コード例 #1
    def frame(self, other=g3d.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, True)):
        """ return a frame where z is oriented toward other (by default north):

			* no solution is returned if self and other are colinears
			* if other is not specified, v_north is used as other
			* in this case, the frame is not defined at poles

        if other is None:
            """ return an arbitrarily oriented frame optimized to reduce numerical errors,
			the frame can be defined everywhere """
            c_tpl = self.normal.as_tuple
            c_max = max(range(len(c_tpl)), key=lambda i: c_tpl[i])

            c_lst = list(c_tpl)
            c_lst[c_max] = 0

            num = sum(c_lst)
            den = c_tpl[c_max]

            y_lst = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            y_lst[c_max] = -num / den

            x = self.normal
            y = g3d.Vector(*y_lst).normalized()
            z = x @ y

            x = self.normal
            y = (other @ x).normalized()
            z = x @ y

        return y, z
コード例 #2
    def as_vector(self):

        theta = (math.pi / 2) - math.radians(self.lat)
        phi = math.radians(self.lon)

        sin_theta, cos_theta = math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta)
        sin_phi, cos_phi = math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi)

        v = g3d.Vector(sin_theta * cos_phi, sin_theta * sin_phi, cos_theta,

        # the vector must be on the unit sphere
        assert (math.isclose(v.norm, 1.0))

        return v
コード例 #3
ファイル: aircraft.py プロジェクト: yota-code/goto.globe
    def step(self, vx=None, vz=None, turn_value=0.0, turn_mode="psid"):

        if vx is None:
            vx = self.vx
        if vz is None:
            vz = self.vz

        if turn_mode == "psid":
            psid = turn_value
            rol = math.atan(psid * vx / earth_gravity)
        elif turn_mode == "rol":
            rol = turn_value
            psid = earth_gravity * math.tan(rol) / self.vx
            raise ValueError

        self.psi += psid * self.dt

        px = goto.globe.blip.Blip(self.lat, self.lon).to_vector()

        north = g3d.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, True)

        nx = px
        ny = (north @ nx).normalized()
        nz = (nx @ ny)

        hx = nx
        hz = math.cos(self.psi) * nz + math.sin(self.psi) * ny
        hy = (hz @ hx)

        # l'angle d'avancement autour de la terre est donné par :
        alpha = (self.vx * self.dt) / (earth_radius + self.alt +
                                       0.5 * self.vz * self.dt)

        jx = math.cos(alpha) * hx + math.sin(alpha) * hz

        b = goto.globe.blip.Blip.from_vector(jx)
        self.lat = b.lat
        self.lon = b.lon

        self.alt += self.vz * self.dt

        self.t_ms += self.dt_ms
        self.t = self.t_ms / 1000.0

コード例 #4
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: yota-code/goto.globe
    def new_symbolic(a, b):
        u = LineSegment(g3d.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, True),
                        g3d.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, True))

        u.A = g3d.Vector(*sympy.symbols(f'{a}_x {a}_y {a}_z'))
        u.B = g3d.Vector(*sympy.symbols(f'{a}_x {a}_y {a}_z'))

        u.Lx = g3d.Vector(
            *sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^Lx_x {a}{b}^Lx_y {a}{b}^Lx_z'))
        u.Ly = g3d.Vector(
            *sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^Ly_x {a}{b}^Ly_y {a}{b}^Ly_z'))
        u.Lz = g3d.Vector(
            *sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^Lz_x {a}{b}^Lz_y {a}{b}^Lz_z'))

        u.length = sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^d')

        return u
コード例 #5
ファイル: line.py プロジェクト: yota-code/goto.globe
class LineSegment():
    """ plus de blip ici !!! que des vecteurs unitaires !!! """

    north = g3d.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, True)

    def __init__(self, A: g3d.Vector, B: g3d.Vector):

        self.A = A.normalized()
        self.B = B.normalized()

        # frame, local to A, oriented along AB
        self.Lx = self.A
        self.Lz = (self.A @ self.B).normalized(
        )  # z is perpendicular to the the trajectory disk
        self.Ly = (self.Lz @ self.Lx
                   )  # y is perpendicular to z and x, along the line

        self.length = self.A.angle_to(self.B)  # angle/distance between a and b

    def new_symbolic(a, b):
        u = LineSegment(g3d.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, True),
                        g3d.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, True))

        u.A = g3d.Vector(*sympy.symbols(f'{a}_x {a}_y {a}_z'))
        u.B = g3d.Vector(*sympy.symbols(f'{a}_x {a}_y {a}_z'))

        u.Lx = g3d.Vector(
            *sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^Lx_x {a}{b}^Lx_y {a}{b}^Lx_z'))
        u.Ly = g3d.Vector(
            *sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^Ly_x {a}{b}^Ly_y {a}{b}^Ly_z'))
        u.Lz = g3d.Vector(
            *sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^Lz_x {a}{b}^Lz_y {a}{b}^Lz_z'))

        u.length = sympy.symbols(f'{a}{b}^d')

        return u

    def intersection(self, other):
        return (self.Lz @ other.Lz).normalized()

    def side_point(self, t, d):
        Px, Py, Pz = self.progress_frame(t)
        return Px.deviate(Pz, -d)

    def progress_point(self, t: float):
        return self.Lx.deviate(self.Ly, t * self.length)

    def progress_frame(self, t: float):
        Px = self.progress_point(t)
        Pz = self.Lz
        Py = Pz @ Px
        return Px, Py, Pz

    def projected_frame(self, Mx: g3d.Vector):
        """ return Px, Py Pz where Px is the projection of Mx on the Line

        Pz = self.Lz
        Py = (Pz @ Mx).normalized()
        Px = (Py @ Pz)  # the projection

        return Px, Py, Pz

    def projection(self, Mx: g3d.Vector):
        """ return Px, Py Pz where Px is the projection of Mx on the Line

        Pz = self.Lz
        Py = (Pz @ Mx).normalized()
        Px = (Py @ Pz)  # the projection

        return Px

    def surface_angle(self, other):
        """ from one line to another, what is the angle """
        assert (self.B == other.A)
        return -self.Ly.angle_to(other.Ly, self.B)

    def status(self, Mx: g3d.Vector):
        """ blip_m is the real position of the aircraft, maybe not exactly on the the line
		this function returns:
			* p, the blip of the aircraft as projected orthogonally onto the line
			* t, the relative position of p on the line ab (between 0.0 and 1.0)
			* h, the true heading to follow at p in order to stay on the line
			* q, the distance between m and p

        Lx, Ly, Lz = self.Lx, self.Ly, self.Lz

        print(f"Lx = {Lx}")
        print(f"Ly = {Ly}")
        print(f"Lz = {Lz}")

        # frame, local to P, oriented along AB

        Pz = Lz
        Py = (Pz @ Mx).normalized()
        Px = (Py @ Pz)  # the projection, not normalized

        print(f"Px = {Px}")
        print(f"Py = {Py}")
        print(f"Pz = {Pz}")

        t = Lx.angle_to(Px, Lz) / self.length  # the progress

        # frame, local to P, oriented to the north
        Nx = Px
        Ny = (g3d.v_north @ Nx).normalized()
        Nz = (Nx @ Ny)

        h = math.degrees(Py.angle_to(Nz, Px))

        d = Mx.angle_to(Px)

        return Px, t, h, d
コード例 #6


val = {
	'A_x': A.x, 'A_y': A.y, 'A_z': A.z,
	'B_x': B.x, 'B_y': B.y, 'B_z': B.z,
	'I_x': I.x, 'I_y': I.y, 'I_z': I.z,
	'Q_x': Q.x, 'Q_y': Q.y, 'Q_z': Q.z,

# symbolic part

t = sympy.symbols('t')

A = g3d.Vector( * sympy.symbols('A_x A_y A_z'), True )
B = g3d.Vector( * sympy.symbols('B_x B_y B_z'), True )
C = g3d.Vector( * sympy.symbols('C_x C_y C_z'), True )

I = g3d.Vector( * sympy.symbols('I_x I_y I_z'), True )
Q = g3d.Vector( * sympy.symbols('Q_x Q_y Q_z'), True )

V = B * sympy.cos(t) + Q * sympy.sin(t)

Pab_Z = g3d.Vector( * sympy.symbols('PabZx PabZy PabZz'), True )
Pab_Y = (Pab_Z @ V).normalized()
Pab_X = (Pab_Y @ Pab_Z)

left_angle = (Pab_X * V)
center_angle = (I * V)