コード例 #1
def patch_module(target_module, source_module, items=None,
    patch_module(target_module, source_module, items=None)

    Replace attributes in *target_module* with the attributes of the
    same name in *source_module*.

    The *source_module* can provide some attributes to customize the process:

    * ``__implements__`` is a list of attribute names to copy; if not present,
      the *items* keyword argument is mandatory.
    * ``_gevent_will_monkey_patch(target_module, items, warn, **kwargs)``
    * ``_gevent_did_monkey_patch(target_module, items, warn, **kwargs)``
      These two functions in the *source_module* are called *if* they exist,
      before and after copying attributes, respectively. The "will" function
      may modify *items*. The value of *warn* is a function that should be called
      with a single string argument to issue a warning to the user. If the "will"
      function raises :exc:`gevent.events.DoNotPatch`, no patching will be done. These functions
      are called before any event subscribers or plugins.

    :keyword list items: A list of attribute names to replace. If
       not given, this will be taken from the *source_module* ``__implements__``
    :return: A true value if patching was done, a false value if patching was canceled.

    .. versionadded:: 1.3b1
    from gevent import events

    if items is None:
        items = getattr(source_module, '__implements__', None)
        if items is None:
            raise AttributeError('%r does not have __implements__' % source_module)

        __call_module_hook(source_module, 'will', target_module, items, _warnings)
            events.GeventWillPatchModuleEvent(target_module.__name__, source_module,
                                              target_module, items),
    except events.DoNotPatch:
        return False

    for attr in items:
        patch_item(target_module, attr, getattr(source_module, attr))

    __call_module_hook(source_module, 'did', target_module, items, _warnings)

    if _notify_did_subscribers:
        # We allow turning off the broadcast of the 'did' event for the benefit
        # of our internal functions which need to do additional work (besides copying
        # attributes) before their patch can be considered complete.
            events.GeventDidPatchModuleEvent(target_module.__name__, source_module,

    return True
コード例 #2
def patch_sys(stdin=True, stdout=True, stderr=True):
    Patch sys.std[in,out,err] to use a cooperative IO via a

    This is relatively dangerous and can have unintended consequences
    such as hanging the process or `misinterpreting control keys`_
    when :func:`input` and :func:`raw_input` are used. :func:`patch_all`
    does *not* call this function by default.

    This method does nothing on Python 3. The Python 3 interpreter
    wants to flush the TextIOWrapper objects that make up
    stderr/stdout at shutdown time, but using a threadpool at that
    time leads to a hang.

    .. _`misinterpreting control keys`: https://github.com/gevent/gevent/issues/274
    # test__issue6.py demonstrates the hang if these lines are removed;
    # strangely enough that test passes even without monkey-patching sys
    if PY3:
        items = None
        items = set([('stdin' if stdin else None),
                     ('stdout' if stdout else None),
                     ('stderr' if stderr else None)])
        items = list(items)

    if not items:

    from gevent import events
    _notify_patch(events.GeventWillPatchModuleEvent('sys', None, sys,

    for item in items:

    _notify_patch(events.GeventDidPatchModuleEvent('sys', None, sys))