コード例 #1
ファイル: Labyrinth.py プロジェクト: sillander/DimLab
 def rotate(self, forward=True):
     "rotate this maze. If forward, the XY dimensions move forward in RGB. Else, backward."
     # modify blocks and size
     rotate1 = lambda block: geo.rotate1(block, forward)
     newblocks = {}
     for (block, value) in self.blocks.items():
         newblocks[rotate1(block)] = value
     self.blocks = newblocks
     self.size = rotate1(self.size)
     self.goalpos = rotate1(self.goalpos)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Game.py プロジェクト: sillander/DimLab
    def rotate(self, forward=True):
	"Rotate the maze forward one dimension."
	rotate1 = lambda block: geo.rotate1(block, forward)
	self.player.pos = rotate1(self.player.pos)
	# also, change motion and animation motion (small utility for that)
	def update1(motion):
            "rotate a motion's direction"
	    if not motion:
		return motion
	    dim, n = motion
	    if forward:
		dim = (dim+1) % self.lab.ndim
		dim = (dim-1 + self.lab.ndim) % self.lab.ndim
	    return (dim, n)
        self.player.motion = update1(self.player.motion)
	anim = self.player.animation
	if anim:
	    anim.dim, anim.mov = update1((anim.dim, anim.mov))
	# also, rotate the GUI (needed for color management)
コード例 #3
ファイル: GUI.py プロジェクト: sillander/DimLab
    def rotate(self, forward=True):
	"rotate the various vectors inside the color manager"
	self.colorstep = geo.rotate1(self.colorstep, forward)