        float(num) * 0.529177
                        for num in line.strip('\n').split()
                elif 'Total Energy' in line:
                    final_energy = float(line.split()[3])

        if end_xyz_pos is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Cannot locate coordinates in ligand.fchk file.')

        # Make sure we have all of the coordinates
        assert len(
            coords) == num_xyz, "Could not extract the optimised geometry"

        if final_energy is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Final energy not found in %s" % filename)

        m = Molecule()
        m.elem = self.M.elem
        m.xyzs = [np.reshape(coords, (int(len(m.elem)), 3))]
        m.qm_energies = [final_energy]
        return m
コード例 #29
ファイル: DihedralScanner.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
 def finish(self):
     """ Write qdata.txt and scan.xyz file based on converged scan results """
     m = Molecule()
     m.elem = list(self.engine.M.elem)
     m.qm_energies, m.xyzs, m.comms = [], [], []
     for gid in self.grid_ids:
         m.comms.append("Dihedral %s Energy %.9f" % (str(gid), self.grid_energies[gid]))
     print("Final scan energies are written to qdata.txt")
     print("Final scan energies are written to scan.xyz")
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: stenczelt/geomeTRIC
def test_calc_new_gaussian():
    Test calculating the force using gaussian.
    Note this is expected to fail due to gaussian not being installed.
    major, minor, _ = platform.python_version_tuple()
    if not int(major) >= 3 and int(minor) >= 5:
            "Python version below 3.5 TemporaryDirectory not available.")
    molecule = Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    engine = Gaussian(molecule=molecule, exe="g09")
    engine.load_gaussian_input(os.path.join(datad, "ethane.com"))
    home = os.getcwd()
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp:
        # now we want to run calc new to make sure the file is written correctly
        g_version = get_gaussian_version()
        if g_version is None:
            with pytest.raises(GaussianEngineError):
                engine.calc(coords=molecule.xyzs[0] / bohr2ang,

            engine.gaussian_exe = g_version
            engine.calc(coords=molecule.xyzs[0] / bohr2ang,

        # now we want to read the file back in to make sure it is correct
        molecule_2 = Molecule(os.path.join("ethane.tmp", "gaussian.com"))
        # now check over the data
        assert molecule.Data["elem"] == molecule_2.Data["elem"]
        assert molecule.Data["bonds"] == molecule_2.Data["bonds"]
        assert np.allclose(molecule.Data["xyzs"][0],

コード例 #31
ファイル: qm_engine.py プロジェクト: jthorton/torsiondrive
    def load_native_output(self,
        """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
        found_opt_result = False
        final_energy, elems, coords = None, [], []
        with open(filename2) as logfile:
            logfile = logfile.readlines()
            for counter, line in enumerate(logfile):
                line = line.strip()
                if line.startswith('Optimization completed'):
                    found_opt_result = True

        if found_opt_result is not True:
            raise RuntimeError("Geometry optimisation failed in %s" %

        with open(filename) as outfile:
            outfile = outfile.readlines()
            for counter, line in enumerate(outfile):
                if line.startswith('Current cartesian coordinates'):
                    start_xyz_pos = int(counter + 1)
                    num_xyz = int(line.split()[5])
                    end_xyz_pos = int(np.ceil(num_xyz / 5) + start_xyz_pos)
                if line.startswith('Total Energy'):
                    energy_pos = counter

        if not start_xyz_pos and end_xyz_pos:
            raise EOFError('Cannot locate coordinates in lig.fchk file.')

        for line in outfile[start_xyz_pos:end_xyz_pos]:
                [float(num) * 0.529177 for num in line.strip('\n').split()])

        # Make sure we have all of the coordinates
        assert len(
            coords) == num_xyz, "Could not extract the optimised geometry"

        final_energy = float(outfile[energy_pos].split()[3])

        if final_energy is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Final energy not found in %s" % filename)
        if len(coords) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Final geometry not found in %s" % filename)
        m = Molecule()
        m.elem = self.M.elem
        m.xyzs = [np.reshape(coords, (int(len(m.elem)), 3))]
        m.qm_energies = [final_energy]
        return m
コード例 #32
ファイル: td_api.py プロジェクト: fengmudong/torsiondrive
def get_next_jobs(current_state, verbose=False):
    Take current scan state and generate the next set of optimizations.
    This function will create a new DihedralScanRepeater object and read all information from current_state,
    then reproduce the entire scan from the beginning, finish all cached ones, until a new job is not found in the cache.
    Return a list of new jobs that needs to be finished for the current iteration

    current_state: dict
        An dictionary containing information of the scan state,
        Required keys: 'dihedrals', 'grid_spacing', 'elements', 'init_coords', 'grid_status'
        Optional keys: 'dihedral_ranges', 'energy_decrease_thresh', 'energy_upper_limit'

    next_jobs: dict
        key is the target grid_id, value is a list of new_job. Each new_job is represented by its start_geo
        * Note: the order of new_job should correspond to the finished job_info.

    current_state = {
            'dihedrals': [[0,1,2,3], [1,2,3,4]] ,
            'grid_spacing': [30, 30],
            'elements': ['H', 'C', 'O', ...]
            'init_coords': [geo1, geo2, ..]
            'grid_status': {(30, 60): [(start_geo, end_geo, end_energy), ..], ...}
    >>> get_next_jobs(current_state)
        (90, 60): [start_geo1, start_geo2, ..],
        (90, 90): [start_geo3, start_geo4, ..],
    dihedrals = current_state['dihedrals']
    grid_spacing = current_state['grid_spacing']
    # rebuild the init_coords_M molecule object
    init_coords_M = Molecule()
    init_coords_M.elem = current_state['elements']
    init_coords_M.xyzs = current_state['init_coords']
    # create a new scanner object with blank engine
    engine = EngineBlank()
    dihedral_ranges = current_state.get('dihedral_ranges')
    energy_decrease_thresh = current_state.get('energy_decrease_thresh')
    energy_upper_limit = current_state.get('energy_upper_limit')
    scanner = DihedralScanRepeater(engine, dihedrals, grid_spacing, init_coords_M=init_coords_M, dihedral_ranges=dihedral_ranges, \
         energy_decrease_thresh=energy_decrease_thresh, energy_upper_limit=energy_upper_limit, verbose=verbose)
    # rebuild the task_cache for scanner
    # run the scanner until some calculation is not found in cache
    return scanner.next_jobs
コード例 #33
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        Load TeraChem input
        Example input file:

        coordinates start.xyz
        run gradient
        basis 6-31g*
        method rb3lyp
        charge 0
        spinmult 1
        dispersion yes
        scf diis+a
        maxit 50
        self.tera_temp = []
        geo_file = None
        with open(input_file) as terain:
            for line in terain:
                # we don't need to change the temp
                key, value = line.strip().lower().split(None, 1)
                if key == 'coordinates':
                    geo_file = value
                elif key == 'run':
                    if value == 'gradient':
                        self.temp_type = 'gradient'
                    elif value == 'minimize':
                        self.temp_type = 'optimize'
        # place holder for writing native constraints
        # check input
        assert geo_file, 'coordinates key not found in input file %s' % input_file
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should be a opt job to use native opt"
            assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "input_file should be a gradient job to use geomeTRIC"
        # load molecule from separate file, one frame only
        self.M = Molecule(geo_file)[0]
        # store the name of geo_file
        self.tera_geo_file = geo_file
コード例 #34
ファイル: DihedralScanner.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
 def launch_opt_jobs(self):
     Launch constrained optimizations for molecules in opt_queue
     The current opt_queue will be cleaned up
     Return a dictionary that contains path and grid_ids: { path: (from_grid_id, to_grid_id) }
     assert hasattr(self, 'running_job_path_info') and hasattr(self, 'current_finished_job_results')
     while len(self.opt_queue) > 0:
         m, from_grid_id, to_grid_id = self.opt_queue.pop()
         # check if this job already exists
         m_geo_key = get_geo_key(m.xyzs[0])
         if m_geo_key in self.task_cache[to_grid_id]:
             final_geo, final_energy, job_folder = self.task_cache[to_grid_id][m_geo_key]
             result_m = Molecule()
             result_m.elem = list(m.elem)
             result_m.xyzs = [final_geo]
             result_m.qm_energies = [final_energy]
             grid_id = self.get_dihedral_id(result_m, check_grid_id=to_grid_id)
             self.current_finished_job_results.push((result_m, grid_id), priority=job_folder)
             #self.grid_status[to_grid_id].append((m.xyzs[0], final_geo, final_energy))
             job_path = self.launch_constrained_opt(m, to_grid_id)
             self.running_job_path_info[job_path] = m, from_grid_id, to_grid_id
コード例 #35
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
class EngineTerachem(QMEngine):
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        Load TeraChem input
        Example input file:

        coordinates start.xyz
        run gradient
        basis 6-31g*
        method rb3lyp
        charge 0
        spinmult 1
        dispersion yes
        scf diis+a
        maxit 50
        self.tera_temp = []
        geo_file = None
        with open(input_file) as terain:
            for line in terain:
                # we don't need to change the temp
                key, value = line.strip().lower().split(None, 1)
                if key == 'coordinates':
                    geo_file = value
                elif key == 'run':
                    if value == 'gradient':
                        self.temp_type = 'gradient'
                    elif value == 'minimize':
                        self.temp_type = 'optimize'
        # place holder for writing native constraints
        # check input
        assert geo_file, 'coordinates key not found in input file %s' % input_file
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should be a opt job to use native opt"
            assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "input_file should be a gradient job to use geomeTRIC"
        # load molecule from separate file, one frame only
        self.M = Molecule(geo_file)[0]
        # store the name of geo_file
        self.tera_geo_file = geo_file

    def write_input(self):
        """ Write TeraChem input files, i.e. run.in and start.xyz """
        assert hasattr(self, 'tera_temp'), "self.tera_temp not set, call load_input() first"
        assert hasattr(self, 'tera_geo_file'), "self.tera_temp not set, call load_input() first"
        with open('run.in', 'w') as terain:
            for line in self.tera_temp:
                if line == "$!constraints@here":
                    if hasattr(self, 'constraintsStr'):
                        # self.optblockStr will be set by self.optimize_native()

    def optimize_native(self):
        Run the constrained optimization, following QChem 5.0 manual.
        1. write a optimization job input file.
        2. run the job
        assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "To use native optimization, the input file be an opt job"
        # add the $opt block
        self.constraintsStr = '\n$constraint_set\n'
        for d1, d2, d3, d4, v in self.dihedral_idx_values:
            # Optking use atom index starting from 1
            self.constraintsStr += 'dihedral %f %d_%d_%d_%d\n' % (v, d1+1, d2+1, d3+1, d4+1)
        self.constraintsStr += '$end\n'
        # write input file
        # run the job
        self.run('terachem run.in > run.out', input_files=['run.in', self.tera_geo_file], output_files=['run.out', 'scr'])

    def optimize_geomeTRIC(self):
        """ run the constrained optimization using geomeTRIC package, in 3 steps:
        1. Write a constraints.txt file.
        2. Write a gradient job input file.
        3. Run the job
        assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "To use geomeTRIC package, the input file should have gradient() in it"
        # step 1
        # step 2
        # step 3
        self.run('geometric-optimize --qccnv --reset --epsilon 0.0 run.in constraints.txt > optimize.log', input_files=['run.in', self.tera_geo_file, 'constraints.txt'], output_files=['optimize.log', 'opt.xyz', 'energy.txt'])

    def load_native_output(self):
        """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
        m = Molecule('scr/optim.xyz')[-1]
        # read the energy from optim.xyz comment line
        m.qm_energies = [float(m.comms[0].split(None, 1)[0])]
        return m
コード例 #36
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
class EnginePsi4(QMEngine):
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        """ Load a Psi4 input file as a Molecule object into self.M
        Only xyz input coordinates are supported for now.
        Exmaple input file:

        memory 12 gb
        molecule {
        0 1
        H  -0.90095  -0.50851  -0.76734
        O  -0.72805   0.02496   0.02398
        O   0.72762   0.03316  -0.02696
        H   0.90782  -0.41394   0.81465
        units angstrom
        symmetry c1
        set globals {
            basis         6-31+g*
            freeze_core   True
            guess         sad
            scf_type      df
            print         1
        coords = []
        elems = []
        reading_molecule, found_geo = False, False
        psi4_temp = [] # store a template of the input file for generating new ones
        with open(input_file) as psi4in:
            for line in psi4in:
                line_sl = line.strip().lower()
                if line_sl.startswith("molecule"):
                    reading_molecule = True
                elif reading_molecule is True:
                    ls = line.split()
                    if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
                        if found_geo == False:
                            found_geo = True
                        # parse the xyz format
                        if '}' in line:
                            reading_molecule = False
                if  line_sl.startswith('gradient('):
                    self.temp_type = "gradient"
                elif line_sl.startswith('optimize('):
                    self.temp_type = "optimize"
        assert found_geo, "XYZ geometry not found in molecule block of %s" % input_file
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should contain optimize() command to use native opt"
            assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "input_file should contain gradient() command to use geomeTRIC"
        # self.psi4_temp will enable writing input files with new geometries
        self.psi4_temp = psi4_temp
        # here self.M can be and will be overwritten by external functions
        self.M = Molecule()
        self.M.elem = elems
        self.M.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=np.float64)]

    def write_input(self, filename='input.dat'):
        """ Write output based on self.psi4_temp and self.M, using only geometry of the first frame """
        assert hasattr(self, 'psi4_temp'), "psi4_temp not found, call self.load_input() first"
        with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
            for line in self.psi4_temp:
                if line == '$!geometry@here':
                    for e, c in zip(self.M.elem, self.M.xyzs[0]):
                        outfile.write("%-7s %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f\n" % (e, c[0], c[1], c[2]))
                elif line == '$!optking@here':
                    if hasattr(self, 'optkingStr'):

    def optimize_native(self):
        """ run the constrained optimization using native Optking, in 2 steps:
        1. write a optimization job input file.
        2. run the job
        assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "To use native optimization, the input file should have optimize() in it"
        # add the optking command
        self.optkingStr = '\nset optking {\n  fixed_dihedral = ("\n'
        for d1, d2, d3, d4, v in self.dihedral_idx_values:
            # Optking use atom index starting from 1
            self.optkingStr += '        %d  %d  %d  %d  %f\n' % (d1+1, d2+1, d3+1, d4+1, v)
        self.optkingStr += '  ")\n}\n'
        # write input file
        # run the job
        self.run('psi4 input.dat -o output.dat', input_files=['input.dat'], output_files=['output.dat'])

    def optimize_geomeTRIC(self):
        """ run the constrained optimization using geomeTRIC package, in 3 steps:
        1. Write a constraints.txt file.
        2. Write a gradient job input file.
        3. Run the job
        assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "To use geomeTRIC package, the input file should have gradient() in it"
        # step 1
        # step 2
        # step 3
        self.run('geometric-optimize --qccnv --reset --epsilon 0.0 --psi4 input.dat constraints.txt > optimize.log', input_files=['input.dat', 'constraints.txt'], output_files=['optimize.log', 'opt.xyz', 'energy.txt'])

    def load_native_output(self, filename='output.dat'):
        """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
        found_opt_result = False
        found_final_geo = False
        final_energy, elems, coords = None, [], []
        with open(filename) as outfile:
            for line in outfile:
                line = line.strip()
                if line.startswith('Final energy is'):
                    final_energy = float(line.split()[-1])
                elif line.startswith('Final optimized geometry and variables'):
                    found_opt_result = True
                elif found_opt_result == True:
                    ls = line.split()
                    if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
        if final_energy == None:
            raise RuntimeError("Final energy not found in %s" % filename)
        if len(elems) == 0 or len(coords) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Final geometry not found in %s" % filename)
        m = Molecule()
        m.elem = elems
        m.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=np.float64)]
        m.qm_energies = [final_energy]
        return m
コード例 #37
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        """ Load a Psi4 input file as a Molecule object into self.M
        Only xyz input coordinates are supported for now.
        Exmaple input file:

        memory 12 gb
        molecule {
        0 1
        H  -0.90095  -0.50851  -0.76734
        O  -0.72805   0.02496   0.02398
        O   0.72762   0.03316  -0.02696
        H   0.90782  -0.41394   0.81465
        units angstrom
        symmetry c1
        set globals {
            basis         6-31+g*
            freeze_core   True
            guess         sad
            scf_type      df
            print         1
        coords = []
        elems = []
        reading_molecule, found_geo = False, False
        psi4_temp = [] # store a template of the input file for generating new ones
        with open(input_file) as psi4in:
            for line in psi4in:
                line_sl = line.strip().lower()
                if line_sl.startswith("molecule"):
                    reading_molecule = True
                elif reading_molecule is True:
                    ls = line.split()
                    if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
                        if found_geo == False:
                            found_geo = True
                        # parse the xyz format
                        if '}' in line:
                            reading_molecule = False
                if  line_sl.startswith('gradient('):
                    self.temp_type = "gradient"
                elif line_sl.startswith('optimize('):
                    self.temp_type = "optimize"
        assert found_geo, "XYZ geometry not found in molecule block of %s" % input_file
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should contain optimize() command to use native opt"
            assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "input_file should contain gradient() command to use geomeTRIC"
        # self.psi4_temp will enable writing input files with new geometries
        self.psi4_temp = psi4_temp
        # here self.M can be and will be overwritten by external functions
        self.M = Molecule()
        self.M.elem = elems
        self.M.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=np.float64)]
コード例 #38
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
 def load_geomeTRIC_output(self):
     """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
     m = Molecule('opt.xyz')
     with open('energy.txt') as infile:
         m.qm_energies = [float(infile.read())]
     return m
コード例 #39
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
 def load_native_output(self):
     """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
     m = Molecule('scr/optim.xyz')[-1]
     # read the energy from optim.xyz comment line
     m.qm_energies = [float(m.comms[0].split(None, 1)[0])]
     return m
コード例 #40
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
class EngineQChem(QMEngine):
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        Load QChem input
        Example input file:

        0 1
        H  -3.20093  1.59945  -0.91132
        O  -2.89333  1.61677  -0.01202
        O  -1.41314  1.60154   0.01202
        H  -1.10554  1.61886   0.91132

        jobtype              opt
        exchange             hf
        basis                3-21g
        geom_opt_max_cycles  150
        elems,coords = [], []
        reading_molecule, found_geo = False, False
        qchem_temp = [] # store a template of the input file for generating new ones
        with open(input_file) as qchemin:
            for line in qchemin:
                line_sl = line.strip().lower()
                if line_sl.startswith("$molecule"):
                    reading_molecule = True
                elif reading_molecule == True:
                    ls = line.split()
                    if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
                        if found_geo == False:
                            found_geo = True
                    if line_sl.startswith('$end'):
                        reading_molecule = False
                if line_sl.startswith('jobtype'):
                    jobtype = line_sl.split()[1]
                    if jobtype.startswith('opt'):
                        self.temp_type = 'optimize'
                    elif jobtype.startswith('force'):
                        self.temp_type = 'gradient'
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should be a opt job to use native opt"
            assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "input_file should be a gradient job to use geomeTRIC"
        # self.qchem_temp will enable writing input files with new geometries
        self.qchem_temp = qchem_temp
        # here self.M can be and will be overwritten by external functions
        self.M = Molecule()
        self.M.elem = elems
        self.M.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=np.float64)]

    def write_input(self, filename='qc.in'):
        """ Write QChem input using Molecule Class """
        assert hasattr(self, 'qchem_temp'), "self.qchem_temp not set, call load_input() first"
        with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
            for line in self.qchem_temp:
                if line == '$!geometry@here':
                    for e, c in zip(self.M.elem, self.M.xyzs[0]):
                        outfile.write("%-7s %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f\n" % (e, c[0], c[1], c[2]))
                elif line == "$!optblock@here":
                    if hasattr(self, 'optblockStr'):
                        # self.optblockStr will be set by self.optimize_native()

    def optimize_native(self):
        Run the constrained optimization, following QChem 5.0 manual.
        1. write a optimization job input file.
        2. run the job
        assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "To use native optimization, the input file be an opt job"
        # add the $opt block
        self.optblockStr = '\n$opt\nCONSTRAINT\n'
        for d1, d2, d3, d4, v in self.dihedral_idx_values:
            # Optking use atom index starting from 1
            self.optblockStr += 'tors  %d  %d  %d  %d  %f\n' % (d1+1, d2+1, d3+1, d4+1, v)
        self.optblockStr += 'ENDCONSTRAINT\n$end\n'
        # write input file
        # run the job
        self.run('qchem qc.in qc.out > qc.log', input_files=['qc.in'], output_files=['qc.out', 'qc.log'])

    def optimize_geomeTRIC(self):
        """ run the constrained optimization using geomeTRIC package, in 3 steps:
        1. Write a constraints.txt file.
        2. Write a gradient job input file.
        3. Run the job
        assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "To use geomeTRIC package, the input file should have gradient() in it"
        # step 1
        # step 2
        # step 3
        self.run('geometric-optimize --qccnv --reset --epsilon 0.0 --qchem qc.in constraints.txt > optimize.log', input_files=['qc.in', 'constraints.txt'], output_files=['optimize.log', 'opt.xyz', 'energy.txt'])

    def load_native_output(self, filename='qc.out'):
        """ Load the optimized geometry and energy into a new molecule object and return """
        m = Molecule(filename, ftype="qcout")[-1]
        return m
コード例 #41
ファイル: QMEngine.py プロジェクト: leeping/crank
    def load_input(self, input_file):
        Load QChem input
        Example input file:

        0 1
        H  -3.20093  1.59945  -0.91132
        O  -2.89333  1.61677  -0.01202
        O  -1.41314  1.60154   0.01202
        H  -1.10554  1.61886   0.91132

        jobtype              opt
        exchange             hf
        basis                3-21g
        geom_opt_max_cycles  150
        elems,coords = [], []
        reading_molecule, found_geo = False, False
        qchem_temp = [] # store a template of the input file for generating new ones
        with open(input_file) as qchemin:
            for line in qchemin:
                line_sl = line.strip().lower()
                if line_sl.startswith("$molecule"):
                    reading_molecule = True
                elif reading_molecule == True:
                    ls = line.split()
                    if len(ls) == 4 and check_all_float(ls[1:]):
                        if found_geo == False:
                            found_geo = True
                    if line_sl.startswith('$end'):
                        reading_molecule = False
                if line_sl.startswith('jobtype'):
                    jobtype = line_sl.split()[1]
                    if jobtype.startswith('opt'):
                        self.temp_type = 'optimize'
                    elif jobtype.startswith('force'):
                        self.temp_type = 'gradient'
        if self.native_opt:
            assert self.temp_type == 'optimize', "input_file should be a opt job to use native opt"
            assert self.temp_type == 'gradient', "input_file should be a gradient job to use geomeTRIC"
        # self.qchem_temp will enable writing input files with new geometries
        self.qchem_temp = qchem_temp
        # here self.M can be and will be overwritten by external functions
        self.M = Molecule()
        self.M.elem = elems
        self.M.xyzs = [np.array(coords, dtype=np.float64)]