def euclidean_distance(geometry, source_crs, zoom, cell_type=CellType.FLOAT64): """Calculates the Euclidean distance of a Shapely geometry. Args: geometry (shapely.geometry): The input geometry to compute the Euclidean distance for. source_crs (str or int): The CRS of the input geometry. zoom (int): The zoom level of the output raster. cell_type (str or :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.CellType`, optional): The data type of the cells for the new layer. If not specified, then ``CellType.FLOAT64`` is used. Note: This function may run very slowly for polygonal inputs if they cover many cells of the output raster. Returns: :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.rdd.TiledRasterLayer` """ if isinstance(source_crs, int): source_crs = str(source_crs) pysc = get_spark_context() srdd = pysc._gateway.jvm.geopyspark.geotrellis.SpatialTiledRasterLayer.euclideanDistance(, shapely.wkb.dumps(geometry), source_crs, CellType(cell_type).value, zoom) return TiledRasterLayer(LayerType.SPATIAL, srdd)
def rasterize(geoms, crs, zoom, fill_value, cell_type=CellType.FLOAT64, options=None, num_partitions=None): """Rasterizes a Shapely geometries. Args: geoms ([shapely.geometry]): List of shapely geometries to rasterize. crs (str or int): The CRS of the input geometry. zoom (int): The zoom level of the output raster. fill_value (int or float): Value to burn into pixels intersectiong geometry cell_type (str or :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.CellType`): Which data type the cells should be when created. Defaults to ``CellType.FLOAT64``. options (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.RasterizerOptions`): Pixel intersection options. Returns: :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.rdd.TiledRasterLayer` """ if isinstance(crs, int): crs = str(crs) pysc = get_spark_context() wkb_geoms = [shapely.wkb.dumps(g) for g in geoms] srdd = pysc._gateway.jvm.geopyspark.geotrellis.SpatialTiledRasterLayer.rasterizeGeometry(, wkb_geoms, crs, zoom, float(fill_value), CellType(cell_type).value, options, num_partitions) return TiledRasterLayer(LayerType.SPATIAL, srdd)
class Metadata(object): """Information of the values within a ``RasterLayer`` or ``TiledRasterLayer``. This data pertains to the layout and other attributes of the data within the classes. Args: bounds (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.Bounds`): The ``Bounds`` of the values in the class. crs (str or int): The ``CRS`` of the data. Can either be the EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 projection string. cell_type (str or :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.CellType`): The data type of the cells of the rasters. extent (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.Extent`): The ``Extent`` that covers the all of the rasters. layout_definition (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.LayoutDefinition`): The ``LayoutDefinition`` of all rasters. Attributes: bounds (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.Bounds`): The ``Bounds`` of the values in the class. crs (str or int): The CRS of the data. Can either be the EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 projection string. cell_type (str): The data type of the cells of the rasters. no_data_value (int or float or None): The noData value of the rasters within the layer. This can either be ``None``, an ``int``, or a ``float`` depending on the ``cell_type``. extent (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.Extent`): The ``Extent`` that covers the all of the rasters. tile_layout (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.TileLayout`): The ``TileLayout`` that describes how the rasters are orginized. layout_definition (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.LayoutDefinition`): The ``LayoutDefinition`` of all rasters. """ def __init__(self, bounds, crs, cell_type, extent, layout_definition): self.bounds = bounds = crs if isinstance(cell_type, CellType): self.cell_type = CellType(cell_type).value else: self.cell_type = cell_type self.extent = extent self.tile_layout = layout_definition.tileLayout self.layout_definition = layout_definition if 'raw' in self.cell_type or 'bool' in self.cell_type: self.no_data_value = None elif 'ud' in self.cell_type: value = self.cell_type.split("ud")[1] if "float" in self.cell_type: self.no_data_value = float(value) else: self.no_data_value = int(value) else: if self.cell_type == CellType.INT8.value: self.no_data_value = -128 elif self.cell_type == CellType.UINT8.value or self.cell_type == CellType.UINT16.value: self.no_data_value = 0 elif self.cell_type == CellType.INT16.value: self.no_data_value = -32768 elif self.cell_type == CellType.INT32.value: self.no_data_value = NO_DATA_INT else: self.no_data_value = float('nan') @classmethod def from_dict(cls, metadata_dict): """Creates ``Metadata`` from a dictionary. Args: metadata_dict (dict): The ``Metadata`` of a ``RasterLayer`` or ``TiledRasterLayer`` instance that is in ``dict`` form. Returns: :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.Metadata` """ crs = metadata_dict['crs'] cell_type = metadata_dict['cellType'] bounds_dict = metadata_dict['bounds'] if len(bounds_dict['minKey']) == 2: min_key = SpatialKey(**bounds_dict['minKey']) max_key = SpatialKey(**bounds_dict['maxKey']) else: scala_min_key = bounds_dict['minKey'] scala_max_key = bounds_dict['maxKey'] scala_min_key['instant'] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( scala_min_key['instant'] / 1000) scala_max_key['instant'] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( scala_max_key['instant'] / 1000) min_key = SpaceTimeKey(**scala_min_key) max_key = SpaceTimeKey(**scala_max_key) bounds = Bounds(min_key, max_key) extent = Extent(**metadata_dict['extent']) layout_definition = LayoutDefinition( Extent(**metadata_dict['layoutDefinition']['extent']), TileLayout(**metadata_dict['layoutDefinition']['tileLayout'])) return cls(bounds, crs, cell_type, extent, layout_definition) def to_dict(self): """Converts this instance to a ``dict``. Returns: ``dict`` """ metadata_dict = { 'bounds': self.bounds._asdict(), 'crs':, 'cellType': self.cell_type, 'extent': self.extent._asdict(), 'layoutDefinition': { 'extent': self.layout_definition.extent._asdict(), 'tileLayout': self.tile_layout._asdict() } } return metadata_dict def __repr__(self): return "Metadata({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})".format( self.bounds, self.cell_type, self.no_data_value,, self.extent, self.tile_layout, self.layout_definition) def __str__(self): return ("Metadata(" "bounds={}" "cellType={}" "noDataValue={}" "crs={}" "extent={}" "tileLayout={}" "layoutDefinition={})").format(self.bounds, self.cell_type, self.no_data_value,, self.extent, self.tile_layout, self.layout_definition)
def rasterize_features(features, crs, zoom, cell_type=CellType.FLOAT64, options=None, zindex_cell_type=CellType.INT8, partition_strategy=None): """Rasterizes a collection of :class:`~geopyspark.vector_pipe.Feature`\s. Args: features (pyspark.RDD[Feature]): A Python ``RDD`` that contains :class:`~geopyspark.vector_pipe.Feature`\s. Note: The ``properties`` of each ``Feature`` must be an instance of :class:`~geopyspark.vector_pipe.CellValue`. crs (str or int): The CRS of the input geometry. zoom (int): The zoom level of the output raster. Note: Not all rasterized ``Feature``\s may be present in the resulting layer if the ``zoom`` is not high enough. cell_type (str or :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.CellType`): Which data type the cells should be when created. Defaults to ``CellType.FLOAT64``. options (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.RasterizerOptions`, optional): Pixel intersection options. zindex_cell_type (str or :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.CellType`): Which data type the ``Z-Index`` cells are. Defaults to ``CellType.INT8``. partition_strategy (:class:`~geopyspark.HashPartitionStrategy` or :class:`~geopyspark.SpatialPartitioinStrategy`, optional): Sets the ``Partitioner`` for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, ``None``. If ``None``, then the output layer will have the default ``Partitioner`` and a number of paritions that was determined by the method. If ``partition_strategy`` is set but has no ``num_partitions``, then the resulting layer will have the ``Partioner`` specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had. If ``partition_strategy`` is set and has a ``num_partitions``, then the resulting layer will have the ``Partioner`` and number of partitions specified in the strategy. Returns: :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.layer.TiledRasterLayer` """ if isinstance(crs, int): crs = str(crs) pysc = get_spark_context() rasterizer = pysc._gateway.jvm.geopyspark.geotrellis.SpatialTiledRasterLayer.rasterizeFeaturesWithZIndex ser = ProtoBufSerializer(feature_cellvalue_decoder, feature_cellvalue_encoder) reserialized_rdd = features._reserialize(ser) srdd = rasterizer(reserialized_rdd._jrdd.rdd(), crs, zoom, CellType(cell_type).value, options, CellType(zindex_cell_type).value, partition_strategy) return TiledRasterLayer(LayerType.SPATIAL, srdd)
def rasterize(geoms, crs, zoom, fill_value, cell_type=CellType.FLOAT64, options=None, partition_strategy=None): """Rasterizes a Shapely geometries. Args: geoms ([shapely.geometry] or (shapely.geometry) or pyspark.RDD[shapely.geometry]): Either a list, tuple, or a Python RDD of shapely geometries to rasterize. crs (str or int): The CRS of the input geometry. zoom (int): The zoom level of the output raster. fill_value (int or float): Value to burn into pixels intersectiong geometry cell_type (str or :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.CellType`): Which data type the cells should be when created. Defaults to ``CellType.FLOAT64``. options (:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.RasterizerOptions`, optional): Pixel intersection options. partition_strategy (:class:`~geopyspark.HashPartitionStrategy` or :class:`~geopyspark.SpatialPartitioinStrategy`, optional): Sets the ``Partitioner`` for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, ``None``. If ``None``, then the output layer will have the default ``Partitioner`` and a number of paritions that was determined by the method. If ``partition_strategy`` is set but has no ``num_partitions``, then the resulting layer will have the ``Partioner`` specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had. If ``partition_strategy`` is set and has a ``num_partitions``, then the resulting layer will have the ``Partioner`` and number of partitions specified in the strategy. Returns: :class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.layer.TiledRasterLayer` """ if isinstance(crs, int): crs = str(crs) pysc = get_spark_context() rasterizer = pysc._gateway.jvm.geopyspark.geotrellis.SpatialTiledRasterLayer.rasterizeGeometry if isinstance(geoms, (list, tuple)): wkb_geoms = [dumps(g) for g in geoms] srdd = rasterizer(, wkb_geoms, crs, zoom, float(fill_value), CellType(cell_type).value, options, partition_strategy) else: wkb_rdd = geom: dumps(geom)) # If this is False then the WKBs will be serialized # when going to Scala resulting in garbage wkb_rdd._bypass_serializer = True srdd = rasterizer(wkb_rdd._jrdd.rdd(), crs, zoom, float(fill_value), CellType(cell_type).value, options, partition_strategy) return TiledRasterLayer(LayerType.SPATIAL, srdd)