def copper_node(workdir): logpath = os.path.join(workdir, 'copper.log') unixpath = os.path.join(workdir, 'copper.sock') httppath = os.path.join(workdir, 'copper.http') confpath = os.path.join(workdir, 'copper.conf') config = { "listen": [ { "net": "unix", "type": "http", "addr": httppath, }, { "net": "unix", "addr": unixpath, "allow-changes": True, }, ], } with open(confpath, 'w') as f: # YAML parses valid JSON data json.dump(config, f) with open(logpath, 'wb') as logfile: p = Popen(['copper-node', '-config=' + confpath], shell=False, cwd=workdir, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) try: while not os.path.exists(unixpath): time.sleep(0.001) rc = p.poll() if rc is not None: with open(logpath, 'rb') as logfile: sys.stderr.write( raise RuntimeError('copper-node exited with status %r' % (rc,)) yield { 'unix': unixpath, 'http': httppath, } finally: if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() p.wait()
class PlatformWrapper: def __init__(self): """ Initializes a new VOLTTRON instance Creates a temporary VOLTTRON_HOME directory with a packaged directory for agents that are built. """ # This is hopefully going to keep us from attempting to shutdown # multiple times. For example if a fixture calls shutdown and a # lower level fixture calls shutdown, this won't hang. self._instance_shutdown = False self.volttron_home = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.packaged_dir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, "packaged") os.makedirs(self.packaged_dir) # in the context of this platform it is very important not to # use the main os.environ for anything. self.env = { 'VOLTTRON_HOME': self.volttron_home, 'PACKAGED_DIR': self.packaged_dir, 'DEBUG_MODE': os.environ.get('DEBUG_MODE', ''), 'DEBUG': os.environ.get('DEBUG', ''), 'PATH': VOLTTRON_ROOT + ':' + os.environ['PATH'] } self.volttron_root = VOLTTRON_ROOT volttron_exe = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'volttron']).strip() assert os.path.exists(volttron_exe) self.python = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(volttron_exe), 'python') assert os.path.exists(self.python) # By default no web server should be started. self.bind_web_address = None self.discovery_address = None self.jsonrpc_endpoint = None self.volttron_central_address = None self.instance_name = None self.serverkey = None self.p_process = None self.t_process = None self.started_agent_pids = [] self.local_vip_address = None self.vip_address = None self.logit('Creating platform wrapper') # This was used when we are testing the SMAP historian. self.use_twistd = False # Added restricted code properties self.certsobj = None # Control whether the instance directory is cleaned up when shutdown. # if the environment variable DEBUG is set to a True value then the # instance is not cleaned up. self.skip_cleanup = False # This is used as command line entry replacement. Especially working # with older 2.0 agents. self.opts = None keystorefile = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'keystore') self.keystore = KeyStore(keystorefile) self.keystore.generate() def logit(self, message): print('{}: {}'.format(self.volttron_home, message)) def allow_all_connections(self): """ Add a /.*/ entry to the auth.json file. """ entry = AuthEntry(credentials="/.*/") authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") try: authfile.add(entry) except AuthFileEntryAlreadyExists: pass def build_connection(self, peer=None, address=None, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, capabilities=[], **kwargs): self.logit('Building connection to {}'.format(peer)) self.allow_all_connections() if address is None: self.logit( 'Default address was None so setting to current instances') address = self.vip_address serverkey = self.serverkey if serverkey is None: self.logit("serverkey wasn't set but the address was.") raise Exception("Invalid state.") if publickey is None or secretkey is None: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') keyfile = tempfile.mktemp(".keys", "agent", self.volttron_home) keys = KeyStore(keyfile) keys.generate() publickey = keys.public secretkey = keys.secret entry = AuthEntry(capabilities=capabilities, comments="Added by test", credentials=keys.public) file = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") file.add(entry) conn = Connection(address=address, peer=peer, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, volttron_home=self.volttron_home) return conn def build_agent(self, address=None, should_spawn=True, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, agent_class=Agent, **kwargs): """ Build an agent connnected to the passed bus. By default the current instance that this class wraps will be the vip address of the agent. :param address: :param should_spawn: :param identity: :param publickey: :param secretkey: :param serverkey: :param agent_class: Agent class to build :return: """ self.logit("Building generic agent.") use_ipc = kwargs.pop('use_ipc', False) if serverkey is None: serverkey = self.serverkey if publickey is None: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') keyfile = tempfile.mktemp(".keys", "agent", self.volttron_home) keys = KeyStore(keyfile) keys.generate() publickey = keys.public secretkey = keys.secret if address is None: self.logit('Using vip-address ' + self.vip_address) address = self.vip_address if publickey and not serverkey: self.logit('using instance serverkey: {}'.format(self.publickey)) serverkey = self.publickey agent = agent_class(address=address, identity=identity, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, volttron_home=self.volttron_home, **kwargs) self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent.address: {}'.format(address)) # Automatically add agent's credentials to auth.json file if publickey: self.logit('Adding publickey to auth.json') gevent.spawn(self._append_allow_curve_key, publickey) gevent.sleep(0.1) if should_spawn: self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent spawning') event = gevent.event.Event() gevent.spawn(, event) # .join(0) event.wait(timeout=2) hello = self.logit('Got hello response {}'.format(hello)) agent.publickey = publickey return agent def _read_auth_file(self): auth_path = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json') try: with open(auth_path, 'r') as fd: data = strip_comments(FileObject(fd, close=False).read()) if data: auth = jsonapi.loads(data) else: auth = {} except IOError: auth = {} if 'allow' not in auth: auth['allow'] = [] return auth, auth_path def _append_allow_curve_key(self, publickey): entry = AuthEntry(credentials=publickey) authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") try: authfile.add(entry) except AuthFileEntryAlreadyExists: pass def add_vc(self): return add_vc_to_instance(self) def add_capabilities(self, publickey, capabilities): if isinstance(capabilities, basestring): capabilities = [capabilities] auth, auth_path = self._read_auth_file() cred = publickey allow = auth['allow'] entry = next((item for item in allow if item['credentials'] == cred), {}) caps = entry.get('capabilities', []) entry['capabilities'] = list(set(caps + capabilities)) with open(auth_path, 'w+') as fd: json.dump(auth, fd) def set_auth_dict(self, auth_dict): if auth_dict: with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(auth_dict)) def startup_platform(self, vip_address, auth_dict=None, use_twistd=False, mode=UNRESTRICTED, bind_web_address=None, volttron_central_address=None, volttron_central_serverkey=None): # if not isinstance(vip_address, list): # self.vip_address = [vip_address] # else: # self.vip_address = vip_address self.vip_address = vip_address self.mode = mode self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address if self.bind_web_address: self.discovery_address = "{}/discovery/".format( self.bind_web_address) # Only available if vc is installed! self.jsonrpc_endpoint = "{}/jsonrpc".format(self.bind_web_address) enable_logging = self.env.get('ENABLE_LOGGING', False) debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) if not debug_mode: debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG', False) self.skip_cleanup = self.env.get('SKIP_CLEANUP', False) if debug_mode: self.skip_cleanup = True enable_logging = True self.logit("In start up platform enable_logging is {} ".format( enable_logging)) assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: ' + str(mode) opts = None # see for how we handle pub sub addresses. ipc = 'ipc://{}{}/run/'.format( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '', self.volttron_home) self.local_vip_address = ipc + 'vip.socket' self.set_auth_dict(auth_dict) self.opts = { 'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home, 'vip_address': vip_address, 'vip_local_address': ipc + 'vip.socket', 'publish_address': ipc + 'publish', 'subscribe_address': ipc + 'subscribe', 'bind_web_address': bind_web_address, 'volttron_central_address': volttron_central_address, 'volttron_central_serverkey': volttron_central_serverkey, 'platform_name': None, 'log': os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log'), 'log_config': None, 'monitor': True, 'autostart': True, 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, 'verboseness': logging.DEBUG } pconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'config') config = {} # Add platform's public key to known hosts file publickey = self.keystore.public known_hosts_file = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'known_hosts') known_hosts = KnownHostsStore(known_hosts_file) known_hosts.add(self.opts['vip_local_address'], publickey) known_hosts.add(self.opts['vip_address'], publickey) # Set up the configuration file based upon the passed parameters. parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.add_section('volttron') parser.set('volttron', 'vip-address', vip_address) if bind_web_address: parser.set('volttron', 'bind-web-address', bind_web_address) if volttron_central_address: parser.set('volttron', 'volttron-central-address', volttron_central_address) if volttron_central_serverkey: parser.set('volttron', 'volttron-central-serverkey', volttron_central_serverkey) if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: # TODO Restricted code should set with volttron as contianer # if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: # config['mobility'] = False # config['resource-monitor'] = False # config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) parser.write(cfg) elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'certificates') print("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) else: raise PlatformWrapperError( "Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) log = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log') if enable_logging: cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l{}'.format(log)] else: cmd = ['volttron', '-l{}'.format(log)] print('process environment: {}'.format(self.env)) print('popen params: {}'.format(cmd)) self.p_process = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert self.p_process is not None # A None value means that the process is still running. # A negative means that the process exited with an error. assert self.p_process.poll() is None self.serverkey = self.keystore.public assert self.serverkey agent = self.build_agent() has_control = False times = 0 while not has_control and times < 10: times += 1 try: has_control = except gevent.Timeout: pass if not has_control: self.shutdown_platform() raise "Couldn't connect to core platform!" if bind_web_address: times = 0 has_discovery = False while times < 10: times += 1 try: resp = requests.get(self.discovery_address) if resp.ok: has_discovery = True break except Exception as e: gevent.sleep(0.1) self.logit("Connection error found {}".format(e)) if not has_discovery: raise "Couldn't connect to discovery platform." self.use_twistd = use_twistd # TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self.t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5) def is_running(self): self.logit("PROCESS IS RUNNING: {}".format(self.p_process)) return self.p_process is not None and self.p_process.poll() is None def twistd_is_running(self): return self.t_process is not None def direct_sign_agentpackage_creator(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" print("wrapper.certsobj", self.certsobj.cert_dir) assert (auth.sign_as_creator( package, 'creator', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('creator') def direct_sign_agentpackage_admin(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" assert (auth.sign_as_admin( package, 'admin', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('admin') def direct_sign_agentpackage_initiator(self, package, config_file, contract): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" files = {"config_file": config_file, "contract": contract} assert (auth.sign_as_initiator(package, 'initiator', files=files, certsobj=self.certsobj) ), "Signing as {} failed.".format('initiator') def _aip(self): opts = type('Options', (), self.opts) aip = AIPplatform(opts) aip.setup() return aip def _install_agent(self, wheel_file, start, vip_identity): self.logit('Creating channel for sending the agent.') gevent.sleep(0.3) self.logit('calling control install agent.') self.logit("VOLTTRON_HOME SETTING: {}".format( self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'])) env = self.env.copy() cmd = ['volttron-ctl', '-vv', 'install', wheel_file] if vip_identity: cmd.extend(['--vip-identity', vip_identity]) self.logit("cmd: {}".format(cmd)) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=env) assert res, "failed to install wheel:{}".format(wheel_file) agent_uuid = res.split(' ')[-2] self.logit(agent_uuid) if start: self.start_agent(agent_uuid) return agent_uuid def install_multiple_agents(self, agent_configs): """ Installs mutltiple agents on the platform. :param agent_configs:list A list of 3-tuple that allows the configuration of a platform in a single go. The tuple order is 1. path to the agent directory. 2. configuration data (either file or json data) 3. Whether the agent should be started or not. :return:list: A list of uuid's associated with the agents that were installed. :Note: In order for this method to be called the platform must be currently running. """ if not self.is_running(): raise PlatformWrapperError("Instance isn't running!") results = [] for path, config, start in agent_configs: results = self.install_agent(agent_dir=path, config_file=config, start=start) return results def install_agent(self, agent_wheel=None, agent_dir=None, config_file=None, start=True, vip_identity=None): """ Install and optionally start an agent on the instance. This function allows installation from an agent wheel or an agent directory (NOT BOTH). If an agent_wheel is specified then it is assumed to be ready for installation (has a config file). If an agent_dir is specified then a config_file file must be specified or if it is not specified then it is assumed that the file agent_dir/config is to be used as the configuration file. If none of these exist then an assertion error will be thrown. This function will return with a uuid of the installed agent. :param agent_wheel: :param agent_dir: :param config_file: :param start: :param vip_identity: :return: """ assert self.is_running(), "Instance must be running to install agent." assert agent_wheel or agent_dir, "Invalid agent_wheel or agent_dir." if agent_wheel: assert not agent_dir assert not config_file assert os.path.exists(agent_wheel) wheel_file = agent_wheel agent_uuid = self._install_agent(wheel_file, start, vip_identity) # Now if the agent_dir is specified. if agent_dir: assert not agent_wheel if isinstance(config_file, dict): from os.path import join, basename temp_config = join(self.volttron_home, basename(agent_dir) + "_config_file") with open(temp_config, "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(config_file)) config_file = temp_config elif not config_file: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(agent_dir, "config")): config_file = os.path.join(agent_dir, "config") else: from os.path import join, basename temp_config = join(self.volttron_home, basename(agent_dir) + "_config_file") with open(temp_config, "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps({})) config_file = temp_config elif os.path.exists(config_file): pass # config_file already set! else: raise ValueError("Can't determine correct config file.") script = os.path.join(self.volttron_root, "scripts/") cmd = [ self.python, script, "--volttron-home", self.volttron_home, "--volttron-root", self.volttron_root, "--agent-source", agent_dir, "--config", config_file, "--json" ] if vip_identity: cmd.extend(["--vip-identity", vip_identity]) if start: cmd.extend(["--start"]) results = subprocess.check_output(cmd) # Because we are no longer silencing output from the install, the # the results object is now much more verbose. Our assumption is # the line before the output we care about has WHEEL at the end # of it. new_results = "" found_wheel = False for line in results.split("\n"): if line.endswith("WHEEL"): found_wheel = True elif found_wheel: new_results += line results = new_results # # Response from results is expected as follows depending on # parameters, note this is a json string so parse to get dictionary. # { # "started": true, # "agent_pid": 26241, # "starting": true, # "agent_uuid": "ec1fd94e-922a-491f-9878-c392b24dbe50" # } assert results resultobj = jsonapi.loads(str(results)) if start: assert resultobj['started'] agent_uuid = resultobj['agent_uuid'] assert agent_uuid is not None if start: assert self.is_agent_running(agent_uuid) return agent_uuid def start_agent(self, agent_uuid): self.logit('Starting agent {}'.format(agent_uuid)) self.logit("VOLTTRON_HOME SETTING: {}".format( self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'])) cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['start', agent_uuid]) p = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) p.wait() # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['status', agent_uuid]) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) # 776 TODO: Timing issue where check fails time.sleep(.1) self.logit("Subprocess res is {}".format(res)) assert 'running' in res pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos:pidend]) assert psutil.pid_exists(pid), \ "The pid associated with agent {} does not exist".format(pid) self.started_agent_pids.append(pid) return pid def stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # Confirm agent running _log.debug("STOPPING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['stop', agent_uuid]) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_pid(agent_uuid) def list_agents(self): agent = self.build_agent() print('PEER LIST: {}'.format( agent_list ='control', 'list_agents').get(timeout=10) agent.core.stop(timeout=3) return agent_list def remove_agent(self, agent_uuid): """Remove the agent specified by agent_uuid""" _log.debug("REMOVING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['remove', agent_uuid]) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_pid(agent_uuid) def is_agent_running(self, agent_uuid): return self.agent_pid(agent_uuid) is not None def agent_pid(self, agent_uuid): """ Returns the pid of a running agent or None :param agent_uuid: :return: """ # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['status', agent_uuid]) pid = None try: res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) try: pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos:pidend]) except: pid = None except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) # Handle the following exception that seems to happen when getting a # pid of an agent during the platform shutdown phase. # # Logged from file, line 797 # AGENT IDENTITY TAG STATUS # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 882, in emit # stream.write(fs % msg) # File "/home/volttron/git/volttron/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/_pytest/", line 244, in write # self.buffer.write(obj) # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file except ValueError: pass # _log.debug("AGENT_PID: {}".format(pid)) return pid def build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir, config_file={}): if isinstance(config_file, dict): cfg_path = os.path.join(agent_dir, "config_temp") with open(cfg_path, "w") as tmp_cfg: tmp_cfg.write(jsonapi.dumps(config_file)) config_file = cfg_path # Handle relative paths from the volttron git directory. if not os.path.isabs(agent_dir): agent_dir = os.path.join(self.volttron_root, agent_dir) assert os.path.exists(config_file) assert os.path.exists(agent_dir) wheel_path = packaging.create_package(agent_dir, self.packaged_dir) packaging.add_files_to_package( wheel_path, {'config_file': os.path.join('./', config_file)}) return wheel_path def confirm_agent_running(self, agent_name, max_retries=5, timeout_seconds=2): running = False retries = 0 while not running and retries < max_retries: status = self.test_aip.status_agents() print("Status", status) if len(status) > 0: status_name = status[0][1] assert status_name == agent_name assert len( status[0][2]) == 2, 'Unexpected agent status message' status_agent_status = status[0][2][1] running = not isinstance(status_agent_status, int) retries += 1 time.sleep(timeout_seconds) return running # def direct_stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # result = # print result def shutdown_platform(self): """ Stop platform here. First grab a list of all of the agents that are running on the platform, then shutdown, then if any of the listed agent pids are still running then kill them. """ # Handle cascading calls from multiple levels of fixtures. if self._instance_shutdown: return running_pids = [] for agnt in self.list_agents(): pid = self.agent_pid(agnt['uuid']) if pid is not None and int(pid) > 0: running_pids.append(int(pid)) # First try and nicely shutdown the platform, which should clean all # of the agents up automatically. cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['shutdown', '--platform']) try: res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError: if self.p_process is not None: try: gevent.sleep(0.2) self.p_process.terminate() gevent.sleep(0.2) except OSError: self.logit('Platform process was terminated.') else: self.logit("platform process was null") for pid in running_pids: if psutil.pid_exists(pid): self.logit("TERMINATING: {}".format(pid)) proc = psutil.Process(pid) proc.terminate() if self.use_twistd and self.t_process is not None: self.t_process.kill() self.t_process.wait() elif self.use_twistd: self.logit("twistd process was null") if os.environ.get('PRINT_LOG'): logpath = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log') if os.path.exists(logpath): print("************************* Begin {}".format(logpath)) with open(logpath) as f: for l in f.readlines(): print(l) print("************************* End {}".format(logpath)) else: print("######################### No Log Exists: {}".format( logpath)) if not self.skip_cleanup: self.logit('Removing {}'.format(self.volttron_home)) shutil.rmtree(self.volttron_home, ignore_errors=True) self._instance_shutdown = True def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): data = [] data.append('volttron_home: {}'.format(self.volttron_home)) return '\n'.join(data)
class PlatformWrapper: def __init__(self): """ Initializes a new VOLTTRON instance Creates a temporary VOLTTRON_HOME directory with a packaged directory for agents that are built. """ # This is hopefully going to keep us from attempting to shutdown # multiple times. For example if a fixture calls shutdown and a # lower level fixture calls shutdown, this won't hang. self._instance_shutdown = False self.volttron_home = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.packaged_dir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, "packaged") os.makedirs(self.packaged_dir) # in the context of this platform it is very important not to # use the main os.environ for anything. self.env = { 'VOLTTRON_HOME': self.volttron_home, 'PACKAGED_DIR': self.packaged_dir, 'DEBUG_MODE': os.environ.get('DEBUG_MODE', ''), 'DEBUG': os.environ.get('DEBUG', ''), 'PATH': VOLTTRON_ROOT + ':' + os.environ['PATH'] } self.volttron_root = VOLTTRON_ROOT volttron_exe = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'volttron']).strip() assert os.path.exists(volttron_exe) self.python = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(volttron_exe), 'python') assert os.path.exists(self.python) # By default no web server should be started. self.bind_web_address = None self.discovery_address = None self.jsonrpc_endpoint = None self.volttron_central_address = None self.instance_name = None self.serverkey = None self.p_process = None self.t_process = None self.started_agent_pids = [] self.local_vip_address = None self.vip_address = None self.logit('Creating platform wrapper') # This was used when we are testing the SMAP historian. self.use_twistd = False # Added restricted code properties self.certsobj = None # Control whether the instance directory is cleaned up when shutdown. # if the environment variable DEBUG is set to a True value then the # instance is not cleaned up. self.skip_cleanup = False # This is used as command line entry replacement. Especially working # with older 2.0 agents. self.opts = None keystorefile = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'keystore') self.keystore = KeyStore(keystorefile) self.keystore.generate() def logit(self, message): print('{}: {}'.format(self.volttron_home, message)) def allow_all_connections(self): """ Add a /.*/ entry to the auth.json file. """ entry = AuthEntry(credentials="/.*/") authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") try: authfile.add(entry) except AuthFileEntryAlreadyExists: pass def build_connection(self, peer=None, address=None, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, capabilities=[], **kwargs): self.logit('Building connection to {}'.format(peer)) self.allow_all_connections() if address is None: self.logit( 'Default address was None so setting to current instances') address = self.vip_address serverkey = self.serverkey if serverkey is None: self.logit("serverkey wasn't set but the address was.") raise Exception("Invalid state.") if publickey is None or secretkey is None: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') keyfile = tempfile.mktemp(".keys", "agent", self.volttron_home) keys = KeyStore(keyfile) keys.generate() publickey = keys.public secretkey = keys.secret entry = AuthEntry(capabilities=capabilities, comments="Added by test", credentials=keys.public) file = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") file.add(entry) conn = Connection(address=address, peer=peer, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, volttron_home=self.volttron_home) return conn def build_agent(self, address=None, should_spawn=True, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, agent_class=Agent, **kwargs): """ Build an agent connnected to the passed bus. By default the current instance that this class wraps will be the vip address of the agent. :param address: :param should_spawn: :param identity: :param publickey: :param secretkey: :param serverkey: :param agent_class: Agent class to build :return: """ self.logit("Building generic agent.") use_ipc = kwargs.pop('use_ipc', False) if serverkey is None: serverkey = self.serverkey if publickey is None: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') keyfile = tempfile.mktemp(".keys", "agent", self.volttron_home) keys = KeyStore(keyfile) keys.generate() publickey = keys.public secretkey = keys.secret if address is None: self.logit('Using vip-address ' + self.vip_address) address = self.vip_address if publickey and not serverkey: self.logit('using instance serverkey: {}'.format(self.publickey)) serverkey = self.publickey agent = agent_class(address=address, identity=identity, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, volttron_home=self.volttron_home, **kwargs) self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent.address: {}'.format(address)) # Automatically add agent's credentials to auth.json file if publickey: self.logit('Adding publickey to auth.json') gevent.spawn(self._append_allow_curve_key, publickey) gevent.sleep(0.1) if should_spawn: self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent spawning') event = gevent.event.Event() gevent.spawn(, event) # .join(0) event.wait(timeout=2) hello = self.logit('Got hello response {}'.format(hello)) agent.publickey = publickey return agent def _read_auth_file(self): auth_path = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json') try: with open(auth_path, 'r') as fd: data = strip_comments(FileObject(fd, close=False).read()) if data: auth = jsonapi.loads(data) else: auth = {} except IOError: auth = {} if 'allow' not in auth: auth['allow'] = [] return auth, auth_path def _append_allow_curve_key(self, publickey): entry = AuthEntry(credentials=publickey) authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") try: authfile.add(entry) except AuthFileEntryAlreadyExists: pass def add_vc(self): return add_vc_to_instance(self) def add_capabilities(self, publickey, capabilities): if isinstance(capabilities, basestring): capabilities = [capabilities] auth, auth_path = self._read_auth_file() cred = publickey allow = auth['allow'] entry = next((item for item in allow if item['credentials'] == cred), {}) caps = entry.get('capabilities', []) entry['capabilities'] = list(set(caps + capabilities)) with open(auth_path, 'w+') as fd: json.dump(auth, fd) def set_auth_dict(self, auth_dict): if auth_dict: with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(auth_dict)) def startup_platform(self, vip_address, auth_dict=None, use_twistd=False, mode=UNRESTRICTED, bind_web_address=None, volttron_central_address=None, volttron_central_serverkey=None): # if not isinstance(vip_address, list): # self.vip_address = [vip_address] # else: # self.vip_address = vip_address self.vip_address = vip_address self.mode = mode self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address if self.bind_web_address: self.discovery_address = "{}/discovery/".format( self.bind_web_address) # Only available if vc is installed! self.jsonrpc_endpoint = "{}/jsonrpc".format( self.bind_web_address) enable_logging = self.env.get('ENABLE_LOGGING', False) debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) if not debug_mode: debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG', False) self.skip_cleanup = self.env.get('SKIP_CLEANUP', False) if debug_mode: self.skip_cleanup = True enable_logging = True self.logit( "In start up platform enable_logging is {} ".format(enable_logging)) assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: ' + str(mode) opts = None # see for how we handle pub sub addresses. ipc = 'ipc://{}{}/run/'.format( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '', self.volttron_home) self.local_vip_address = ipc + 'vip.socket' self.set_auth_dict(auth_dict) self.opts = {'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home, 'vip_address': vip_address, 'vip_local_address': ipc + 'vip.socket', 'publish_address': ipc + 'publish', 'subscribe_address': ipc + 'subscribe', 'bind_web_address': bind_web_address, 'volttron_central_address': volttron_central_address, 'volttron_central_serverkey': volttron_central_serverkey, 'platform_name': None, 'log': os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log'), 'log_config': None, 'monitor': True, 'autostart': True, 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, 'verboseness': logging.DEBUG} pconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'config') config = {} # Add platform's public key to known hosts file publickey = self.keystore.public known_hosts_file = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'known_hosts') known_hosts = KnownHostsStore(known_hosts_file) known_hosts.add(self.opts['vip_local_address'], publickey) known_hosts.add(self.opts['vip_address'], publickey) # Set up the configuration file based upon the passed parameters. parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.add_section('volttron') parser.set('volttron', 'vip-address', vip_address) if bind_web_address: parser.set('volttron', 'bind-web-address', bind_web_address) if volttron_central_address: parser.set('volttron', 'volttron-central-address', volttron_central_address) if volttron_central_serverkey: parser.set('volttron', 'volttron-central-serverkey', volttron_central_serverkey) if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: # TODO Restricted code should set with volttron as contianer # if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: # config['mobility'] = False # config['resource-monitor'] = False # config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) parser.write(cfg) elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'certificates') print ("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) else: raise PlatformWrapperError( "Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) log = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log') if enable_logging: cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l{}'.format(log)] else: cmd = ['volttron', '-l{}'.format(log)] print('process environment: {}'.format(self.env)) print('popen params: {}'.format(cmd)) self.p_process = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert self.p_process is not None # A None value means that the process is still running. # A negative means that the process exited with an error. assert self.p_process.poll() is None self.serverkey = self.keystore.public assert self.serverkey agent = self.build_agent() has_control = False times = 0 while not has_control and times < 10: times += 1 try: has_control = except gevent.Timeout: pass if not has_control: self.shutdown_platform() raise "Couldn't connect to core platform!" if bind_web_address: times = 0 has_discovery = False while times < 10: times += 1 try: resp = requests.get(self.discovery_address) if resp.ok: has_discovery = True break except Exception as e: gevent.sleep(0.1) self.logit("Connection error found {}".format(e)) if not has_discovery: raise "Couldn't connect to discovery platform." self.use_twistd = use_twistd # TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self.t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5) def is_running(self): self.logit("PROCESS IS RUNNING: {}".format(self.p_process)) return self.p_process is not None and self.p_process.poll() is None def twistd_is_running(self): return self.t_process is not None def direct_sign_agentpackage_creator(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" print ("wrapper.certsobj", self.certsobj.cert_dir) assert ( auth.sign_as_creator(package, 'creator', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format( 'creator') def direct_sign_agentpackage_admin(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" assert (auth.sign_as_admin(package, 'admin', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format( 'admin') def direct_sign_agentpackage_initiator(self, package, config_file, contract): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" files = {"config_file": config_file, "contract": contract} assert (auth.sign_as_initiator(package, 'initiator', files=files, certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format( 'initiator') def _aip(self): opts = type('Options', (), self.opts) aip = AIPplatform(opts) aip.setup() return aip def _install_agent(self, wheel_file, start, vip_identity): self.logit('Creating channel for sending the agent.') gevent.sleep(0.3) self.logit('calling control install agent.') self.logit("VOLTTRON_HOME SETTING: {}".format( self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'])) env = self.env.copy() cmd = ['volttron-ctl', '-vv', 'install', wheel_file] if vip_identity: cmd.extend(['--vip-identity', vip_identity]) self.logit("cmd: {}".format(cmd)) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=env) assert res, "failed to install wheel:{}".format(wheel_file) agent_uuid = res.split(' ')[-2] self.logit(agent_uuid) if start: self.start_agent(agent_uuid) return agent_uuid def install_multiple_agents(self, agent_configs): """ Installs mutltiple agents on the platform. :param agent_configs:list A list of 3-tuple that allows the configuration of a platform in a single go. The tuple order is 1. path to the agent directory. 2. configuration data (either file or json data) 3. Whether the agent should be started or not. :return:list: A list of uuid's associated with the agents that were installed. :Note: In order for this method to be called the platform must be currently running. """ if not self.is_running(): raise PlatformWrapperError("Instance isn't running!") results = [] for path, config, start in agent_configs: results = self.install_agent(agent_dir=path, config_file=config, start=start) return results def install_agent(self, agent_wheel=None, agent_dir=None, config_file=None, start=True, vip_identity=None): """ Install and optionally start an agent on the instance. This function allows installation from an agent wheel or an agent directory (NOT BOTH). If an agent_wheel is specified then it is assumed to be ready for installation (has a config file). If an agent_dir is specified then a config_file file must be specified or if it is not specified then it is assumed that the file agent_dir/config is to be used as the configuration file. If none of these exist then an assertion error will be thrown. This function will return with a uuid of the installed agent. :param agent_wheel: :param agent_dir: :param config_file: :param start: :param vip_identity: :return: """ assert self.is_running(), "Instance must be running to install agent." assert agent_wheel or agent_dir, "Invalid agent_wheel or agent_dir." if agent_wheel: assert not agent_dir assert not config_file assert os.path.exists(agent_wheel) wheel_file = agent_wheel agent_uuid = self._install_agent(wheel_file, start, vip_identity) # Now if the agent_dir is specified. if agent_dir: assert not agent_wheel if isinstance(config_file, dict): from os.path import join, basename temp_config = join(self.volttron_home, basename(agent_dir) + "_config_file") with open(temp_config, "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(config_file)) config_file = temp_config elif not config_file: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(agent_dir, "config")): config_file = os.path.join(agent_dir, "config") else: from os.path import join, basename temp_config = join(self.volttron_home, basename(agent_dir) + "_config_file") with open(temp_config, "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps({})) config_file = temp_config elif os.path.exists(config_file): pass # config_file already set! else: raise ValueError("Can't determine correct config file.") script = os.path.join(self.volttron_root, "scripts/") cmd = [self.python, script, "--volttron-home", self.volttron_home, "--volttron-root", self.volttron_root, "--agent-source", agent_dir, "--config", config_file, "--json"] if vip_identity: cmd.extend(["--vip-identity", vip_identity]) if start: cmd.extend(["--start"]) results = subprocess.check_output(cmd) # Because we are no longer silencing output from the install, the # the results object is now much more verbose. Our assumption is # the line before the output we care about has WHEEL at the end # of it. new_results = "" found_wheel = False for line in results.split("\n"): if line.endswith("WHEEL"): found_wheel = True elif found_wheel: new_results += line results = new_results # # Response from results is expected as follows depending on # parameters, note this is a json string so parse to get dictionary. # { # "started": true, # "agent_pid": 26241, # "starting": true, # "agent_uuid": "ec1fd94e-922a-491f-9878-c392b24dbe50" # } assert results resultobj = jsonapi.loads(str(results)) if start: assert resultobj['started'] agent_uuid = resultobj['agent_uuid'] assert agent_uuid is not None if start: assert self.is_agent_running(agent_uuid) return agent_uuid def start_agent(self, agent_uuid): self.logit('Starting agent {}'.format(agent_uuid)) self.logit("VOLTTRON_HOME SETTING: {}".format( self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'])) cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['start', agent_uuid]) p = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) p.wait() # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['status', agent_uuid]) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) # 776 TODO: Timing issue where check fails time.sleep(.1) self.logit("Subprocess res is {}".format(res)) assert 'running' in res pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos: pidend]) assert psutil.pid_exists(pid), \ "The pid associated with agent {} does not exist".format(pid) self.started_agent_pids.append(pid) return pid def stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # Confirm agent running _log.debug("STOPPING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['stop', agent_uuid]) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_pid(agent_uuid) def list_agents(self): agent = self.build_agent() print('PEER LIST: {}'.format( agent_list ='control', 'list_agents').get(timeout=10) agent.core.stop(timeout=3) return agent_list def remove_agent(self, agent_uuid): """Remove the agent specified by agent_uuid""" _log.debug("REMOVING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['remove', agent_uuid]) res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_pid(agent_uuid) def is_agent_running(self, agent_uuid): return self.agent_pid(agent_uuid) is not None def agent_pid(self, agent_uuid): """ Returns the pid of a running agent or None :param agent_uuid: :return: """ # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['status', agent_uuid]) pid = None try: res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) try: pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos: pidend]) except: pid = None except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) # Handle the following exception that seems to happen when getting a # pid of an agent during the platform shutdown phase. # # Logged from file, line 797 # AGENT IDENTITY TAG STATUS # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 882, in emit # stream.write(fs % msg) # File "/home/volttron/git/volttron/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/_pytest/", line 244, in write # self.buffer.write(obj) # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file except ValueError: pass # _log.debug("AGENT_PID: {}".format(pid)) return pid def build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir, config_file={}): if isinstance(config_file, dict): cfg_path = os.path.join(agent_dir, "config_temp") with open(cfg_path, "w") as tmp_cfg: tmp_cfg.write(jsonapi.dumps(config_file)) config_file = cfg_path # Handle relative paths from the volttron git directory. if not os.path.isabs(agent_dir): agent_dir = os.path.join(self.volttron_root, agent_dir) assert os.path.exists(config_file) assert os.path.exists(agent_dir) wheel_path = packaging.create_package(agent_dir, self.packaged_dir) packaging.add_files_to_package(wheel_path, { 'config_file': os.path.join('./', config_file) }) return wheel_path def confirm_agent_running(self, agent_name, max_retries=5, timeout_seconds=2): running = False retries = 0 while not running and retries < max_retries: status = self.test_aip.status_agents() print ("Status", status) if len(status) > 0: status_name = status[0][1] assert status_name == agent_name assert len(status[0][2]) == 2, 'Unexpected agent status message' status_agent_status = status[0][2][1] running = not isinstance(status_agent_status, int) retries += 1 time.sleep(timeout_seconds) return running # def direct_stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # result = # print result def shutdown_platform(self): """ Stop platform here. First grab a list of all of the agents that are running on the platform, then shutdown, then if any of the listed agent pids are still running then kill them. """ # Handle cascading calls from multiple levels of fixtures. if self._instance_shutdown: return running_pids = [] for agnt in self.list_agents(): pid = self.agent_pid(agnt['uuid']) if pid is not None and int(pid) > 0: running_pids.append(int(pid)) # First try and nicely shutdown the platform, which should clean all # of the agents up automatically. cmd = ['volttron-ctl'] cmd.extend(['shutdown', '--platform']) try: res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError: if self.p_process is not None: try: gevent.sleep(0.2) self.p_process.terminate() gevent.sleep(0.2) except OSError: self.logit('Platform process was terminated.') else: self.logit("platform process was null") for pid in running_pids: if psutil.pid_exists(pid): self.logit("TERMINATING: {}".format(pid)) proc = psutil.Process(pid) proc.terminate() if self.use_twistd and self.t_process is not None: self.t_process.kill() self.t_process.wait() elif self.use_twistd: self.logit("twistd process was null") if os.environ.get('PRINT_LOG'): logpath = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log') if os.path.exists(logpath): print("************************* Begin {}".format(logpath)) with open(logpath) as f: for l in f.readlines(): print(l) print("************************* End {}".format(logpath)) else: print("######################### No Log Exists: {}".format( logpath )) if not self.skip_cleanup: self.logit('Removing {}'.format(self.volttron_home)) shutil.rmtree(self.volttron_home, ignore_errors=True) self._instance_shutdown = True def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): data = [] data.append('volttron_home: {}'.format(self.volttron_home)) return '\n'.join(data)
class PlatformWrapper: def __init__(self): """ Initializes a new VOLTTRON instance Creates a temporary VOLTTRON_HOME directory with a packaged directory for agents that are built. """ self.volttron_home = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.packaged_dir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, "packaged") os.makedirs(self.packaged_dir) # in the context of this platform it is very important not to # use the main os.environ for anything. self.env = { 'VOLTTRON_HOME': self.volttron_home, 'PACKAGED_DIR': self.packaged_dir, 'DEBUG_MODE': os.environ.get('DEBUG_MODE', ''), 'DEBUG': os.environ.get('DEBUG', ''), 'PATH': VOLTTRON_ROOT + ':' + os.environ['PATH'] } # By default no web server should be started. self.bind_web_address = None self.discovery_address = None self.jsonrpc_endpoint = None self.volttron_central_address = None self.instance_name = None self.serverkey = None self.p_process = None self.t_process = None self.started_agent_pids = [] self.local_vip_address = None self.vip_address = None self.encrypt = False self.logit('Creating platform wrapper') # This was used when we are testing the SMAP historian. self.use_twistd = False # Added restricted code properties self.certsobj = None # Control whether the instance directory is cleaned up when shutdown. # if the environment variable DEBUG is set to a True value then the # instance is not cleaned up. self.skip_cleanup = False # This is used as command line entry replacement. Especially working # with older 2.0 agents. self.opts = None keystorefile = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'keystore') self.keystore = KeyStore(keystorefile) self.keystore.generate() def logit(self, message): print('{}: {}'.format(self.volttron_home, message)) def allow_all_connections(self): """ Add a /.*/ entry to the auth.json file. """ entry = AuthEntry(credentials="/.*/") authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") authfile.add(entry) def build_connection(self, peer=None, address=None, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, **kwargs): if self.encrypt: self.allow_all_connections() if address is None: address = self.vip_address serverkey = self.serverkey if publickey is None or secretkey is None: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') keyfile = tempfile.mktemp(".keys", "agent", self.volttron_home) keys = KeyStore(keyfile) keys.generate() publickey = keys.public() secretkey = keys.secret() if self.encrypt: conn = Connection(address=address, peer=peer, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, volttron_home=self.volttron_home) else: conn = Connection(address=self.local_vip_address, peer=peer, volttron_home=self.volttron_home) return conn def build_agent(self, address=None, should_spawn=True, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, agent_class=Agent, **kwargs): """ Build an agent connnected to the passed bus. By default the current instance that this class wraps will be the vip address of the agent. :param address: :param should_spawn: :param identity: :param publickey: :param secretkey: :param serverkey: :param agent_class: Agent class to build :return: """ self.logit("Building generic agent.") use_ipc = kwargs.pop('use_ipc', False) if self.encrypt: if serverkey is None: serverkey = self.serverkey if publickey is None: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') keyfile = tempfile.mktemp(".keys", "agent", self.volttron_home) keys = KeyStore(keyfile) keys.generate() publickey = keys.public() secretkey = keys.secret() if address is None: if not self.encrypt: self.logit('Using IPC vip-address') address = "ipc://@" + self.volttron_home + "/run/vip.socket" else: self.logit('Using vip-address ' + self.vip_address) address = self.vip_address if publickey and not serverkey: self.logit('using instance serverkey: {}'.format(self.publickey)) serverkey = self.publickey agent = agent_class(address=address, identity=identity, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, volttron_home=self.volttron_home, **kwargs) self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent.address: {}'.format(address)) # Automatically add agent's credentials to auth.json file if publickey: self.logit('Adding publickey to auth.json') gevent.spawn(self._append_allow_curve_key, publickey) gevent.sleep(0.1) if should_spawn: self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent spawning') event = gevent.event.Event() gevent.spawn(, event) #.join(0) event.wait(timeout=2) hello = self.logit('Got hello response {}'.format(hello)) agent.publickey = publickey return agent def _read_auth_file(self): auth_path = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json') try: with open(auth_path, 'r') as fd: data = strip_comments(FileObject(fd, close=False).read()) if data: auth = jsonapi.loads(data) else: auth = {} except IOError: auth = {} if not 'allow' in auth: auth['allow'] = [] return auth, auth_path def _append_allow_curve_key(self, publickey): entry = AuthEntry(credentials=publickey) authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") authfile.add(entry) def add_vc(self): return add_vc_to_instance(self) def add_capabilities(self, publickey, capabilities): if isinstance(capabilities, basestring): capabilities = [capabilities] auth, auth_path = self._read_auth_file() cred = publickey allow = auth['allow'] entry = next((item for item in allow if item['credentials'] == cred), {}) caps = entry.get('capabilities', []) entry['capabilities'] = list(set(caps + capabilities)) with open(auth_path, 'w+') as fd: json.dump(auth, fd) def set_auth_dict(self, auth_dict): if auth_dict: with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(auth_dict)) def startup_platform(self, vip_address, auth_dict=None, use_twistd=False, mode=UNRESTRICTED, encrypt=False, bind_web_address=None, volttron_central_address=None, volttron_central_serverkey=None): # if not isinstance(vip_address, list): # self.vip_address = [vip_address] # else: # self.vip_address = vip_address self.vip_address = vip_address self.encrypt = encrypt self.mode = mode self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address if self.bind_web_address: self.discovery_address = "{}/discovery/".format( self.bind_web_address) # Only available if vc is installed! self.jsonrpc_endpoint = "{}/jsonrpc".format(self.bind_web_address) enable_logging = self.env.get('ENABLE_LOGGING', False) debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) if not debug_mode: debug_mode = self.env.get('DEBUG', False) self.skip_cleanup = self.env.get('SKIP_CLEANUP', False) if debug_mode: self.skip_cleanup = True enable_logging = True self.logit("In start up platform enable_logging is {} ".format( enable_logging)) assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: ' + str(mode) opts = None # see for how we handle pub sub addresses. ipc = 'ipc://{}{}/run/'.format( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '', self.volttron_home) self.local_vip_address = ipc + 'vip.socket' self.set_auth_dict(auth_dict) self.opts = { 'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home, 'vip_address': vip_address, 'vip_local_address': ipc + 'vip.socket', 'publish_address': ipc + 'publish', 'subscribe_address': ipc + 'subscribe', 'bind_web_address': bind_web_address, 'volttron_central_address': volttron_central_address, 'volttron_central_serverkey': volttron_central_serverkey, 'platform_name': None, 'developer_mode': not encrypt, 'log': os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log'), 'log_config': None, 'monitor': True, 'autostart': True, 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, 'verboseness': logging.DEBUG } pconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'config') config = {} # Set up the configuration file based upon the passed parameters. parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.add_section('volttron') parser.set('volttron', 'vip-address', vip_address) if bind_web_address: parser.set('volttron', 'bind-web-address', bind_web_address) if volttron_central_address: parser.set('volttron', 'volttron-central-address', volttron_central_address) if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: # TODO Restricted code should set with volttron as contianer # if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: # config['mobility'] = False # config['resource-monitor'] = False # config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) parser.write(cfg) elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'certificates') print("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) # opts = type('Options', (), {'resource-monitor':False, # 'verify_agents': True, # 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home})() else: raise PlatformWrapperError( "Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) log = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log') if enable_logging: cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l{}'.format(log)] else: cmd = ['volttron', '-l{}'.format(log)] if not encrypt: cmd.append('--developer-mode') print('process environment: {}'.format(self.env)) print('popen params: {}'.format(cmd)) self.p_process = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert self.p_process is not None # A None value means that the process is still running. # A negative means that the process exited with an error. assert self.p_process.poll() is None self.serverkey = self.keystore.public() assert self.serverkey agent = self.build_agent() has_control = False times = 0 while not has_control and times < 10: times += 1 try: has_control = except gevent.Timeout: pass if not has_control: self.shutdown_platform() raise "Couldn't connect to core platform!" if bind_web_address: times = 0 has_discovery = False while times < 10: times += 1 try: resp = requests.get(self.discovery_address) if resp.ok: has_discovery = True break except Exception as e: gevent.sleep(0.1) self.logit("Connection error found {}".format(e)) if not has_discovery: raise "Couldn't connect to discovery platform." self.use_twistd = use_twistd # TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self.t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5) #self.t_process = subprocess.Popen(["twistd", "-n", "smap", "test-smap.ini"]) def is_running(self): self.logit("PROCESS IS RUNNING: {}".format(self.p_process)) return self.p_process is not None and self.p_process.poll() is None def twistd_is_running(self): return self.t_process is not None # def publish(self, topic, data): # '''Publish data to a zmq context. # # The publisher is goint to use the platform that is contained within # this wrapper to write data to. # ''' # if not self.zmq_context: # self.zmq_context = zmq.Context() # self.logit("binding publisher to: ", self.env['AGENT_PUB_ADDR']) # pub = zmq.Socket(self.zmq_context, zmq.PUB) # pub.bind(self.env['AGENT_PUB_ADDR']) # pub.send_multipart([topic, data]) # def fillout_file(self, filename, template, config_file): # # try: # config = json.loads(open(config_file, 'r').read()) # except Exception as e: # sys.stderr.write (str(e)) # raise PlatformWrapperError("Could not load configuration file for tests") # # config['tmpdir'] = self.tmpdir # # outfile = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, filename) # with closing(open(outfile, 'w')) as cfg: # cfg.write(template.format(**config)) # # return outfile def direct_sign_agentpackage_creator(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" print("wrapper.certsobj", self.certsobj.cert_dir) assert (auth.sign_as_creator( package, 'creator', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('creator') def direct_sign_agentpackage_admin(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" assert (auth.sign_as_admin( package, 'admin', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('admin') def direct_sign_agentpackage_initiator(self, package, config_file, contract): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" files = {"config_file": config_file, "contract": contract} assert (auth.sign_as_initiator(package, 'initiator', files=files, certsobj=self.certsobj) ), "Signing as {} failed.".format('initiator') def _aip(self): opts = type('Options', (), self.opts) aip = AIPplatform(opts) aip.setup() return aip # TODO Remove when verified that the other method works properly. # def _install_agent(self, wheel_file, start, vip_identity): # aip = self._aip() # auuid = aip.install_agent(wheel_file, vip_identity=vip_identity) # assert auuid is not None # if start: # self.logit('STARTING: {}'.format(wheel_file)) # status = self.start_agent(auuid) # # aip.start_agent(auuid) # # status = aip.agent_status(auuid) # self.logit('STATUS NOW: {}'.format(status)) # assert status > 0 # # return auuid def _install_agent(self, wheel_file, start, vip_identity): agent = self.build_agent() self.logit('Creating channel for sending the agent.') channel_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) channel ='control', channel_name) gevent.sleep(0.3) self.logit('calling control install agent.') result ='control', 'install_agent', wheel_file, channel_name, vip_identity) self.logit('waiting for ready') response = channel.recv() if response != b'ready': raise ValueError( 'Invalid channel protocol returned {}'.format(response)) with open(wheel_file, 'rb') as fin: _log.debug('sending wheel to control.') while True: data = if not data: _log.debug('Finished sending data') break channel.send(data) _log.debug('sending done message.') channel.send('done') try: # must do this before channel closes or process will hang. auuid = result.get(timeout=10) _log.debug('closing channel') except gevent.Timeout: _log.error('Timeout in channel') finally: channel.close(linger=0) del channel if start: self.start_agent(auuid) return auuid def install_multiple_agents(self, agent_configs): """ Installs mutltiple agents on the platform. :param agent_configs:list A list of 3-tuple that allows the configuration of a platform in a single go. The tuple order is 1. path to the agent directory. 2. configuration data (either file or json data) 3. Whether the agent should be started or not. :return:list: A list of uuid's associated with the agents that were installed. :Note: In order for this method to be called the platform must be currently running. """ if not self.is_running(): raise PlatformWrapperError("Instance isn't running!") results = [] for path, config, start in agent_configs: results = self.install_agent(agent_dir=path, config_file=config, start=start) return results def install_agent(self, agent_wheel=None, agent_dir=None, config_file=None, start=True, vip_identity=None): """ Install and optionally start an agent on the instance. This function allows installation from an agent wheel or an agent directory (NOT BOTH). If an agent_wheel is specified then it is assumed to be ready for installation (has a config file). If an agent_dir is specified then a config_file file must be specified or if it is not specified then it is assumed that the file agent_dir/config is to be used as the configuration file. If none of these exist then an assertion error will be thrown. This function will return with a uuid of the installed agent. :param agent_wheel: :param agent_dir: :param config_file: :param start: :param vip_identity: :return: """ assert self.is_running(), "Instance must be running to install agent." assert agent_wheel or agent_dir, "Invalid agent_wheel or agent_dir." if agent_wheel: assert not agent_dir assert not config_file assert os.path.exists(agent_wheel) wheel_file = agent_wheel if agent_dir: assert not agent_wheel if isinstance(config_file, dict): from os.path import join, basename temp_config = join(self.volttron_home, basename(agent_dir) + "_config_file") with open(temp_config, "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(config_file)) config_file = temp_config elif not config_file: assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(agent_dir, "config")) config_file = os.path.join(agent_dir, "config") elif os.path.exists(config_file): pass # config_file already set! else: raise ValueError("Can't determine correct config file.") self.logit('Building agent package') wheel_file = self.build_agentpackage(agent_dir, config_file) assert wheel_file agent_uuid = self._install_agent(wheel_file, start, vip_identity) assert agent_uuid is not None if start: assert self.is_agent_running(agent_uuid) return agent_uuid def start_agent(self, agent_uuid): self.logit('Starting agent {}'.format(agent_uuid)) self.logit("VOLTTRON_HOME SETTING: {}".format( self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'])) cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'start', agent_uuid] p = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) p.wait() # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'status', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) self.logit("Subprocess res is {}".format(res)) assert 'running' in res pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos:pidend]) self.started_agent_pids.append(pid) return int(pid) def stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # Confirm agent running _log.debug("STOPPING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'stop', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) def list_agents(self): agent = self.build_agent() print('PEER LIST: {}'.format( agent_list ='control', 'list_agents').get(timeout=10) agent.core.stop(timeout=3) return agent_list def remove_agent(self, agent_uuid): """Remove the agent specified by agent_uuid""" _log.debug("REMOVING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'remove', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) def is_agent_running(self, agent_uuid): return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) is not None def agent_status(self, agent_uuid): _log.debug("AGENT_STATUS: {}".format(agent_uuid)) # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'status', agent_uuid] pid = None try: res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) try: pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos:pidend]) except: pid = None except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return pid def build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir, config_file): assert os.path.exists(agent_dir) assert os.path.exists(config_file) wheel_path = packaging.create_package(agent_dir, self.packaged_dir) packaging.add_files_to_package( wheel_path, {'config_file': os.path.join('./', config_file)}) return wheel_path # def direct_build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir): # self.logit("Building agent_directory ", agent_dir) # wheel_path = packaging.create_package(os.path.join('./', agent_dir), # self.packaged_dir) # # return wheel_path # # def direct_send_agent(self, package, target): # pparams = [VCTRL, SEND_AGENT, target, package] # print (pparams, "CWD", os.getcwd()) # send_process =, env=self.env) # print ("Done sending to", target) # # def direct_configure_agentpackage(self, agent_wheel, config_file): # packaging.add_files_to_package(agent_wheel, { # 'config_file':os.path.join('./', config_file) # }) # # # def direct_build_install_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file): # agent_wheel = self.build_agentpackage(agent_dir=agent_dir, # config_file=config_file) # self.direct_configure_agentpackage(agent_wheel, config_file) # assert(agent_wheel is not None,"Agent wheel was not built") # # uuid = self.test_aip.install_agent(agent_wheel) # #aip volttron_home, verify_agents # return uuid # # # def direct_build_install_run_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file): # agent_uuid = self.direct_build_install_agent(agent_dir, config_file) # self.direct_start_agent(agent_uuid) # return agent_uuid # # def direct_build_send_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file, target): # agent_uuid = self.direct_buid_install_agent(agent_dir, config_file) # self.direct_start_agent(agent_uuid) # return agent_uuid def confirm_agent_running(self, agent_name, max_retries=5, timeout_seconds=2): running = False retries = 0 while not running and retries < max_retries: status = self.test_aip.status_agents() print("Status", status) if len(status) > 0: status_name = status[0][1] assert status_name == agent_name assert len( status[0][2]) == 2, 'Unexpected agent status message' status_agent_status = status[0][2][1] running = not isinstance(status_agent_status, int) retries += 1 time.sleep(timeout_seconds) return running # def direct_stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # result = # print result def shutdown_platform(self): '''Stop platform here This function will shutdown the platform and attempt to kill any process that the platformwrapper has started. ''' import signal self.logit('shutting down platform: PIDS: {}'.format( self.started_agent_pids)) while self.started_agent_pids: pid = self.started_agent_pids.pop() self.logit('ending pid: {}'.format(pid)) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except: self.logit('could not kill: {} '.format(pid)) if self.p_process is not None: try: gevent.sleep(0.2) self.p_process.terminate() gevent.sleep(0.2) except OSError: self.logit('Platform process was terminated.') else: self.logit("platform process was null") if self.use_twistd and self.t_process != None: self.t_process.kill() self.t_process.wait() elif self.use_twistd: self.logit("twistd process was null") if not self.skip_cleanup: self.logit('Removing {}'.format(self.volttron_home)) shutil.rmtree(self.volttron_home, ignore_errors=True)
class PlatformWrapper: def __init__(self): '''Initializes a new volttron environment Creates a temporary VOLTTRON_HOME directory with a packaged directory for agents that are built. ''' self.__volttron_home = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.__packaged_dir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, "packaged") os.makedirs(self.__packaged_dir) self.env = os.environ.copy() self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.volttron_home # TODO: does changing os.environ affect the environment external to # this script? os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.volttron_home # By default no web server should be started. self.__bind_web_address = None self._p_process = None self._t_process = None self.__publickey = self.generate_key() self._started_pids = [] self.__local_vip_address = None self.__vip_address = None self.logit('Creating platform wrapper') def logit(self, message): print('{}: {}'.format(self.volttron_home, message)) @property def bind_web_address(self): return self.__bind_web_address @property def local_vip_address(self): return self.__local_vip_address @property def packaged_dir(self): return self.__packaged_dir @property def publickey(self): return self.__publickey @property def vip_address(self): return self.__vip_address @property def volttron_home(self): return self.__volttron_home def allow_all_connections(self): """ Add a CURVE:.* entry to the auth.json file. """ entry = AuthEntry(credentials="/CURVE:.*/") authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") authfile.add(entry) def build_agent(self, address=None, should_spawn=True, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, generatekeys=False, **kwargs): """ Build an agent connnected to the passed bus. By default the current instance that this class wraps will be the vip address of the agent. :param address: :param should_spawn: :param identity: :param publickey: :param secretkey: :param serverkey: :return: """ self.logit("Building generic agent.") use_ipc = kwargs.pop('use_ipc', False) if address is None: if use_ipc: self.logit('Using IPC vip-address') address = "ipc://@" + self.volttron_home + "/run/vip.socket" else: self.logit('Using vip-address ' + self.vip_address) address = self.vip_address if generatekeys: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() ks = KeyStore( ks.generate() publickey = ks.public() secretkey = ks.secret() if publickey and not serverkey: self.logit('using instance serverkey: {}'.format(self.publickey)) serverkey = self.publickey agent = Agent(address=address, identity=identity, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, **kwargs) self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent.address: {}'.format(address)) # Automatically add agent's credentials to auth.json file if publickey: self.logit('Adding publickey to auth.json') gevent.spawn(self._append_allow_curve_key, publickey) gevent.sleep(0.1) if should_spawn: self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent spawning') event = gevent.event.Event() gevent.spawn(, event) #.join(0) event.wait(timeout=2) hello = self.logit('Got hello response {}'.format(hello)) return agent def generate_key(self): key = ''.join(zmq.curve_keypair()) with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'curve.key'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(key) return encode_key(key[:40]) # public key def _read_auth_file(self): auth_path = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json') try: with open(auth_path, 'r') as fd: data = strip_comments(FileObject(fd, close=False).read()) if data: auth = jsonapi.loads(data) else: auth = {} except IOError: auth = {} if not 'allow' in auth: auth['allow'] = [] return auth, auth_path def _append_allow_curve_key(self, publickey): entry = AuthEntry(credentials="CURVE:{}".format(publickey)) authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home + "/auth.json") authfile.add(entry) def add_capabilities(self, publickey, capabilities): if isinstance(capabilities, basestring): capabilities = [capabilities] auth, auth_path = self._read_auth_file() cred = 'CURVE:{}'.format(publickey) allow = auth['allow'] entry = next((item for item in allow if item['credentials'] == cred), {}) caps = entry.get('capabilities', []) entry['capabilities'] = list(set(caps + capabilities)) with open(auth_path, 'w+') as fd: json.dump(auth, fd) def set_auth_dict(self, auth_dict): if auth_dict: with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(auth_dict)) def startup_platform(self, vip_address, auth_dict=None, use_twistd=False, mode=UNRESTRICTED, encrypt=False, bind_web_address=None): # if not isinstance(vip_address, list): # self.vip_address = [vip_address] # else: # self.vip_address = vip_address self.vip_address = vip_address self.mode = mode self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address enable_logging = os.environ.get('ENABLE_LOGGING', False) debug_mode = os.environ.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) self.skip_cleanup = os.environ.get('SKIP_CLEANUP', False) if debug_mode: self.skip_cleanup = True enable_logging = True self.logit("In start up platform enable_logging is {} ".format( enable_logging)) assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: ' + str(mode) opts = None # see for how we handle pub sub addresses. ipc = 'ipc://{}{}/run/'.format( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '', self.volttron_home) self.local_vip_address = ipc + 'vip.socket' if not encrypt: # Remove connection encryption with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'curve.key'), 'w'): pass self.set_auth_dict(auth_dict) self.opts = { 'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home, 'vip_address': vip_address, 'vip_local_address': ipc + 'vip.socket', 'publish_address': ipc + 'publish', 'subscribe_address': ipc + 'subscribe', 'bind_web_address': bind_web_address, 'developer_mode': not encrypt, 'log': os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'volttron.log'), 'log_config': None, 'monitor': True, 'autostart': True, 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, 'verboseness': logging.DEBUG } pconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'config') config = {} parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.add_section('volttron') parser.set('volttron', 'vip-address', vip_address) if bind_web_address: parser.set('volttron', 'bind-web-address', bind_web_address) if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: config['mobility'] = False config['resource-monitor'] = False config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) parser.write(cfg) elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME']), 'certificates') print("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) opts = type( 'Options', (), { 'resource-monitor': False, 'verify_agents': True, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home })() else: raise PlatformWrapperError( "Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) log = os.path.join(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'], 'volttron.log') if enable_logging: cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l{}'.format(log)] else: cmd = ['volttron', '-l{}'.format(log)] if self.opts['developer_mode']: cmd.append('--developer-mode') self._p_process = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert self._p_process is not None # A None value means that the process is still running. # A negative means that the process exited with an error. assert self._p_process.poll() is None # # make sure we don't return too quickly. gevent.sleep(0.2) #os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.opts['volttron_home'] #self._p_process = Process(target=start_volttron_process, args=(self.opts,)) #self._p_process.daemon = True #self._p_process.start() gevent.sleep(0.2) self.use_twistd = use_twistd #TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self._t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5) #self._t_process = subprocess.Popen(["twistd", "-n", "smap", "test-smap.ini"]) def is_running(self): self.logit("PROCESS IS RUNNING: {}".format(self._p_process)) return self._p_process is not None and self._p_process.poll() is None def twistd_is_running(self): return self._t_process is not None # def publish(self, topic, data): # '''Publish data to a zmq context. # # The publisher is goint to use the platform that is contained within # this wrapper to write data to. # ''' # if not self.zmq_context: # self.zmq_context = zmq.Context() # self.logit("binding publisher to: ", self.env['AGENT_PUB_ADDR']) # pub = zmq.Socket(self.zmq_context, zmq.PUB) # pub.bind(self.env['AGENT_PUB_ADDR']) # pub.send_multipart([topic, data]) # def fillout_file(self, filename, template, config_file): # # try: # config = json.loads(open(config_file, 'r').read()) # except Exception as e: # sys.stderr.write (str(e)) # raise PlatformWrapperError("Could not load configuration file for tests") # # config['tmpdir'] = self.tmpdir # # outfile = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, filename) # with closing(open(outfile, 'w')) as cfg: # cfg.write(template.format(**config)) # # return outfile def direct_sign_agentpackage_creator(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" print("wrapper.certsobj", self.certsobj.cert_dir) assert (auth.sign_as_creator( package, 'creator', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('creator') def direct_sign_agentpackage_admin(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" assert (auth.sign_as_admin( package, 'admin', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('admin') def direct_sign_agentpackage_initiator(self, package, config_file, contract): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" files = {"config_file": config_file, "contract": contract} assert (auth.sign_as_initiator(package, 'initiator', files=files, certsobj=self.certsobj) ), "Signing as {} failed.".format('initiator') def _aip(self): opts = type('Options', (), self.opts) aip = AIPplatform(opts) aip.setup() return aip def _install_agent(self, wheel_file, start): aip = self._aip() auuid = aip.install_agent(wheel_file) assert auuid is not None if start: self.logit('STARTING: {}'.format(wheel_file)) status = self.start_agent(auuid) #aip.start_agent(auuid) #status = aip.agent_status(auuid) self.logit('STATUS NOW: {}'.format(status)) assert status > 0 return auuid def install_multiple_agents(self, agent_configs): """ Installs mutltiple agents on the platform. :param agent_configs:list A list of 3-tuple that allows the configuration of a platform in a single go. The tuple order is 1. path to the agent directory. 2. configuration data (either file or json data) 3. Whether the agent should be started or not. :return:list: A list of uuid's associated with the agents that were installed. :Note: In order for this method to be called the platform must be currently running. """ if not self.is_running(): raise PlatformWrapperError("Instance isn't running!") results = [] for path, config, start in agent_configs: results = self.install_agent(agent_dir=path, config_file=config, start=start) return results def install_agent(self, agent_wheel=None, agent_dir=None, config_file=None, start=True): '''Install and optionally start an agent on the platform. This function allows installation from an agent wheel or an agent directory (NOT BOTH). If an agent_wheel is specified then it is assumed to be ready for installation (has a config file). If an agent_dir is specified then a config_file file must be specified or if it is not specified then it is assumed that the file agent_dir/config is to be used as the configuration file. If none of these exist then an assertion error will be thrown. This function will return with a uuid of the installed agent. ''' assert self.is_running() assert agent_wheel or agent_dir if agent_wheel: assert not agent_dir assert not config_file assert os.path.exists(agent_wheel) wheel_file = agent_wheel if agent_dir: assert not agent_wheel if not config_file: assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(agent_dir, "config")) config_file = os.path.join(agent_dir, "config") else: if isinstance(config_file, dict): from os.path import join, basename temp_config = join(self.volttron_home, basename(agent_dir) + "_config_file") with open(temp_config, "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(config_file)) config_file = temp_config self.logit('Building agent package') wheel_file = self.build_agentpackage(agent_dir, config_file) assert wheel_file agent_uuid = self._install_agent(wheel_file, start) assert agent_uuid is not None if start: assert self.is_agent_running(agent_uuid) return agent_uuid def start_agent(self, agent_uuid): self.logit('Starting agent {}'.format(agent_uuid)) self.logit("VOLTTRONO_HOME SETTING: {}".format( os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'])) cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'start', agent_uuid] p = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) p.wait() # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'status', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) assert 'running' in res pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos:pidend]) self._started_pids.append(pid) return int(pid) def stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # Confirm agent running _log.debug("STOPPING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'stop', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) def list_agents(self): aip = self._aip() return aip.list_agents() def remove_agent(self, agent_uuid): """Remove the agent specified by agent_uuid""" _log.debug("REMOVING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'remove', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) def is_agent_running(self, agent_uuid): return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) is not None def agent_status(self, agent_uuid): _log.debug("AGENT_STATUS: {}".format(agent_uuid)) # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'status', agent_uuid] pid = None try: res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) try: pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos:pidend]) except: pid = None except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return pid def build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir, config_file): assert os.path.exists(agent_dir) assert os.path.exists(config_file) wheel_path = packaging.create_package(agent_dir, self.packaged_dir) packaging.add_files_to_package( wheel_path, {'config_file': os.path.join('./', config_file)}) return wheel_path # def direct_build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir): # self.logit("Building agent_directory ", agent_dir) # wheel_path = packaging.create_package(os.path.join('./', agent_dir), # self.packaged_dir) # # return wheel_path # # def direct_send_agent(self, package, target): # pparams = [VCTRL, SEND_AGENT, target, package] # print (pparams, "CWD", os.getcwd()) # send_process =, env=self.env) # print ("Done sending to", target) # # def direct_configure_agentpackage(self, agent_wheel, config_file): # packaging.add_files_to_package(agent_wheel, { # 'config_file':os.path.join('./', config_file) # }) # # # def direct_build_install_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file): # agent_wheel = self.build_agentpackage(agent_dir=agent_dir, # config_file=config_file) # self.direct_configure_agentpackage(agent_wheel, config_file) # assert(agent_wheel is not None,"Agent wheel was not built") # # uuid = self.test_aip.install_agent(agent_wheel) # #aip volttron_home, verify_agents # return uuid # # # def direct_build_install_run_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file): # agent_uuid = self.direct_build_install_agent(agent_dir, config_file) # self.direct_start_agent(agent_uuid) # return agent_uuid # # def direct_build_send_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file, target): # agent_uuid = self.direct_buid_install_agent(agent_dir, config_file) # self.direct_start_agent(agent_uuid) # return agent_uuid def confirm_agent_running(self, agent_name, max_retries=5, timeout_seconds=2): running = False retries = 0 while (not running and retries < max_retries): status = self.test_aip.status_agents() print("Status", status) if len(status) > 0: status_name = status[0][1] assert status_name == agent_name assert len( status[0][2]) == 2, 'Unexpected agent status message' status_agent_status = status[0][2][1] running = not isinstance(status_agent_status, int) retries += 1 time.sleep(timeout_seconds) return running # def direct_stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # result = # print result def shutdown_platform(self): '''Stop platform here This function will shutdown the platform and attempt to kill any process that the platformwrapper has started. ''' import signal self.logit('shutting down platform: PIDS: {}'.format( self._started_pids)) while self._started_pids: pid = self._started_pids.pop() self.logit('ending pid: {}'.format(pid)) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except: self.logit('could not kill: {} '.format(pid)) if self._p_process != None: try: gevent.sleep(0.2) self._p_process.terminate() gevent.sleep(0.2) except OSError: self.logit('Platform process was terminated.') else: self.logit("platform process was null") if self.use_twistd and self._t_process != None: self._t_process.kill() self._t_process.wait() elif self.use_twistd: self.logit("twistd process was null")
def run(command, use_sudo=False, user='', group='', freturn=False, err_to_out=False, input=None, force=False, **kwargs): """Execute command on host via ssh or subprocess. TODO: check on windows - maybe it will not work on it Factory uses pipes for communication with subprocess. So, there is no way to use popen and automatically write passwords for ssh and sudo on localhost, because "smart" programs like ssh and sudo uses tty directly. Also active tty required (needed check it) and for sudo uses "sudo -S". Alternatives: 1) Use paramico like fabric = no ssh sockets. 2) Use pty.fork, waitpid, execv as pexcpect and sh = only unix, no separated stderr, hard to communicate. 3) Use ssh-copy-id like sh module recommended = ask passwords only one first time. 4) Use sshpass like ansible = external dependencies. 5) Use local ssh server and run all commands through it instead of popen. Args: command (str): command for executing use_sudo (bool): running with sudo prefix if True and current user not root, default is False user (str): username for sudo -u prefix group (str): group for sudo -g prefix freturn (bool): return tuple if True, else return str, default is False err_to_out (bool): redirect stderr to stdout if True, default is False input (str or tuple of str): str will be flushed to stdin after executed command, default is None force (bool): executing full operations even if envs.common.dry_run is True **kwargs (dict): add only for supporting dry-run replacing Return: str if freturn is False: string that contained all stdout messages tuple if freturn is True: string that contained all stdout messages string that contained all stderr int that mean return code of command """ # hack for dry-run if envs.common.dry_run and not force: from dry_operations import run return run(command, use_sudo, user, group, freturn, err_to_out, input, **kwargs) logger = envs.connect.logger interactive = envs.common.interactive parallel = envs.common.parallel host_string = ''.join((envs.connect.user, '@', logger.debug('executing run function') logger.debug('arguments for executing and another locals: %s', locals()) command = command_patching_for_sudo(command, use_sudo, user, group) # logging write_message_to_log(command, 'in: ') stderr = PIPE if err_to_out: stderr = STDOUT logger.debug('stderr: %s', stderr) # open new connect if in envs.common.localhost: logger.debug('executing command %s with shell=True', command) p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, stdin=PIPE, shell=True) else: scommand = [ envs.common.ssh_binary, envs.common.ssh_port_option, str(envs.connect.port), host_string, ] scommand += envs.common.ssh_args.split() scommand += envs.connect.con_args.split() scommand += [command] logger.debug('executing command %s', scommand) p = Popen(scommand, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, stdin=PIPE) # flush input if input: if type(input) is str: input = [input] for s in input: s = str(s) if s[-1] not in ('\n', '\r'): s += '\n' logger.debug('flushing input %s', s) p.stdin.write(s) p.stdin.flush() # run another command if parallel: gevent.sleep(0) logger.debug('run another command with gevent.sleep(0)') # processing std loop threads = [] if interactive: args = (p, copy(envs.common), copy(envs.connect)) gin = gevent.spawn(in_loop, *args) logger.debug('executing in_loop with args %s', args) threads.append(gin) args = (p, copy(envs.common), copy(envs.connect)) gout = gevent.spawn(out_loop, *args) logger.debug('executing out_loop with args %s', args) threads.append(gout) if not err_to_out: args = (p, copy(envs.common), copy(envs.connect), True) gerr = gevent.spawn(out_loop, *args) logger.debug('executing err_loop with args %s', args) threads.append(gerr) gevent.joinall(threads) logger.debug('child process has terminated with status %s', p.returncode) #TODO: check returncode if returncode==None sumout = gout.value sumerr = gerr.value if not err_to_out else '' status = p.returncode if p.poll() is None: p.terminate() p.kill() if freturn: logger.debug('return sumout %s, sumerr %s, status %s', sumout, sumerr, status) return (sumout, sumerr, status) logger.debug('return sumout %s', sumout) return sumout
class PlatformWrapper: def __init__(self): '''Initializes a new volttron environment Creates a temporary VOLTTRON_HOME directory with a packaged directory for agents that are built. ''' self.__volttron_home = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.__packaged_dir = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, "packaged") os.makedirs(self.__packaged_dir) self.env = os.environ.copy() self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.volttron_home # TODO: does changing os.environ affect the environment external to # this script? os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.volttron_home # By default no web server should be started. self.__bind_web_address = None self._p_process = None self._t_process = None self.__publickey = self.generate_key() self._started_pids = [] self.__local_vip_address = None self.__vip_address = None self.logit('Creating platform wrapper') def logit(self, message): print('{}: {}'.format(self.volttron_home, message)) @property def bind_web_address(self): return self.__bind_web_address @property def local_vip_address(self): return self.__local_vip_address @property def packaged_dir(self): return self.__packaged_dir @property def publickey(self): return self.__publickey @property def vip_address(self): return self.__vip_address @property def volttron_home(self): return self.__volttron_home def allow_all_connections(self): """ Add a CURVE:.* entry to the auth.json file. """ entry = AuthEntry(credentials="/CURVE:.*/") authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home+"/auth.json") authfile.add(entry) def build_agent(self, address=None, should_spawn=True, identity=None, publickey=None, secretkey=None, serverkey=None, generatekeys=False, **kwargs): """ Build an agent connnected to the passed bus. By default the current instance that this class wraps will be the vip address of the agent. :param address: :param should_spawn: :param identity: :param publickey: :param secretkey: :param serverkey: :return: """ self.logit("Building generic agent.") use_ipc = kwargs.pop('use_ipc', False) if address is None: if use_ipc: self.logit('Using IPC vip-address') address = "ipc://@"+self.volttron_home+"/run/vip.socket" else: self.logit('Using vip-address '+self.vip_address) address = self.vip_address if generatekeys: self.logit('generating new public secret key pair') tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() ks = KeyStore( ks.generate() publickey = ks.public() secretkey = ks.secret() if publickey and not serverkey: self.logit('using instance serverkey: {}'.format(self.publickey)) serverkey = self.publickey agent = Agent(address=address, identity=identity, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, serverkey=serverkey, **kwargs) self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent.address: {}'.format(address)) # Automatically add agent's credentials to auth.json file if publickey: self.logit('Adding publickey to auth.json') gevent.spawn(self._append_allow_curve_key, publickey) gevent.sleep(0.1) if should_spawn: self.logit('platformwrapper.build_agent spawning') event = gevent.event.Event() gevent.spawn(, event)#.join(0) event.wait(timeout=2) hello = self.logit('Got hello response {}'.format(hello)) return agent def generate_key(self): key = ''.join(zmq.curve_keypair()) with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'curve.key'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(key) return encode_key(key[:40]) # public key def _read_auth_file(self): auth_path = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json') try: with open(auth_path, 'r') as fd: data = strip_comments(FileObject(fd, close=False).read()) if data: auth = jsonapi.loads(data) else: auth = {} except IOError: auth = {} if not 'allow' in auth: auth['allow'] = [] return auth, auth_path def _append_allow_curve_key(self, publickey): entry = AuthEntry(credentials="CURVE:{}".format(publickey)) authfile = AuthFile(self.volttron_home+"/auth.json") authfile.add(entry) def add_capabilities(self, publickey, capabilities): if isinstance(capabilities, basestring): capabilities = [capabilities] auth, auth_path = self._read_auth_file() cred = 'CURVE:{}'.format(publickey) allow = auth['allow'] entry = next((item for item in allow if item['credentials'] == cred), {}) caps = entry.get('capabilities', []) entry['capabilities'] = list(set(caps + capabilities)) with open(auth_path, 'w+') as fd: json.dump(auth, fd) def set_auth_dict(self, auth_dict): if auth_dict: with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'auth.json'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(auth_dict)) def startup_platform(self, vip_address, auth_dict=None, use_twistd=False, mode=UNRESTRICTED, encrypt=False, bind_web_address=None): # if not isinstance(vip_address, list): # self.vip_address = [vip_address] # else: # self.vip_address = vip_address self.vip_address = vip_address self.mode = mode self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address enable_logging = os.environ.get('ENABLE_LOGGING', False) debug_mode = os.environ.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) self.skip_cleanup = os.environ.get('SKIP_CLEANUP', False) if debug_mode: self.skip_cleanup = True enable_logging = True self.logit("In start up platform enable_logging is {} ".format(enable_logging)) assert self.mode in MODES, 'Invalid platform mode set: '+str(mode) opts = None # see for how we handle pub sub addresses. ipc = 'ipc://{}{}/run/'.format( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '', self.volttron_home) self.local_vip_address = ipc + 'vip.socket' if not encrypt: # Remove connection encryption with open(os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'curve.key'), 'w'): pass self.set_auth_dict(auth_dict) self.opts = {'verify_agents': False, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home, 'vip_address': vip_address, 'vip_local_address': ipc + 'vip.socket', 'publish_address': ipc + 'publish', 'subscribe_address': ipc + 'subscribe', 'bind_web_address': bind_web_address, 'developer_mode': not encrypt, 'log': os.path.join(self.volttron_home,'volttron.log'), 'log_config': None, 'monitor': True, 'autostart': True, 'log_level': logging.DEBUG, 'verboseness': logging.DEBUG} pconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, 'config') config = {} parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.add_section('volttron') parser.set('volttron', 'vip-address', vip_address) if bind_web_address: parser.set('volttron', 'bind-web-address', bind_web_address) if self.mode == UNRESTRICTED: if RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: config['mobility'] = False config['resource-monitor'] = False config['verify'] = False with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_UNRESTRICTED.format(**config)) parser.write(cfg) elif self.mode == RESTRICTED: if not RESTRICTED_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError("restricted is not available.") certsdir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME']), 'certificates') print ("certsdir", certsdir) self.certsobj = certs.Certs(certsdir) with closing(open(pconfig, 'wb')) as cfg: cfg.write(PLATFORM_CONFIG_RESTRICTED.format(**config)) opts = type('Options', (), {'resource-monitor':False, 'verify_agents': True, 'volttron_home': self.volttron_home})() else: raise PlatformWrapperError("Invalid platform mode specified: {}".format(mode)) log = os.path.join(self.env['VOLTTRON_HOME'], 'volttron.log') if enable_logging: cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l{}'.format(log)] else: cmd = ['volttron', '-l{}'.format(log)] if self.opts['developer_mode']: cmd.append('--developer-mode') self._p_process = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert self._p_process is not None # A None value means that the process is still running. # A negative means that the process exited with an error. assert self._p_process.poll() is None # # make sure we don't return too quickly. gevent.sleep(0.2) #os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = self.opts['volttron_home'] #self._p_process = Process(target=start_volttron_process, args=(self.opts,)) #self._p_process.daemon = True #self._p_process.start() gevent.sleep(0.2) self.use_twistd = use_twistd #TODO: Revise this to start twistd with platform. if self.use_twistd: tconfig = os.path.join(self.volttron_home, TMP_SMAP_CONFIG_FILENAME) with closing(open(tconfig, 'w')) as cfg: cfg.write(TWISTED_CONFIG.format(**config)) tparams = [TWISTED_START, "-n", "smap", tconfig] self._t_process = subprocess.Popen(tparams, env=self.env) time.sleep(5) #self._t_process = subprocess.Popen(["twistd", "-n", "smap", "test-smap.ini"]) def is_running(self): self.logit("PROCESS IS RUNNING: {}".format(self._p_process)) return self._p_process is not None and self._p_process.poll() is None def twistd_is_running(self): return self._t_process is not None # def publish(self, topic, data): # '''Publish data to a zmq context. # # The publisher is goint to use the platform that is contained within # this wrapper to write data to. # ''' # if not self.zmq_context: # self.zmq_context = zmq.Context() # self.logit("binding publisher to: ", self.env['AGENT_PUB_ADDR']) # pub = zmq.Socket(self.zmq_context, zmq.PUB) # pub.bind(self.env['AGENT_PUB_ADDR']) # pub.send_multipart([topic, data]) # def fillout_file(self, filename, template, config_file): # # try: # config = json.loads(open(config_file, 'r').read()) # except Exception as e: # sys.stderr.write (str(e)) # raise PlatformWrapperError("Could not load configuration file for tests") # # config['tmpdir'] = self.tmpdir # # outfile = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, filename) # with closing(open(outfile, 'w')) as cfg: # cfg.write(template.format(**config)) # # return outfile def direct_sign_agentpackage_creator(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" print ("wrapper.certsobj", self.certsobj.cert_dir) assert(auth.sign_as_creator(package, 'creator', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('creator') def direct_sign_agentpackage_admin(self, package): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" assert(auth.sign_as_admin(package, 'admin', certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('admin') def direct_sign_agentpackage_initiator(self, package, config_file, contract): assert (RESTRICTED), "Auth not available" files = {"config_file":config_file,"contract":contract} assert(auth.sign_as_initiator(package, 'initiator', files=files, certsobj=self.certsobj)), "Signing as {} failed.".format('initiator') def _aip(self): opts = type('Options', (), self.opts) aip = AIPplatform(opts) aip.setup() return aip def _install_agent(self, wheel_file, start): aip = self._aip() auuid = aip.install_agent(wheel_file) assert auuid is not None if start: self.logit('STARTING: {}'.format(wheel_file)) status = self.start_agent(auuid) #aip.start_agent(auuid) #status = aip.agent_status(auuid) self.logit('STATUS NOW: {}'.format(status)) assert status > 0 return auuid def install_multiple_agents(self, agent_configs): """ Installs mutltiple agents on the platform. :param agent_configs:list A list of 3-tuple that allows the configuration of a platform in a single go. The tuple order is 1. path to the agent directory. 2. configuration data (either file or json data) 3. Whether the agent should be started or not. :return:list: A list of uuid's associated with the agents that were installed. :Note: In order for this method to be called the platform must be currently running. """ if not self.is_running(): raise PlatformWrapperError("Instance isn't running!") results = [] for path, config, start in agent_configs: results = self.install_agent(agent_dir=path, config_file=config, start=start) return results def install_agent(self, agent_wheel=None, agent_dir=None, config_file=None, start=True): '''Install and optionally start an agent on the platform. This function allows installation from an agent wheel or an agent directory (NOT BOTH). If an agent_wheel is specified then it is assumed to be ready for installation (has a config file). If an agent_dir is specified then a config_file file must be specified or if it is not specified then it is assumed that the file agent_dir/config is to be used as the configuration file. If none of these exist then an assertion error will be thrown. This function will return with a uuid of the installed agent. ''' assert self.is_running() assert agent_wheel or agent_dir if agent_wheel: assert not agent_dir assert not config_file assert os.path.exists(agent_wheel) wheel_file = agent_wheel if agent_dir: assert not agent_wheel if not config_file: assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(agent_dir, "config")) config_file = os.path.join(agent_dir, "config") else: if isinstance(config_file, dict): from os.path import join, basename temp_config=join(self.volttron_home, basename(agent_dir) + "_config_file") with open(temp_config,"w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(config_file)) config_file = temp_config self.logit('Building agent package') wheel_file = self.build_agentpackage(agent_dir, config_file) assert wheel_file agent_uuid = self._install_agent(wheel_file, start) assert agent_uuid is not None if start: assert self.is_agent_running(agent_uuid) return agent_uuid def start_agent(self, agent_uuid): self.logit('Starting agent {}'.format(agent_uuid)) self.logit("VOLTTRONO_HOME SETTING: {}".format(os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'])) cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'start', agent_uuid] p = Popen(cmd, env=self.env, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) p.wait() # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'status', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) assert 'running' in res pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos: pidend]) self._started_pids.append(pid) return int(pid) def stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # Confirm agent running _log.debug("STOPPING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'stop', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) def list_agents(self): aip = self._aip() return aip.list_agents() def remove_agent(self, agent_uuid): """Remove the agent specified by agent_uuid""" _log.debug("REMOVING AGENT: {}".format(agent_uuid)) try: cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'remove', agent_uuid] res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) def is_agent_running(self, agent_uuid): return self.agent_status(agent_uuid) is not None def agent_status(self, agent_uuid): _log.debug("AGENT_STATUS: {}".format(agent_uuid)) # Confirm agent running cmd = ['volttron-ctl', 'status', agent_uuid] pid = None try: res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=self.env) try: pidpos = res.index('[') + 1 pidend = res.index(']') pid = int(res[pidpos: pidend]) except: pid = None except CalledProcessError as ex: _log.error("Exception: {}".format(ex)) return pid def build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir, config_file): assert os.path.exists(agent_dir) assert os.path.exists(config_file) wheel_path = packaging.create_package(agent_dir, self.packaged_dir) packaging.add_files_to_package(wheel_path, { 'config_file': os.path.join('./', config_file) }) return wheel_path # def direct_build_agentpackage(self, agent_dir): # self.logit("Building agent_directory ", agent_dir) # wheel_path = packaging.create_package(os.path.join('./', agent_dir), # self.packaged_dir) # # return wheel_path # # def direct_send_agent(self, package, target): # pparams = [VCTRL, SEND_AGENT, target, package] # print (pparams, "CWD", os.getcwd()) # send_process =, env=self.env) # print ("Done sending to", target) # # def direct_configure_agentpackage(self, agent_wheel, config_file): # packaging.add_files_to_package(agent_wheel, { # 'config_file':os.path.join('./', config_file) # }) # # # def direct_build_install_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file): # agent_wheel = self.build_agentpackage(agent_dir=agent_dir, # config_file=config_file) # self.direct_configure_agentpackage(agent_wheel, config_file) # assert(agent_wheel is not None,"Agent wheel was not built") # # uuid = self.test_aip.install_agent(agent_wheel) # #aip volttron_home, verify_agents # return uuid # # # def direct_build_install_run_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file): # agent_uuid = self.direct_build_install_agent(agent_dir, config_file) # self.direct_start_agent(agent_uuid) # return agent_uuid # # def direct_build_send_agent(self, agent_dir, config_file, target): # agent_uuid = self.direct_buid_install_agent(agent_dir, config_file) # self.direct_start_agent(agent_uuid) # return agent_uuid def confirm_agent_running(self, agent_name, max_retries=5, timeout_seconds=2): running = False retries = 0 while (not running and retries < max_retries): status = self.test_aip.status_agents() print ("Status", status) if len(status) > 0: status_name = status[0][1] assert status_name == agent_name assert len(status[0][2]) == 2, 'Unexpected agent status message' status_agent_status = status[0][2][1] running = not isinstance(status_agent_status, int) retries += 1 time.sleep(timeout_seconds) return running # def direct_stop_agent(self, agent_uuid): # result = # print result def shutdown_platform(self): '''Stop platform here This function will shutdown the platform and attempt to kill any process that the platformwrapper has started. ''' import signal self.logit('shutting down platform: PIDS: {}'.format(self._started_pids)) while self._started_pids: pid = self._started_pids.pop() self.logit('ending pid: {}'.format(pid)) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except: self.logit('could not kill: {} '.format(pid)) if self._p_process != None: try: gevent.sleep(0.2) self._p_process.terminate() gevent.sleep(0.2) except OSError: self.logit('Platform process was terminated.') else: self.logit("platform process was null") if self.use_twistd and self._t_process != None: self._t_process.kill() self._t_process.wait() elif self.use_twistd: self.logit("twistd process was null")
class TaskExecutor(object): def __init__(self, balancer, index): self.balancer = balancer self.index = index self.task = None self.proc = None = None self.conn = None self.state = None self.key = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.checked_in = Event() self.result = AsyncResult() self.exiting = False self.thread = gevent.spawn(self.executor) def checkin(self, conn): self.balancer.logger.debug('Check-in of worker #{0} (key {1})'.format(self.index, self.key)) self.conn = conn self.state = WorkerState.IDLE self.checked_in.set() def get_status(self): if not self.conn: return None try: st = TaskStatus(0) if issubclass(self.task.clazz, MasterProgressTask): progress_subtask_info = self.conn.call_client_sync( 'taskproxy.get_master_progress_info' ) if progress_subtask_info['increment_progress'] != 0: progress_subtask_info['progress'] += progress_subtask_info['increment_progress'] progress_subtask_info['increment_progress'] = 0 self.conn.call_client_sync( 'taskproxy.set_master_progress_detail', { 'progress': progress_subtask_info['progress'], 'increment_progress': progress_subtask_info['increment_progress'] } ) if progress_subtask_info['active_tids']: progress_to_increment = 0 concurent_weight = progress_subtask_info['concurent_subtask_detail']['average_weight'] for tid in progress_subtask_info['concurent_subtask_detail']['tids']: subtask_status = self.balancer.get_task(tid).executor.get_status() progress_to_increment += subtask_status.percentage * concurent_weight * \ progress_subtask_info['subtask_weights'][str(tid)] for tid in set(progress_subtask_info['active_tids']).symmetric_difference( set(progress_subtask_info['concurent_subtask_detail']['tids']) ): subtask_status = self.balancer.get_task(tid).executor.get_status() progress_to_increment += subtask_status.percentage * \ progress_subtask_info['subtask_weights'][str(tid)] progress_subtask_info['progress'] += int(progress_to_increment) if progress_subtask_info['pass_subtask_details']: progress_subtask_info['message'] = subtask_status.message st = TaskStatus( progress_subtask_info['progress'], progress_subtask_info['message'] ) else: st.__setstate__(self.conn.call_client_sync('taskproxy.get_status')) return st except RpcException as err: self.balancer.logger.error( "Cannot obtain status from task #{0}: {1}".format(, str(err)) ) self.proc.terminate() def put_status(self, status): # Try to collect rusage at this point, when process is still alive try: kinfo = bsd.kinfo_getproc( self.task.rusage = kinfo.rusage except LookupError: pass if status['status'] == 'ROLLBACK': self.task.set_state(TaskState.ROLLBACK) if status['status'] == 'FINISHED': self.result.set(status['result']) if status['status'] == 'FAILED': error = status['error'] cls = TaskException if error['type'] == 'task.TaskAbortException': cls = TaskAbortException if error['type'] == 'ValidationException': cls = ValidationException self.result.set_exception(cls( code=error['code'], message=error['message'], stacktrace=error['stacktrace'], extra=error.get('extra') )) def put_warning(self, warning): self.task.add_warning(warning) def run(self, task): self.result = AsyncResult() self.task = task self.task.set_state(TaskState.EXECUTING) filename = None module_name = inspect.getmodule(task.clazz).__name__ for dir in self.balancer.dispatcher.plugin_dirs: found = False try: for root, _, files in os.walk(dir): file = first_or_default(lambda f: module_name in f, files) if file: filename = os.path.join(root, file) found = True break if found: break except FileNotFoundError: continue self.conn.call_client_sync('', { 'id':, 'class': task.clazz.__name__, 'filename': filename, 'args': task.args, 'debugger': task.debugger, 'environment': task.environment }) try: self.result.get() except BaseException as e: if not isinstance(e, TaskException): self.balancer.dispatcher.report_error( 'Task {0} raised exception other than TaskException'.format(, e ) if isinstance(e, TaskAbortException): self.task.set_state(TaskState.ABORTED, TaskStatus(0, 'aborted')) else: self.task.error = serialize_error(e) self.task.set_state(TaskState.FAILED, TaskStatus(0, str(e), extra={ "stacktrace": traceback.format_exc() })) self.task.ended.set() self.balancer.task_exited(self.task) self.state = WorkerState.IDLE return self.task.result = self.result.value self.task.set_state(TaskState.FINISHED, TaskStatus(100, '')) self.task.ended.set() self.balancer.task_exited(self.task) self.state = WorkerState.IDLE def abort(self):"Trying to abort task #{0}".format( # Try to abort via RPC. If this fails, kill process try: self.conn.call_client_sync('taskproxy.abort') except RpcException as err: self.balancer.logger.warning("Failed to abort task #{0} gracefully: {1}".format(, str(err))) self.balancer.logger.warning("Killing process {0}".format( self.proc.terminate() def executor(self): while not self.exiting: try: self.proc = Popen( [TASKWORKER_PATH, self.key], close_fds=True, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) = self.balancer.logger.debug('Started executor #{0} as PID {1}'.format(self.index, except OSError: self.result.set_exception(TaskException(errno.EFAULT, 'Cannot spawn task executor')) self.balancer.logger.error('Cannot spawn task executor #{0}'.format(self.index)) return for line in self.proc.stdout: line = line.decode('utf8') self.balancer.logger.debug('Executor #{0}: {1}'.format(self.index, line.strip())) if self.task: self.task.output += line self.proc.wait() if self.proc.returncode == -signal.SIGTERM: 'Executor process with PID {0} was terminated gracefully'.format( ) ) else: self.balancer.logger.error('Executor process with PID {0} died abruptly with exit code {1}'.format(, self.proc.returncode) ) self.result.set_exception(TaskException(errno.EFAULT, 'Task executor died')) gevent.sleep(1) def die(self): self.exiting = True if self.proc: try: self.proc.terminate() except ProcessLookupError: self.balancer.logger.warning('Executor process with PID {0} already dead'.format(
class Process(object): # TODO: handle bot stdout and stderr # TODO: refactor into TTY, Process and TTYProcess? def __init__(self, args, env=None, executable=None, shell=False): master, slave = pty.openpty() fcntl.fcntl(master, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) self._finished = Event() self._master = master self._read_event = get_hub(), 1) self._write_event = get_hub(), 2) self._args = args self._proc = Popen(args, env=env, executable=executable, shell=shell, stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=slave, bufsize=0, universal_newlines=False, close_fds=True) def __repr__(self): return "Process:%x %r" % (id(self), self._args) @property def finished(self): return self._finished.ready() def _waitclosed(self): self._proc.wait() self.stop() def _writer(self, inch): """ This greenlet will block until messages are ready to be written to pty """ try: sock = self._master for msg in if 'resize' in msg: set_winsize(sock, msg['resize']['width'], msg['resize']['height']) if 'data' in msg: buf = msg['data'] while not self.finished and len(buf): try: wait(self._write_event) except Exception: break nwritten = os.write(sock, msg['data']) buf = buf[nwritten:] except Exception: LOG.exception("In Process._writer") def run(self, task): writer_task = gevent.spawn(self._writer, task.input) gevent.spawn(self._waitclosed) proc = self._proc try: sock = self._master while not self.finished: try: wait(self._read_event) except Exception: break data =, 1024) if len(data) == 0 or data is StopIteration: break if sock == proc.stderr: task.output.send(dict(error=data)) else: task.output.send(dict(data=data)) except Exception: LOG.exception("While reading from process") finally: writer_task.kill() self.stop() def stop(self): if not self.finished: cancel_wait(self._read_event) cancel_wait(self._write_event) try: os.close(self._master) except Exception: pass if not self._proc.poll(): self._proc.terminate() self._proc.wait() self._finished.set()
class TaskExecutor(object): def __init__(self, balancer, index): self.balancer = balancer self.index = index self.task = None self.proc = None = None self.conn = None self.state = None self.key = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.checked_in = Event() self.result = AsyncResult() gevent.spawn(self.executor) def checkin(self, conn): self.balancer.logger.debug('Check-in of worker #{0} (key {1})'.format(self.index, self.key)) self.conn = conn self.state = WorkerState.IDLE self.checked_in.set() def get_status(self): if not self.conn: return None try: st = TaskStatus(0) st.__setstate__(self.conn.call_client_sync('taskproxy.get_status')) return st except RpcException as err: self.balancer.logger.error("Cannot obtain status from task #{0}: {1}".format(, str(err))) self.proc.terminate() def put_status(self, status): # Try to collect rusage at this point, when process is still alive try: kinfo = bsd.kinfo_getproc( self.task.rusage = kinfo.rusage except LookupError: pass if status['status'] == 'FINISHED': self.result.set(status['result']) if status['status'] == 'FAILED': error = status['error'] self.result.set_exception(TaskException( code=error['code'], message=error['message'], stacktrace=error['stacktrace'], extra=error.get('extra') )) def run(self, task): self.result = AsyncResult() self.task = task self.task.set_state(TaskState.EXECUTING) self.conn.call_client_sync('', { 'id':, 'class': task.clazz.__name__, 'filename': inspect.getsourcefile(task.clazz), 'args': task.args, 'debugger': task.debugger }) try: self.result.get() except BaseException as e: if not isinstance(e, TaskException): self.balancer.dispatcher.report_error( 'Task {0} raised exception other than TaskException'.format(, e ) self.task.error = serialize_error(e) self.task.set_state(TaskState.FAILED, TaskStatus(0, str(e), extra={ "stacktrace": traceback.format_exc() })) self.task.ended.set() self.balancer.task_exited(self.task) self.state = WorkerState.IDLE return self.task.result = self.result.value self.task.set_state(TaskState.FINISHED, TaskStatus(100, '')) self.task.ended.set() self.balancer.task_exited(self.task) self.state = WorkerState.IDLE def abort(self):"Trying to abort task #{0}".format( # Try to abort via RPC. If this fails, kill process try: self.conn.call_client_sync('taskproxy.abort') except RpcException as err: self.balancer.logger.warning("Failed to abort task #{0} gracefully: {1}".format(, str(err))) self.balancer.logger.warning("Killing process {0}".format( self.proc.terminate() def executor(self): while True: try: self.proc = Popen( [TASKWORKER_PATH, self.key], close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) = self.balancer.logger.debug('Started executor #{0} as PID {1}'.format(self.index, except OSError: self.result.set_exception(TaskException(errno.EFAULT, 'Cannot spawn task executor')) return for line in self.proc.stdout: line = line.decode('utf8') self.balancer.logger.debug('Executor #{0}: {1}'.format(self.index, line.strip())) if self.task: self.task.output += line self.proc.wait() self.balancer.logger.error('Executor process with PID {0} died abruptly with exit code {1}'.format(, self.proc.returncode) ) self.result.set_exception(TaskException(errno.EFAULT, 'Task executor died')) gevent.sleep(1) def die(self): if self.proc: self.proc.terminate()