def tait_bryan_angles_from_quaternion_intrinsic_zyx(self, quaternion): assert self.n == 3, ('The quaternion representation' ' and the Tait-Bryan angles representation' ' do not exist' ' for rotations in %d dimensions.' % self.n) quaternion = gs.to_ndarray(quaternion, to_ndim=2) w, x, y, z = gs.hsplit(quaternion, 4) angle_1 = gs.arctan2(y * z + w * x, 1. / 2. - (x**2 + y**2)) angle_2 = gs.arcsin(-2. * (x * z - w * y)) angle_3 = gs.arctan2(x * y + w * z, 1. / 2. - (y**2 + z**2)) tait_bryan_angles = gs.concatenate([angle_3, angle_2, angle_1], axis=1) return tait_bryan_angles
def tait_bryan_angles_from_quaternion_intrinsic_xyz(self, quaternion): assert self.n == 3, ('The quaternion representation' ' and the Tait-Bryan angles representation' ' do not exist' ' for rotations in %d dimensions.' % self.n) quaternion = gs.to_ndarray(quaternion, to_ndim=2) w, x, y, z = gs.hsplit(quaternion, 4) angle_3 = gs.arctan2(2. * (x * y + w * z), w * w + x * x - y * y - z * z) angle_2 = gs.arcsin(-2. * (x * z - w * y)) angle_1 = gs.arctan2(2. * (y * z + w * x), w * w - x * x - y * y + z * z) tait_bryan_angles = gs.concatenate([angle_1, angle_2, angle_3], axis=1) return tait_bryan_angles
def extrinsic_to_spherical(self, point_extrinsic): """Convert point from extrinsic to spherical coordinates. Convert from the extrinsic coordinates, i.e. embedded in Euclidean space of dim 3 to spherical coordinates in the hypersphere. Spherical coordinates are defined from the north pole, i.e. angles [0., 0.] correspond to point [0., 0., 1.]. Only implemented in dimension 2. Parameters ---------- point_extrinsic : array-like, shape=[..., dim] Point on the sphere, in extrinsic coordinates. Returns ------- point_spherical : array_like, shape=[..., dim + 1] Point on the sphere, in spherical coordinates relative to the north pole. """ if self.dim != 2: raise NotImplementedError( "The conversion from to extrinsic coordinates " "spherical coordinates is implemented" " only in dimension 2.") theta = gs.arccos(point_extrinsic[..., -1]) x = point_extrinsic[..., 0] y = point_extrinsic[..., 1] phi = gs.arctan2(y, x) phi = gs.where(phi < 0, phi + 2 * gs.pi, phi) return gs.stack([theta, phi], axis=-1)
def grad(y_pred, y_true, metric=SO3.bi_invariant_metric, representation='vector'): """Closed-form for the gradient of pose_loss. Parameters ---------- y_pred : array-like Prediction on SO(3). y_true : array-like Ground-truth on SO(3). metric : RiemannianMetric Metric used to compute the loss and gradient. representation : str, {'vector', 'matrix'} Representation chosen for points in SE(3). Returns ------- lie_grad : array-like Tangent vector at point y_pred. """ y_pred = gs.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=0) y_true = gs.expand_dims(y_true, axis=0) if representation == 'vector': lie_grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SO3, metric) if representation == 'quaternion': quat_scalar = y_pred[:, :1] quat_vec = y_pred[:, 1:] quat_vec_norm = gs.linalg.norm(quat_vec, axis=1) quat_sq_norm = quat_vec_norm ** 2 + quat_scalar ** 2 quat_arctan2 = gs.arctan2(quat_vec_norm, quat_scalar) differential_scalar = - 2 * quat_vec / (quat_sq_norm) differential_scalar = gs.to_ndarray(differential_scalar, to_ndim=2) differential_scalar = gs.transpose(differential_scalar) differential_vec = (2 * (quat_scalar / quat_sq_norm - 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm) * (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nij', quat_vec, quat_vec) / quat_vec_norm ** 2) + 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm * gs.eye(3)) differential_vec = gs.squeeze(differential_vec) differential = gs.concatenate( [differential_scalar, differential_vec], axis=1) y_pred = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_pred) y_true = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_true) lie_grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SO3, metric) lie_grad = gs.matmul(lie_grad, differential) lie_grad = gs.squeeze(lie_grad, axis=0) return lie_grad
def tait_bryan_angles_from_quaternion_intrinsic_zyx(quaternion): """Convert quaternion to tait bryan representation of order zyx. Parameters ---------- quaternion : array-like, shape=[..., 4] Returns ------- tait_bryan_angles : array-like, shape=[..., 3] """ w, x, y, z = gs.hsplit(quaternion, 4) angle_1 = gs.arctan2(y * z + w * x, 1. / 2. - (x**2 + y**2)) angle_2 = gs.arcsin(-2. * (x * z - w * y)) angle_3 = gs.arctan2(x * y + w * z, 1. / 2. - (y**2 + z**2)) tait_bryan_angles = gs.concatenate([angle_1, angle_2, angle_3], axis=1) return tait_bryan_angles
def grad(y_pred, y_true, metric=SE3.left_canonical_metric, representation='vector'): """ Closed-form for the gradient of pose_loss. :return: tangent vector at point y_pred. """ if gs.ndim(y_pred) == 1: y_pred = gs.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=0) if gs.ndim(y_true) == 1: y_true = gs.expand_dims(y_true, axis=0) if representation == 'vector': grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SE3, metric) if representation == 'quaternion': y_pred_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_pred[:, :4]) y_pred_pose = gs.hstack([y_pred_rot_vec, y_pred[:, 4:]]) y_true_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_true[:, :4]) y_true_pose = gs.hstack([y_true_rot_vec, y_true[:, 4:]]) grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred_pose, y_true_pose, SE3, metric) quat_scalar = y_pred[:, :1] quat_vec = y_pred[:, 1:4] quat_vec_norm = gs.linalg.norm(quat_vec, axis=1) quat_sq_norm = quat_vec_norm**2 + quat_scalar**2 quat_arctan2 = gs.arctan2(quat_vec_norm, quat_scalar) differential_scalar = -2 * quat_vec / (quat_sq_norm) differential_vec = ( 2 * (quat_scalar / quat_sq_norm - 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm) * (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nij', quat_vec, quat_vec) / quat_vec_norm * quat_vec_norm) + 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm * gs.eye(3)) differential_scalar_t = gs.transpose(differential_scalar, axes=(1, 0)) upper_left_block = gs.hstack( (differential_scalar_t, differential_vec[0])) upper_right_block = gs.zeros((3, 3)) lower_right_block = gs.eye(3) lower_left_block = gs.zeros((3, 4)) top = gs.hstack((upper_left_block, upper_right_block)) bottom = gs.hstack((lower_left_block, lower_right_block)) differential = gs.vstack((top, bottom)) differential = gs.expand_dims(differential, axis=0) grad = gs.einsum('ni,nij->ni', grad, differential) grad = gs.squeeze(grad, axis=0) return grad
def grad(y_pred, y_true, metric=SE3.left_canonical_metric, representation='vector'): """ Closed-form for the gradient of pose_loss. :return: tangent vector at point y_pred. """ if y_pred.ndim == 1: y_pred = gs.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=0) if y_true.ndim == 1: y_true = gs.expand_dims(y_true, axis=0) if representation == 'vector': grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SE3, metric) if representation == 'quaternion': y_pred_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_pred[:, :4]) y_pred_pose = gs.hstack([y_pred_rot_vec, y_pred[:, 4:]]) y_true_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_true[:, :4]) y_true_pose = gs.hstack([y_true_rot_vec, y_true[:, 4:]]) grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred_pose, y_true_pose, SE3, metric) differential = gs.zeros((1, 6, 7)) upper_left_block = gs.zeros((1, 3, 4)) lower_right_block = gs.zeros((1, 3, 3)) quat_scalar = y_pred[:, :1] quat_vec = y_pred[:, 1:4] quat_vec_norm = gs.linalg.norm(quat_vec, axis=1) quat_sq_norm = quat_vec_norm**2 + quat_scalar**2 # TODO(nina): check that this sq norm is 1? quat_arctan2 = gs.arctan2(quat_vec_norm, quat_scalar) differential_scalar = -2 * quat_vec / (quat_sq_norm) differential_vec = ( 2 * (quat_scalar / quat_sq_norm - 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm) * gs.outer(quat_vec, quat_vec) / quat_vec_norm**2 + 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm * gs.eye(3)) upper_left_block[0, :, :1] = differential_scalar.transpose() upper_left_block[0, :, 1:] = differential_vec lower_right_block[0, :, :] = gs.eye(3) differential[0, :3, :4] = upper_left_block differential[0, 3:, 4:] = lower_right_block grad = gs.matmul(grad, differential) grad = gs.squeeze(grad, axis=0) return grad
def convert_to_polar_coordinates(self, points): """Assign polar coordinates to given pre-shapes.""" aligned_points = S32.align(points, self.pole) speeds = S32.ambient_metric.log(aligned_points, self.pole) coords_theta = gs.arctan2( S32.ambient_metric.inner_product(speeds,, S32.ambient_metric.inner_product(speeds, coords_phi = 2. * S32.ambient_metric.dist(self.pole, aligned_points) return coords_theta, coords_phi
def convert_to_polar_coordinates(self, points): """Assign polar coordinates to given pre-shapes.""" aligned_points = S33.align(points, self.centre) aligned_points2d = aligned_points[..., :, :2] speeds = S32.ambient_metric.log(aligned_points2d, self.pole) coords_r = S32.ambient_metric.dist(self.pole, aligned_points2d) coords_theta = gs.arctan2( S32.ambient_metric.inner_product(speeds,, S32.ambient_metric.inner_product(speeds, return coords_r, coords_theta
def tait_bryan_angles_from_quaternion_intrinsic_xyz(quaternion): """Convert quaternion to tait bryan representation of order xyz. Parameters ---------- quaternion : array-like, shape=[..., 4] Returns ------- tait_bryan_angles : array-like, shape=[..., 3] """ w, x, y, z = gs.hsplit(quaternion, 4) angle_1 = gs.arctan2(2. * (-x * y + w * z), w * w + x * x - y * y - z * z) angle_2 = gs.arcsin(2 * (x * z + w * y)) angle_3 = gs.arctan2(2. * (-y * z + w * x), w * w + z * z - x * x - y * y) tait_bryan_angles = gs.concatenate([angle_1, angle_2, angle_3], axis=1) return tait_bryan_angles
def convert_to_klein_coordinates(points): poincare_coords = points[:, 1:] / (1 + points[:, :1]) poincare_radius = gs.linalg.norm(poincare_coords, axis=1) poincare_angle = gs.arctan2(poincare_coords[:, 1], poincare_coords[:, 0]) klein_radius = 2 * poincare_radius / (1 + poincare_radius ** 2) klein_angle = poincare_angle coords_0 = gs.expand_dims(klein_radius * gs.cos(klein_angle), axis=1) coords_1 = gs.expand_dims(klein_radius * gs.sin(klein_angle), axis=1) klein_coords = gs.concatenate([coords_0, coords_1], axis=1) return klein_coords
def convert_to_klein_coordinates(self, points): poincare_coords = points[:, 1:] / (1 + points[:, :1]) poincare_radius = gs.linalg.norm(poincare_coords, axis=1) poincare_angle = gs.arctan2(poincare_coords[:, 1], poincare_coords[:, 0]) klein_radius = 2 * poincare_radius / (1 + poincare_radius**2) klein_angle = poincare_angle klein_coords = gs.zeros_like(poincare_coords) klein_coords[:, 0] = klein_radius * gs.cos(klein_angle) klein_coords[:, 1] = klein_radius * gs.sin(klein_angle) return klein_coords
def extrinsic_to_angle(point_extrinsic): """Compute the angle of a point in the plane. Convert from the extrinsic coordinates in the 2d plane to angle in radians. Angle 0 corresponds to point [1., 0.]. This method is only implemented in dimension 1. Parameters ---------- point_extrinsic : array-like, shape=[...] Point on the circle, in extrinsic coordinates in Euclidean space. Returns ------- point_angle : array_like, shape=[..., 2] Point on the circle, i.e. an angle in radians in [-Pi, Pi]. """ return gs.arctan2(point_extrinsic[..., 1], point_extrinsic[..., 0])
def grad(y_pred, y_true, metric=SO3.bi_invariant_metric, representation='vector'): y_pred = gs.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=0) y_true = gs.expand_dims(y_true, axis=0) if representation == 'vector': grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SO3, metric) if representation == 'quaternion': quat_scalar = y_pred[:, :1] quat_vec = y_pred[:, 1:] quat_vec_norm = gs.linalg.norm(quat_vec, axis=1) quat_sq_norm = quat_vec_norm ** 2 + quat_scalar ** 2 quat_arctan2 = gs.arctan2(quat_vec_norm, quat_scalar) differential_scalar = - 2 * quat_vec / (quat_sq_norm) differential_scalar = gs.to_ndarray(differential_scalar, to_ndim=2) differential_scalar = gs.transpose(differential_scalar) differential_vec = (2 * (quat_scalar / quat_sq_norm - 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm) * (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nij', quat_vec, quat_vec) / quat_vec_norm ** 2) + 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm * gs.eye(3)) differential_vec = gs.squeeze(differential_vec) differential = gs.concatenate( [differential_scalar, differential_vec], axis=1) y_pred = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_pred) y_true = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_true) grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SO3, metric) grad = gs.matmul(grad, differential) grad = gs.squeeze(grad, axis=0) return grad
def grad(y_pred, y_true, metric=SO3.bi_invariant_metric, representation='vector'): y_pred = gs.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=0) y_true = gs.expand_dims(y_true, axis=0) if representation == 'vector': grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SO3, metric) if representation == 'quaternion': differential = gs.zeros((1, 6, 7)) differential = gs.zeros((1, 3, 4)) quat_scalar = y_pred[:, :1] quat_vec = y_pred[:, 1:] quat_vec_norm = gs.linalg.norm(quat_vec, axis=1) quat_sq_norm = quat_vec_norm ** 2 + quat_scalar ** 2 quat_arctan2 = gs.arctan2(quat_vec_norm, quat_scalar) differential_scalar = - 2 * quat_vec / (quat_sq_norm) differential_vec = (2 * (quat_scalar / quat_sq_norm - 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm) * gs.outer(quat_vec, quat_vec) / quat_vec_norm ** 2 + 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm * gs.eye(3)) differential[0, :, :1] = differential_scalar.transpose() differential[0, :, 1:] = differential_vec y_pred = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_pred) y_true = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_true) grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SO3, metric) grad = gs.matmul(grad, differential) grad = gs.squeeze(grad, axis=0) return grad
def grad(y_pred, y_true, metric=SE3.left_canonical_metric, representation='vector'): """Closed-form for the gradient of pose_loss. Parameters ---------- y_pred : array-like Prediction on SE(3). y_true : array-like Ground-truth on SE(3). metric : RiemannianMetric Metric used to compute the loss and gradient. representation : str, {'vector', 'matrix'} Representation chosen for points in SE(3). Returns ------- lie_grad : array-like Tangent vector at point y_pred. """ if gs.ndim(y_pred) == 1: y_pred = gs.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=0) if gs.ndim(y_true) == 1: y_true = gs.expand_dims(y_true, axis=0) if representation == 'vector': lie_grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred, y_true, SE3, metric) if representation == 'quaternion': y_pred_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_pred[:, :4]) y_pred_pose = gs.hstack([y_pred_rot_vec, y_pred[:, 4:]]) y_true_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_true[:, :4]) y_true_pose = gs.hstack([y_true_rot_vec, y_true[:, 4:]]) lie_grad = lie_group.grad(y_pred_pose, y_true_pose, SE3, metric) quat_scalar = y_pred[:, :1] quat_vec = y_pred[:, 1:4] quat_vec_norm = gs.linalg.norm(quat_vec, axis=1) quat_sq_norm = quat_vec_norm**2 + quat_scalar**2 quat_arctan2 = gs.arctan2(quat_vec_norm, quat_scalar) differential_scalar = -2 * quat_vec / (quat_sq_norm) differential_vec = ( 2 * (quat_scalar / quat_sq_norm - 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm) * (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nij', quat_vec, quat_vec) / quat_vec_norm * quat_vec_norm) + 2 * quat_arctan2 / quat_vec_norm * gs.eye(3)) differential_scalar_t = gs.transpose(differential_scalar, axes=(1, 0)) upper_left_block = gs.hstack( (differential_scalar_t, differential_vec[0])) upper_right_block = gs.zeros((3, 3)) lower_right_block = gs.eye(3) lower_left_block = gs.zeros((3, 4)) top = gs.hstack((upper_left_block, upper_right_block)) bottom = gs.hstack((lower_left_block, lower_right_block)) differential = gs.vstack((top, bottom)) differential = gs.expand_dims(differential, axis=0) lie_grad = gs.einsum('ni,nij->ni', lie_grad, differential) lie_grad = gs.squeeze(lie_grad, axis=0) return lie_grad