class AccessReport(UDSGeraldoReport): header_elements = [] class band_detail(ReportBand): height = 400 * mm # Height bigger than a page, so a new page is launched # auto_expand_height = True elements = ( Label(text=_('Users access by date'), top=0.6 * cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}), UDSImage(left=4 * cm, top=1 * cm, width=GERALDO_WIDTH, height=GERALDO_HEIGHT, get_image=lambda x: x.instance['image']), Label(text=_('Users access by day of week'), top=GERALDO_HEIGHT + 1.2 * cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}), UDSImage(left=4 * cm, top=GERALDO_HEIGHT + 1.6 * cm, width=GERALDO_WIDTH, height=GERALDO_HEIGHT, get_image=lambda x: x.instance['image2']), Label(text=_('Users access by hour'), top=2 * GERALDO_HEIGHT + 2 * cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}), UDSImage(left=4 * cm, top=2 * GERALDO_HEIGHT + 2.4 * cm, width=GERALDO_WIDTH, height=GERALDO_HEIGHT, get_image=lambda x: x.instance['image3']), ) subreports = [ SubReport( queryset_string='%(object)s["data"]', band_header=ReportBand( height=1 * cm, auto_expand_height=True, elements=( Label(text=_('Users access by date'), top=0.2 * cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 12, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}), Label(text=_('Date range'), top=1.0 * cm, left=1.2 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10}), Label(text=_('Users'), top=1.0 * cm, left=14 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10}), ), # borders={'bottom': True} ), band_detail=ReportBand( height=0.5 * cm, elements=( ObjectValue(attribute_name='date', top=0, left=1.2 * cm, width=12 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 9}), ObjectValue(attribute_name='users', top=0, left=14 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 9}), ) ), ) ]
class CountersPoolsReport(UDSGeraldoReport): title = '' author = 'UDS' header_elements = [] header_height = 2.5 * cm class band_detail(ReportBand): height = 400 * mm # Height bigger than a page, so a new page is launched for listings elements = ( Label(text=_('Services Asignation'), top=0.6 * cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}), UDSImage(left=4 * cm, top=1 * cm, width=GERALDO_WIDTH, height=GERALDO_HEIGHT, get_image=lambda x: x.instance['image']), ) subreports = [ SubReport( queryset_string='%(object)s["data"]', band_header=ReportBand( height=1 * cm, auto_expand_height=True, elements=( Label(text=_('Service asignation by hour'), top=0.2 * cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 12, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}), Label(text=_('Pool'), top=1.0 * cm, left=1.2 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10}), Label(text=_('Hour'), top=1.0 * cm, left=10 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10}), Label(text=_('Services'), top=1.0 * cm, left=14 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 10}), ), # borders={'bottom': True} ), band_detail=ReportBand( height=0.5 * cm, elements=( ObjectValue(attribute_name='name', top=0, left=1.2 * cm, width=8.8 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 9}), ObjectValue(attribute_name='time', top=0, left=10 * cm, width=4 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 9}), ObjectValue(attribute_name='value', top=0, left=14 * cm, width=4 * cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 9}), ) ), ) ]
class InfoCasaLegislativa(ReportDefault): title = _(u'Casa Legislativa') class band_summary(ReportBand): pass class band_page_footer(ReportBand): height = 1 * cm elements = [ SystemField(expression=_(u'%(now:%d/%m/%Y)s às %(now:%H:%M)s'), top=0.3 * cm), ] class band_detail(ReportDefault.band_detail): posicao_left = [ 0, 1.3, # Tipo 0, 1.8, # Regiao 5.5, 6.8, # U.F. 0, 2.3, # Municipio 0, 2.4, # Endereco 0, 1.6, # Bairro 0, 1.3, # CEP 0, 1.6, # CNPJ 0, 2.3, # Telefone 0, 2.7, # Presidente ] posicao_top = [ 0.5, # Tipo 1.3, # Regiao 1.3, # U.F. 2.1, # Municipio 2.9, # Logradouro 3.7, # Bairro 4.5, # CEP 5.3, # CNPJ 6.1, # Telefone 6.9, # Presidente ] height = 30 * cm display_inline = True default_style = {'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 14} elements = [ Label( text=label_text(_(u"Tipo")), left=posicao_left[0] * cm, top=posicao_top[0] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='tipo.nome', left=posicao_left[1] * cm, top=posicao_top[0] * cm, width=6 * cm, ), Label( text=label_text(_(u"Região")), left=posicao_left[2] * cm, top=posicao_top[1] * cm, ), ObjectValue(attribute_name='municipio.uf.regiao', left=posicao_left[3] * cm, top=posicao_top[1] * cm, get_value=lambda instance: { 'SL': _(u'Sul'), 'SD': _(u'Sudeste'), 'CO': _(u'Centro-Oeste'), 'NE': _(u'Nordeste'), 'NO': _(u'Norte'), }[instance.municipio.uf.regiao]), Label( text=label_text(_(u"UF")), left=posicao_left[4] * cm, top=posicao_top[2] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='municipio.uf', left=posicao_left[5] * cm, top=posicao_top[2] * cm, ), Label( text=label_text(_(u"Município")), left=posicao_left[6] * cm, top=posicao_top[3] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='municipio.nome', left=posicao_left[7] * cm, top=posicao_top[3] * cm, width=20 * cm, ), # Linha 3 Label( text=label_text(_(u"Endereço")), left=posicao_left[8] * cm, top=posicao_top[4] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='logradouro', left=posicao_left[9] * cm, top=posicao_top[4] * cm, width=20 * cm, ), Label( text=label_text(_(u"Bairro")), left=posicao_left[10] * cm, top=posicao_top[5] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='bairro', left=posicao_left[11] * cm, top=posicao_top[5] * cm, ), Label( text=label_text(_(u"CEP")), left=posicao_left[12] * cm, top=posicao_top[6] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='cep', left=posicao_left[13] * cm, top=posicao_top[6] * cm, ), Label( text=label_text(_(u"CNPJ")), left=posicao_left[14] * cm, top=posicao_top[7] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='cnpj', left=posicao_left[15] * cm, top=posicao_top[7] * cm, ), Label( text=label_text(_(u"Telefone")), left=posicao_left[16] * cm, top=posicao_top[8] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='telefone', left=posicao_left[17] * cm, top=posicao_top[8] * cm, ), Label( text=label_text(_(u"Presidente")), left=posicao_left[18] * cm, top=posicao_top[9] * cm, ), ObjectValue( attribute_name='presidente', left=posicao_left[19] * cm, top=posicao_top[9] * cm, width=20 * cm, ), ] # Telefones tel_top = 2 * cm tel_left = [0, 3, 5] # Contato cont_top = 2 * cm cont_left = [0, 6, 9] # Convenios convenio_top = 2 * cm convenio_left = [0, 1.8, 4.5, 8, 10.5, 13, 15.5, 18] subreports = [ # Telefones SubReport( queryset_string='%(object)s.telefones.all()', band_header=ReportBand( default_style={ 'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 12 }, height=2.5 * cm, elements=[ Label( text=_(u"Telefone(s)"), style={ 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER }, width=BAND_WIDTH, top=1 * cm, ), Label(text=_(u"Número"), left=tel_left[0] * cm, top=tel_top), Label(text=_(u"Tipo"), left=tel_left[1] * cm, top=tel_top), Label(text=_(u"Nota"), left=tel_left[2] * cm, top=tel_top), ], borders={'bottom': True}, ), band_detail=ReportBand( default_style={ 'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 11 }, height=0.5 * cm, elements=[ ObjectValue(attribute_name='__unicode__', left=tel_left[0] * cm), ObjectValue( attribute_name='tipo', left=tel_left[1] * cm, get_value=lambda instance: { 'F': _(u'Fixo'), 'M': _(u'Móvel'), 'X': _(u'Fax'), 'I': _(u'Indefinido') }[instance.tipo], ), ObjectValue(attribute_name='nota', left=tel_left[2] * cm), ], #borders = {'all':True}, ), ), # Contatos SubReport( queryset_string='%(object)s.funcionario_set.all()', band_header=ReportBand( default_style={ 'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 12 }, height=2.5 * cm, elements=[ Label( text=_(u"Contato(s)"), style={ 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER }, width=BAND_WIDTH, top=1 * cm, ), Label(text=_(u"Nome"), left=cont_left[0] * cm, top=cont_top), Label(text=_(u"Nota"), left=cont_left[1] * cm, top=cont_top), Label(text=_(u"E-mail"), left=cont_left[2] * cm, top=cont_top), ], borders={ 'bottom': True, 'top': True }, ), band_detail=ReportBand( default_style={ 'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 11 }, height=0.5 * cm, elements=[ ObjectValue(attribute_name='nome', left=cont_left[0] * cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name='nota', left=cont_left[1] * cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name='email', left=cont_left[2] * cm), ], #borders = {'all':True}, ), ), # Convenios SubReport( queryset_string='%(object)s.convenio_set.all()', band_header=ReportBand(default_style={ 'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 12 }, height=2.5 * cm, elements=[ Label( text=_(u"Convênio(s)"), style={ 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER }, width=BAND_WIDTH, top=1 * cm, ), Label(text=_(u"Projeto"), left=convenio_left[0] * cm, top=convenio_top), Label(text=_(u"Nº Convenio"), left=convenio_left[1] * cm, top=convenio_top), Label(text=_(u"Nº Processo SF"), left=convenio_left[2] * cm, top=convenio_top), Label(text=_(u"Adesão"), left=convenio_left[3] * cm, top=convenio_top), Label(text=_(u"Convênio"), left=convenio_left[4] * cm, top=convenio_top), Label(text=_(u"Equipada"), left=convenio_left[5] * cm, top=convenio_top), Label(text=_(u"Data D.O."), left=convenio_left[6] * cm, top=convenio_top), ], borders={'bottom': True}), band_detail=ReportBand( default_style={ 'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 11 }, height=0.5 * cm, elements=[ ObjectValue(attribute_name='projeto.sigla', left=convenio_left[0] * cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name='num_convenio', left=convenio_left[1] * cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name='num_processo_sf', left=convenio_left[2] * cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name='data_adesao', left=convenio_left[3] * cm, get_value=lambda instance: instance.data_adesao .strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if instance.data_adesao is not None else '-'), ObjectValue(attribute_name='data_retorno_assinatura', left=convenio_left[4] * cm, get_value=lambda instance: instance. data_retorno_assinatura.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if instance.data_retorno_assinatura is not None else '-'), ObjectValue( attribute_name='data_termo_aceite', left=convenio_left[5] * cm, get_value=lambda instance: instance.data_termo_aceite. strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if instance.data_termo_aceite is not None else '-'), ObjectValue( attribute_name='data_pub_diario', left=convenio_left[6] * cm, get_value=lambda instance: instance.data_pub_diario. strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if instance.data_pub_diario is not None else '-'), ], #borders = {'all':True}, ), ) ]
class MyReport(Report): def __init__(self, queryset=None, db=None): " Initialise parent class & make any necessary modifications " Report.__init__(self, queryset) self.db = db # can't use T() here! title = "Kits" page_size = landscape(A4) class band_page_header(ReportBand): height = 1.3*cm elements = [ SystemField(expression="%(report_title)s", top=0.1*cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={"fontName": "Helvetica-Bold", "fontSize": 14, "alignment": TA_CENTER} ), Label(text="Code", top=0.8*cm, left=0.2*cm), Label(text="Description", top=0.8*cm, left=2*cm), Label(text="Cost", top=0.8*cm, left=10*cm), Label(text="Monthly", top=0.8*cm, left=12*cm), Label(text="per Minute", top=0.8*cm, left=14*cm), Label(text="per Megabyte", top=0.8*cm, left=16*cm), Label(text="Comments", top=0.8*cm, left=18*cm), ] borders = {"bottom": True} class band_page_footer(ReportBand): height = 0.5*cm elements = [ Label(text="%s" %, top=0.1*cm, left=0), SystemField(expression="Page # %(page_number)d of %(page_count)d", top=0.1*cm, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={"alignment": TA_RIGHT}), ] borders = {"top": True} class band_detail(ReportBand): height = 0.5*cm auto_expand_height = True elements = ( ObjectValue(attribute_name="code", left=0.2*cm, width=1.8*cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name="description", left=2*cm, width=8*cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name="total_unit_cost", left=10*cm, width=2*cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name="total_monthly_cost", left=12*cm, width=2*cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name="total_minute_cost", left=14*cm, width=2*cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name="total_megabyte_cost", left=16*cm, width=2*cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name="comments", left=18*cm, width=6*cm), ) subreports = [ SubReport( #queryset_string = "db((db.budget_kit_item.kit_id == %(object) & ( == db.budget_kit_item.item_id)).select(db.budget_item.code, db.budget_item.description, db.budget_item.unit_cost)", #queryset_string = "db(db.budget_kit_item.kit_id == %(object)", band_header = ReportBand( height=0.5*cm, elements=[ Label(text="Item ID", top=0, left=0.2*cm, style={"fontName": "Helvetica-Bold"}), Label(text="Quantity", top=0, left=2*cm, style={"fontName": "Helvetica-Bold"}), #Label(text="Unit Cost", top=0, left=4*cm, style={"fontName": "Helvetica-Bold"}), ], borders={"top": True, "left": True, "right": True}, ), detail_band = ReportBand( height=0.5*cm, elements=[ ObjectValue(attribute_name="item_id", top=0, left=0.2*cm), ObjectValue(attribute_name="quantity", top=0, left=2*cm), #ObjectValue(attribute_name="unit_cost", top=0, left=4*cm), ] ), ), ]
class MyFamilyReport(Report): title = 'NCS_CS' class band_detail(DetailBand): height = 0.7 * cm elements = [ ObjectValue(expression='name', left=0.5 * cm), ObjectValue(expression='c', left=3.5 * cm, get_value=lambda instance: "%.5f" % instance.c), ObjectValue(expression='s', left=6.5 * cm, get_value=lambda instance: "%.5f" % instance.s), ObjectValue(expression='user', left=9.5 * cm), ObjectValue(expression='mdate', left=12.5 * cm), ] borders = {'top': True, 'bottom': .3} class band_page_header(ReportBand): height = 1.3 * cm elements = [ SystemField(expression='%(report_title)s', top=0.1 * cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={ 'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER }), SystemField( expression=u'Page %(page_number)d of %(page_count)d', top=0.1 * cm, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}), Label(text="Name", top=0.8 * cm, left=0.5 * cm), Label(text="c", top=0.8 * cm, left=3.5 * cm), Label(text="s", top=0.8 * cm, left=6.5 * cm), Label(text="user", top=0.8 * cm, left=9.5 * cm), Label(text="time", top=0.8 * cm, left=12.5 * cm), ] #borders = {'all': True} class band_page_footer(ReportBand): height = 0.5 * cm elements = [ Label(text='Geraldo Reports', top=0.1 * cm), SystemField( expression='Printed in %(now:%Y, %b %d)s at %(now:%H:%M)s', top=0.1 * cm, width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}), ] borders = {'top': True} subreports = [ SubReport( queryset_string='%(object)', # band_header = ReportBand( # height=0.9*cm, # elements=[ # Label(text='id', top=0.2*cm, left=0.2*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}), # Label(text='name', top=0.2*cm, left=4*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}), # ], # ), band_detail=ReportBand( height=0.5 * cm, # This is a new attribute to force the band width # width = 6*cm, # # This attribute forces a distance at right and bottom sides of the band # margin_right = 0.2*cm, # margin_bottom = 0.2*cm, # # With this attribute as True, the band will try to align in # # the same line # display_inline = True, elements=[ ObjectValue( attribute_name='c', left=3.5 * cm, get_value=lambda instance: "%.5f" % instance.c), ObjectValue( attribute_name='s', left=6.5 * cm, get_value=lambda instance: "%.5f" % instance.s), ], #borders={'all': True}, ), # band_footer = ReportBand( # height=0.9*cm, # elements=[ # ObjectValue(attribute_name='id', top=0.2*cm, left=4*cm,\ # action=FIELD_ACTION_COUNT, display_format='%s permissions found', # style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}), # ], # ), ), ]