コード例 #1
def get_batter_boxscore_xml():
	save_path = 'C:\Python27\mlb_python'
	#Create batting file with boxscore
	bat_outfile_name = os.path.join(save_path,'mlbbatbox.csv')
	bat_outfile = open(bat_outfile_name, 'a')
	#Create CSV headers for writing (Batting)
	bat_headers = "game_id,batter_id,name,pos,bo,at_bats,po,runs,a,bb,sac,t,sf,hits,errors,d,hbp,so,hr,rbi,lob,fldg,sb"
	bat_outfile.write(bat_headers + "\n")	
	d_dates = get_dates.get_game_block_text('m',day='00',month='09',year='2012')
	for link in d_dates:
		print 'Gathering data for link: ' + '\n' + link + '\n'
		page_url = link + '/boxscore.xml'
		boxpage = urllib.urlopen(page_url)
		box = boxpage.read()
		for team in ("home","away"):
			# #Count of batters for looping
			batting_start = box.find("<batting team_flag=\"" + team) + 9
			batting_end = box.find("/batting",batting_start) - 12
			batting = box[batting_start:batting_end]
			batter_count = batting.count("batter id")
			print 'Batter Count ' + str(batter_count)
			game_location = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"batter id",batting)]
			print 'Batter Count Index ' + str(len(game_location))
			for g in game_location:
				start = g
				end = batting.index('/batter',start)
				batters = batting[start:end] + '\n'
				batter_id = statFind("batter id",batters)
				name = statFind(" name_display_first_last",batters)
				print "Batter Name: " + name
				pos = statFind(" pos",batters)
				bo = statFind(" bo",batters)
				at_bats = statFind(" ab",batters)
				po = statFind(" po",batters)
				runs = statFind(" r",batters)
				a = statFind(" a",batters)
				bb = statFind(" bb",batters)
				sac = statFind(" sac",batters)
				t = statFind(" t",batters)
				sf = statFind(" sf",batters)
				hits = statFind(" h",batters)
				errors = statFind(" e",batters)
				d = statFind(" d",batters)
				hbp = statFind(" hbp",batters)
				so = statFind(" so",batters)
				hr = statFind(" hr",batters)
				rbi = statFind(" rbi",batters)
				lob = statFind(" lob",batters)
				fldg = statFind(" fldg",batters)
				sb = statFind(" sb",batters)	
				bat_row = link + "," + batter_id + "," + name + "," + pos + "," + bo + "," + at_bats + "," + po + "," + runs + "," + a + "," + bb + "," + sac + "," + t + "," + sf + "," + hits + "," + errors + "," + d + "," + hbp + "," + so + "," + hr + "," + rbi + "," + lob + "," + fldg + "," + sb
				#write to csv
				bat_outfile.write(bat_row + '\n')
コード例 #2
def get_pitcher_boxscore_xml():
	save_path = 'C:\Python27\mlb_python'
	#Create batting file with boxscore
	pitcher_outfile_name = os.path.join(save_path,'mlbpitchbox.csv')
	pitcher_outfile = open(pitcher_outfile_name, 'a')
	#Create CSV headers for writing (Pitching)
	pitch_headers = "game_id,pitcher_id,name,pos,bf,er,runs,hits,so,hr,bb,np,s,win,loss,save,hold,blown_save"
	pitcher_outfile.write(pitch_headers + "\n")
	d_dates = get_dates.get_game_block_text('m',day='00',month='09',year='2012')
	for link in d_dates:
		print 'Gathering data for link: ' + '\n' + link + '\n'
		page_url = link + '/boxscore.xml'
		boxpage = urllib.urlopen(page_url)
		box = boxpage.read()
		for team in ("home","away"):
			print team
			# #Count of batters for looping
			pitching_start = box.find("<pitching team_flag=\"" + team) + 9
			pitching_end = box.find("/pitching",pitching_start) - 12
			pitching = box[pitching_start:pitching_end]
			pitching_count = pitching.count("pitcher id")
			print 'Pitcher Count ' + str(pitching_count)
			game_location = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"pitcher id",pitching)]
			print 'Pitching Count Index ' + str(len(game_location))
			for g in game_location:
				start = g
				end = pitching.index('/p',start)
				pitcher_stats = pitching[start:end] + '\n'
				pitcher_id = statFind("pitcher id",pitcher_stats)
				name = statFind(" name_display_first_last",pitcher_stats)
				pos = statFind(" pos",pitcher_stats)
				out = statFind(" out",pitcher_stats)
				bf = statFind(" bf",pitcher_stats)
				er = statFind(" er",pitcher_stats)
				runs = statFind(" r",pitcher_stats)
				hits = statFind(" h",pitcher_stats)
				so = statFind(" so",pitcher_stats)
				hr = statFind(" hr",pitcher_stats)
				bb = statFind(" bb",pitcher_stats)
				np = statFind(" np",pitcher_stats)
				s = statFind(" s",pitcher_stats)
				win = statFind(" win",pitcher_stats)
				if win == "true":
					win = 1
				loss = statFind(" loss",pitcher_stats)
				if loss == "true":
					loss = 1
				save = statFind(" save",pitcher_stats)
				if save == "true":
					save = 1
				hold = statFind(" hold",pitcher_stats)
				if hold == "true":
					hold = 1
				blown_save = statFind(" blown_save",pitcher_stats)
				if blown_save =="true":
					blown_save = 1
				pitch_row = link + "," + pitcher_id + "," + name + "," + pos + "," + bf + "," + er + "," + runs + "," + hits + "," + so + "," + hr + "," + bb + "," + np + "," + s + "," + str(win) + "," + str(loss) + "," + str(save) + "," + str(hold) + "," + str(blown_save)
			pitcher_outfile.write(pitch_row + "\n")
コード例 #3
def get_pitcher_boxscore_xml():

    save_path = 'C:\Python27\mlb_python'
    #Create batting file with boxscore
    pitcher_outfile_name = os.path.join(save_path, 'mlbpitchbox.csv')
    pitcher_outfile = open(pitcher_outfile_name, 'a')

    #Create CSV headers for writing (Pitching)
    pitch_headers = "game_id,pitcher_id,name,pos,bf,er,runs,hits,so,hr,bb,np,s,win,loss,save,hold,blown_save"
    pitcher_outfile.write(pitch_headers + "\n")

    d_dates = get_dates.get_game_block_text('m',

    for link in d_dates:
        print 'Gathering data for link: ' + '\n' + link + '\n'
        page_url = link + '/boxscore.xml'
        boxpage = urllib.urlopen(page_url)
        box = boxpage.read()
        for team in ("home", "away"):
            print team
            # #Count of batters for looping
            pitching_start = box.find("<pitching team_flag=\"" + team) + 9
            pitching_end = box.find("/pitching", pitching_start) - 12
            pitching = box[pitching_start:pitching_end]
            pitching_count = pitching.count("pitcher id")
            print 'Pitcher Count ' + str(pitching_count)
            game_location = [
                m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"pitcher id", pitching)
            print 'Pitching Count Index ' + str(len(game_location))
            for g in game_location:
                start = g
                end = pitching.index('/p', start)
                pitcher_stats = pitching[start:end] + '\n'
                pitcher_id = statFind("pitcher id", pitcher_stats)
                name = statFind(" name_display_first_last", pitcher_stats)
                pos = statFind(" pos", pitcher_stats)
                out = statFind(" out", pitcher_stats)
                bf = statFind(" bf", pitcher_stats)
                er = statFind(" er", pitcher_stats)
                runs = statFind(" r", pitcher_stats)
                hits = statFind(" h", pitcher_stats)
                so = statFind(" so", pitcher_stats)
                hr = statFind(" hr", pitcher_stats)
                bb = statFind(" bb", pitcher_stats)
                np = statFind(" np", pitcher_stats)
                s = statFind(" s", pitcher_stats)
                win = statFind(" win", pitcher_stats)
                if win == "true":
                    win = 1
                loss = statFind(" loss", pitcher_stats)
                if loss == "true":
                    loss = 1
                save = statFind(" save", pitcher_stats)
                if save == "true":
                    save = 1
                hold = statFind(" hold", pitcher_stats)
                if hold == "true":
                    hold = 1
                blown_save = statFind(" blown_save", pitcher_stats)
                if blown_save == "true":
                    blown_save = 1
                pitch_row = link + "," + pitcher_id + "," + name + "," + pos + "," + bf + "," + er + "," + runs + "," + hits + "," + so + "," + hr + "," + bb + "," + np + "," + s + "," + str(
                    win) + "," + str(loss) + "," + str(save) + "," + str(
                        hold) + "," + str(blown_save)

            pitcher_outfile.write(pitch_row + "\n")
コード例 #4
def get_batter_boxscore_xml():

    save_path = 'C:\Python27\mlb_python'
    #Create batting file with boxscore
    bat_outfile_name = os.path.join(save_path, 'mlbbatbox.csv')
    bat_outfile = open(bat_outfile_name, 'a')

    #Create CSV headers for writing (Batting)
    bat_headers = "game_id,batter_id,name,pos,bo,at_bats,po,runs,a,bb,sac,t,sf,hits,errors,d,hbp,so,hr,rbi,lob,fldg,sb"
    bat_outfile.write(bat_headers + "\n")

    d_dates = get_dates.get_game_block_text('m',

    for link in d_dates:
        print 'Gathering data for link: ' + '\n' + link + '\n'
        page_url = link + '/boxscore.xml'
        boxpage = urllib.urlopen(page_url)
        box = boxpage.read()
        for team in ("home", "away"):
            # #Count of batters for looping
            batting_start = box.find("<batting team_flag=\"" + team) + 9
            batting_end = box.find("/batting", batting_start) - 12
            batting = box[batting_start:batting_end]
            batter_count = batting.count("batter id")
            print 'Batter Count ' + str(batter_count)
            game_location = [
                m.start() for m in re.finditer(r"batter id", batting)
            print 'Batter Count Index ' + str(len(game_location))
            for g in game_location:
                start = g
                end = batting.index('/batter', start)
                batters = batting[start:end] + '\n'

                batter_id = statFind("batter id", batters)
                name = statFind(" name_display_first_last", batters)
                print "Batter Name: " + name
                pos = statFind(" pos", batters)
                bo = statFind(" bo", batters)
                at_bats = statFind(" ab", batters)
                po = statFind(" po", batters)
                runs = statFind(" r", batters)
                a = statFind(" a", batters)
                bb = statFind(" bb", batters)
                sac = statFind(" sac", batters)
                t = statFind(" t", batters)
                sf = statFind(" sf", batters)
                hits = statFind(" h", batters)
                errors = statFind(" e", batters)
                d = statFind(" d", batters)
                hbp = statFind(" hbp", batters)
                so = statFind(" so", batters)
                hr = statFind(" hr", batters)
                rbi = statFind(" rbi", batters)
                lob = statFind(" lob", batters)
                fldg = statFind(" fldg", batters)
                sb = statFind(" sb", batters)
                bat_row = link + "," + batter_id + "," + name + "," + pos + "," + bo + "," + at_bats + "," + po + "," + runs + "," + a + "," + bb + "," + sac + "," + t + "," + sf + "," + hits + "," + errors + "," + d + "," + hbp + "," + so + "," + hr + "," + rbi + "," + lob + "," + fldg + "," + sb
                #write to csv
                bat_outfile.write(bat_row + '\n')