コード例 #1
    def update_pose(self, msg):
        # YOUR CODE HERE

        # Compute the pose of the clone
        # Note: To convert from a message quaternion to corresponding rotation matrix,
        #       look at the functions in Utils.py
        x = msg.Point.x
        y = msg.Point.y
        quant = msg.Quaternion

        theta = Utils.quaternion_to_angle(quant)
        rot = Utils.rotation_matrix(theta)

        x_, y_ = self.compute_follow_pose(trans=[self.follow_offset, 0],

        # Check bounds if required
        if self.force_in_bounds:
            # Functions in Utils.py will again be useful here
            if ((x >= self.map_img[1]) | (x <= 0) | (y >= self.map_img[0]) |
                (y <= 0)):
                x_, y_ = self.compute_follow_pose(
                    trans=[-1 * self.follow_offset, 0], rot=rot)

        # Setup the out going PoseStamped message
        ###### FIX THIS #######
        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        pose.header.frame_id = '/map'

        world_pose = [x_, y_, rot]
        map_pose = Utils.world_to_map(world_pose, self.map_info)
        pose.Point.x = map_pose[0]
        pose.Point.y = map_pose[1]
        pose.Quaternion = map_pose[2]

        # Publish the clone's pose