コード例 #1
ファイル: gesturerec3d.py プロジェクト: khvMX/3dollar
    def __init__(self, gLibrary = "./gestures.dat", resample_size = 50, gesture_recognized_callback = None):
        self.path_length = 0
        self.resample_amount  = resample_size
        self.gesture_path = []
        self.zero = (0,0,0)
        self.raw_data = None            # accelration deltas
        self.gesture_path = None        # path representation of raw data
        self.resampled_gesture = None   # path resampled to n equidistant points
        self.rotated_gesture = None     # path rotated to same angle as centroid
        self.normalized_gesture = None  # path normalized to fit in cube
        self.debug__ = False
        self.bbox_size = 100.0
        if gLibrary != None:
            self.gesture_lib = GestureLibrary(gLibrary)

        # gesture recognition heurstic paramters
        self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD = 0.35 # minimum score to consider gesture for detection
        self.INVALID_GESTURE = "nicht erkannt!"    # code for "no gesture detected"

        # for control by gesture application
        self.RECOGNIZE_GESTURES = True
        # callback in case of successful gesture recognition
        self.gesture_recognized_callback = gesture_recognized_callback
コード例 #2
ファイル: gesturerec3d.py プロジェクト: khvMX/3dollar
class GestureRec3D:
    def __init__(self, gLibrary = "./gestures.dat", resample_size = 50, gesture_recognized_callback = None):
        self.path_length = 0
        self.resample_amount  = resample_size
        self.gesture_path = []
        self.zero = (0,0,0)
        self.raw_data = None            # accelration deltas
        self.gesture_path = None        # path representation of raw data
        self.resampled_gesture = None   # path resampled to n equidistant points
        self.rotated_gesture = None     # path rotated to same angle as centroid
        self.normalized_gesture = None  # path normalized to fit in cube
        self.debug__ = False
        self.bbox_size = 100.0
        if gLibrary != None:
            self.gesture_lib = GestureLibrary(gLibrary)

        # gesture recognition heurstic paramters
        self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD = 0.35 # minimum score to consider gesture for detection
        self.INVALID_GESTURE = "nicht erkannt!"    # code for "no gesture detected"

        # for control by gesture application
        self.RECOGNIZE_GESTURES = True
        # callback in case of successful gesture recognition
        self.gesture_recognized_callback = gesture_recognized_callback

    def reset(self):
        """called after termination of matching operation"""
        self.path_length = 0
        #self.resample_amount  = 250
        self.gesture_path = []
        self.zero = (0,0,0)
        self.raw_data = None
        self.gesture_path = None
        self.resampled_gesture = None
        self.rotated_gesture = None
        self.normalized_gesture = None
        self.debug__ = False
        self.bbox_size = 100.0

    def deg_to_rad(self, angle):
        """convert degrees to radians"""
        return 2*pi * angle / 360

    def rad_to_deg(self,angle):
        """convert radians to degrees"""
        return (angle*360)/(2*pi)
    def save_data_to_library(self,gestureCode,sampleCounts=[25,50,100,150,250,300,500], gesture_list = None):
        """process current sample for use in gesture library"""
        currentSampleCount = self.resample_amount
        for l in sampleCounts:
            print "Resampling and saving to gesture length:",str(l)
            if gesture_list == None:
                gList = self.raw_data
                gList = gesture_list
            # path
            path = self.create_path(gList)
            # evenly resample path points
            resampled_gesture = self.resample_points(path, l)
            # rotate first of point to same angle as centroid
            ############################# !!!! Took out rotation
            rotated_gesture =  self.rotate_to_zero(resampled_gesture)
            #rotated_gesture = resampled_gesture
            # normalize gesture to fit in cube
            normalized_gesture = self.scale_to_cube(rotated_gesture, self.bbox_size)
            self.gesture_lib.add_gesture(gestureCode, normalized_gesture, save=False, gesture_length = l)
        #print ">>> Saving Gesture Lib..."
        #print ">>> ..done"
    def recognition_test(self, candidate_sets={}, training_sets={}, resample_size = 150):
        """ runs a recognition test 
            @param candidate_sets: the candidate sets
            @param training_sets: the training sets
            @param resample_size: the desired resampling size"""
        self.resample_amount = resample_size
        results = []
        for Cgid,Cdict in candidate_sets.iteritems():
            Cgestures = Cdict[self.resample_amount]
            for Cg in Cgestures:
                rec_id,scoretable = self.recognize_pickled_gesture(Cg,training_sets)
                results.append([Cgid.strip(), rec_id, scoretable[:3]])
        print "======================="
        print "Recognition Results"
        count = 0;
        for item in results:
            print count,":", item[0],item[1],item[2]
            count += 1
        return results
    def recognize_pickled_gesture(self,candidate, training_sets, QUIET_=True):
        """ does a recognition of a finished candidate with training sets
            @param  candidate: a candidate gesture 
            @param  training sets: training set gesture library"""
        print "###### Gesture recognition ####"
        summary = ""
        scoretable = []
        idnr = 0
        gesturelists = []
        for gid,dict in training_sets.iteritems():
            glist = dict[self.resample_amount]
        for gid, gesturelist in gesturelists:
            for gesture_trace in gesturelist:
                distance = self.distance_at_best_angle(pi, pi, pi, self.deg_to_rad(36), candidate, gesture_trace)
                score = self.score(distance)
                summary = summary + "GID "+ str(gid)+ " Idnr "+str(idnr)+" Dist "+str(distance)+" Score "+str(score) + "\n"
                idnr = idnr + 1

            idnr = 0
        if QUIET_:
            print "==== Summary of Gesture Recognition ===="
            print "Sorted by highest score"
        # not python 2.2 compatible
        # fix:
        scoretable.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[2], y[2]))
        if QUIET_:
            for s in scoretable:
                print s
        rec_gest = self.recognize_from_scoreTable(scoretable)
        #print "====================================================="
        print ">>>>> Recognized Gesture id: ", rec_gest
        #print "====================================================="
        return (rec_gest,scoretable)

    def recognize_gesture(self, gList, rotated = True, callback=None):

        self.raw_data = gList
        #self.path_length = self.calculate_path_length(gList)
        # create path from acceleration deltas
        self.gesture_path = self.create_path(gList)

        # evenly resample path points
        self.resampled_gesture = self.resample_points(self.gesture_path, self.resample_amount)
        # rotate first point of gesture to same angle as centroid
        if rotated:
            self.rotated_gesture =  self.rotate_to_zero(self.resampled_gesture)
            self.rotated_gesture = self.resampled_gesture
        # normalize gesture to fit in cube
        self.normalized_gesture = self.scale_to_cube(self.rotated_gesture, self.bbox_size)

        # only try recognition if gesture library contains some gestures
        if (self.gesture_lib.has_gestures() and self.RECOGNIZE_GESTURES):
            print "###### Gesture recognition ####"
            summary = ""
            scoretable = []
            idnr = 0
            for gid, gesturelist in self.gesture_lib.get_gesture_lists(self.resample_amount):
                for gesture_trace in gesturelist:
                    # way too inefficient !?
                    #distance = self.distance_at_best_angle(pi, pi, pi, self.deg_to_rad(36), self.normalized_gesture, gesture_trace)
                    distance = self.path_distance(self.normalized_gesture, gesture_trace)
                    score = self.score(distance)
                    summary = summary + "GID "+ str(gid)+ " Idnr "+str(idnr)+" Dist "+str(distance)+" Score "+str(score) + "\n"
                    idnr = idnr + 1

                idnr = 0
            print "==== Summary of Gesture Recognition ===="
            print "Sorted by highest score"
            # not python 2.2 compatible
            # fix:
            scoretable.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[2], y[2]))
            for s in scoretable:
                print s
            rec_gest = self.recognize_from_scoreTable(scoretable)
            print "====================================================="
            print ">>>>> Recognized Gesture id: ", rec_gest
            print "====================================================="
            if self.gesture_recognized_callback != None:
            print "...SKIPPING RECOGNITION"

    def recognize_from_scoreTable(self,scoretable):
        """Implements heuristic for gesture detection:
        int the top threee, detect at least two candidates of the same gesture id with a score >.55
        @param scoretable: scoretable sorted by score
        @return: recognized gesture code or invalid (-100) Gesture"""
        count_h1 = 0    # heuristic 1
        count_h2 = 0    # heuristic 2
        for item in scoretable[:3]:
            if item[3] > self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD*1.1: # if item 10% above threshold return directly
                return item[0]
            scoretable_cpy = scoretable[:]
            if item[3] >= self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD:
                print scoretable_cpy[:3]
                for other_item in scoretable_cpy[:2]:
                    print "Item:", [item[0],item[3]],"Cmp:", [other_item[0], other_item[3]]
                    if item[0] == other_item[0] and other_item[3] >= (self.DETECTION_THRESHOLD*0.95):
                        print "h1+",
                        count_h1 += 1
                    if item[0] == other_item[0]:
                        print "h2+",
                        count_h2 +=1
            if count_h1 >0:
                print "H_1"
                return item[0]
            elif count_h2 > 1:
                print "H_2"
                return item[0]
                count_h1 = 0
                count_h2 = 0
        return self.INVALID_GESTURE

    def read_from_csv(self, filename):
        f = open(filename,'r')
        lines = f.read().split("\n")
        glist = []
        for item in lines:
            vect = item.split(",")
            #print vect
            if len(vect) > 1:
        return glist

    def save_current_gesture(self, gestureCode):
        """saves current processed gesture to gesture dictionary"""
        if self.normalized_gesture != None:
            self.gesture_lib.add_gesture(gestureCode, self.normalized_gesture)
            print "No gesture data available!"

    def create_path(self, gList):
        """creates a path from gList"""
        path = []
        for item in gList:
            if len(path) == 0:
                last = path[len(path)-1]
                newitem = (last[0]+item[0],last[1]+item[1],last[2]+item[2])
        return path

    def score(self, distance):
        """return normalized score for distances"""
        b = self.bbox_size
        return 1 - distance / (0.5* sqrt(b*b + b*b + b*b ))

    def path_distance(self,path1,path2):
        """compares two paths and returns the nornalized distance"""
        length1 = len(path1)
        length2 = len(path2)
        get_distance = self.distance
        distance = 0.0
        if length1 == length2:
            for i in range(length1):
                v1 = path1[i]
                v2 = path2[i]
                distance += get_distance(v1,v2)
            return distance / length1
            print "Warning: Path distances not equal:", length1,length2
            # work on sliced path
            if length1 < length2:
                return self.path_distance(path1,path2[:length1])
                return self.path_distance(path1[:length2],path2)

    def distance_at_angles(self,candidate, template, alpha, beta, gamma):
        """computes distance between candidate and template path at given angles alpha beta gamma"""

        matrix = self.rotationMatrixWithAngles3(alpha,beta,gamma)
        f_rotate = self.rotate3 # (p, matrix)
        newCandPoints = []
        #for p in candidate:
        #    newCandPoints.append(f_rotate(p,matrix))

        newCandPoints = [f_rotate(p,matrix) for p in candidate]

        dist = self.path_distance(newCandPoints, template)
        return dist

    def search_around_angle(self, candidate, template,angle, best_angles=[0.0,0.0,0.0]):
        """searches for minium distance around best_angles, using angle as offset
        @param candidate: the candidate points
        @param template: the template points
        @param best_angles: the angles where the last minimum distance was detected
        @param angle: angle to be checked around for improvement (add angle to best_angles)
        @return: minDist, newAngles (tuple containing the minimum distance and the best new angles"""

        # check all possible combinations of rotating the candidate points by angle
        #print "==== Input Angle", angle
        minDist = 2.0e50 # minium distance, initialize to large value
        minAngles = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
        for i in range(8):
            #add = best_angles is pointer assignment, so we have to copy the values!
            add = [best_angles[0],best_angles[1],best_angles[2]]
            #add = best_angles
            if i % 2 == 1:
            if i%4>1:
            if i%8>3:
            dist = self.distance_at_angles(candidate, template, add[0], add[1], add[2])

            if (dist < minDist):
                minDist = dist
                minAngles = [add[0],add[1],add[2]]
        if VERBOSE_:
            print "MinDist: ", minDist,"MinAngle:",minAngles
        return minDist, minAngles
        #return minDist


    def distance_at_best_angle(self,angularRangeX, angularRangeY, angularRangeZ, increment, candidate_points, library_points, cutoff_angle=2*pi*(15.0/360) ):
        """ @return: compares distance to candidate_points with points in library at various angles arouny x,y,z axis
            @param angularRange{X,Y,Z}: the search range (positive to negative that should be used)
            @param increment: search increment (in radians)
            @param candidate_points: the candidate point list (resampled, rotated, normalized)
            @param library_points: points from gesture library with (resampled, normalized, rotated, normalized) gestures
            @param cutoff_angle: angle at which Golden Section Search (GSS) is cut off default is 2 degrees

        #print "ARXYZ", angularRangeX, angularRangeY, angularRangeZ,"Increment",increment

        # resolve function names -> slight optimization
        f_getMatrix = self.rotationMatrixWithAngles3
        f_path_distance = self.path_distance
        f_rotate3 = self.rotate3

        mind  = 2.0e50 # max float is what ?? >> todo: check IEE.xxx standard for fp-numbers
        maxd = -mind
        minDistAngle = 0.0
        maxDistAngle = 0.0

        # make lengths the same (still some bug in  equidistant point algorithm)
        # ugly solution: slice off extra points

        length1  = len(candidate_points)
        length2  = len(library_points)
        if length1 < length2:
                library_points = library_points[:length1]
                candidate_points  = candidate_points[:length2]
        length1  = len(candidate_points)
        length2  = len(library_points)

        #candidate_original = candidate_points

        print "Lengths",length1,length2

        ### Golden-Section Search ###

        theta_a = -angularRangeX # ignore other angular ranges for now
        theta_b = -theta_a
        theta_delta= cutoff_angle # angle at which GSS cuts off

        # best angles for lower / upper bound
        bestAngleLower = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
        bestAngleUpper = [0.0,0.0,0.0]

        best_angle = [0.0,0.0,0.0]

        # minimum distances
        # initialize minium lower and upper distances to high values
        minDistL = 2.0e50
        minDistU = 2.0e50

        phi  = 0.5*(-1+sqrt(5)) # golden section

        li = phi*theta_a+(1-phi)*theta_b # initial lower search angle

        minDistL,bestAngleLower = self.search_around_angle(candidate_points, library_points, li)

        ui = (1-phi)*theta_a + phi*theta_b # intial upper search angle

        minDistU,bestAngleUpper = self.search_around_angle(candidate_points, library_points,  ui)

        print "Best Angles", bestAngleLower, bestAngleUpper

        while abs(theta_b-theta_a) > theta_delta:
        #while self.distance(bestAngleLower,bestAngleUpper) > theta_delta:
            #print "Ta",theta_a,"Tb",theta_b,"Dif",self.distance(bestAngleLower,bestAngleUpper), "Delta",theta_delta

            if minDistL < minDistU:
                theta_b = ui
                ui = li
                minDistU = minDistL
                li = phi*theta_a+(1-phi)*theta_b
                minDistL,bestAngleLower = self.search_around_angle(candidate_points, library_points,  li)
                theta_a = li
                li = ui
                minDistL = minDistU
                ui = (1-phi)*theta_a + phi*theta_b
                minDistU,bestAngleUpper = self.search_around_angle(candidate_points, library_points, ui)

        print "GSS Results",minDistU,minDistL,"Best Angles",bestAngleUpper,bestAngleLower

        if minDistU >= minDistL:
            print "Returning",minDistL
            return minDistL
            print "Returning",minDistU
            return minDistU

        #searchUpper = [ui,ui,ui]   # upper bound of search

        # now search for best distance / angle
        # we have 2^3 = 8 different search directions for lower / upper

        # todo: convert this to golden section search (GSS), at the moment too inefficient
        # right now, we are using brute force

        #return min

    def brute_force_recognition(self,angularRangeX, angularRangeY, angularRangeZ, candidate_points, library_points, increment=2.0*pi*(1.0/360), aFilename="../data/angle-dist.csv"):
        """Brute force version of gesture recognition algo. Searches all angles for minimum distance
            used to measure distance distribution by ange in MatLab"""
        # make lengths the same (still some bug in  equidistant point algorithm)
        # ugly solution: slice off extra points

        length1  = len(candidate_points)
        length2  = len(library_points)
        if length1 < length2:
                library_points = library_points[:length1]
                candidate_points  = candidate_points[:length2]
        length1  = len(candidate_points)
        length2  = len(library_points)
        #print "ARXYZ", angularRangeX, angularRangeY, angularRangeZ,"Increment",increment

        # resolve function names -> slight optimization
        f_getMatrix = self.rotationMatrixWithAngles3
        f_path_distance = self.path_distance
        f_rotate3 = self.rotate3

        #alpha = -angularRangeX
        #beta = -angularRangeY
        #gamma = -angularRangeZ

        distance_distrib = []

        # Brute-Force Approach
        alpha = -angularRangeX
        beta = -angularRangeY
        gamma = -angularRangeZ
        mind = 2.0e10
        maxd = -mind
        distance_distrib = []

        tm = time.strftime("%d%m%y-%H%M%S")
        print tm
        ts = time.time()
        file_name = "./data/"+ aFilename + tm+".txt"

            resultfile_name = "./data/results.txt"
            f = open(resultfile_name,'a')
            print "problem with resultfile"

        print "Starting Calculation:", str(ts)
        #print "Saving Data To:",file_name
        #handle = open(file_name,'w')

        while alpha <= angularRangeX:
            while beta <= angularRangeY:
                while gamma <= angularRangeZ:

                    matrix = f_getMatrix(alpha,beta,gamma)
                    #newCandPoints = []
                    # rotate candidate points to new position: List Comprehension
                    newCandPoints = [f_rotate3(p,matrix) for p in candidate_points]
                    dist = f_path_distance(newCandPoints, library_points)
                    #print "Angles", alpha,beta,gamma, "Dist",dist
                    #data = [self.rad_to_deg(alpha),
                    #                         self.rad_to_deg(beta),
                    #                         self.rad_to_deg(gamma),
                    #                         dist]
                    if dist < mind:
                        mind = dist
                        minDistAngle = [alpha,beta,gamma]
                    if dist > maxd:
                        maxd= dist
                        maxDistAngle = [alpha,beta,gamma]
                    gamma = gamma + increment

                beta = beta + increment
                gamma = -angularRangeZ
                #distance_distrib = []
            print mind,minDistAngle,maxd,maxDistAngle
            alpha = alpha + increment
            gamma = -angularRangeZ
            beta = -angularRangeY

        td = time.time()
        print "Ended calculation after:", str(ts-tm),"seconds."

        print "Min Distance Found:",mind, "Angle", minDistAngle, self.rad_to_deg(minDistAngle[0]),self.rad_to_deg(minDistAngle[1]),self.rad_to_deg(minDistAngle[2])
        print "Max Distance Found:", maxd, "Angle", maxdistAngle, self.rad_to_deg(maxDistAngle[0]), self.rad_to_deg(maxDistAngle[1]),self.rad_to_deg(maxDistAngle[2])
        #saveTuplesToFile(filename, distance_distrib)

        outstr = str([[mind, self.rad_to_deg(minDistAngle[0]),self.rad_to_deg(minDistAngle[1]),self.rad_to_deg(minDistAngle[2])],[maxd,self.rad_to_deg(maxDistAngle[0]), self.rad_to_deg(maxDistAngle[1]),self.rad_to_deg(maxDistAngle[2])]]) + "\n"

       # handle.close()

    def unit_vector(self,v):
        norm = 1.0 / self.distance_sqrt(v,(0,0,0))
        return (norm*v[0],norm*v[1],norm*v[2])

    def norm(self,u):
        """ returns norm of vector"""
        return sqrt(u[0]*u[0] + u[1]*u[1] + u[2]*u[2])

    def distance_sqrt(self,u,v):
        return sqrt((u[0]-v[0])*(u[0]-v[0])+(u[1]-v[1])*(u[1]-v[1])+(u[2]-v[2])*(u[2]-v[2]))

    def distance(self,u,v):
        """distance between tuple u and tuple v"""
        return sqrt((u[0]-v[0])*(u[0]-v[0])+(u[1]-v[1])*(u[1]-v[1])+(u[2]-v[2])*(u[2]-v[2]))
        #return (u[0]-v[0])*(u[0]-v[0])+(u[1]-v[1])*(u[1]-v[1])+(u[2]-v[2])*(u[2]-v[2])

    def calculate_path_length(self, gList):
        distance = 0.0
        index = 1
        while index < len(gList):
            p = gList[index]
            pl = gList[index-1]
            delta = self.distance(pl,p)
            distance = distance + delta

        return distance

    def centroid(self,points):
        """return centroid (i.e. mean x,y,z of point list)"""
        mx = 0.0
        my = 0.0
        mz = 0.0
        for p in points:
            mx = mx + p[0]
            my = my + p[1]
            mz = mz + p[2]
        return (mx / len(points),my / len(points), mz / len(points))

    def dot_product3(self,p,q):
        return p[0]*q[0]+p[1]*q[1]+p[2]*q[2]

    def norm_dot_product(self,u,v):
        """return normalized dot product (for angle calculation)"""
        return self.dot_product3(u, v)/ (self.norm(u)*self.norm(v))

    def angle3(self,u,v):
        """ returns the angle between vectors u and v"""
        #unitU = self.unit_vector(u)
        #unitV = self.unit_vector(v)

        norm_product = self.norm_dot_product(u, v)
        #print ">>>>>>>>>>>>The Norm Product", norm_product
            #print "####################"
            #print "Norm product",norm_product
            #print "###################"
            theta = acos(norm_product)
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            print traceback.print_exc()
            print "DOMAIN ERROR"
            print "========== Norms", self.norm(u), self.norm(v)
            print "=========== dot product", self.dot_product3(u, v)
            np = self.dot_product3(u, v) / (self.norm(u)* self.norm(v))
            print "Norm Product:", np, "ACos(1.0)", acos(1.0)
        return theta