def plot_point_map(gpd_gdf, percentile=0, save_file=None): """plot point data on a map""" # Choose points in which NSE value are bigger than the 25% quartile value range percentile_data = np.percentile(gpd_gdf['NSE'].values, percentile).astype(float) # the result of query is a tuple with one element, but it's right for plotting data_chosen = gpd_gdf.query("NSE > " + str(percentile_data)) contiguous_usa = gpd.read_file(gplt.datasets.get_path('contiguous_usa')) proj = gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=-98, central_latitude=39.5) polyplot_kwargs = {'facecolor': (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'linewidth': 0} pointplot_kwargs = {'hue': 'NSE', 'legend': True, 'linewidth': 0.01} # ax = gplt.polyplot(contiguous_usa.geometry, projection=proj, **polyplot_kwargs) ax = gplt.webmap(contiguous_usa, projection=gcrs.WebMercator()) gplt.pointplot(data_chosen, ax=ax, **pointplot_kwargs) ax.set_title("NSE " + "Map") if save_file is not None: plt.savefig(save_file)
# read shape files q1 = gp.read_file('./Ookla shape data/2020q1') q2 = gp.read_file('./Ookla shape data/2020q2') q3 = gp.read_file('./Ookla shape data/2020q3') q4 = gp.read_file('./Ookla shape data/2020q4') ma = gp.read_file('./data/export-gisdata.mapc.ma_municipalities').to_crs( epsg=4326) # In[57]: data_2020 = pd.concat([q1, q2, q3, q4]) # In[59]: ax = gplt.webmap(data_2020, projection=gcrs.WebMercator()) gplt.choropleth(data_2020, hue='avg_d_kbps', projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(), cmap='Greens', legend=True, ax=ax) # In[43]: # use the location of the centroid of each polygon data_2020['geometry'] = data_2020['geometry'].centroid # In[56]:
""" KDEPlot of Boston AirBnB Locations ================================== This example demonstrates a combined application of ``kdeplot`` and ``pointplot`` to a dataset of AirBnB locations in Boston. The result is outputted to a webmap using the nifty ``mplleaflet`` library. We sample just 1000 points, which captures the overall trend without overwhelming the renderer. `Click here to see this plot as an interactive webmap. <>`_ """ import geopandas as gpd import geoplot as gplt import as gcrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt boston_airbnb_listings = gpd.read_file( gplt.datasets.get_path('boston_airbnb_listings')) ax = gplt.kdeplot(boston_airbnb_listings, cmap='viridis', projection=gcrs.WebMercator(), figsize=(12, 12), shade=True) gplt.pointplot(boston_airbnb_listings, s=1, color='black', ax=ax) gplt.webmap(boston_airbnb_listings, ax=ax) plt.title('Boston AirBnB Locations, 2016', fontsize=18)
# %% [markdown] Collapsed="false" # ## Making Maps # %% Collapsed="false" f, ax = plt.subplots(dpi = 200) countries.plot(edgecolor = 'k', facecolor = 'None', linewidth = 0.6, ax = ax) cities.plot(markersize = 0.5, facecolor = 'red', ax = ax) lat_am_capitals.plot(markersize = 0.5, facecolor = 'y', ax = ax) ax.set_title('World Map') ax.set_axis_off() # %% [markdown] Collapsed="false" # ## Static Webmaps # %% Collapsed="false" ax = gplt.webmap(countries,, figsize = (16, 12)) gplt.pointplot(cities, ax=ax, hue = 'POP2015') # %% [markdown] Collapsed="false" # ## Aside on Projections # %% [markdown] Collapsed="false" # Map projections flatten a globe's surface onto a 2D plane. This necessarily distorts the surface (one of Gauss' lesser known results), so one must choose specific form of 'acceptable' distortion. # # By convention, the standard projection in GIS is World Geodesic System(lat/lon - `WGS84`). This is a cylindrical projection, which stretches distances east-west and *results in incorrect distance and areal calculations*. For accurate distance and area calculations, try to use UTM (which divides map into zones). See []( # %% Collapsed="false" # %% Collapsed="false" countries_2 = countries.copy()
def plotme(week=weeks[-1][0], startweek=weeks[-1][0], webmap=False, setnorm=False, stddev=1, savename='RecentMap.jpg', closefig=False, figsize=(25, 14)): projectioncode = 'EPSG:3395' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) spec = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=2, nrows=1, width_ratios=[1, 10]) colname = week.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '_chg' validmask = np.logical_not( np.logical_or(np.isnan(df[colname]), np.isinf(df[colname]))) normmin, normmax = (df[validmask][colname].min(), df[validmask][colname].max()) print("DataMin=%d\tDataMax=%d" % (normmin, normmax)) if webmap: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(spec[1], projection=gcrs.WebMercator()) gplt.webmap(df, ax=ax1) projectioncode = 'EPSG:3785' else: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(spec[1], projection=gcrs.Mercator()) if setnorm: norm = Normalize(vmin=setnorm[0], vmax=setnorm[1], clip=True) else: #maxmin = np.max(np.abs([df[colname].min(),df[colname].max()])) #norm = Normalize(vmin=-maxmin,vmax=maxmin) norm = Normalize(vmin=normmin, vmax=normmax.max()) gplt.choropleth(df[validmask], zorder=10, hue=colname, norm=norm, legend=True, ax=ax1, extent=extent, edgecolor='black', cmap='RdYlGn_r') #color NaNs and inf gplt.polyplot(df[np.logical_not(validmask)], facecolor='#0000FF', zorder=20, ax=ax1, extent=extent) fig.suptitle( "Covid-19 Week to Week %% Change in New Cases by Parish for %s" % week.strftime('%b %d, %Y').ljust(14)) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(spec[0]) ax2.set_title('Weekly New Cases for Louisiana') ax2.barh(la_series.index, la_series, color='y', height=6.5, label='Weekly New Cases') ax2.axhline(week, color='red', label='Current Week') ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%b %d')) for tick in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(90) ax2.legend() fig.text(0.78, 0.93, week.strftime('%b %d, %Y').rjust(12), fontsize=18, fontfamily='monospace', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='#ffffa8', alpha=0.7)) #get outliers mean = df[validmask][colname].mean() outdev = df[validmask][colname].std() * stddev print("outdev=%d" % outdev) label_outliers = df[np.abs(df[colname] - mean) > outdev] labels = label_outliers.append(label_places).drop_duplicates() centroids = labels['geometry'].to_crs(projectioncode).centroid for x, y, name in zip(centroids.x, centroids.y, labels['NAME']): ax1.annotate(name.replace(' ', "\n"), xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, -6), textcoords="offset points", zorder=50, ha='center', va='top') centroids = df['geometry'].to_crs(projectioncode).centroid for x, y, value in zip(centroids.x, centroids.y, df[colname]): ax1.annotate(labelgen(value), xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 6), textcoords="offset points", zorder=50, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=15, bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor=getfacecolor(value), alpha=0.4)) fig.tight_layout() if savename != None: fig.savefig(savename) if closefig: plt.close() return norm
gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(new_data_reduced, geometry='Coordinates') if DEBUG==1: print(" Sample of the geospatial dataframe: \n", gdf.head()) # Convert from pandas data frame to a geopandas dataframe if DEBUG==1: print(" Boroughs sample :\n\n", boroughs.head() , "\n\n Collisions sample:\n\n" , collisions.head()) new_data_reduced.rename(columns={'Coordinates':'geometry'}, inplace='True') final_df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(new_data_reduced) if DEBUG==0: print ('\n\nType of new data reduced: ',type(final_df)\ ,'\n\n Newly renamed columns of new_data_reduced :\n\n', final_df.head()) # Now making the geoplot of the plots with the #making the heatmap boroughs = geopandas.read_file(geoplot.datasets.get_path('nyc_boroughs')) ax = geoplot.kdeplot( final_df,# clip=boroughs.geometry, shade=True, cmap='Reds', geoplot.polyplot(boroughs, ax=ax, zorder=1) geoplot.webmap(boroughs,ax=ax,zoom=12) # Trying to plot as point data over webmap instead of a heat map over a webmap ax = geoplot.webmap(boroughs,, zoom=12) geoplot.pointplot(final_df[final_df['Asset_Area'] > 10.0 ] , ax=ax) geoplot.polyplot(boroughs, ax=ax, zorder=1)
stopwords=STOPWORDS).generate(' '.join( incidents_gdf['cat_calc'].values)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='k', edgecolor='k') plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout(pad=1) ############################################ # Which incidents are most common, in pie-chart form? df['cat_calc'].value_counts().plot.pie(legend=False, figsize=(15, 6)) ############################################ # Where are each incident in Arlington County, plotted as points on a web map? # as simple points ax = gplt.webmap(both_df, projection=gcrs.WebMercator()) gplt.pointplot(both_df, ax=ax, marker=".", alpha=0.80) # marker could be o or . _ = ax.axis('off') ax.set_title("Police incidents in Arlington County, VA") # give a 1-to-n (0 to 1) number for each category and assign to 'arbitrary_hue' value based on 'cat_calc' value categories_split_str = [' '.join(c) for c in categories_split] + ['OTHER'] both_df['arbitrary_hue'] = both_df['cat_calc'].apply(lambda c: float( categories_split_str.index(c)) / (len(categories_split_str) - 1)) ax = gplt.webmap(both_df, projection=gcrs.WebMercator()) gplt.pointplot(both_df, ax=ax, marker=".", hue='arbitrary_hue', alpha=0.80) # marker could be o or . _ = ax.axis('off') ax.set_title("Police incidents in Arlington County, VA")
def plotting_heat_map(file_name='toronto_data.csv',\ json_name='',\ max_distance=15,\ min_bedrooms=1,\ max_bedrooms=1,\ max_rent=5000): """ Plots a heat map based on the DataFrame supplied to the function. The function plots rents by number of bedrooms on a map Args: file_name: file name to be called (default='toronto_data.csv') json_name: file address for the map of the city on which data is superimposed (defualt='') max_distance: exclude renatal that are more than max_distance away from the center (default=5) min_bedrooms: excludes rentals with less than min_bedrooms bedrooms (default=0) max_bedrooms: excludes rentals with more than max_bedrooms bedrooms (default=0) max_rent: excludes rentals that cost more than max_rent (default=5000) """ # imports the .csv file and tells the data from that coordaintes are a list df = pd.read_csv(file_name, converters={'coordinates': literal_eval}) # breaks down the coordinates to lat and long df[['lat', 'long']] = pd.DataFrame(df.coordinates.values.tolist(), index=df.index) # drops all the lat and long na observations df = df.dropna(subset=['lat']) df = df[df['distance'] <= max_distance] df = df[df['rent'] <= max_rent] # drops all rentals with more than max_bedrooms and less than min_bedrooms df = df[df['bedroom'] >= min_bedrooms] df = df[df['bedroom'] <= max_bedrooms] # creates a new column that keeps both lat and long gdf = geopd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=geopd.points_from_xy(df.long, # create backgroup map with city geojson data city_json = '' # loading the map for the city city_map = geopd.read_file(city_json) # creating the map ax = gplt.webmap(city_map, projection=gcrs.WebMercator()) # plots rents by color on the map of the city gplt.pointplot(gdf, ax=ax, hue='rent', legend=True, projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea()) # saves the plot as a .png file plt.savefig('heat_map_' + file_name.replace('.csv', '.png'))