コード例 #1
def run(shapePath):
    'Load regions from shapefile'
    # Parse shapePath
    shapeName = store.extractFileBaseName(shapePath).decode('utf-8')
    proj4, shapelyGeometries, fieldPacks, fieldDefinitions = geometry_store.load(shapePath)
    # Initialize
    srid = getSRID(proj4)
    featureCount = 0
    # Make tags
    tagTexts = [
    tags = model.getTags('\n'.join(tagTexts), addMissing=True)
    # For each geometry,
    for shapelyGeometry, fieldPack in itertools.izip(shapelyGeometries, fieldPacks):
        # Gather properties
        featureProperties = {}
        for fieldValue, (fieldName, fieldType) in itertools.izip(fieldPack, fieldDefinitions):
            if fieldType == osgeo.ogr.OFTString and fieldValue:
                fieldValue = fieldValue.decode('latin-1')
            featureProperties[fieldName] = fieldValue
        # Make feature
        feature = model.Feature()
        feature.owner_id = personID
        feature.geometry = geoalchemy.WKBSpatialElement(buffer(shapelyGeometry.wkb), srid)
        feature.scope = model.scopePublic
        feature.properties = featureProperties
        feature.tags = tags
        # Increment
        featureCount += 1
    # Commit
    # Return
    return '%s: %s' % (shapeName, featureCount)
コード例 #2
def run(shapePath):
    'Load regions from shapefile'
    # Parse shapePath
    shapeName = store.extractFileBaseName(shapePath)
    countryAlpha3, administrativeLevel = re.match(r'(.*)_adm(\d+)', shapeName).groups()
    countryAlpha3 = countryAlpha3.upper()
    administrativeLevel = int(administrativeLevel)
    # Load
        countryName = countryPackByAlpha3[countryAlpha3][0].decode('utf-8')
    except KeyError:
        return '%s: Unable to match country code' % shapeName
    proj4, shapelyGeometries, fieldPacks, fieldDefinitions = geometry_store.load(shapePath)
    # Initialize
    srid = getSRID(proj4)
    featureCount = 0
    # Make tags
    tagTexts = [
        countryName + (u' Administrative Level %s' % administrativeLevel if administrativeLevel > 0 else ''),
    tags = model.getTags('\n'.join(tagTexts), addMissing=True)
    # For each geometry,
    for shapelyGeometry, fieldPack in itertools.izip(shapelyGeometries, fieldPacks):
        # Gather properties
        featureProperties = {}
        for fieldValue, (fieldName, fieldType) in itertools.izip(fieldPack, fieldDefinitions):
            if fieldType == osgeo.ogr.OFTString and fieldValue:
                fieldValue = fieldValue.decode('latin-1')
            featureProperties[fieldName] = fieldValue
        if administrativeLevel > 0:
            featureName = featureProperties['NAME_%s' % administrativeLevel]
            featureName = featureProperties['NAME_ENGLI']
        featureProperties['Name'] = featureName
        # Make feature
        feature = model.Feature()
        feature.owner_id = personID
        feature.geometry = geoalchemy.WKBSpatialElement(buffer(shapelyGeometry.wkb), srid)
        feature.scope = model.scopePublic
        feature.properties = featureProperties
        feature.tags = tags
        # Increment
        featureCount += 1
    # Commit
    # Return
    return '%s: %s' % (shapeName, featureCount)