def project_raster(ds, out_path, **kwargs): ds, ras = ds_name(ds) out_file = context_file(ras, out_path) if os.path.exists(out_file): return out_file # input SpatialReference in_srs = kwargs.pop('srcSRS', None) inSpatialRef = read_srs([ds, in_srs]) # output SpatialReference out_srs = kwargs.pop('dstSRS', "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84") outSpatialRef = read_srs(out_srs) resample_alg = kwargs.pop('resampleAlg', gdal.GRA_Average) option = gdal.WarpOptions(creationOptions=CREATION, resampleAlg=resample_alg, srcSRS=inSpatialRef, dstSRS=outSpatialRef, multithread=True, **kwargs) gdal.Warp(out_file, ds, options=option) return out_file
def convert_uint8(ds, in_no_data=None, out_no_data=255): ds, ras = ds_name(ds) frist_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) if (frist_band.DataType != gdal.GDT_Byte or frist_band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, 1, 1).dtype != np.int8): return ras if frist_band.GetNoDataValue() is not None: in_no_data = frist_band.GetNoDataValue() if in_no_data is None: raise (ValueError("in_no_data must be initialed")) option = gdal.WarpOptions(multithread=True, creationOptions=CREATION, outputType=gdal.GDT_Byte) out_file = rep_file(os.path.dirname(ras), ras) ds_out = gdal.Warp(out_file, ras, options=option) for i in range(1, 1 + ds.RasterCount): band = ds.GetRasterBand(i) band_out = ds_out.GetRasterBand(i) if band.GetNoDataValue() is None: band.SetNoDataValue(in_no_data) band_out.SetNoDataValue(out_no_data) block_write(ds, band, band_out, _map_no_data) ds = None ds_out = None gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Delete(ras) os.rename(out_file, ras) return ras
def masked_outside(shp, ds): try: import psutil except Exception: print('psutil must be installed first') ds, ras = ds_name(ds) ds = gdal.Open(ras, gdal.GA_Update) trans = ds.GetGeoTransform() ratio = int(ds.RasterYSize * ds.RasterXSize / (psutil.virtual_memory().available * 0.5 / (2 + ds.ReadAsArray(0, 0, 1, 1).dtype.itemsize)) + 1) # create the output layer out_shp = '/vsimem/outline_wgs84.shp' shp_projection(shp, out_shp, out_srs=read_srs(ds)) outDataSet = ogr.Open(out_shp) outLayer = outDataSet.GetLayer() band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) b_xsize, b_ysize = band.GetBlockSize() xsize = max(ds.RasterXSize // ratio + 1, b_xsize) ysize = max(ds.RasterYSize // ratio + 1, b_ysize) xoffs = range(0, ds.RasterXSize, xsize) yoffs = range(0, ds.RasterYSize, ysize) for i in range(ds.RasterCount): band = ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1) for xoff in xoffs: for yoff in yoffs: win_xsize = min(xsize, ds.RasterXSize - xoff) win_ysize = min(ysize, ds.RasterYSize - yoff) # Create the destination data source target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( '/vsimem/_outside.tif', win_xsize, win_ysize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) left_up_lon, left_up_lat = imagexy2geo(ds, yoff - 0.5, xoff - 0.5) target_ds.SetGeoTransform((left_up_lon, trans[1], 0, left_up_lat, 0, trans[5])) target_ds.SetProjection(ds.GetProjection()) target_band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) target_band.SetNoDataValue(0) # Rasterize gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], outLayer, burn_values=[1], options=['ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE']) outside = np.logical_not(target_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()) target_band = None target_ds = None if outside.any(): arr = ds.ReadAsArray(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, xsize=win_xsize, ysize=win_ysize) arr[outside] = band.GetNoDataValue() band.WriteArray(arr, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff) del arr del outside band = None
def resample(ds, out_path, **kwargs): ds, ras = ds_name(ds) out_file = context_file(ras, out_path) if os.path.exists(out_file): return out_file resample_alg = kwargs.pop('resampleAlg', gdal.GRA_Average) option = gdal.WarpOptions(multithread=True, creationOptions=CREATION, resampleAlg=resample_alg, **kwargs) gdal.Warp(out_file, ds, options=option) return out_file
def grid_bound(ds, regions): """return gridded bound whose resolution exactly matches that of ds Args: ds (gdal.dataset): dataset or path regions (list or str): regions of interest Returns: bound: spatial range of the regions in the ds crs_transform: like bound but used in GEE """ ds = ds_name(ds)[0] t = ds.GetGeoTransform() bound, bound_srs = bound_layers(regions) bound = bound_raster(ds, bound, bound_srs)[0] crs_transform = [t[1], 0, bound[0], 0, t[5], bound[-1]] return bound, crs_transform
def bound_raster(ds, bound, bound_srs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"): ds, _ = ds_name(ds) t = ds.GetGeoTransform() x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = _prj_bound(ds, bound, bound_srs) ulX, ulY = geo2imagexy(ds, x_min, y_min) lrX, lrY = geo2imagexy(ds, x_max, y_max) clip_range = [min(ulX, lrX), min(ulY, lrY), abs(ulX - lrX) + 1, abs(ulY - lrY) + 1] ul_lon = t[0] + t[1] * clip_range[0] + t[2] * clip_range[1] ul_lat = t[3] + t[4] * clip_range[0] + t[5] * clip_range[1] lr_lon = t[0] + t[1] * (clip_range[0] + clip_range[2]) + \ t[2] * (clip_range[1] + clip_range[3]) lr_lat = t[3] + t[4] * (clip_range[0] + clip_range[2]) + \ t[5] * (clip_range[1] + clip_range[3]) bound = [min(ul_lon, lr_lon), min(ul_lat, lr_lat), max(ul_lon, lr_lon), max(ul_lat, lr_lat)] return bound, read_srs(ds).ExportToProj4()
def mosaic(ras_paths, out_path, **kwargs): ds = ras_paths[0] ds, ras = ds_name(ds) out_file = context_file(ras, out_path) if os.path.exists(out_file): return out_file separate = kwargs.pop('separate', False) resample_alg = kwargs.pop('resampleAlg', gdal.GRA_Average) ds = gdal.BuildVRT('/vsimem/Mosaic.vrt', ras_paths, separate=separate) option = gdal.WarpOptions(multithread=True, creationOptions=CREATION, resampleAlg=resample_alg, **kwargs) gdal.Warp(out_file, ds, options=option) return out_file
def broadcast_args(ds_multi, calc_args, band_idxs): iter_ds_multi, iter_calc_args, iter_band_idxs = check_iter( ds_multi, calc_args, band_idxs) if iter_ds_multi: ds = ds_multi[0] else: ds = ds_multi ds, ras = ds_name(ds) if band_idxs is not None: if iter_band_idxs and iter_calc_args: if len(band_idxs) != len(calc_args): raise Exception( 'length of band list not equal to that of calc args') elif iter_band_idxs: calc_args = [calc_args] * len(band_idxs) elif iter_calc_args: band_idxs = [band_idxs] * len(calc_args) else: calc_args = [calc_args] band_idxs = [band_idxs] else: n_band = ds.RasterCount if iter_calc_args: if len(calc_args) != n_band: raise Exception('calc args length not equal to band counts') else: calc_args = [calc_args] * n_band if iter_ds_multi: band_idxs = np.repeat(np.arange(1, n_band + 1, dtype=int), len(ds_multi)).reshape(-1, len(ds_multi)) else: band_idxs = np.arange(1, n_band + 1, dtype=int) if not iter_ds_multi: ds_multi = [ras] band_idxs = np.array(band_idxs).reshape(len(band_idxs), 1) return ds_multi, calc_args, band_idxs
def tif_copy_assign(out_file, ds_eg, array, srs=None, no_data=None): if os.path.exists(out_file): return out_file ds_eg = ds_name(ds_eg)[0] if array.ndim == 2: array = array.reshape([1, *array.shape]) if array.ndim != 3: raise (Exception('array must be 2 dims or 3 dims')) # set nodata value if no_data is None: if ds_eg.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() is not None: no_data = ds_eg.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() else: raise (Exception('nodata must be passed')) if isinstance(array, array.set_fill_value(no_data) array = array.filled() ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(out_file, array.shape[2], array.shape[1], array.shape[0], TYPE_MAP[], CREATION) # fill with array for i in range(1, 1 + ds.RasterCount): band = ds.GetRasterBand(i) band.SetNoDataValue(no_data) band.WriteArray(array[i - 1]) # set geotransform trans = ds_eg.GetGeoTransform() ds.SetGeoTransform(tuple(trans)) # set SpatialReference ds.SetSpatialRef(read_srs([srs, ds_eg])) return out_file
def map_calc(ds_multi, calc_args, out_path, band_idxs=None, multiprocess=True): iter_ds_multi = isinstance(ds_multi, Iterable) and not isinstance(ds_multi, str) if iter_ds_multi: ds = ds_multi[0] else: ds = ds_multi ds, ras = ds_name(ds) out_file = context_file(ras, out_path) if os.path.exists(out_file): return out_file ds_multi, calc_args, band_idxs = broadcast_args(ds_multi, calc_args, band_idxs) n = len(calc_args) args = zip(np.arange(1, n + 1, dtype=int), [ds_multi] * n, band_idxs, calc_args, [out_file] * n) if multiprocess: with Pool(min(cpu_count() - 1, n)) as p: tem_files = p.starmap(band_map, args) else: tem_files = [] for arg in args: tem_files.append(band_map(*arg)) if len(tem_files) == 1: os.rename(tem_files[0], out_file) else: mosaic(tem_files, out_file, separate=True) [os.remove(f) for f in tem_files] return out_file
def grib_to_tif(ds, out_path=None, **kwargs): ds, ras = ds_name(ds) if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ras))[1] != '.grib': return if out_path: out_file = context_file(ras, out_path) else: out_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(ras), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ras))[0] + '.tif') if os.path.exists(out_file): return out_file srs = kwargs.pop('dstSRS', "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84") option = gdal.WarpOptions(multithread=True, dstSRS=read_srs(srs), creationOptions=CREATION, **kwargs) gdal.Warp(out_file, ds, options=option) return out_file