コード例 #1
        def do_it(ix):
            if create_hub:

                for i in range(count):
                    if not run:

                    results[ix] = i
                    if not create_hub:
                        # We don't artificially create the hub.
                                          (get_hub_if_exists(), ix, i))
                    if create_hub and i % 10 == 0:
                    elif i % 100 == 0:
            except Exception as ex:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
                import traceback
                results[ix] = str(ex)
                ex = None
                hub = get_hub_if_exists()
                if hub is not None:
コード例 #2
    def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=-1):
        # This is the Python 3 signature.
        # On Python 2, Lock.acquire has the signature `Lock.acquire([wait])`
        # where `wait` is a boolean that cannot be passed by name, only position.
        # so we're fine to use the Python 3 signature.

        # Transform the default -1 argument into the None that our
        # semaphore implementation expects, and raise the same error
        # the stdlib implementation does.
        if timeout == -1:
            timeout = None
        if not blocking and timeout is not None:
            raise ValueError("can't specify a timeout for a non-blocking call")
        if timeout is not None:
            if timeout < 0:
                # in C: if(timeout < 0 && timeout != -1)
                raise ValueError("timeout value must be strictly positive")
            if timeout > self._TIMEOUT_MAX:
                raise OverflowError('timeout value is too large')

        acquired = BoundedSemaphore.acquire(self, blocking, timeout)
        if not acquired and not blocking and getcurrent(
        ) is not get_hub_if_exists():
            # Run other callbacks. This makes spin locks works.
            # We can't do this if we're in the hub, which we could easily be:
            # printing the repr of a thread checks its tstate_lock, and sometimes we
            # print reprs in the hub.
            # See https://github.com/gevent/gevent/issues/1464

            # By using sleep() instead of self.wait(0), we don't force a trip
            # around the event loop *unless* we've been running callbacks for
            # longer than our switch interval.
        return acquired
コード例 #3
 def _reset_hub(self):
     from gevent._hub_local import set_hub
     from gevent._hub_local import set_loop
     from gevent._hub_local import get_hub_if_exists
     hub = get_hub_if_exists()
     if hub is not None:
コード例 #4
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
         # Remove any customized handle_error, if set on the
         # instance.
             del get_hub_if_exists().handle_error
         except AttributeError:
     if self.peek_error()[0] is not None:
コード例 #5
ファイル: testcase.py プロジェクト: 1234kyota/practice3
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestCase, self).setUp()
     # Especially if we're running in leakcheck mode, where
     # the same test gets executed repeatedly, we need to update the
     # current time. Tests don't always go through the full event loop,
     # so that doesn't always happen. test__pool.py:TestPoolYYY.test_async
     # tends to show timeouts that are too short if we don't.
     # XXX: Should some core part of the loop call this?
     hub = get_hub_if_exists()
     if hub and hub.loop:
     self.close_on_teardown = []
コード例 #6
 def thread_main():
         exc_info[:] = sys.exc_info()
         raise  # Print
         hub = get_hub_if_exists()
         if hub is not None:
コード例 #7
 def _capture_hub(self, create):
     # Subclasses should call this as the first action from any
     # public method that could, in theory, block and switch
     # to the hub. This may release the GIL.
     if self.hub is None:
         # This next line might release the GIL.
         current_hub = get_hub() if create else get_hub_if_exists()
         if current_hub is None:
         # We have the GIL again. Did anything change? If so,
         # we lost the race.
         if self.hub is None:
             self.hub = current_hub
コード例 #8
    def _notify_link_list(self, links):
        # The core of the _notify_links method to notify
        # links in order. Lets the ``links`` list be mutated,
        # and only notifies up to the last item in the list, in case
        # objects are added to it.
        if not links:
            # HMM. How did we get here? Running two threads at once?
            # Seen once on Py27/Win/Appveyor
            # https://ci.appveyor.com/project/jamadden/gevent/builds/36875645/job/9wahj9ft4h4qa170
            return []

        only_while_ready = not self._notify_all
        final_link = links[-1]
        done = set()  # of ids
        hub = self.hub if self.hub is not None else get_hub_if_exists()
        unswitched = []
        while links:  # remember this can be mutated
            if only_while_ready and not self.ready():

            link = links.pop(0)  # Cython optimizes using list internals
            id_link = id(link)
            if id_link not in done:
                # XXX: JAM: What was I thinking? This doesn't make much sense,
                # there's a good chance `link` will be deallocated, and its id() will
                # be free to be reused. This also makes looping difficult, you have to
                # create new functions inside a loop rather than just once outside the loop.
                    except greenlet_error:
                        # couldn't switch to a greenlet, we must be
                        # running in a different thread. back on the list it goes for next time.

                except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except
                    # We're running in the hub, errors must not escape.
                    if hub is not None:
                        hub.handle_error((link, self), *sys.exc_info())
                        import traceback

            if link is final_link:
        return unswitched
コード例 #9
    def _capture_hub(self, create):
        # Subclasses should call this as the first action from any
        # public method that could, in theory, block and switch
        # to the hub. This may release the GIL. It may
        # raise InvalidThreadUseError if the result would

        # First, detect a dead hub and drop it.
        while 1:
            my_hub = self.hub
            if my_hub is None:
            if my_hub.dead:  # dead is a property, could release GIL
                # back, holding GIL
                if self.hub is my_hub:
                    self.hub = None
                    my_hub = None

        if self.hub is None:
            # This next line might release the GIL.
            current_hub = get_hub() if create else get_hub_if_exists()

            # We have the GIL again. Did anything change? If so,
            # we lost the race.
            if self.hub is None:
                self.hub = current_hub

        if self.hub is not None and self.hub.thread_ident != _get_thread_ident(
            raise InvalidThreadUseError(
                getcurrent()  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
        return self.hub
コード例 #10
    def __acquire_using_other_hub(self, owning_hub, timeout):
        assert owning_hub is not get_hub_if_exists()
        thread_lock = self._allocate_lock()
        results = []

            1,  # blocking,
            timeout,  # timeout,

        # We MUST use a blocking acquire here, or at least be sure we keep going
        # until we acquire it. If we timed out waiting here,
        # just before the callback runs, then we would be out of sync.
        self.__spin_on_native_lock(thread_lock, None)
        return results[0]
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self, hub=None):
        # Before this implementation, AsyncResult and Semaphore
        # maintained the order of notifications, but Event did not.

        # In gevent 1.3, before Semaphore extended this class, that
        # was changed to not maintain the order. It was done because
        # Event guaranteed to only call callbacks once (a set) but
        # AsyncResult had no such guarantees. When Semaphore was
        # changed to extend this class, it lost its ordering
        # guarantees. Unfortunately, that made it unfair. There are
        # rare cases that this can starve a greenlet
        # (https://github.com/gevent/gevent/issues/1487) and maybe
        # even lead to deadlock (not tested).

        # So in gevent 1.5 we go back to maintaining order. But it's
        # still important not to make duplicate calls, and it's also
        # important to avoid O(n^2) behaviour that can result from
        # naive use of a simple list due to the need to handle removed
        # links in the _notify_links loop. Cython has special support for
        # built-in sets, lists, and dicts, but not ordereddict. Rather than
        # use two data structures, or a dict({link: order}), we simply use a
        # list and remove objects as we go, keeping track of them so as not to
        # have duplicates called. This makes `unlink` O(n), but we can avoid
        # calling it in the common case in _wait_core (even so, the number of
        # waiters should usually be pretty small)
        self._links = []
        self._notifier = None
        # This is conceptually a class attribute, defined here for ease of access in
        # cython. If it's true, when notifiers fire, all existing callbacks are called.
        # If its false, we only call callbacks as long as ready() returns true.
        self._notify_all = True
        # we don't want to do get_hub() here to allow defining module-level objects
        # without initializing the hub. However, for multiple-thread safety, as soon
        # as a waiting method is entered, even if it won't have to wait, we
        # need to grab the hub and assign ownership. For that reason, if the hub
        # is present, we'll go ahead and take it.
        self.hub = hub if hub is not None else get_hub_if_exists()
コード例 #12
    def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=None):
        acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None) -> bool

        Acquire the semaphore.

        .. note:: If this semaphore was initialized with a *value* of 0,
           this method will block forever (unless a timeout is given or blocking is
           set to false).

        :keyword bool blocking: If True (the default), this function will block
           until the semaphore is acquired.
        :keyword float timeout: If given, and *blocking* is true,
           specifies the maximum amount of seconds
           this method will block.
        :return: A `bool` indicating whether the semaphore was acquired.
           If ``blocking`` is True and ``timeout`` is None (the default), then
           (so long as this semaphore was initialized with a size greater than 0)
           this will always return True. If a timeout was given, and it expired before
           the semaphore was acquired, False will be returned. (Note that this can still
           raise a ``Timeout`` exception, if some other caller had already started a timer.)
        # pylint:disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches
        # Sadly, the body of this method is rather complicated.
        if self._multithreaded is _UNSET:
            self._multithreaded = self._get_thread_ident()
        elif self._multithreaded != self._get_thread_ident():
            self._multithreaded = _MULTI

        # We conceptually now belong to the hub of the thread that
        # called this, whether or not we have to block. Note that we
        # cannot force it to be created yet, because Semaphore is used
        # by importlib.ModuleLock which is used when importing the hub
        # itself! This also checks for cross-thread issues.
        invalid_thread_use = None
        except InvalidThreadUseError as e:
            # My hub belongs to some other thread. We didn't release the GIL/object lock
            # by raising the exception, so we know this is still true.
            invalid_thread_use = e.args
            e = None
            if not self.counter and blocking:
                # We would need to block. So coordinate with the main hub.
                return self.__acquire_from_other_thread(
                    invalid_thread_use, blocking, timeout)

        if self.counter > 0:
            self.counter -= 1
            return True

        if not blocking:
            return False

        if self._multithreaded is not _MULTI and self.hub is None:  # pylint:disable=access-member-before-definition
            self.hub = get_hub()  # pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

        if self.hub is None and not invalid_thread_use:
            # Someone else is holding us. There's not a hub here,
            # nor is there a hub in that thread. We'll need to use regular locks.
            # This will be unfair to yet a third thread that tries to use us with greenlets.
            return self.__acquire_from_other_thread(
                (None, None, self._getcurrent(), "NoHubs"), blocking, timeout)

        # self._wait may drop both the GIL and the _lock_lock.
        # By the time we regain control, both have been reacquired.
            success = self._wait(timeout)
        except LoopExit as ex:
            args = ex.args
            ex = None
            if self.counter:
                success = True
                # Avoid using ex.hub property to keep holding the GIL
                if len(args) == 3 and args[1].main_hub:
                    # The main hub, meaning the main thread. We probably can do nothing with this.
                return self.__acquire_from_other_thread(
                    (self.hub, get_hub_if_exists(), self._getcurrent(),
                     "LoopExit"), blocking, timeout)

        if not success:
            assert timeout is not None
            # Our timer expired.
            return False

        # Neither our timer or another one expired, so we blocked until
        # awoke. Therefore, the counter is ours
        assert self.counter > 0, (
        self.counter -= 1
        return True