def plot3(): """ 12 plots (eight like plot2), plus also zoomins on filaments for each distance. """ f, ((ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4),(ax11, ax22, ax33, ax44),(ax111, ax222, ax333, ax444)) = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize = (10.5, 10.)) for distance,axistop,axismid,axisbot in zip(['50Mpc','100Mpc','200Mpc','500Mpc'],[ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4],[ax11,ax22,ax33,ax44],[ax111,ax222,ax333,ax444]): data_tuple = data_dict[distance] factor = data_tuple[2]; newsize = data_tuple[1]; data = data_tuple[0]; resolution = 100. xystarts = [x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.] size = [x_FOV[distance], y_FOV[distance]] x1 = ((x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) x2 = ((x_center+x_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) y1 = ((y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) y2 = ((y_center+y_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) data_FOV = data[int(x1):int(x2),int(y1):int(y2)] get_halpha_SB.makemap(data_FOV,size,axistop,xystarts = xystarts) label = 'Mock observation at '+distance; exptime=10**7*3600.; map='bone' plotit_general(data_FOV,size,xystarts,axismid,float(exptime), map, float(resolution), label = label) # do the zoom-ins: xzoomin = np.array([47.4,48.2])/100.*(newsize/factor) yzoomin = np.array([11.2,12.4])/100.*(newsize/factor) data_zoomin = data[int(xzoomin[0]):int(xzoomin[1]),int(yzoomin[0]):int(yzoomin[1])] xystarts = [47.4,11.2] size = [1.0,1.2] label = 'Mock observation at '+distance; exptime=10**7*3600.; map='bone' plotit_general(data_zoomin,size,xystarts,axisbot,float(exptime), map, float(resolution), label = label)
def plot2(): """ Only eight plots, half raw EAGLE at different distances and half mock obs at different distances """ f, ((ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4),(ax11, ax22, ax33, ax44)) = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize = (15.5, 15.)) for distance,axistop,axisbot in zip(['50Mpc','100Mpc','200Mpc','500Mpc'],[ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4],[ax11,ax22,ax33,ax44]): data_tuple = data_dict[distance] factor = data_tuple[2]; newsize = data_tuple[1]; data = data_tuple[0]; resolution = 100. xystarts = [x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.] size = [x_FOV[distance], y_FOV[distance]] x1 = ((x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) x2 = ((x_center+x_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) y1 = ((y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) y2 = ((y_center+y_FOV[distance]/2.)/100.*(newsize/factor)) data_FOV = data[int(x1):int(x2),int(y1):int(y2)] get_halpha_SB.makemap(data_FOV,size,axistop,xystarts = xystarts) label = 'Mock observation at '+distance; exptime=10**5*3600.; map='bone' plotit_general(data_FOV,size,xystarts,axisbot,float(exptime), map, float(resolution), label = label) # put little boxes where zoomins are pulling out xystarts = [47.4,11.2] size = [1.0,1.2] axisbot.plot([47.4,47.4,47.4+1.0,47.4+1.0,47.4],[11.2,11.2+1.2,11.2+1.2,11.2,11.2],'r-') axisbot.set_xlim((x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.),(x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.)+x_FOV[distance]) axisbot.set_ylim((y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.),(y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.)+y_FOV[distance])
def testplot(): # plot them all together f, ((ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(15.5, 15.)) for distance, data, axis in zip([ '50Mpc', '100Mpc', '200Mpc', '500Mpc' ], [data_50_100_FOV, data_100_100_FOV, data_200_100_FOV, data_500_100_FOV], [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]): xystarts = [ x_center - x_FOV[distance] / 2., y_center - y_FOV[distance] / 2. ] size = [x_FOV[distance], y_FOV[distance]] get_halpha_SB.makemap(data, size, axis, xystarts=xystarts)
def plotit_general(data, size, xystarts, ax1, exptime, mymap='gist_gray', res=100, label=''): data_obs = HalphaSBplot_addnoise.addnoise(data,resolution,exptime=exptime,CMOS=True) # Plot the subtracted noiseadded data #fig = plt.figure(figsize = (9.5, 5.)) #ax1 = plt.subplot(111) # Plot the data nicely median = np.median(data_obs); sig = np.sqrt(median) mymax = median + 40*sig mymin = median - 5*sig SBdata_clipped = data_obs SBdata_clipped[SBdata_clipped < mymin] = mymin SBdata_clipped[SBdata_clipped > mymax] = mymax SBdata_clipped = SBdata_clipped - mymin get_halpha_SB.makemap(np.log10(SBdata_clipped**0.5),size,ax1,xystarts=xystarts,colmap=mymap,label=label,colorbar=False)
#data_trim = data[0:31800,0:31800] #data_200 = get_halpha_SB.imreduce(data_trim, int(round(factor_200Mpc)), log=True, method = 'average') #data_trim = data[0:31500,0:31500] #data_1000 = get_halpha_SB.imreduce(data_trim, int(round(factor_1000Mpc)), log=True, method = 'average') # Full Plot # # Use data_50 because if don't bin at all, end up with some weird bright pixels that are not physical xystarts = [38., 0.] size = [30., 18.] factor = int(round(factor_50Mpc)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.5, 15.)) ax1 = plt.subplot(111) get_halpha_SB.makemap( data_50[(38. / 100. * (32000. / factor)):(68. / 100. * (32000. / factor)), (0. / 100. * (32000. / factor)):(18. / 100. * (32000. / factor))], size, ax1, xystarts=xystarts) # Plot the FOV of dragonfly on top # snapnum 28: scale_50 = 0.206 #kpc/" ## at z = 0.01 (about 50 Mpc) scale_100 = 0.467 #kpc/" ## at z = 0.023 (about 100 Mpc) scale_200 = 0.928 #kpc/" ## at z = 0.047. (about 200 Mpc) scale_1000 = 2.178 #kpc/" ## at z = 0.12 (about 1000 Mpc) x_angFOV = 3. * 60. * 60. # " y_angFOV = 2. * 60. * 60. # " x_FOV_50 = x_angFOV * scale_50 / 1000. # Mpc y_FOV_50 = y_angFOV * scale_50 / 1000. # Mpc x_FOV_100 = x_angFOV * scale_100 / 1000. # Mpc
data_5, data_10, data_15, data_20 = loaddata1('chinook') if verbose: print('Plot an example region (20 Mpc box)...') # Plotting parameters save = False plotDragonflyFOV = True xystarts = [40., 0.] size = 20. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.5, 15.)) ax1 = plt.subplot(111) get_halpha_SB.makemap(data_5[(40. / 100. * 3200.):(60. / 100. * 3200.), 0:(20. / 100. * 3200.)], size, ax1, xystarts=xystarts) if verbose: print( 'Plot the regions... (slightly shifted for the different snapnums)' ) if snapnum == 27: # Pick out regions along the filaments in the map (snapnum 27) ax1.plot([53, 53, 56, 56, 53], [9.2, 10, 8.5, 7.7, 9.2], color='r', label='Region 3') ax1.plot(np.array([46.2, 47.2, 48.2, 47.2, 46.2]), [14, 14, 10, 10, 14],
# exposure time exptime = 60. * 60. * 10**5 # seconds (10^5 hours) # load data and calculate signal in exposure time data_20 = loaddata(machine) totsignal = np.log10(10**data_20 * exptime) # log( photons / cm^2 /sr ) print('Plotting without the noise added, small region (20 Mpc box)...') # Plotting parameters xystarts = [40., 0.] size = 20. fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10)) get_halpha_SB.makemap( totsignal[(xystarts[0] / 100. * 3200.):((xystarts[0] + size) / 100. * 3200.), (xystarts[1] / 100. * 3200.):((xystarts[1] + size) / 100. * 3200.)], size, ax1, xystarts=xystarts) ax1.set_title('sky signal, no noise') # calculate the number of detected electrons # how much are we going to bin? 100" square, so that is binpix_size = 100. # arcsec numpixel = round((binpix_size / pix_size)**2) detsignal = np.log10(10**totsignal * QE_old * tau_l * tau_f * area_lens * ang_size_pixel * numpixel) print( 'The total detected signal per pixel (taking into account transmittance of the lens, quantum efficiency, and the pixel size) is %s.' % detsignal)
def maskgalaxies_infilament(resolution, distance): # load the full 100Mpc x 100Mpc box size data first data_tuple = (np.load('data_%s_%sarcsec.npz' % (distance, resolution))['arr_0']) factor = data_tuple[2] newsize = data_tuple[1] data = data_tuple[0] # select out a region around the filament 1 xmin = np.min(xbox_1) - 1. xmax = np.max(xbox_1) + 1. ymin = np.min(ybox_1) - 1. ymax = np.max(ybox_1) + 1. xystarts = [ xmin - pixscale[distance] * resolution / 2., ymin - pixscale[distance] * resolution / 2. ] ### size = [xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin] data_aroundfilament1 = data[(xmin / 100. * (newsize / factor)):(xmax / 100. * (newsize / factor)), (ymin / 100. * (newsize / factor)):(ymax / 100. * (newsize / factor))] if plotchecks: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5, 5]) axis = plt.subplot(111) get_halpha_SB.makemap(data_aroundfilament1, size, axis, xystarts=xystarts) # load the galaxy catalogue zmin = 10. zmax = 15. xgal, ygal, mgal, rhgas, rhstar = searchgals(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) if plotchecks: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5, 5]) axis = plt.subplot(111) get_halpha_SB.makemap(data_aroundfilament1, size, axis, xystarts=xystarts) plotgals(xgal, ygal, rhgas, rhstar, axis) # mask the galaxies in the EAGLE data data_masked = maskgals2( xgal, ygal, rhgas, data, [0, 0], [100., 100.], distance) # using the full 100Mpcx100Mpc data for the next steps if plotchecks: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5, 10]) axis = plt.subplot(121) get_halpha_SB.makemap( data_masked[(xmin / 100. * (newsize / factor)):(xmax / 100. * (newsize / factor)), (ymin / 100. * (newsize / factor)):(ymax / 100. * (newsize / factor))], size, axis, xystarts=xystarts) plotgals(xgal, ygal, rhgas, rhstar, axis) axis2 = plt.subplot(122) get_halpha_SB.makemap( data[(xmin / 100. * (newsize / factor)):(xmax / 100. * (newsize / factor)), (ymin / 100. * (newsize / factor)):(ymax / 100. * (newsize / factor))], size, axis2, xystarts=xystarts) plotgals(xgal, ygal, rhgas, rhstar, axis2) # select out the filament region xboxes, yboxes = define_filament_boxes(data_masked) xfull, yfull = get_halpha_SB.indices_region(xboxes[boxnum].astype(int), yboxes[boxnum].astype(int)) SBdata = extractdata(xfull, yfull, data_masked) if plotchecks: SBdata_notmasked = np.load('SBdata_%sarcsec.npz' % resolution)['arr_0'] fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8.5, 7.)) map = 'viridis' get_halpha_SB.makemapfilament(SBdata_notmasked, ax1, colmap=map, labelaxes=True) get_halpha_SB.makemapfilament(SBdata, ax2, colmap=map, labelaxes=True) np.savez('SBdata_%sarcsec_%s_masked.npz' % (resolution, distance)) return SBdata
fname = 'emission_halpha_L0100N1504_28_test2_SmAb_C2Sm_32000pix_5.000000slice_zcen12.5_'+resolution+'.npz' if os.path.isfile(fname): print("data exists, loading %s now..."%fname) sl = [slice(None,None,None), slice(None,None,None)] data = (np.load(fname)['arr_0'])[sl] else: print("data not saved, loading from original files now...") data = loaddata() np.savez(fname,data) xystarts = [38.,0.] size = [30.,18.] #factor = int(round(factor_50Mpc)) fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6.5, 5.)) ax1 = plt.subplot(111) get_halpha_SB.makemap(data[(38./100.*(32000./factor)):(68./100.*(32000./factor)),(0./100.*(32000./factor)):(18./100.*(32000./factor))],size,ax1,xystarts = xystarts) ax1.set_xlim(38.,68.) ax1.set_ylim(0.,18.) for distance in ['50Mpc','100Mpc','200Mpc','500Mpc']: ax1.plot([x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.,x_center+x_FOV[distance]/2.,x_center+x_FOV[distance]/2.,x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.,x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.], [y_center+y_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center+y_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center-y_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center+y_FOV[distance]/2.],color='gray') #ax1.text(x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center+y_FOV[distance]/2.,distance+' away') ax1.text(x_center-x_FOV[distance]/2.,y_center,distance+' away',rotation='vertical',va='center') elif allFOVs: print("congrats, you picked allFOVs! These are the all the same resolution, different distances plots.") # load the data: