コード例 #1
ファイル: Source.py プロジェクト: snorthrop/Hippocampe
    def __init__(self, cfgPath):
			Source class' constructor.

			:param config: Config object that contains informations about the feed.
			:type config: Config object instance.
        self.cfgPath = cfgPath
        #conf from hippocampe/core/conf/feeds
        conf = getConf.getConf(cfgPath)

        #conf from hippocampe/core/conf/hippo
        cfg = getConf.getHippoConf()

        super(Source, self).__init__()
        self.source = conf.get('source', 'url')
        self.firstQuery = str()
        self.lastQuery = str()
        self.description = conf.get('source', 'description')

        self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        self.typeNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESSource')

        self.score = conf.getint('source', 'score')
        self.coreIntelligence = conf.get('source', 'coreIntelligence')
        self.typeNameESIntel = conf.get('elasticsearch', 'typeIntel')
        self.validityDate = conf.get('source', 'validityDate')
        self.useByDate = conf.get('source', 'useBydate')
コード例 #2
ファイル: bulkOp.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
def indexNew(coreIntelligence, listData):
    logger.info('bulkOp.indexNew launched')

    hippoCfg = getHippoConf()
    indexNameES = hippoCfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
    typeNameES = hippoCfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESNew')

    indexNew = IndexNew()

    es = getES()
    k = ({
        '_op_type': 'index',
        '_index': indexNameES,
        '_type': typeNameES,
        '_source': {
            'type': coreIntelligence,
            'toSearch': data[coreIntelligence]
    } for data in listData)
    #k.next() gives:
    #{'_op_type': 'index', '_index':'hippocampe', '_type':'new', '_source': {'typeIntel': 'ip', 'intelligence': ''}
    res = helpers.bulk(es, k)
    logger.info('bulkOp.index res: %s', res)
    logger.info('bulkOp.indexNew end')
    return res[0]
コード例 #3
ファイル: bulkOp.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
def index(cfgPath, listData):
    logger.info('bulkOp.index launched')
    hippoCfg = getHippoConf()
    indexNameES = hippoCfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')

    cfg = getConf(cfgPath)
    typeNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeIntel')

    #creating the index, only if does not exist
    index = IndexIntel(cfgPath)

    es = getES()
    k = ({
        '_op_type': 'index',
        '_index': indexNameES,
        '_type': typeNameES,
        '_source': data
    } for data in listData)
    res = helpers.bulk(es, k, raise_on_error=False)
    #res = helpers.bulk(es,k, raise_on_exception=False)
    #res = helpers.bulk(es,k)
    logger.info('bulkOp.index res: %s', res)
    logger.info('bulkOp.index end')
    return res
コード例 #4
ファイル: searchIntel.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
def bigMsearch(coreIntelligence, listParsedData):
    logger.info('searchIntel.bigMsearch launched')
    es = getES()

    cfg = getHippoConf()
    indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')

    req = list()
    req_head = {'index': indexNameES}

    coreIntelligence = coreIntelligence
    for element in listParsedData:
        req_body = {
            'query': {
                'bool': {
                    'must': [{
                        'match': {
                            coreIntelligence: element[coreIntelligence]
        req.extend([req_head, req_body])

    res = es.msearch(body=req)
    logger.info('searchIntel.bigMsearch end')
    return res
コード例 #5
ファイル: BagOfIntel.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
    def __init__(self, typeIntel):

        cfg = getHippoConf()
        self.typeIntel = typeIntel
        self.es = getES()
        self.docSearch = dict()
        self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        #contains every distinct value from a field
        self.size = int()
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self):
     cfg = getHippoConf()
     self.docSearch = str()
     self.matchResponse = str()
     self.matchDict = dict()
     self.es = getES()
     self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
     self.typeNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESNew')
     self.nbDoc = int()
コード例 #7
ファイル: Job.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
 def __init__(self):
     super(Job, self).__init__()
     cfg = getHippoConf()
     self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
     self.typeNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESJobs')
     self.status = str()
     self.startTime = str()
     self.endTime = str()
     self.duration = str()
     self.report = dict()
コード例 #8
ファイル: TypeES.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
    def __init__(self, typeNameES):
			ObjToIndex class' constructor.
        cfg = getHippoConf()
        self.es = getES()
        self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        self.typeNameES = typeNameES
        self.docSearch = dict()
        self.size = int()
コード例 #9
ファイル: Field.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
 def __init__(self, field):
     cfg = getHippoConf()
     self.field = field
     self.es = getES()
     self.docSearch = dict()
     self.matchResponse = dict()
     self.indexName = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
     #contains every distinct value from a field
     self.distinctList = list()
     #number of distinct values
     self.size = int()
コード例 #10
	def __init__(self, typeIntel, ioc):
		cfg = getHippoConf()
		self.typeIntel = typeIntel
		self.value = ioc
		self.docMatch = str()
		self.matchResponse = str()
		self.matchList = list()
		self.es = getES()

		#data stored in index hippocampe, so search is only in this index
		self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES') 
コード例 #11
ファイル: IndexJob.py プロジェクト: snorthrop/Hippocampe
    def __init__(self):

        super(IndexJob, self).__init__()
        cfg = getHippoConf()
        self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        self.typeNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESJobs')

        #the mapping has to be indicated at the creation of the index
        #the confMapping, is the mapping indicated in conf file for each field
        #it has to be parsed bellow
        self.confMapping = dict()
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self, cfgPath):
			IndexSource class' constructor.

			:param source: shadowBook process's configuration
			:type config: Config object instance
        conf = getHippoConf()

        super(IndexSource, self).__init__()
        self.indexNameES = conf.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        self.typeNameES = conf.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESSource')
コード例 #13
ファイル: NewIntel.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
    def __init__(self, typeIntel, intelligence):
                        Ioc class' constructor.

                        :param config: Config object that contains informations about the ioc.
                        :type config: Config object instance.
                        :param source: Ioc's Source object.
                        :type source: Source object instance.

        super(NewIntel, self).__init__()
        cfg = getHippoConf()
        self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        self.typeNameES = 'new'
        self.typeIntel = typeIntel
        self.intelligence = intelligence
コード例 #14
ファイル: IndexIntel.py プロジェクト: snorthrop/Hippocampe
    def __init__(self, cfgPath):
			IndexIOC class' constructor.

			:param config: shadowBook process's configuration
			:type config: Config object instance

        super(IndexIntel, self).__init__()
        self.conf = getConf.getConf(cfgPath)
        hippoConf = getConf.getHippoConf()
        self.indexNameES = hippoConf.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        self.typeNameES = self.conf.get('elasticsearch', 'typeIntel')

        #the mapping has to be indicated at the creation of the index
        #the confMapping, is the mapping indicated in conf file for each field
        #it has to be parsed bellow
        self.confMapping = dict()
コード例 #15
def checkData(checkList):
    #checkList is the list of types to check

    #check if the hippocampe's index exists in ES
    #and check if ES type exists according to checkList
    logger.info('ES.checkData launched')
    ES = getES()
    index = IndicesClient(ES)

    cfg = getHippoConf()

    indexName = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
    #references contains the name of types used in Hippocampe
    references = dict()
    references['sourceType'] = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESSource')
    references['newType'] = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESNew')
    references['jobsType'] = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'typeNameESJobs')

    #listType = list()

    #check index
    if index.exists(index=indexName):
        #check types
        for check in checkList:
            if index.exists_type(index=indexName, doc_type=references[check]):
                logger.info('index %s and type %s exist', indexName,
                logger.info('index %s exists but type %s does not', indexName,
                return False
        return True
        logger.info('index %s does not exist', indexName)
        return False
コード例 #16
ファイル: bulkOp.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
def update(typeNameES, listId):
    logger.info('bulkOp.update launched')
    hippoCfg = getHippoConf()
    es = getES()
    now = strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z")
    indexNameES = hippoCfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
    # k is a generator expression that produces
    # dict to update every doc wich id is in listId
    k = ({
        '_op_type': 'update',
        '_index': indexNameES,
        '_type': typeNameES,
        'doc': {
            'lastQuery': now
        '_id': id
    } for id in listId)

    res = helpers.bulk(es, k)
    logger.info('bulkOp.update res: %s', res)
    #res looks like
    #(2650, [])
    logger.info('bulkOp.update end')
    return res[0]
コード例 #17
ファイル: searchIntel.py プロジェクト: vitty8484/Hippocampe
def littleMsearch(coreIntelligence, typeNameES, listParsedData):
    logger.info('searchIntel.littleMsearch launched')
    cfg = getHippoConf()
    indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
    es = getES()

    #forging littleMsearch request
    #request to be sent to ES for littleMsearch
    req = list()
    #request header
    req_head = {'index': indexNameES, 'type': typeNameES}

    coreIntelligence = coreIntelligence
    #in the previous example, coreIntelligence is 'domain'
    for element in listParsedData:
        req_body = {
            'query': {
                'bool': {
                    'must': [{
                        'match': {
                            coreIntelligence: element[coreIntelligence]
        req.extend([req_head, req_body])
    #req will look like
    #        'index': 'hippocampe',
    #        'type': u 'malwaredomainsFree_dnsbhDOMAIN'
    #}, {
    #        'query': {
    #                'bool': {
    #                        'must': [{
    #                                'match': {
    #                                        u 'domain': 'skandastech.com'
    #                                }
    #                        }]
    #                }
    #        }
    #}, {
    #        'index': 'hippocampe',
    #        'type': u 'malwaredomainsFree_dnsbhDOMAIN'
    #}, {
    #        'query': {
    #                'bool': {
    #                        'must': [{
    #                                'match': {
    #                                        u 'domain': 'stie.pbsoedirman.com'
    #                                }
    #                        }]
    #                }
    #        }

    res = es.msearch(body=req)
    # res will look like
    #{u'responses': [{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 5, u'total': 5},
    #                 u'hits': {u'hits': [{u'_id': u'AVOuC41q6EIAXcyxAFz0',
    #                                      u'_index': u'hippocampe',
    #                                      u'_score': 7.470799,
    #                                      u'_source': {u'firstAppearance': u'20160325T145146+0100',
    #                                                   u'idSource': u'AVOuCsBt6EIAXcyxAEn3',
    #                                                   u'lastAppearance': u'20160325T145146+0100',
    #                                                   u'source': u'https://openphish.com/feed.txt',
    #                                                   u'url': u'https://www.myfridaygoodies.ch/sandbox/1/'},
    #                                      u'_type': u'openphishFree_feedURL'}],
    #                           u'max_score': 7.470799,
    #                           u'total': 1},
    #                 u'timed_out': False,
    #                 u'took': 124},

    #                {u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 5, u'total': 5},
    #                 u'hits': {u'hits': [], u'max_score': None, u'total': 0},
    #                 u'timed_out': False,
    #                 u'took': 107},

    #                {u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 5, u'total': 5},
    #                 u'hits': {u'hits': [{u'_id': u'AVOuCxyD6EIAXcyxAFA0',
    #                                      u'_index': u'hippocampe',
    #                                      u'_score': 7.4480977,
    #                                      u'_source': {u'firstAppearance': u'20160325T145117+0100',
    #                                                   u'idSource': u'AVOuCsBt6EIAXcyxAEn3',
    #                                                   u'lastAppearance': u'20160325T145117+0100',
    #                                                   u'source': u'https://openphish.com/feed.txt',
    #                                                   u'url': u'http://www.rutzcellars.com/dd-dd/art/'},
    #                                      u'_type': u'openphishFree_feedURL'}],
    #                           u'max_score': 7.4480977,
    #                           u'total': 1},
    #                 u'timed_out': False,
    #                 u'took': 117}]}
    logger.info('searchIntel.littleMsearch end')
    return res
コード例 #18
ファイル: IndexNew.py プロジェクト: snorthrop/Hippocampe
    def __init__(self):

        super(IndexNew, self).__init__()
        cfg = getHippoConf()
        self.indexNameES = cfg.get('elasticsearch', 'indexNameES')
        self.typeNameES = 'new'