コード例 #1
def PointsDistance(aPoint1, aPoint2):
    point1Coords = geompy.PointCoordinates(aPoint1)
    point2Coords = geompy.PointCoordinates(aPoint2)
    diffCoords = 0
    for jCoord in range(0, 3):
        diffCoords = diffCoords + math.pow(
            (point1Coords[jCoord] - point2Coords[jCoord]), 2)
    diffCoords = math.sqrt(diffCoords)
    return diffCoords
コード例 #2
def EdgeEndsOnCoordinate(aEdge, aCoordValue, aCoord, aTol):
    edgePoints = geompy.SubShapeAll(aEdge, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
    edgeCoord1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(edgePoints[0])
    edgeCoord2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(edgePoints[1])
    tol = math.fabs(aCoordValue -
                    edgeCoord1[aCoord]) + fabs(aCoordValue -
    if aTol >= tol:
        return 1
    return 0
コード例 #3
def PointLessRadius(aPoint, aCenter, aRadius, aTol):
    pointCoords = geompy.PointCoordinates(aPoint)
    centrCoords = geompy.PointCoordinates(aCenter)
    radVect = [0, 0, 0]
    rad = 0
    for jC in range(0, 3):
        radVect[jC] = math.pow(pointCoords[jC] - centrCoords[jC], 2)
        rad = rad + radVect[jC]
    rad = math.sqrt(rad)
    if rad < aRadius:
        return 1
    return 0
コード例 #4
def VectorNorm(aVector):
    vectorNorm = [1., 1., 1.]
    vectorMag = 0.
    edgePoints = geompy.SubShapeAll(aVector, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
    pointCoords0 = geompy.PointCoordinates(edgePoints[0])
    pointCoords1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(edgePoints[1])
    vLen = len(pointCoords0)
    for j in range(0, vLen):
        vectorNorm[j] = pointCoords1[j] - pointCoords0[j]
    for j in range(0, vLen):
        vectorMag = vectorMag + vectorNorm[j] * vectorNorm[j]
    vectorMag = math.sqrt(vectorMag)
    if vectorMag > 1.0E-30:
        for j in range(0, vLen):
            vectorNorm[j] = vectorNorm[j] / vectorMag
    return vectorNorm
コード例 #5
def CreateGEOM(injLens, injRads, injAngs, wallS):
	L1 = injLens[0]
	L2 = injLens[1]
	L3 = injLens[2]
	L4 = injLens[3]
	L5 = injLens[4]
	L6 = injLens[5]
	R0 = injRads[0]
	R1 = injRads[1]
	R2 = injRads[2]
	R3 = injRads[3]
	R4 = injRads[4]
	A1 = injAngs[0]
	S  = wallS
	# Printing input
	LSUMM = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5 + L6
	DX1= math.tan(A1*math.pi/180.)*L3 + R3 - R0
	print "Input Data"
	print "L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6"
	print L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6
	print "R0, R1, R2, R3, R4"
	print R0, R1, R2, R3, R4
	print "A1 = ", A1
	print "S = ", S
	print "Intermediate variables: "
	print "LSUMM = ", LSUMM
	print "DX1 = ", DX1
	oXYZ = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
	xPnt = geompy.MakeVertex(1, 0, 0)
	yPnt = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 1, 0)
	zPnt = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 1)
	oX   = geompy.MakeVector(oXYZ, xPnt)
	oY   = geompy.MakeVector(oXYZ, yPnt)
	oZ   = geompy.MakeVector(oXYZ, zPnt)
	# Inlet and nozzle points and faces
	P000 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, -(L1+L2), R1, 0)
	P001 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, -L2, R1, 0)
	P002 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, -L2, 0, 0)
	P003 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, -(L1+L2), 0, 0)
	P004 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, 0, R2, 0)
	P005 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, 0, 0, 0)
	P006 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P000, 0, S, 0)
	P007 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P006, L1,0, 0)
	P008 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, DX1,R0,0)
	P009 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(oXYZ, -(L1+L2), R0, 0)
	F000 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P000, P001, P002, P003)
	F001 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P001, P002, P005, P004)
	F002 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P006, P007, P008, P009)
	# Mixing chamber
	P009 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P004, 0, S, 0)
	P010 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P005, L3,0, 0)
	P011 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P010, 0,R3, 0)
	E000 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(P008, P011)
	P012 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(E000,0.9)
	P013 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P010, L4, 0, 0)
	P014 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P013, 0, R3, 0)
	F003 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P009, P007, P008, P012)
	F004 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P004, P009, P012, P011)
	F005 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P004, P005, P010, P011)
	F006 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P010, P011, P014, P013)
	# Diffusor and out tube
	P015 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P013, L5, 0, 0)
	P016 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P015, 0, R4, 0)
	P017 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P016, L6, 0, 0)
	P018 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(P017, 0, -R4,0)
	F007 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P013, P014, P016, P015)
	F008 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P015, P016, P017, P018)
	faceComp = geompy.MakeShell([F000, F001, F002, F003, F004, F005, F006, F007, F008])
	# Solid geomtry
	sBase1 = geompy.MakeRotation(faceComp, oX, 0)
	sBase2 = geompy.MakeRotation(sBase1, oX, 45.*math.pi/180.)
	sBase3 = geompy.MakeRotation(sBase2, oX, 90.*math.pi/180.)
	solid1 = geompy.MakeRevolution(sBase1, oX, 45.*math.pi/180.)
	solid2 = geompy.MakeRevolution(sBase2, oX, 90.*math.pi/180.)
	solid3 = geompy.MakeRevolution(sBase3, oX, 45.*math.pi/180.)
	# Cutters
	E002 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(P005, P004)
	E003 = geompy.MakeRotation(E002, oX, 45.*math.pi/180.)
	E004 = geompy.MakeRotation(E003, oX, 90.*math.pi/180.)
	E005 = geompy.MakeRotation(E004, oX, 45.*math.pi/180.)
	P019 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(E002,0.5)
	P020 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(E003,0.5)
	P021 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(E004,0.5)
	P022 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(E005,0.5)
	zmin = geompy.PointCoordinates(oXYZ)[2]
	zmax = geompy.PointCoordinates(P020)[2]
	ymin = geompy.PointCoordinates(P022)[1]
	ymax = geompy.PointCoordinates(P019)[1]
	print "ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax"
	print ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
	E006 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(P019, P020)
	E007 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(P020, P021)
	E008 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(P021, P022)
	E009 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(P021, P022)
	edgeComp1 = geompy.MakeCompound([E006, E007, E008, E009])
	edgeComp2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(edgeComp1, -(2*L1 + 2*L2), 0, 0)
	cutter1 = geompy.MakePrismVecH(edgeComp2, oX, LSUMM*2)
	# Hexa solid
	solid1_hex_v1 = geompy.MakePartition([solid1], [cutter1], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0)
	solid2_hex_v1 = geompy.MakePartition([solid2], [cutter1], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0)
	solid3_hex_v1 = geompy.MakePartition([solid3], [cutter1], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0)
	dom_v1 = geompy.MakeCompound([solid1_hex_v1, solid2_hex_v1, solid3_hex_v1])
	hsolids1 = geompy.SubShapeAll(dom_v1, geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"])
	nSolids = len(hsolids1)
	hsolids2 = []
	for jSolid in xrange(0,nSolids):
		solidCDG = geompy.MakeCDG(hsolids1[jSolid])
		coordCDG = geompy.PointCoordinates(solidCDG)
		ys = coordCDG[1]
		zs = coordCDG[2]
		zOk = (zs >= zmin) * (zs <= zmax)
		yOk = (ys >= ymin) * (ys <= ymax)
		if not(zOk and yOk):
	# Creasting hexahedrons near the center
	sBase4 = geompy.MakeQuad4Vertices(P019, P020, P021, P022)
	sBase5 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sBase4, -(L1 + L2), 0, 0)
	hsolids2.append(geompy.MakePrismVecH(sBase5, oX, L1))
	sBase6 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sBase5, L1, 0, 0)
	hsolids2.append(geompy.MakePrismVecH(sBase6, oX, L2))
	sBase7 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sBase6, L2, 0, 0)
	hsolids2.append(geompy.MakePrismVecH(sBase7, oX, L3))
	sBase8 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sBase7, L3, 0, 0)
	hsolids2.append(geompy.MakePrismVecH(sBase8, oX, L4))
	sBase9 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sBase8, L4, 0, 0)
	hsolids2.append(geompy.MakePrismVecH(sBase9, oX, L5))
	sBase10= geompy.MakeTranslation(sBase9,L5, 0, 0)
	hsolids2.append(geompy.MakePrismVecH(sBase10, oX, L6))
	# Domain 
	dom_v2   = geompy.MakeCompound(hsolids2)
	dom_comp = geompy.MakeGlueFaces(dom_v2,1.0E-6)
	return dom_comp
コード例 #6
def injectorFaceGroups (injGeom, aInjLens, aInjRads, aWallS ,aTol):
	L1=     aInjLens[0]
	L2=     aInjLens[1]
	L3=     aInjLens[2]
	L4=     aInjLens[3]
	L5=     aInjLens[4]
	L6=     aInjLens[5]
	R0=     aInjRads[0]
	R1=     aInjRads[1]
	R2=     aInjRads[2]
	R3=     aInjRads[3]
	R4=     aInjRads[4]
	S =     aWallS
	RMAX  = R0
	LSUMM = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5 + L6
	XMIN  = -L1 -L2
	HALFR2= R2*0.5
	vertex1 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
	vertex2 = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 1)
	vector1 = geompy.MakeVector(vertex1, vertex2)
	vertex3 = geompy.MakeVertex(1, 0, 0)
	vertex4 = geompy.MakeVertex(XMIN, 0, 0)
	Xvector = geompy.MakeVector(vertex1, vertex3)
	symmWalls = faceSelect.SelectFacesWithNormalParallelToVec(injGeom, [vector1], aTol)
	# now, remove all faces which are in small quadrangle 
	selGroup0faces = []
	selGroup0faces = geompy.SubShapeAll(symmWalls, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
	nFaces = len(selGroup0faces)
	idsToRemove = []
	for jFace in range(0,nFaces):
		jFaceCOM  = geompy.MakeCDG(selGroup0faces[jFace])
		COMCoords = geompy.PointCoordinates(jFaceCOM)
		jFaceID   = geompy.GetSubShapeID(injGeom, selGroup0faces[jFace])
		ZCoord = COMCoords[2]
		Cond   = (ZCoord >= aTol)
		if Cond:
			idsToRemove.append (jFaceID)
			nToRemove = nToRemove + 1
	print  "---"
	print nToRemove
	print  "---"
	for jFace in range(0,nToRemove):
		geompy.RemoveObject(symmWalls, idsToRemove[jFace])
	id_symmWalls = geompy.addToStudyInFather(injGeom,symmWalls,"symm-walls")
	activeInlet    = faceSelect.SelectFacesWithCoordinateAndLessRadius(injGeom,XMIN,0,vertex4,R1, aTol)
	id_activeInlet = geompy.addToStudyInFather(injGeom,activeInlet,"active-inlet")
	passiveInlet    = faceSelect.SelectFacesWithCoordinateAndGreaterRadius(injGeom,XMIN,0,vertex4,R1+S, aTol)
	id_passiveInlet = geompy.addToStudyInFather(injGeom,passiveInlet,"passive-inlet")
	Outlet = faceSelect.SelectFacesWithCOM_OnCoordinate(injGeom, XMAX, 0, aTol)
	id_Outlet = geompy.addToStudyInFather(injGeom,Outlet,"outlet")
	faceGroups = [symmWalls, activeInlet, passiveInlet, Outlet]
	return faceGroups
コード例 #7
    def getnodebyintersection(shape,
                              default=(0, 0, 0),
        p0 = geompy.MakeVertex(porigine[0] + extend * vect[0],
                               porigine[1] + extend * vect[1],
                               porigine[2] + extend * vect[2])
        p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(porigine[0] - extend * vect[0],
                               porigine[1] - extend * vect[1],
                               porigine[2] - extend * vect[2])
        line = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(p0, p1)
        partition = geompy.MakeHalfPartition(line, shape)

        # recherche du point de la partition par difference avec les premiers points
        #remplir les localisation des points
        subnew = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(partition,
        subnewp = []
        for a in subnew:
        subold = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(line, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
        #recuperarion des deux extremite existante de la ligne
        suboldp = []
        for a in subold:

        #    #affichage pour debug
        #gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")
        #id_partition= geompy.addToStudy(partition,"Partitionfun")
        #id_line= geompy.addToStudy(line,"linefun")
        #print subnewp
        #print suboldp

        if (len(subnew) == len(subold)):
            print "default", default
            return default
            couple = []
            for i in range(0, len(subold)):
                oldpts = suboldp[i]
                ii = 0
                poursuite = True
                while (ii < len(subnew) and poursuite):
                    newpts = subnewp[ii]
                    if not (ii in couple):
                        #print "i",i,"ii",ii
                        #print "match",newpts,oldpts
                        #print "test",abs(oldpts[0]-newpts[0])+abs(oldpts[1]-newpts[1])+abs(oldpts[2]-newpts[2])
                        if (abs(oldpts[0] - newpts[0]) +
                                abs(oldpts[1] - newpts[1]) +
                                abs(oldpts[2] - newpts[2]) < tolerance):
                            #print "match",newpts,oldpts
                            poursuite = False
                    ii += 1
            for i in range(0, len(subnew)):
                if (not (i in couple)):
                    #print "subnewp[i]",subnewp[i]
                    return subnewp[i]
        print "default", default
        return default
コード例 #8
def PointOnCoordinate(aPoint, aCoordValue, aCoord, aTol):
    pointCoords = geompy.PointCoordinates(aPoint)
    if math.fabs(pointCoords[aCoord] - aCoordValue) <= aTol:
        return 1
    return 0