コード例 #1
    def rightFormInEtSet(self, lemma, src_form, trg_form, solution):
        hasSolution = False

        if (src_form, trg_form) not in self.formToEt:
            return False

        for et in self.formToEt[(src_form, trg_form)]:
            if unicode(applyOnlyTree(lemma, et)) == solution:
                hasSolution = True

        return hasSolution
コード例 #2
    def correctResult(self, lemma, src_form, trg_form, word):
        # We cannot correct this.
        if (src_form, trg_form) not in self.formToEt:
            return word

        # Choose the form that has the mistake at an edit tree border (and maybe for doubling)
        for et in self.formToEt[(src_form, trg_form)]:
            newWord = unicode(applyOnlyTree(lemma, et))
            if edit_distance(newWord, word) == 1:
                return newWord  # TODO: perform some choice here

        # No fitting solution has been found:
        return word
コード例 #3
    def filterResult(self, lemma, src_form, trg_form, word):
        allRight = False

        if lemma == word or (src_form, trg_form) not in self.formToEt:
            #if form not in self.formToEt:
            return True

        for et in self.formToEt[(src_form, trg_form)]:
            #print(applyOnlyTree(lemma, et))
            if unicode(applyOnlyTree(lemma, et)) == word:
                allRight = True
            # Loose application, not THAT save, but at least not "verschlimmbessernd" ;):
            if verifyApplication(lemma, et, word):
                allRight = True

        #if not allRight:
        #  print("filtered: " + lemma + ' : ' + form + ' : ' + word)
        return allRight