コード例 #1
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/GeoUtils
    def test_downsampling(self):
        Check that self.data is correct when using downsampling
        # Test single band
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"), downsample=4)
        assert r.data.shape == (1, 164, 200)
        assert r.height == 164
        assert r.width == 200

        # Test multiple band
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_RGB"), downsample=2)
        assert r.data.shape == (3, 328, 400)

        # Test that xy2ij are consistent with new image
        # Upper left
        assert r.xy2ij(r.bounds.left, r.bounds.top) == (0, 0)
        # Upper right
        assert r.xy2ij(r.bounds.right + r.res[0], r.bounds.top) == (0, r.width)
        # Bottom right
        assert r.xy2ij(r.bounds.right + r.res[0],
                       r.bounds.bottom) == (r.height, r.width)
        # One pixel right and down
        assert r.xy2ij(r.bounds.left + r.res[0],
                       r.bounds.top - r.res[1]) == (1, 1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_inters_img(self):

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4_crop"))

        inters = r.intersection(r2)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_crop(self):

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4_crop"))

        b = r.bounds
        b2 = r2.bounds

        b_minmax = (max(b[0], b2[0]), max(b[1], b2[1]),
                    min(b[2], b2[2]), min(b[3], b2[3]))

        r_init = r.copy()

        # Cropping overwrites the current Raster object
        b_crop = tuple(r.bounds)

        if DO_PLOT:
            fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
            r_init.show(ax=ax1, title='Raster 1')

            fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
            r2.show(ax=ax2, title='Raster 2')

            fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots()
            r.show(ax=ax3, title='Raster 1 cropped to Raster 2')

        assert b_minmax == b_crop
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_loading(self):
        Test that loading metadata and data works for all possible cases.
        # Test 1 - loading metadata only, single band
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"), load_data=False)

        assert isinstance(r.ds, rio.DatasetReader)
        assert r.driver == 'GTiff'
        assert r.width == 800
        assert r.height == 655
        assert r.shape == (r.height, r.width)
        assert r.count == 1
        assert r.nbands is None
        assert r.dtypes == ('uint8',)
        assert r.transform == rio.transform.Affine(
            30.0, 0.0, 478000.0, 0.0, -30.0, 3108140.0
        assert r.res == (30.0, 30.0)
        assert r.bounds == rio.coords.BoundingBox(
            left=478000.0, bottom=3088490.0, right=502000.0, top=3108140.0
        assert r.crs == rio.crs.CRS.from_epsg(32645)
        assert not r.is_loaded

        # Test 2 - loading the data afterward
        assert r.is_loaded
        assert r.nbands == 1
        assert r.data.shape == (r.count, r.height, r.width)

        # Test 3 - single band, loading data
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"), load_data=True)
        assert r.is_loaded
        assert r.nbands == 1
        assert r.data.shape == (r.count, r.height, r.width)

        # Test 4 - multiple bands, load all bands
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_RGB"), load_data=True)
        assert r.count == 3
        assert r.indexes == (1, 2, 3)
        assert r.nbands == 3
        assert r.bands == (1, 2, 3)
        assert r.data.shape == (r.count, r.height, r.width)

        # Test 5 - multiple bands, load one band only
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_RGB"), load_data=True, bands=1)
        assert r.count == 3
        assert r.indexes == (1, 2, 3)
        assert r.nbands == 1
        assert r.bands == (1)
        assert r.data.shape == (r.nbands, r.height, r.width)

        # Test 6 - multiple bands, load a list of bands
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_RGB"), load_data=True, bands=(2, 3))
        assert r.count == 3
        assert r.indexes == (1, 2, 3)
        assert r.nbands == 2
        assert r.bands == (2, 3)
        assert r.data.shape == (r.nbands, r.height, r.width)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/GeoUtils
    def test_plot(self):

        # Read single band raster and RGB raster
        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        img_RGB = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_RGB"))

        # Test default plot
        ax = plt.subplot(111)
        img.show(ax=ax, title="Simple plotting test")
        if DO_PLOT:
        assert True

        # Test plot RGB
        ax = plt.subplot(111)
        img_RGB.show(ax=ax, title="Plotting RGB")
        if DO_PLOT:
        assert True

        # Test plotting single band B/W, add_cb
        ax = plt.subplot(111)
                     title="Plotting one band B/W")
        if DO_PLOT:
        assert True

        # Test vmin, vmax and cb_title
        ax = plt.subplot(111)
                 cb_title='Custom cbar',
                 title="Testing vmin, vmax and cb_title")
        if DO_PLOT:
        assert True
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_set_ndv(self):
        Read Landsat dataset and set 255 to no data. Save mask.
        Then, set 254 as new no data (after setting 254 to 0). Save mask.
        Check that both no data masks are identical and have correct number of pixels.
        # Read Landsat image and set no data to 255
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        ndv_index = r.data.mask

        # Now set to 254, after changing 254 to 0.
        r.data[r.data == 254] = 0
        r.set_ndv(ndv=254, update_array=True)
        ndv_index_2 = r.data.mask

        if DO_PLOT:
            plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
            plt.imshow(ndv_index[0], interpolation='nearest')
            plt.title('Mask 1')
            plt.imshow(ndv_index_2[0], interpolation='nearest')
            plt.title('Mask 2 (should be identical)')

        # Check both masks are identical
        assert np.all(ndv_index_2 == ndv_index)

        # Check that the number of no data value is correct
        assert np.count_nonzero(ndv_index.data) == 112088
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_satimg.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_silent(self):
        Test that the silent method does not return any output in console
        fn_img = datasets.get_path("landsat_B4")

        # let's capture stdout
        # cf https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16571150/how-to-capture-stdout-output-from-a-python-function-call
        class Capturing(list):
            def __enter__(self):
                self._stdout = sys.stdout
                sys.stdout = self._stringio = StringIO()
                return self

            def __exit__(self, *args):
                del self._stringio  # free up some memory
                sys.stdout = self._stdout

        with Capturing() as output1:
            img = si.SatelliteImage(fn_img)

        # check the metadata reading outputs to console
        assert len(output1) > 0

        with Capturing() as output2:
            img = si.SatelliteImage(fn_img, silent=True)

        # check nothing outputs to console
        assert len(output2) == 0
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_satimg.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_init(self):
        Test that inputs work properly in SatelliteImage class init

        fn_img = datasets.get_path("landsat_B4")

        # from filename, checking option
        img = si.SatelliteImage(fn_img, read_from_fn=False)
        img = si.SatelliteImage(fn_img)
        assert isinstance(img, si.SatelliteImage)

        # from SatelliteImage
        img2 = si.SatelliteImage(img)
        assert isinstance(img2, si.SatelliteImage)

        # from Raster
        r = gr.Raster(fn_img)
        img3 = si.SatelliteImage(r)
        assert isinstance(img3, si.SatelliteImage)

        assert np.logical_and.reduce((np.array_equal(img.data, img2.data, equal_nan=True),
                                      np.array_equal(img2.data, img3.data, equal_nan=True)))

        assert np.logical_and.reduce((np.all(img.data.mask == img2.data.mask),
                                      np.all(img2.data.mask == img3.data.mask)))
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self,
                 image: str,
                 cls: Callable[[str], RasterType] = gu.Raster) -> None:
        img = cls(datasets.get_path(image))
        self.img = img

        # Find the easting midpoint of the img
        x_midpoint = np.mean([img.bounds.right, img.bounds.left])
        x_midpoint -= x_midpoint % img.res[0]

        # Cut the img into two imgs that slightly overlap each other.
        self.img1 = img.copy()
            rio.coords.BoundingBox(right=x_midpoint + img.res[0] * 3,
        self.img2 = img.copy()
            rio.coords.BoundingBox(left=x_midpoint - img.res[0] * 3,

        # To check that use_ref_bounds work - create a img that do not cover the whole extent
        self.img3 = img.copy()
                left=x_midpoint - img.res[0] * 3,
                right=img.bounds.right - img.res[0] * 2,
コード例 #10
    def test_to_points(self) -> None:
        """Test the outputs of the to_points method and that it doesn't load if not needed."""
        # Create a small raster to test point sampling on
        img1 = gu.Raster.from_array(np.arange(25, dtype="int32").reshape(5, 5),
                                        0, 5, 1, 1),

        # Sample the whole raster (fraction==1)
        points = img1.to_points(1)

        # Validate that 25 points were sampled (equating to img1.height * img1.width) with x, y, and band0 values.
        assert isinstance(points, np.ndarray)
        assert points.shape == (25, 3)
        assert np.array_equal(np.asarray(points[:, 0]),
                              np.tile(np.linspace(0.5, 4.5, 5), 5))

        assert img1.to_points(0.2).shape == (5, 3)

        img2 = gu.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_RGB"), load_data=False)

        points = img2.to_points(10)

        assert points.shape == (10, 5)
        assert not img2.is_loaded

        points_frame = img2.to_points(10, as_frame=True)

        assert np.array_equal(points_frame.columns,
                              ["b1", "b2", "b3", "geometry"])
        assert points_frame.crs == img2.crs
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_value_at_coords(self):
        Check that values returned at selected pixels correspond to what is expected, both for original CRS and lat/lon.
        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))

        # Lower right pixel
        x, y = [
            img.bounds.right - img.res[0],
            img.bounds.bottom + img.res[1]
        lat, lon = pt.reproject_to_latlon([x, y], img.crs)
        assert img.value_at_coords(x, y) == \
            img.value_at_coords(lon, lat, latlon=True) == \
            img.data[0, -1, -1]

        # One pixel above
        x, y = [
            img.bounds.right - img.res[0],
            img.bounds.bottom + 2 * img.res[1]
        lat, lon = pt.reproject_to_latlon([x, y], img.crs)
        assert img.value_at_coords(x, y) == \
            img.value_at_coords(lon, lat, latlon=True) == \
            img.data[0, -2, -1]

        # One pixel left
        x, y = [
            img.bounds.right - 2 * img.res[0],
            img.bounds.bottom + img.res[1]
        lat, lon = pt.reproject_to_latlon([x, y], img.crs)
        assert img.value_at_coords(x, y) == \
            img.value_at_coords(lon, lat, latlon=True) == \
            img.data[0, -1, -2]
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_value_at_coords(self):

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4_crop"))

        # random test point that raised an error

        z = r.data[0,itest,jtest]
        x_out, y_out = r.ij2xy(itest,jtest,offset='ul')
        assert x_out == xtest
        assert y_out == ytest
コード例 #13
    def test_from_array(self) -> None:

        # Test that from_array works if nothing is changed
        # -> most tests already performed in test_copy, no need for more
        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        out_img = gr.Raster.from_array(img.data,
        assert out_img == img

        # Test that changes to data are taken into account
        bias = 5
        out_img = gr.Raster.from_array(img.data + bias,
        assert np.array_equal(out_img.data, img.data + bias)

        # Test that nodata is properly taken into account
        out_img = gr.Raster.from_array(img.data + 5,
        assert out_img.nodata == 0

        # Test that data mask is taken into account
        img.data.mask = np.zeros((img.shape), dtype="bool")
        img.data.mask[0, 0, 0] = True
        out_img = gr.Raster.from_array(img.data,
        assert out_img.data.mask[0, 0, 0]
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_eq(self):

        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        img2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))

        assert np.array_equal(img.data, img2.data, equal_nan=True)
        assert img.transform == img2.transform
        assert img.crs == img2.crs
        assert img.nodata == img2.nodata

        assert img.__eq__(img2)
        assert img == img2

        img2.data += 1

        assert img != img2
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_coords(self):

        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        xx, yy = img.coords(offset='corner')
        assert xx.min() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.left)
        assert xx.max() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.right - img.res[0])
        if img.res[1] > 0:
            assert yy.min() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.bottom)
            assert yy.max() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.top - img.res[1])
            # Currently not covered by test image
            assert yy.min() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.top)
            assert yy.max() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.bottom + img.res[1])

        xx, yy = img.coords(offset='center')
        hx = img.res[0] / 2
        hy = img.res[1] / 2
        assert xx.min() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.left + hx)
        assert xx.max() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.right - hx)
        if img.res[1] > 0:
            assert yy.min() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.bottom + hy)
            assert yy.max() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.top - hy)
            # Currently not covered by test image
            assert yy.min() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.top + hy)
            assert yy.max() == pytest.approx(img.bounds.bottom - hy)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_reproj(self):

        # Test reprojecting to dst_ref
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4_crop"))
        r3 = r.reproject(r2)

        if DO_PLOT:
            fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
            r.show(ax=ax1, title='Raster 1')

            fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
            r2.show(ax=ax2, title='Raster 2')

            fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots()
            r3.show(ax=ax3, title='Raster 1 reprojected to Raster 2')


        # Assert the initial rasters are different
        assert r.bounds != r2.bounds
        assert r.shape != r2.shape

        # Reproject raster should have same dimensions/georeferences as r2
        assert r3.bounds == r2.bounds
        assert r3.shape == r2.shape
        assert r3.bounds == r2.bounds
        assert r3.transform == r2.transform

        # If a nodata is set, make sure it is preserved
        r3 = r.reproject(r2)
        assert r.nodata == r3.nodata

        # Test dst_size
        out_size = (r.shape[1]//2, r.shape[0]//2)  # Outsize is (ncol, nrow)
        r3 = r.reproject(dst_size=out_size)
        assert r3.shape == (out_size[1], out_size[0])

        # Test dst_bounds
        r3 = r.reproject(dst_bounds=r2.bounds)
        assert r3.bounds == r2.bounds

        # Test dst_crs
        out_crs = rio.crs.CRS.from_epsg(4326)
        r3 = r.reproject(dst_crs=out_crs)
        assert r3.crs.to_epsg() == 4326
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/GeoUtils
    def test_reproj(self):

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4_crop"))
        r3 = r.reproject(r2)

        if DO_PLOT:
            fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
            r.show(ax=ax1, title='Raster 1')

            fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
            r2.show(ax=ax2, title='Raster 2')

            fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots()
            r3.show(ax=ax3, title='Raster 1 reprojected to Raster 2')

コード例 #18
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/GeoUtils
    def test_init(self):
        Test that all possible inputs work properly in Raster class init

        # first, filename
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        assert isinstance(r, gr.Raster)

        # second, passing a Raster itself (points back to Raster passed)
        r2 = gr.Raster(r)
        assert isinstance(r2, gr.Raster)

        # third, rio.Dataset
        ds = rio.open(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r3 = gr.Raster(ds)
        assert isinstance(r3, gr.Raster)
        assert r3.filename is not None

        # finally, as memoryfile
        memfile = rio.MemoryFile(open(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"), 'rb'))
        r4 = gr.Raster(memfile)
        assert isinstance(r4, gr.Raster)

        assert np.logical_and.reduce((np.array_equal(r.data,

        assert np.logical_and.reduce((np.all(r.data.mask == r2.data.mask),
                                      np.all(r2.data.mask == r3.data.mask),
                                      np.all(r3.data.mask == r4.data.mask)))

        # the data will not be copied, immutable objects will
        r.data[0, 0, 0] += 5
        assert r2.data[0, 0, 0] == r.data[0, 0, 0]

        r.nbands = 2
        assert r.nbands != r2.nbands
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_resampling_str(self):
        """Test that resampling methods can be given as strings instead of rio enums."""
        assert gr._resampling_from_str("nearest") == rio.warp.Resampling.nearest
        assert gr._resampling_from_str("cubic_spline") == rio.warp.Resampling.cubic_spline

        # Check that odd strings return the appropriate error.
        except ValueError as exception:
            if "not a valid rasterio.warp.Resampling method" not in str(exception):
                raise exception

        img1 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        img2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4_crop"))

        # Resample the rasters using a new resampling method and see that the string and enum gives the same result.
        img3a = img1.reproject(img2, resampling="q1")
        img3b = img1.reproject(img2, resampling=rio.warp.Resampling.q1)
        assert img3a == img3b
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_datasets.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/GeoUtils
def test_data_integrity(test_dataset):
    Test that input data is not corrupted by checking sha265 sum
    # Read file as bytes
    fbytes = open(datasets.get_path(test_dataset), 'rb').read()

    # Get sha256
    file_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(fbytes).hexdigest()

    assert file_sha256 == original_sha256[test_dataset]
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_is_modified(self):
        Test that changing the data updates is_modified as desired
        # after laoding, should not be modified
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        assert not r.is_modified

        # this should not trigger the hash
        r.data = r.data + 0
        assert not r.is_modified

        # this one neither
        r.data += 0
        assert not r.is_modified

        # this will
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r.data = r.data + 5
        assert r.is_modified
コード例 #22
    def test_crop(self) -> None:

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r2 = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4_crop"))

        # Read a vector and extract only the largest outline within the extent of r
        outlines = gu.Vector(datasets.get_path("glacier_outlines"))
        outlines.ds = outlines.ds.to_crs(r.crs)
        outlines = outlines.query(
            f"index == {np.argmax(outlines.ds.geometry.area)}")

        # Crop the raster to the outline and validate that it got smaller
        r_outline_cropped = r.crop(outlines, inplace=False)
        assert r.data.size > r_outline_cropped.data.size  # type: ignore

        b = r.bounds
        b2 = r2.bounds

        b_minmax = (max(b[0], b2[0]), max(b[1],
                                          b2[1]), min(b[2],
                                                      b2[2]), min(b[3], b2[3]))

        r_init = r.copy()

        # Cropping overwrites the current Raster object
        b_crop = tuple(r.bounds)

        if DO_PLOT:
            fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
            r_init.show(ax=ax1, title="Raster 1")

            fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
            r2.show(ax=ax2, title="Raster 2")

            fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots()
            r.show(ax=ax3, title="Raster 1 cropped to Raster 2")

        assert b_minmax == b_crop
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_saving(self):

        # Read single band raster
        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))

        # Save file to temporary file, with defaults opts

        # Test additional options
        co_opts = {"TILED": "YES", "COMPRESS": "LZW"}
        metadata = {"Type": "test"}
        img.save(TemporaryFile(), co_opts=co_opts, metadata=metadata)
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_set_dtypes(self):

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        arr_1 = np.copy(r.data).astype(np.int8)
        arr_2 = np.copy(r.data)
        r.set_dtypes([np.int8], update_array=True)

        arr_3 = r.data

        assert np.count_nonzero(~arr_1 == arr_2) == 0
        assert np.count_nonzero(~arr_2 == arr_3) == 0
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: FannyBrun/GeoUtils
    def test_info(self):

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))

        # Check all is good with passing attributes
        default_attrs = ['bounds', 'count', 'crs', 'dataset_mask', 'driver',
                         'dtypes', 'height', 'indexes', 'name',
                         'nodata', 'res', 'shape', 'transform', 'width']
        for attr in default_attrs:
            assert r.__getattribute__(attr) == r.ds.__getattribute__(attr)

        # Check summary matches that of RIO
        assert print(r) == print(r.info())
コード例 #26
    def test_split_bands(self) -> None:

        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_RGB"))

        red, green, blue = img.split_bands(copy=False)

        # Check that the shapes are correct.
        assert red.nbands == 1
        assert red.data.shape[0] == 1
        assert img.nbands == 3
        assert img.data.shape[0] == 3

        # Extract only one band (then it will not return a list)
        red2 = img.split_bands(copy=False, subset=0)[0]

        # Extract a subset with a list in a weird direction
        blue2, green2 = img.split_bands(copy=False, subset=[2, 1])

        # Check that the subset functionality works as expected.
        assert np.array_equal(red.data.astype("float32"),
        assert np.array_equal(blue.data.astype("float32"),
        assert np.array_equal(green.data.astype("float32"),

        # Check that the red channel and the rgb data shares memory
        assert np.shares_memory(red.data, img.data)

        # Check that the red band data is not equal to the full RGB data.
        assert red != img

        # Test that the red band corresponds to the first band of the img
        assert np.array_equal(red.data.squeeze().astype("float32"),
                              img.data[0, :, :].astype("float32"))

        # Modify the red band and make sure it propagates to the original img (it's not a copy)
        red.data += 1
        assert np.array_equal(red.data.squeeze().astype("float32"),
                              img.data[0, :, :].astype("float32"))

        # Copy the bands instead of pointing to the same memory.
        red_c = img.split_bands(copy=True, subset=0)[0]

        # Check that the red band data does not share memory with the rgb image (it's a copy)
        assert not np.shares_memory(red_c, img)

        # Modify the copy, and make sure the original data is not modified.
        red_c.data += 1
        assert not np.array_equal(red_c.data.squeeze().astype("float32"),
                                  img.data[0, :, :].astype("float32"))
コード例 #27
    def test_polygonize(self) -> None:
        """Test that polygonize doesn't raise errors."""
        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))

        value = np.unique(img)[0]

        pixel_area = np.sum(img == value) * img.res[0] * img.res[1]

        polygonized = img.polygonize(value)

        polygon_area = polygonized.ds.area.sum()

        assert polygon_area == pytest.approx(pixel_area)
        assert isinstance(polygonized, gv.Vector)
        assert polygonized.crs == img.crs
コード例 #28
    def test_latlon_reproject(self):
        Check that to and from latlon projections are self consistent within tolerated rounding errors

        img = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path('landsat_B4'))

        # Test on random points
        nsample = 100
        randx = np.random.randint(low=img.bounds.left, high=img.bounds.right, size=(nsample,))
        randy = np.random.randint(low=img.bounds.bottom, high=img.bounds.top, size=(nsample,))

        lat, lon = pt.reproject_to_latlon([randx, randy], img.crs)
        x, y = pt.reproject_from_latlon([lat, lon], img.crs)

        assert np.all(x == randx)
        assert np.all(y == randy)
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/GeoUtils
    def test_copy(self):
        Test that the copy method works as expected for Raster. In particular
        when copying r to r2:
        - creates a new memory file
        - if r.data is modified and r copied, the updated data is copied
        - if r is copied, r.data changed, r2.data should be unchanged
        # Open dataset, update data and make a copy
        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))
        r.data += 5
        r2 = r.copy()

        # Objects should be different (not pointing to the same memory)
        assert r is not r2

        # Check the object is a Raster
        assert isinstance(r2, gr.Raster)

        # Copy should have no filename
        assert r2.filename is None

        # check a temporary memory file different than original disk file was created
        assert r2.name != r.name

        # Check all attributes except name, driver and dataset_mask array
        # default_attrs = ['bounds', 'count', 'crs', 'dtypes', 'height', 'indexes','nodata',
        #                  'res', 'shape', 'transform', 'width']
        # using list directly available in Class
        attrs = [
            at for at in gr.default_attrs
            if at not in ['name', 'dataset_mask', 'driver']
        for attr in attrs:
            assert r.__getattribute__(attr) == r2.__getattribute__(attr)

        # Check data array
        assert np.array_equal(r.data, r2.data, equal_nan=True)

        # Check dataset_mask array
        assert np.all(r.data.mask == r2.data.mask)

        # Check that if r.data is modified, it does not affect r2.data
        r.data += 5
        assert not np.array_equal(r.data, r2.data, equal_nan=True)
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_georaster.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/GeoUtils
    def test_interp(self):

        r = gr.Raster(datasets.get_path("landsat_B4"))

        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = r.ds.bounds

        # testing interp, find_value, and read when it falls right on the coordinates
        xrand = (np.random.randint(low=0, high=r.ds.width, size=(10, )) *
                 list(r.ds.transform)[0] + xmin + list(r.ds.transform)[0] / 2)
        yrand = (ymax +
                 np.random.randint(low=0, high=r.ds.height, size=(10, )) *
                 list(r.ds.transform)[4] - list(r.ds.transform)[4] / 2)
        pts = list(zip(xrand, yrand))
        i, j = r.xy2ij(xrand, yrand)
        list_z = []
        list_z_ind = []
        img = r.data
        for k in range(len(xrand)):
            z_ind = img[0, i[k], j[k]]
            z = r.value_at_coords(xrand[k], yrand[k])

        rpts = r.interp_points(pts)

        # Individual tests
        x = 493135.0
        y = 3104015.0
        print(r.value_at_coords(x, y))
        i, j = r.xy2ij(x, y)
        print(img[0, i, j])
        print(r.interp_points([(x, y)]))

        # random float
        xrand = np.random.uniform(low=xmin, high=xmax, size=(1000, ))
        yrand = np.random.uniform(low=ymin, high=ymax, size=(1000, ))
        pts = list(zip(xrand, yrand))
        rpts = r.interp_points(pts)