def find_rerun_job(args): """ Find if the job was run previously :param args: Dictionary of arguments. Run build_args() if calling this from python script or parse_args() if running from shell :type args: dict :return: If the job was run previously. If yes the re_run document from the server :rtype: (bool, dict) """ name = None store_data = args['store_data'] install_failure = args['install_failure'] if args['executor_jenkins_job']: os = OS.getenv('os') component = OS.getenv('component') sub_component = OS.getenv('subcomponent') version_build = OS.getenv('version_number') name = "{}_{}_{}".format(os, component, sub_component) elif args['jenkins_job']: name = OS.getenv('JOB_NAME') version_build = args['build_version'] else: os = args['os'] component = args['component'] sub_component = args['sub_component'] if os and component and sub_component: name = "{}_{}_{}".format(os, component, sub_component) elif args['name']: name = args['name'] version_build = args['build_version'] if not name or not version_build: return False, {} cluster = Cluster.connect(host, 'Administrator', 'password') rerun_jobs = cluster.bucket(bucket_name) collection = rerun_jobs.defaultCollection() time.sleep(10) rerun = False doc_id = "{}_{}".format(name, version_build) try: success, run_document = get_document(collection, doc_id) if not store_data: if not success: return False, {} else: return True, run_document parameters = jenkins_api.get_params(OS.getenv('BUILD_URL')) run_results = get_run_results() job_to_store = { "job_url": OS.getenv('BUILD_URL'), "build_id": OS.getenv('BUILD_ID'), "run_params": parameters, "run_results": run_results, "install_failure": install_failure } if success: rerun = True else: run_document = {"build": version_build, "num_runs": 0, "jobs": []} run_document['num_runs'] += 1 run_document['jobs'].append(job_to_store) upsert_document(collection, doc_id, run_document) return rerun, run_document except Exception as e: print(e) return False, {}
def find_rerun_job(args): """ Find if the job was run previously :param args: Dictionary of arguments. Run build_args() if calling this from python script or parse_args() if running from shell :type args: dict :return: If the job was run previously :rtype: bool """ name = None store_data = args['store_data'] install_failure = args['install_failure'] if args['executor_jenkins_job']: os = OS.getenv('os') component = OS.getenv('component') sub_component = OS.getenv('subcomponent') version_build = OS.getenv('version_number') name = "{}_{}_{}".format(os, component, sub_component) elif args['jenkins_job']: name = OS.getenv('JOB_NAME') version_build = args['build_version'] else: os = args['os'] component = args['component'] sub_component = args['sub_component'] if os and component and sub_component: name = "{}_{}_{}".format(os, component, sub_component) elif args['name']: name = args['name'] version_build = args['build_version'] if not name or not version_build: return False, {} cluster = Cluster('couchbase://{}'.format(host)) authenticator = PasswordAuthenticator('Administrator', 'password') cluster.authenticate(authenticator) rerun_jobs = cluster.open_bucket(bucket_name) rerun = False doc_id = "{}_{}".format(name, version_build) try: run_document = rerun_jobs.get(doc_id, quiet=True) if not store_data: if not run_document.success: return False, {} else: return True, run_document.value parameters = jenkins_api.get_params(OS.getenv('BUILD_URL')) run_results = get_run_results() job_to_store = { "job_url": OS.getenv('BUILD_URL'), "build_id": OS.getenv('BUILD_ID'), "run_params": parameters, "run_results": run_results, "install_failure": install_failure } if run_document.success: rerun = True run_document = run_document.value else: run_document = {"build": version_build, "num_runs": 0, "jobs": []} run_document['num_runs'] += 1 run_document['jobs'].append(job_to_store) rerun_jobs.upsert(doc_id, run_document, ttl=(7 * 24 * 60 * 60)) return rerun, run_document except Exception as e: print(e) return False, {}
def main(): global SERVER_MANAGER global ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER global TIMEOUT global SSH_NUM_RETRIES global SSH_POLL_INTERVAL usage = '%prog -s suitefile -v version -o OS' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-v', '--version', dest='version') parser.add_option( '-r', '--run', dest='run') # run is ambiguous but it means 12 hour or weekly parser.add_option('-o', '--os', dest='os') parser.add_option('-n', '--noLaunch', action="store_true", dest='noLaunch', default=False) parser.add_option('-c', '--component', dest='component', default=None) parser.add_option('-p', '--poolId', dest='poolId', default='12hour') parser.add_option('-a', '--addPoolId', dest='addPoolId', default=None) parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', default=False, action='store_true') # use the test Jenkins parser.add_option('-s', '--subcomponent', dest='subcomponent', default=None) parser.add_option('--subcomponent_regex', dest='subcomponent_regex', default=None) parser.add_option('-e', '--extraParameters', dest='extraParameters', default=None) parser.add_option( '-y', '--serverType', dest='serverType', type="choice", default=DEFAULT_SERVER_TYPE, choices=[VM, AWS, DOCKER, GCP, AZURE, CAPELLA_LOCAL, ELIXIR_ONPREM]) # or could be Docker # override server type passed to executor job e.g. CAPELLA_LOCAL parser.add_option('--server_type_name', dest='server_type_name', default=None) parser.add_option('-u', '--url', dest='url', default=None) parser.add_option('-j', '--jenkins', dest='jenkins', default=None) parser.add_option('-b', '--branch', dest='branch', default='master') parser.add_option('-g', '--cherrypick', dest='cherrypick', default=None) # whether to use production version of a test_suite_executor or test version parser.add_option('-l', '--launch_job', dest='launch_job', default='test_suite_executor') parser.add_option('-f', '--jenkins_server_url', dest='jenkins_server_url', default='') parser.add_option('-m', '--rerun_params', dest='rerun_params', default='') parser.add_option('-i', '--retries', dest='retries', default='1') parser.add_option('-q', '--fresh_run', dest='fresh_run', default=True, action='store_false') parser.add_option('-k', '--include_tests', dest='include_tests', default=None) parser.add_option('-x', '--server_manager', dest='SERVER_MANAGER', default='') parser.add_option('--addl_server_manager', dest='ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER', default='') parser.add_option('--test_suite_db', dest="TEST_SUITE_DB", default='') parser.add_option('-z', '--timeout', dest='TIMEOUT', default='60') parser.add_option('-w', '--check_vm', dest='check_vm', default="False") parser.add_option('--ssh_poll_interval', dest='SSH_POLL_INTERVAL', default="20") parser.add_option('--ssh_num_retries', dest='SSH_NUM_RETRIES', default="3") parser.add_option('--job_params', dest='job_params', default=None) parser.add_option('--architecture', dest='architecture', default=DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURE) # set of parameters for testing purposes. #TODO: delete them after successful testing # dashboardReportedParameters is of the form param1=abc,param2=def parser.add_option('-d', '--dashboardReportedParameters', dest='dashboardReportedParameters', default=None) options, args = parser.parse_args() #Fix the OS for addPoolServers. See CBQE-5609 for details addPoolServer_os = "centos" print(('the run is', print(('the version is', options.version)) releaseVersion = float('.'.join(options.version.split('.')[:2])) print(('release version is', releaseVersion)) print(('nolaunch', options.noLaunch)) print(('os', options.os)) # print('url', options.url) print(('url is', options.url)) print(('cherrypick command is', options.cherrypick)) print(('the reportedParameters are', options.dashboardReportedParameters)) print(('rerun params are', options.rerun_params)) print(('Server Manager is ', options.SERVER_MANAGER)) print(('Timeout is ', options.TIMEOUT)) if options.SERVER_MANAGER: SERVER_MANAGER = options.SERVER_MANAGER if options.ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER: ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER = options.ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER if options.TEST_SUITE_DB: TEST_SUITE_DB = options.TEST_SUITE_DB if options.TIMEOUT: TIMEOUT = int(options.TIMEOUT) if options.SSH_POLL_INTERVAL: SSH_POLL_INTERVAL = int(options.SSH_POLL_INTERVAL) if options.SSH_NUM_RETRIES: SSH_NUM_RETRIES = int(options.SSH_NUM_RETRIES) if options.poolId: options.poolId = options.poolId.split(",") # What do we do with any reported parameters? # 1. Append them to the extra (testrunner) parameters # 2. Append the right hand of the equals sign to the subcomponent to make a report descriptor if options.extraParameters is None: if options.dashboardReportedParameters is None: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = None else: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = options.dashboardReportedParameters else: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = options.extraParameters if options.dashboardReportedParameters is not None: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = options.extraParameters + ',' + options.dashboardReportedParameters # f = open(options.suiteFile) # data = f.readlines() testsToLaunch = [] # for d in data: # fields = d.split() # testsToLaunch.append( {'descriptor':fields[0],'confFile':fields[1],'iniFile':fields[2], # 'serverCount':int(fields[3]), 'timeLimit':int(fields[4]), # 'parameters':fields[5]}) cluster = Cluster('couchbase://{}'.format(TEST_SUITE_DB)) authenticator = PasswordAuthenticator(SERVER_MANAGER_USER_NAME, SERVER_MANAGER_PASSWORD) cluster.authenticate(authenticator) cb = cluster.open_bucket('QE-Test-Suites') if == "12hr_weekly": suiteString = "('12hour' in partOf or 'weekly' in partOf)" else: suiteString = "'" + + "' in partOf" if options.component is None or options.component == 'None': queryString = "select * from `QE-Test-Suites` where " + suiteString + " order by component" else: if (options.subcomponent is None or options.subcomponent == 'None') \ and (options.subcomponent_regex is None or options.subcomponent_regex == "None"): splitComponents = options.component.split(',') componentString = '' for i in range(len(splitComponents)): componentString = componentString + "'" + splitComponents[ i] + "'" if i < len(splitComponents) - 1: componentString = componentString + ',' queryString = "select * from `QE-Test-Suites` where {0} and component in [{1}] order by component;".format( suiteString, componentString) elif options.subcomponent_regex is None or options.subcomponent_regex == "None": # have a subcomponent, assume only 1 component splitSubcomponents = options.subcomponent.split(',') subcomponentString = '' for i in range(len(splitSubcomponents)): print(('subcomponentString is', subcomponentString)) subcomponentString = subcomponentString + "'" + splitSubcomponents[ i] + "'" if i < len(splitSubcomponents) - 1: subcomponentString = subcomponentString + ',' queryString = "select * from `QE-Test-Suites` where {0} and component in ['{1}'] and subcomponent in [{2}];". \ format(suiteString, options.component, subcomponentString) else: splitComponents = options.component.split(',') componentString = '' for comp in splitComponents: comp = f'"{comp}"' if componentString == '': componentString = comp else: componentString = f'{componentString},{comp}' queryString = "select * from `QE-Test-Suites` where {0} and component in [{1}] and subcomponent like \"{2}\";". \ format(suiteString, componentString, options.subcomponent_regex) print( ('the query is', queryString)) # .format(, componentString) query = N1QLQuery(queryString) results = cb.n1ql_query(queryString) framework = None for row in results: try: data = row['QE-Test-Suites'] data['config'] = data['config'].rstrip( ) # trailing spaces causes problems opening the files print(('row', data)) # check any os specific if 'os' not in data or (data['os'] == options.os) or \ (data['os'] == 'linux' and options.os in {'centos', 'ubuntu'}): # and also check for which release it is implemented in if 'implementedIn' not in data or releaseVersion >= float( data['implementedIn']): # and check if there is a max version the tests # can run in if 'maxVersion' in data and releaseVersion > \ float(data['maxVersion']): print((data['component'], data['subcomponent'], ' is not supported in this release')) continue if 'jenkins' in data: # then this is sort of a special case, launch the old style Jenkins job # not implemented yet print(('Old style Jenkins', data['jenkins'])) else: if 'initNodes' in data: initNodes = data['initNodes'].lower() == 'true' else: initNodes = True if 'installParameters' in data: installParameters = data['installParameters'] else: installParameters = 'None' if 'slave' in data: slave = data['slave'] else: slave = 'P0' if 'owner' in data: owner = data['owner'] else: owner = 'QE' if 'mailing_list' in data: mailing_list = data['mailing_list'] else: mailing_list = '*****@*****.**' if 'mode' in data: mode = data["mode"] else: mode = 'java' if 'framework' in data: framework = data["framework"] else: framework = 'testrunner' # checkout the ini file at the specified branch # raises an exception if the ini file does not exist on that branch if options.branch != "master": try:[ "git", "checkout", "origin/" + options.branch, "--", data['config'] ], check=True) except Exception: print( 'Git error: Did not find {} in {} branch'. format(data['config'], options.branch)) addPoolId = options.addPoolId # if there's an additional pool, get the number # of additional servers needed from the ini addPoolServerCount = getNumberOfAddpoolServers( data['config'], addPoolId) if options.serverType in CLOUD_SERVER_TYPES: config = configparser.ConfigParser()['config']) for section in config.sections(): if section == "cbbackupmgr" and config.has_option( section, "endpoint"): addPoolServerCount = 1 addPoolId = "localstack" break testsToLaunch.append({ 'component': data['component'], 'subcomponent': data['subcomponent'], 'confFile': data['confFile'], 'iniFile': data['config'], 'serverCount': getNumberOfServers(data['config']), 'ssh_username': get_ssh_username(data['config']), 'ssh_password': get_ssh_password(data['config']), 'addPoolServerCount': addPoolServerCount, 'timeLimit': data['timeOut'], 'parameters': data['parameters'], 'initNodes': initNodes, 'installParameters': installParameters, 'slave': slave, 'owner': owner, 'mailing_list': mailing_list, 'mode': mode, 'framework': framework, 'addPoolId': addPoolId, }) else: print((data['component'], data['subcomponent'], ' is not supported in this release')) else: print(('OS does not apply to', data['component'], data['subcomponent'])) except Exception as e: print('exception in querying tests, possible bad record') print((traceback.format_exc())) print(data) total_req_servercount = 0 total_req_addservercount = 0 for i in testsToLaunch: total_req_servercount = total_req_servercount + i['serverCount'] total_req_addservercount = total_req_addservercount + i[ 'addPoolServerCount'] print( '\n-->Test jobs to launch: {} and required serverCount={}, addPoolServerCount={}' .format(len(testsToLaunch), total_req_servercount, total_req_addservercount)) print('#component, subcomponent, serverCount, ' 'addPoolServerCount --> framework') for i in testsToLaunch: print('{}, {}, {}, {} --> {}'.format(i['component'], i['subcomponent'], i['serverCount'], i['addPoolServerCount'], i['framework'])) print('\n\n') launchStringBase = str(options.jenkins_server_url) + '/job/' + str( options.launch_job) # this are VM/Docker dependent - or maybe not launchString = '/buildWithParameters?token=test_dispatcher&' + \ 'version_number={0}&confFile={1}&descriptor={2}&component={3}&subcomponent={4}&' + \ 'iniFile={5}¶meters={6}&os={7}&initNodes={' \ '8}&installParameters={9}&branch={10}&slave={' \ '11}&owners={12}&mailing_list={13}&mode={14}&timeout={15}' if options.rerun_params: rerun_params = options.rerun_params.strip('\'') launchString = launchString + '&' + urllib.parse.urlencode( {"rerun_params": rerun_params}) launchString = launchString + '&retries=' + options.retries if options.include_tests: launchString = launchString + '&include_tests=' + urllib.parse.quote( options.include_tests.replace("'", " ").strip()) launchString = launchString + '&fresh_run=' + urllib.parse.quote( str(options.fresh_run).lower()) if options.url is not None: launchString = launchString + '&url=' + options.url if options.cherrypick is not None: launchString = launchString + '&cherrypick=' + urllib.parse.quote( options.cherrypick) if options.architecture != DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURE: launchString = launchString + '&arch=' + options.architecture if options.serverType != DEFAULT_SERVER_TYPE or options.server_type_name is not None: server_type = options.serverType if options.server_type_name is None else options.server_type_name launchString = launchString + '&server_type=' + server_type currentDispatcherJobUrl = OS.getenv("BUILD_URL") currentExecutorParams = get_jenkins_params.get_params( currentDispatcherJobUrl) if currentExecutorParams is None: currentExecutorParams = {} if OS.environ.get('JOB_URL') is not None: currentExecutorParams['dispatcher_url'] = OS.getenv('JOB_URL') currentExecutorParams = json.dumps(currentExecutorParams) print(currentExecutorParams) summary = [] servers = [] total_jobs_count = len(testsToLaunch) job_index = 1 total_servers_being_used = 0 total_addl_servers_being_used = 0 if options.noLaunch: print("\n -- No launch selected -- \n") while len(testsToLaunch) > 0: try: if not options.noLaunch: print( "\n\n *** Before dispatch, checking for the servers to run a test suite\n" ) else: i = 0 print( "\n\n *** Dispatching job#{} of {} with {} servers (total={}) and {} " "additional " "servers(total={}) : {}-{} with {}\n".format( job_index, total_jobs_count, testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'], total_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount'], total_addl_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], testsToLaunch[i]['subcomponent'], testsToLaunch[i]['framework'], )) # sample data as it is a noLaunch to get the general URL descriptor = "descriptor" dashboardDescriptor = "dashboardDescriptor" parameters = "parameters" url = launchString.format( options.version, testsToLaunch[i]['confFile'], descriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], dashboardDescriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['iniFile'], urllib.parse.quote(parameters), options.os, testsToLaunch[i]['initNodes'], testsToLaunch[i]['installParameters'], options.branch, testsToLaunch[i]['slave'], urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['owner']), urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['mailing_list']), testsToLaunch[i]['mode'], testsToLaunch[i]['timeLimit']) url = url + '&dispatcher_params=' + urllib.parse.urlencode( {"parameters": currentExecutorParams}) # optional add [-docker] [-Jenkins extension] - TBD duplicate launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase if options.serverType == DOCKER: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-docker' if options.test: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-test' # if options.framework.lower() == "jython": framework = testsToLaunch[i]['framework'] if framework != 'testrunner': launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + "-" + framework elif options.jenkins is not None: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + '-' + options.jenkins url = launchStringBaseF + url if options.job_params: url = update_url_with_job_params(url, options.job_params) print('\n', time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'launching ', url) total_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0]['serverCount'] total_addl_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0][ 'addPoolServerCount'] testsToLaunch.pop(0) job_index += 1 continue # this bit is Docker/VM dependent # see if we can match a test haveTestToLaunch = False i = 0 pool_to_use = options.poolId[0] for pool_id in options.poolId: if options.serverType in CLOUD_SERVER_TYPES: haveTestToLaunch = True break serverCount = get_available_servers_count( options=options, os_version=options.os, pool_id=pool_id) print("Server count={}".format(serverCount)) if not serverCount or serverCount == 0: continue print( (time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'there are', serverCount, ' servers available in ', pool_id, ' pool')) test_index = 0 while not haveTestToLaunch and test_index < len(testsToLaunch): if testsToLaunch[test_index]['serverCount'] <= serverCount: if testsToLaunch[test_index]['addPoolServerCount']: addPoolId = testsToLaunch[test_index]['addPoolId'] addlServersCount = get_available_servers_count( options=options, is_addl_pool=True, os_version=addPoolServer_os, pool_id=addPoolId) if addlServersCount == 0: print( time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'no {0} VMs at this time'.format( addPoolId)) test_index = test_index + 1 else: print( time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), "there are {0} {1} servers available". format(addlServersCount, addPoolId)) haveTestToLaunch = True else: haveTestToLaunch = True else: test_index = test_index + 1 i = test_index pool_to_use = pool_id if haveTestToLaunch: break if haveTestToLaunch: print( "\n\n *** Dispatching job#{} of {} with {} servers (total={}) and {} " "additional " "servers(total={}) : {}-{} with {}\n".format( job_index, total_jobs_count, testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'], total_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount'], total_addl_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], testsToLaunch[i]['subcomponent'], testsToLaunch[i]['framework'], )) if options.noLaunch: job_index += 1 testsToLaunch.pop(i) continue # build the dashboard descriptor dashboardDescriptor = urllib.parse.quote( testsToLaunch[i]['subcomponent']) if options.dashboardReportedParameters is not None: for o in options.dashboardReportedParameters.split(','): dashboardDescriptor += '_' + o.split('=')[1] dispatch_job = True if not options.fresh_run: dispatch_job = \ find_rerun_job.should_dispatch_job( options.os, testsToLaunch[i][ 'component'], dashboardDescriptor , options.version) # and this is the Jenkins descriptor descriptor = testsToLaunch[i][ 'component'] + '-' + testsToLaunch[i][ 'subcomponent'] + '-' + time.strftime( '%b-%d-%X') + '-' + options.version if options.serverType == GCP: # GCP labels are limited to 63 characters which might be too small. # Must also start with a lowercase letter. Just use a UUID which is 32 characters. descriptor = "testrunner-" + str(uuid4()) elif options.serverType == AWS: # A stack name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive) and hyphens descriptor = descriptor.replace("_", "-") descriptor = "".join( filter(lambda char: str.isalnum(char) or char == "-", descriptor)) elif options.serverType == AZURE: descriptor = "testrunner-" + str(uuid4()) descriptor = urllib.parse.quote(descriptor) # grab the server resources # this bit is Docker/VM dependent servers = [] internal_servers = None unreachable_servers = [] how_many = testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'] - len(servers) if options.check_vm == "True": while how_many > 0: unchecked_servers, _ = get_servers( options=options, descriptor=descriptor, test=testsToLaunch[i], how_many=how_many, os_version=options.os, pool_id=pool_to_use) checked_servers, bad_servers = check_servers_via_ssh( servers=unchecked_servers, test=testsToLaunch[i]) for ss in checked_servers: servers.append(ss) for ss in bad_servers: unreachable_servers.append(ss) how_many = testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'] - len( servers) else: servers, internal_servers = get_servers( options=options, descriptor=descriptor, test=testsToLaunch[i], how_many=how_many, os_version=options.os, pool_id=pool_to_use) how_many = testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'] - len(servers) if options.serverType != DOCKER: # sometimes there could be a race, before a dispatcher process acquires vms, # another waiting dispatcher process could grab them, resulting in lesser vms # for the second dispatcher process if len(servers) != testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount']: print( "Received servers count does not match the expected test server count!" ) release_servers(options, descriptor) continue # get additional pool servers as needed addl_servers = [] if testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount']: how_many_addl = testsToLaunch[i][ 'addPoolServerCount'] - len(addl_servers) addPoolId = testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolId'] addl_servers, _ = get_servers(options=options, descriptor=descriptor, test=testsToLaunch[i], how_many=how_many_addl, is_addl_pool=True, os_version=addPoolServer_os, pool_id=addPoolId) how_many_addl = testsToLaunch[i][ 'addPoolServerCount'] - len(addl_servers) if len(addl_servers ) != testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount']: print( "Received additional servers count does not match the expected " "test additional servers count!") release_servers(options, descriptor) continue # and send the request to the test executor # figure out the parameters, there are test suite specific, and added at dispatch time if runTimeTestRunnerParameters is None: parameters = testsToLaunch[i]['parameters'] else: if testsToLaunch[i]['parameters'] == 'None': parameters = runTimeTestRunnerParameters else: parameters = testsToLaunch[i][ 'parameters'] + ',' + runTimeTestRunnerParameters url = launchString.format( options.version, testsToLaunch[i]['confFile'], descriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], dashboardDescriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['iniFile'], urllib.parse.quote(parameters), options.os, testsToLaunch[i]['initNodes'], testsToLaunch[i]['installParameters'], options.branch, testsToLaunch[i]['slave'], urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['owner']), urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['mailing_list']), testsToLaunch[i]['mode'], testsToLaunch[i]['timeLimit']) url = url + '&dispatcher_params=' + \ urllib.parse.urlencode({"parameters": currentExecutorParams}) if options.serverType != DOCKER: servers_str = json.dumps(servers).replace(' ', '').replace( '[', '', 1) servers_str = rreplace(servers_str, ']', 1) url = url + '&servers=' + urllib.parse.quote(servers_str) if internal_servers: internal_servers_str = json.dumps( internal_servers).replace(' ', '').replace('[', '', 1) internal_servers_str = rreplace( internal_servers_str, ']', 1) url = url + '&internal_servers=' + urllib.parse.quote( internal_servers_str) if testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount']: addPoolServers = json.dumps(addl_servers).replace( ' ', '').replace('[', '', 1) addPoolServers = rreplace(addPoolServers, ']', 1) url = url + '&addPoolServerId=' +\ testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolId'] +\ '&addPoolServers=' +\ urllib.parse.quote(addPoolServers) if len(unreachable_servers) > 0: print( "The following VM(s) are unreachable for ssh connection:" ) for s in unreachable_servers: response, content = httplib2.Http( timeout=TIMEOUT).request( 'http://' + SERVER_MANAGER + '/releaseip/' + s + '/ssh_failed', 'GET') print(s) # optional add [-docker] [-Jenkins extension] launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase if options.serverType == DOCKER: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-docker' if options.test: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-test' # if options.framework.lower() == "jython": framework = testsToLaunch[i]['framework'] if framework != 'testrunner': launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + "-" + framework elif options.jenkins is not None: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + '-' + options.jenkins url = launchStringBaseF + url if options.job_params: url = update_url_with_job_params(url, options.job_params) print('\n', time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'launching ', url) if options.noLaunch or not dispatch_job: # free the VMs time.sleep(3) if options.serverType == DOCKER: #Docker gets only a single sever from # get_server. Not hard coding the server # we get, which as of now is constant, # but might change in the future. ipaddr = servers[0] response, content = httplib2.Http( timeout=TIMEOUT). \ request( 'http://' + SERVER_MANAGER + '/releasedockers/' + descriptor + '?ipaddr=' + ipaddr, 'GET') print('the release response', response, content) else: release_servers(options, descriptor) else: doc = cb.get("jenkins_cred") if not doc.success: raise Exception( "Cred doc missing in QE_Test-Suites bucket") doc = doc.value credentials = "%s:%s" % (doc["username"], doc["password"]) auth = base64.encodebytes(credentials.encode('utf-8')) auth = auth.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n') header = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % auth, 'Accept': '*/*' } response, content = httplib2.Http(timeout=TIMEOUT)\ .request(url, 'GET', headers=header) print("Response is: {0}".format(str(response))) print("Content is: {0}".format(str(content))) if int(response['status']) >= 400: raise Exception( "Unexpected response while dispatching the request!" ) total_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0]['serverCount'] total_addl_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0][ 'addPoolServerCount'] job_index += 1 testsToLaunch.pop(i) summary.append({ 'test': descriptor, 'time': time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) }) if options.noLaunch: pass # no sleeping necessary elif options.serverType == DOCKER: time.sleep( 240) # this is due to the docker port allocation race else: time.sleep(30) else: print('not enough servers at this time') time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) except Exception as e: print('have an exception') print((traceback.format_exc())) if descriptor: try: print('Releasing servers for {} ...'.format(descriptor)) release_servers(options, descriptor) except Exception: pass time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) # endwhile if not options.noLaunch: print('\n\n\ndone, everything is launched') for i in summary: print((i['test'], 'was launched at', i['time'])) print( "\n\n *** Dispatched total {} jobs using total {} servers and {} additional " "servers " "\n".format(total_jobs_count, total_servers_being_used, total_addl_servers_being_used)) else: print("\n Done!") return
def rerun_job(args): """ Rerun a job based on the arguments to the program. Determine if a rerun has to occur or not :param args: Dictionary of arguments to the program :type args: dict :return: Nothing :rtype: None """ build_version = args['build_version'] executor_jenkins_job = args['executor_jenkins_job'] jenkins_job = args['jenkins_job'] install_failure = args['install_failure'] fresh_run = OS.getenv('fresh_run', False) is_rerun_args = find_rerun_job.build_args(build_version, executor_jenkins_job=executor_jenkins_job, jenkins_job=jenkins_job, store_data=True, install_failure=install_failure) is_rerun, rerun_document = find_rerun_job.find_rerun_job(is_rerun_args) test_suites = {} if is_rerun and not install_failure and (fresh_run != 'true' or fresh_run is False): test_suites = merge_xmls(rerun_document) else: test_suites = merge_xmls({}) retry_count = OS.getenv("retries") if not retry_count: if "retries" in args: retry_count = args['retries'] else: retry_count = 0 if isinstance(retry_count, str): retry_count = int(retry_count) should_rerun = should_rerun_tests(test_suites, install_failure, retry_count) if not should_rerun: print("No more failed tests. Stopping reruns") return rerun_params = get_rerun_parameters(rerun_document, is_rerun) if not rerun_params: if install_failure: rerun_params = '' else: return if jenkins_job: current_job_url = OS.getenv('BUILD_URL') current_job_params = get_jenkins_params.get_params( current_job_url) current_job_params['rerun_params'] = rerun_params current_job_params['retries'] = retry_count - 1 job_url = OS.getenv("JOB_URL") job_token = args['token'] job_url = "{0}buildWithParameters?token={1}".format(job_url, job_token) response, content = run_jenkins_job(job_url, current_job_params) return dispatcher_params = OS.getenv('dispatcher_params').lstrip( "parameters=") dispatcher_params = json.loads(dispatcher_params) dispatcher_params['rerun_params'] = rerun_params dispatcher_params['retries'] = retry_count - 1 dispatcher_params['component'] = OS.getenv('component') dispatcher_params['subcomponent'] = OS.getenv('subcomponent') dispatcher_params['fresh_run'] = "false" job_url = dispatcher_params.pop('dispatcher_url') job_url = "{0}buildWithParameters?token=extended_sanity".format( job_url) response, content = run_jenkins_job(job_url, dispatcher_params)
def main(): global SERVER_MANAGER global ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER global TIMEOUT global SSH_NUM_RETRIES global SSH_POLL_INTERVAL usage = '%prog -s suitefile -v version -o OS' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-v', '--version', dest='version') parser.add_option( '-r', '--run', dest='run') # run is ambiguous but it means 12 hour or weekly parser.add_option('-o', '--os', dest='os') parser.add_option('-n', '--noLaunch', action="store_true", dest='noLaunch', default=False) parser.add_option('-c', '--component', dest='component', default=None) parser.add_option('-p', '--poolId', dest='poolId', default='12hour') parser.add_option('-a', '--addPoolId', dest='addPoolId', default=None) parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', default=False, action='store_true') # use the test Jenkins parser.add_option('-s', '--subcomponent', dest='subcomponent', default=None) parser.add_option('-e', '--extraParameters', dest='extraParameters', default=None) parser.add_option('-y', '--serverType', dest='serverType', default='VM') # or could be Docker parser.add_option('-u', '--url', dest='url', default=None) parser.add_option('-j', '--jenkins', dest='jenkins', default=None) parser.add_option('-b', '--branch', dest='branch', default='master') parser.add_option('-g', '--cherrypick', dest='cherrypick', default=None) # whether to use production version of a test_suite_executor or test version parser.add_option('-l', '--launch_job', dest='launch_job', default='test_suite_executor') parser.add_option('-f', '--jenkins_server_url', dest='jenkins_server_url', default='') parser.add_option('-m', '--rerun_params', dest='rerun_params', default='') parser.add_option('-i', '--retries', dest='retries', default='1') parser.add_option('-q', '--fresh_run', dest='fresh_run', default=True, action='store_false') parser.add_option('-k', '--include_tests', dest='include_tests', default=None) parser.add_option('-x', '--server_manager', dest='SERVER_MANAGER', default='') parser.add_option('--addl_server_manager', dest='ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER', default='') parser.add_option('-z', '--timeout', dest='TIMEOUT', default='60') parser.add_option('-w', '--check_vm', dest='check_vm', default="False") parser.add_option('--ssh_poll_interval', dest='SSH_POLL_INTERVAL', default="20") parser.add_option('--ssh_num_retries', dest='SSH_NUM_RETRIES', default="3") parser.add_option('--job_params', dest='job_params', default=None) # set of parameters for testing purposes. #TODO: delete them after successful testing # dashboardReportedParameters is of the form param1=abc,param2=def parser.add_option('-d', '--dashboardReportedParameters', dest='dashboardReportedParameters', default=None) options, args = parser.parse_args() #Fix the OS for addPoolServers. See CBQE-5609 for details addPoolServer_os = "centos" print(('the run is', print(('the version is', options.version)) releaseVersion = float('.'.join(options.version.split('.')[:2])) print(('release version is', releaseVersion)) print(('nolaunch', options.noLaunch)) print(('os', options.os)) # print('url', options.url) print(('url is', options.url)) print(('cherrypick command is', options.cherrypick)) print(('the reportedParameters are', options.dashboardReportedParameters)) print(('rerun params are', options.rerun_params)) print(('Server Manager is ', options.SERVER_MANAGER)) print(('Timeout is ', options.TIMEOUT)) if options.SERVER_MANAGER: SERVER_MANAGER = options.SERVER_MANAGER if options.ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER: ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER = options.ADDL_SERVER_MANAGER if options.TIMEOUT: TIMEOUT = int(options.TIMEOUT) if options.SSH_POLL_INTERVAL: SSH_POLL_INTERVAL = int(options.SSH_POLL_INTERVAL) if options.SSH_NUM_RETRIES: SSH_NUM_RETRIES = int(options.SSH_NUM_RETRIES) # What do we do with any reported parameters? # 1. Append them to the extra (testrunner) parameters # 2. Append the right hand of the equals sign to the subcomponent to make a report descriptor if options.extraParameters is None: if options.dashboardReportedParameters is None: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = None else: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = options.dashboardReportedParameters else: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = options.extraParameters if options.dashboardReportedParameters is not None: runTimeTestRunnerParameters = options.extraParameters + ',' + options.dashboardReportedParameters # f = open(options.suiteFile) # data = f.readlines() testsToLaunch = [] # for d in data: # fields = d.split() # testsToLaunch.append( {'descriptor':fields[0],'confFile':fields[1],'iniFile':fields[2], # 'serverCount':int(fields[3]), 'timeLimit':int(fields[4]), # 'parameters':fields[5]}) cb = Bucket('couchbase://' + TEST_SUITE_DB + '/QE-Test-Suites') if == "12hr_weekly": suiteString = "('12hour' in partOf or 'weekly' in partOf)" else: suiteString = "'" + + "' in partOf" if options.component is None or options.component == 'None': queryString = "select * from `QE-Test-Suites` where " + suiteString + " order by component" else: if options.subcomponent is None or options.subcomponent == 'None': splitComponents = options.component.split(',') componentString = '' for i in range(len(splitComponents)): componentString = componentString + "'" + splitComponents[ i] + "'" if i < len(splitComponents) - 1: componentString = componentString + ',' queryString = "select * from `QE-Test-Suites` where {0} and component in [{1}] order by component;".format( suiteString, componentString) else: # have a subcomponent, assume only 1 component splitSubcomponents = options.subcomponent.split(',') subcomponentString = '' for i in range(len(splitSubcomponents)): print(('subcomponentString is', subcomponentString)) subcomponentString = subcomponentString + "'" + splitSubcomponents[ i] + "'" if i < len(splitSubcomponents) - 1: subcomponentString = subcomponentString + ',' queryString = "select * from `QE-Test-Suites` where {0} and component in ['{1}'] and subcomponent in [{2}];". \ format(suiteString, options.component, subcomponentString) print( ('the query is', queryString)) # .format(, componentString) query = N1QLQuery(queryString) results = cb.n1ql_query(queryString) framework = None for row in results: try: data = row['QE-Test-Suites'] data['config'] = data['config'].rstrip( ) # trailing spaces causes problems opening the files print(('row', data)) # check any os specific if 'os' not in data or (data['os'] == options.os) or \ (data['os'] == 'linux' and options.os in {'centos', 'ubuntu'}): # and also check for which release it is implemented in if 'implementedIn' not in data or releaseVersion >= float( data['implementedIn']): if 'jenkins' in data: # then this is sort of a special case, launch the old style Jenkins job # not implemented yet print(('Old style Jenkins', data['jenkins'])) else: if 'initNodes' in data: initNodes = data['initNodes'].lower() == 'true' else: initNodes = True if 'installParameters' in data: installParameters = data['installParameters'] else: installParameters = 'None' if 'slave' in data: slave = data['slave'] else: slave = 'P0' if 'owner' in data: owner = data['owner'] else: owner = 'QE' if 'mailing_list' in data: mailing_list = data['mailing_list'] else: mailing_list = '*****@*****.**' if 'mode' in data: mode = data["mode"] else: mode = 'java' if 'framework' in data: framework = data["framework"] else: framework = 'testrunner' # if there's an additional pool, get the number # of additional servers needed from the ini addPoolServerCount = getNumberOfAddpoolServers( data['config'], options.addPoolId) testsToLaunch.append({ 'component': data['component'], 'subcomponent': data['subcomponent'], 'confFile': data['confFile'], 'iniFile': data['config'], 'serverCount': getNumberOfServers(data['config']), 'ssh_username': get_ssh_username(data['config']), 'ssh_password': get_ssh_password(data['config']), 'addPoolServerCount': addPoolServerCount, 'timeLimit': data['timeOut'], 'parameters': data['parameters'], 'initNodes': initNodes, 'installParameters': installParameters, 'slave': slave, 'owner': owner, 'mailing_list': mailing_list, 'mode': mode, 'framework': framework }) else: print((data['component'], data['subcomponent'], ' is not supported in this release')) else: print(('OS does not apply to', data['component'], data['subcomponent'])) except Exception as e: print('exception in querying tests, possible bad record') print((traceback.format_exc())) print(data) print('tests to launch:') for i in testsToLaunch: print(i['component'], i['subcomponent'], '-->', i['framework']) print('\n\n') launchStringBase = str(options.jenkins_server_url) + '/job/' + str( options.launch_job) # this are VM/Docker dependent - or maybe not launchString = '/buildWithParameters?token=test_dispatcher&' + \ 'version_number={0}&confFile={1}&descriptor={2}&component={3}&subcomponent={4}&' + \ 'iniFile={5}¶meters={6}&os={7}&initNodes={' \ '8}&installParameters={9}&branch={10}&slave={' \ '11}&owners={12}&mailing_list={13}&mode={14}&timeout={15}' if options.rerun_params: rerun_params = options.rerun_params.strip('\'') launchString = launchString + '&' + urllib.parse.urlencode( {"rerun_params": rerun_params}) launchString = launchString + '&retries=' + options.retries if options.include_tests: launchString = launchString + '&include_tests=' + urllib.parse.quote( options.include_tests.replace("'", " ").strip()) launchString = launchString + '&fresh_run=' + urllib.parse.quote( str(options.fresh_run).lower()) if options.url is not None: launchString = launchString + '&url=' + options.url if options.cherrypick is not None: launchString = launchString + '&cherrypick=' + urllib.parse.quote( options.cherrypick) currentDispatcherJobUrl = OS.getenv("BUILD_URL") currentExecutorParams = get_jenkins_params.get_params( currentDispatcherJobUrl) if currentExecutorParams is None: currentExecutorParams = {} if OS.environ.get('JOB_URL') is not None: currentExecutorParams['dispatcher_url'] = OS.getenv('JOB_URL') currentExecutorParams = json.dumps(currentExecutorParams) print(currentExecutorParams) summary = [] servers = [] total_jobs_count = len(testsToLaunch) job_index = 1 total_servers_being_used = 0 total_addl_servers_being_used = 0 if options.noLaunch: print("\n -- No launch selected -- \n") while len(testsToLaunch) > 0: try: if not options.noLaunch: print( "\n\n *** Before dispatch, checking for the servers to run a test suite\n" ) else: i = 0 print( "\n\n *** Dispatching job#{} of {} with {} servers (total={}) and {} " "additional " "servers(total={}) : {}-{} with {}\n".format( job_index, total_jobs_count, testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'], total_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount'], total_addl_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], testsToLaunch[i]['subcomponent'], testsToLaunch[i]['framework'], )) # sample data as it is a noLaunch to get the general URL descriptor = "descriptor" dashboardDescriptor = "dashboardDescriptor" parameters = "parameters" url = launchString.format( options.version, testsToLaunch[i]['confFile'], descriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], dashboardDescriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['iniFile'], urllib.parse.quote(parameters), options.os, testsToLaunch[i]['initNodes'], testsToLaunch[i]['installParameters'], options.branch, testsToLaunch[i]['slave'], urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['owner']), urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['mailing_list']), testsToLaunch[i]['mode'], testsToLaunch[i]['timeLimit']) url = url + '&dispatcher_params=' + urllib.parse.urlencode( {"parameters": currentExecutorParams}) # optional add [-docker] [-Jenkins extension] - TBD duplicate launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase if options.serverType.lower() == 'docker': launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-docker' if options.test: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-test' # if options.framework.lower() == "jython": framework = testsToLaunch[i]['framework'] if framework != 'testrunner': launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + "-" + framework elif options.jenkins is not None: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + '-' + options.jenkins url = launchStringBaseF + url if options.job_params: url = update_url_with_job_params(url, options.job_params) print('\n', time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'launching ', url) total_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0]['serverCount'] total_addl_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0][ 'addPoolServerCount'] testsToLaunch.pop(0) job_index += 1 continue # this bit is Docker/VM dependent serverCount = get_available_servers_count(options=options, os_version=options.os) print("Server count={}".format(serverCount)) if serverCount and serverCount > 0: # see if we can match a test print((time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'there are', serverCount, ' servers available')) haveTestToLaunch = False i = 0 while not haveTestToLaunch and i < len(testsToLaunch): if testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'] <= serverCount: if testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount']: addlServersCount = get_available_servers_count( options=options, is_addl_pool=True, os_version=addPoolServer_os) if addlServersCount == 0: print( time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'no {0} VMs at this time'.format( options.addPoolId)) i = i + 1 else: print( time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), "there are {0} {1} servers available". format(addlServersCount, options.addPoolId)) haveTestToLaunch = True else: haveTestToLaunch = True else: i = i + 1 if haveTestToLaunch: print( "\n\n *** Dispatching job#{} of {} with {} servers (total={}) and {} " "additional " "servers(total={}) : {}-{} with {}\n".format( job_index, total_jobs_count, testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'], total_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount'], total_addl_servers_being_used, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], testsToLaunch[i]['subcomponent'], testsToLaunch[i]['framework'], )) # build the dashboard descriptor dashboardDescriptor = urllib.parse.quote( testsToLaunch[i]['subcomponent']) if options.dashboardReportedParameters is not None: for o in options.dashboardReportedParameters.split( ','): dashboardDescriptor += '_' + o.split('=')[1] # and this is the Jenkins descriptor descriptor = urllib.parse.quote( testsToLaunch[i]['component'] + '-' + testsToLaunch[i]['subcomponent'] + '-' + time.strftime('%b-%d-%X') + '-' + options.version) # grab the server resources # this bit is Docker/VM dependent servers = [] unreachable_servers = [] how_many = testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'] - len(servers) if options.check_vm == "True": while how_many > 0: unchecked_servers = get_servers( options=options, descriptor=descriptor, test=testsToLaunch[i], how_many=how_many, os_version=options.os) checked_servers, bad_servers = check_servers_via_ssh( servers=unchecked_servers, test=testsToLaunch[i]) for ss in checked_servers: servers.append(ss) for ss in bad_servers: unreachable_servers.append(ss) how_many = testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'] - len( servers) else: servers = get_servers(options=options, descriptor=descriptor, test=testsToLaunch[i], how_many=how_many, os_version=options.os) how_many = testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount'] - len( servers) if options.serverType.lower() != 'docker': # sometimes there could be a race, before a dispatcher process acquires vms, # another waiting dispatcher process could grab them, resulting in lesser vms # for the second dispatcher process if len(servers) != testsToLaunch[i]['serverCount']: print( "Received servers count does not match the expected test server count!" ) release_servers(descriptor) continue # get additional pool servers as needed addl_servers = [] if testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount']: how_many_addl = testsToLaunch[i][ 'addPoolServerCount'] - len(addl_servers) addl_servers = get_servers(options=options, descriptor=descriptor, test=testsToLaunch[i], how_many=how_many_addl, is_addl_pool=True, os_version=addPoolServer_os) how_many_addl = testsToLaunch[i][ 'addPoolServerCount'] - len(addl_servers) if len(addl_servers ) != testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount']: print( "Received additional servers count does not match the expected " "test additional servers count!") release_servers(descriptor) continue # and send the request to the test executor # figure out the parameters, there are test suite specific, and added at dispatch time if runTimeTestRunnerParameters is None: parameters = testsToLaunch[i]['parameters'] else: if testsToLaunch[i]['parameters'] == 'None': parameters = runTimeTestRunnerParameters else: parameters = testsToLaunch[i][ 'parameters'] + ',' + runTimeTestRunnerParameters url = launchString.format( options.version, testsToLaunch[i]['confFile'], descriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['component'], dashboardDescriptor, testsToLaunch[i]['iniFile'], urllib.parse.quote(parameters), options.os, testsToLaunch[i]['initNodes'], testsToLaunch[i]['installParameters'], options.branch, testsToLaunch[i]['slave'], urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['owner']), urllib.parse.quote(testsToLaunch[i]['mailing_list']), testsToLaunch[i]['mode'], testsToLaunch[i]['timeLimit']) url = url + '&dispatcher_params=' + \ urllib.parse.urlencode({"parameters": currentExecutorParams}) if options.serverType.lower() != 'docker': servers_str = json.dumps(servers).replace( ' ', '').replace('[', '', 1) servers_str = rreplace(servers_str, ']', 1) url = url + '&servers=' + urllib.parse.quote( servers_str) if testsToLaunch[i]['addPoolServerCount']: addPoolServers = json.dumps(addl_servers).replace( ' ', '').replace('[', '', 1) addPoolServers = rreplace(addPoolServers, ']', 1) url = url + '&addPoolServerId=' +\ options.addPoolId +\ '&addPoolServers=' +\ urllib.parse.quote(addPoolServers) if len(unreachable_servers) > 0: print( "The following VM(s) are unreachable for ssh connection:" ) for s in unreachable_servers: response, content = httplib2.Http( timeout=TIMEOUT).request( 'http://' + SERVER_MANAGER + '/releaseip/' + s + '/ssh_failed', 'GET') print(s) # optional add [-docker] [-Jenkins extension] launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase if options.serverType.lower() == 'docker': launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-docker' if options.test: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBase + '-test' # if options.framework.lower() == "jython": framework = testsToLaunch[i]['framework'] if framework != 'testrunner': launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + "-" + framework elif options.jenkins is not None: launchStringBaseF = launchStringBaseF + '-' + options.jenkins url = launchStringBaseF + url if options.job_params: url = update_url_with_job_params( url, options.job_params) print('\n', time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'launching ', url) dispatch_job = True if not options.fresh_run: dispatch_job = \ find_rerun_job.should_dispatch_job( options.os, testsToLaunch[i][ 'component'], dashboardDescriptor , options.version) if options.noLaunch or not dispatch_job: # free the VMs time.sleep(3) if options.serverType.lower() == 'docker': #Docker gets only a single sever from # get_server. Not hard coding the server # we get, which as of now is constant, # but might change in the future. ipaddr = servers[0] response, content = httplib2.Http( timeout=TIMEOUT). \ request( 'http://' + SERVER_MANAGER + '/releasedockers/' + descriptor + '?ipaddr=' + ipaddr, 'GET') print('the release response', response, content) else: release_servers(descriptor) else: response, content = httplib2.Http( timeout=TIMEOUT).request(url, 'GET') print("Response is: {0}".format(str(response))) print("Content is: {0}".format(str(content))) total_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0]['serverCount'] total_addl_servers_being_used += testsToLaunch[0][ 'addPoolServerCount'] job_index += 1 testsToLaunch.pop(i) summary.append({ 'test': descriptor, 'time': time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) }) if options.noLaunch: pass # no sleeping necessary elif options.serverType.lower() == 'docker': time.sleep( 240 ) # this is due to the docker port allocation race else: time.sleep(30) else: print('not enough servers at this time') time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) # endif checking for servers except Exception as e: print('have an exception') print((traceback.format_exc())) time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) # endwhile if not options.noLaunch: print('\n\n\ndone, everything is launched') for i in summary: print((i['test'], 'was launched at', i['time'])) print( "\n\n *** Dispatched total {} jobs using total {} servers and {} additional " "servers " "\n".format(total_jobs_count, total_servers_being_used, total_addl_servers_being_used)) else: print("\n Done!") return