class DummyController: def __init__(self, proto_id, addr, s_addr, delay=0.09): self.gg_c = GGClient(proto_id, addr, s_addr) = None self.delay = delay self.connect_start = None self.connect_end = None self.connect_event = Event() self.update_start = None self.update_end = None self.update_event = Event() self.kill_start = None self.kill_end = None self.kill_event = Event() self.kill_report_id = None self.reconnect_start = [] self.reconnect_end = [] self.reconnect_lock = Lock() self.reconnect_count = 0 self.server = None def get_conn_interval(self): self.connect_event.wait() self.connect_event.clear() return (self.connect_start, self.connect_end) def get_update_interval(self): self.update_event.wait() self.update_event.clear() return (self.update_start, self.update_end) def get_kill_interval(self): self.kill_event.wait() self.kill_event.clear() return (self.kill_start, self.kill_end) def get_reconnect_intervals(self): with self.reconnect_lock: return (self.reconnect_start, self.reconnect_end) def start(self): self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UserDisconnected, self.__on_user_kill_disc) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UserKilled, self.__on_user_kill_disc) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UsersUpdate, self.__on_user_update) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.ConnectTo, self.__connect_to) self.connect_start = time() self.__connect() def __on_user_kill_disc(self, data): uid, t = unpack('=Id', data) print("got kill") if uid != self.kill_report_id: return self.kill_end = time() self.kill_event.set() self.kill_report_id = None def __connect_to(self, data): s1, s2, s3, s4, s_port = unpack("=BBBBI", data) s_addr = str(s1) + "." + str(s2) + "." + str(s3) + "." + str(s4) with self.reconnect_lock: self.reconnect_start.append(time()) self.reconnect_count += 1 #print("[Controller]: -reconnecting to {}".format((s_addr, s_port))) self.server = (s_addr, s_port) self.__disconnect() self.gg_c.connect_to_server(s_addr, s_port) with self.reconnect_lock: self.reconnect_end.append(time()) def report_kill(self, k_id): self.kill_start = time() self.kill_report_id = k_id print("[Controller]: -Reporting kill on {}".format(k_id)) m_t = pack("=BId", int(MessageType.UserKilled), k_id, time()) self.gg_c.send(m_t) def report_update(self, x, y): print("[Controller]: -updating with {}".format((x, y))) self.update_start = time() m_t = pack("=BIIBd", int(MessageType.UsersUpdate), x, y, Directions(0), time()) self.gg_c.send(m_t) def __on_user_update(self, data): x, y, o, uid, t = unpack('=IIBId', data) if uid != return print("[Controller]: -User update") if not self.update_event.is_set(): self.update_event.set() self.update_end = time() def __connect(self): print("[Controller]: -Connecting to main server") self.gg_c.connect() print("[Controller]: -Connected") self.x, self.y, o, = self.gg_c.wait_id() self.server = self.gg_c.server self.connect_end = time() self.connect_event.set() def __disconnect(self): #print("[Controller]: -Reporting") m_t = pack("=I", int(MessageType.UserDisconnected)) self.gg_c.send(m_t)
class Controller: def __init__(self, screen, p_tank_i, e_tank_i, bg, proto_id, addr, s_addr, pygame_q, bulled_dims=(3, 3), delay=0.09): self.gg_c = GGClient(proto_id, addr, s_addr) self.tanks = {} self.screen = screen self.died = Event() self.p_tank_img = p_tank_i self.e_tank_img = e_tank_i self.bullet_dimentions = bulled_dims = None self.pygame_q = pygame_q = bg self.last_user_updates = {} self.last_user_fire = {} self.delay = delay self.p_e_queuer = Thread(target=self.__pygame_e_queuer_w) self.p_queuer_stop_e = Event() def __del__(self): self.__disconnect() self.p_queuer_stop_e.set() def start(self): self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UserConnected, self.__on_new_user) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UserFired, self.__on_user_fire) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UsersUpdate, self.__on_user_update) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UserDisconnected, self.__on_user_kill_disc) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UserKilled, self.__on_user_kill_disc) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.UsersPositions, self.__on_users_positions) self.gg_c.add_hook(MessageType.ConnectTo, self.__connect_to) self.__connect() self.p_e_queuer.start() def __connect_to(self, data): s1, s2, s3, s4, s_port = unpack("=BBBBI", data) s_addr = str(s1) + "." + str(s2) + "." + str(s3) + "." + str(s4) print("[Controller]: -reconnecting to {}".format((s_addr, s_port))) self.__disconnect() self.gg_c.connect_to_server(s_addr, s_port) def __pygame_e_queuer_w(self): while not self.p_queuer_stop_e.is_set(): for e in pygame.event.get(): if e is None: continue try: self.pygame_q.put_nowait(e) except: print( "[Controller]: -pygameq is full with {}. Maybe try a different size" .format(self.pygame_q.qsize())) sys.exit(1) def get_event(self): return self.pygame_q.get() def report_update(self, x, y): if self.died.is_set(): return now = time() tank = self.tanks[] if tank.last_local_update and now - tank.last_local_update < 0.04: return t_x, t_y, t_o = tank.s_move([x, y]) print("[Controller]: -tank is at {}, updating with {}".format( tank.rect.topleft, (t_x, t_y))) m_t = pack("=BIIBd", int(MessageType.UsersUpdate), t_x, t_y, t_o, time()) self.gg_c.send(m_t) def create_tank(self, data, ours=False): if ours: img = self.p_tank_img else: img = self.e_tank_img return Tank(data["uid"], img, self.screen, self.bullet_dimentions, [data["x"], data["y"]], Directions(data["o"])) def report_fire(self): if self.died.is_set(): return tank = self.tanks[] t_x, t_y, t_o = tank.get_local_pos() m_t = pack("=BIIBd", int(MessageType.UserFired), t_x, t_y, t_o, time()) self.gg_c.send(m_t) def __report_kill(self, k_id): print("[Controller]: -Reporting kill on {}".format(k_id)) m_t = pack("=BId", int(MessageType.UserKilled), k_id, time()) self.gg_c.send(m_t) def __disconnect(self): print("[Controller]: -Reporting") m_t = pack("=I", int(MessageType.UserDisconnected)) self.gg_c.send(m_t) def __connect(self): print("[Controller]: -Connecting to main server") self.gg_c.connect() print("[Controller]: -Connected") x, y, o, = self.gg_c.wait_id() self.last_user_updates[] = 0 self.tanks[] = Tank(, self.p_tank_img, self.screen, self.bullet_dimentions, [x, y], Directions(o)) def on_new_user(self, data): self.tanks[data["uid"]] = self.create_tank(data) def __on_new_user(self, data): print("[Controller]: -Got new user") x, y, o, uid = unpack('=IIBI', data) self.last_user_updates[uid] = time() e_d = {"x": x, "y": y, "o": o, "uid": uid} e = pygame.event.Event(server_update_event, { "g_type": "new", "data": e_d }) try: self.pygame_q.put_nowait(e) except: print( "[Controller]: -pygameq is full with {}. Maybe try a different size" .format(self.pygame_q.qsize())) sys.exit(1) def on_user_update(self, data): t_id = data["uid"] if t_id not in self.tanks.keys(): return tank = self.tanks[t_id] old_x, old_y, _ = tank.get_pos() print( "[Controller]: ------------tankk is at {}, updating to {}".format( (old_x, old_y), (data["x"], data["y"]))) if (old_x, old_y) == (data["x"], data["y"]): print("[Controller]: -egale") return tank.move([data["x"] - old_x, data["y"] - old_y], data["t"]) tank.update_o(data["o"]) def __on_user_update(self, data): x, y, o, uid, t = unpack('=IIBId', data) print("[Controller]: -User update") if uid not in self.last_user_updates.keys(): print("[Controller]: -r 1") return last_update = self.last_user_updates[uid] if last_update > t: print("[Controller]: -r 2") return if t - last_update < self.delay: print("[Controller]: -r 3") return e_d = {"x": x, "y": y, "o": o, "uid": uid, "t": t} e = pygame.event.Event(server_update_event, { "g_type": "upd", "data": e_d }) self.last_user_updates[uid] = t try: self.pygame_q.put_nowait(e) except: print( "[Controller]: -pygameq is full with {}. Maybe try a different size" .format(self.pygame_q.qsize())) sys.exit(1) def on_user_fire(self, data): tank = self.tanks[data["uid"]] tank.update_o(Directions(data["o"]))["t"]) def __on_user_fire(self, data): x, y, o, uid, t = unpack('=IIBId', data) if uid not in self.last_user_fire.keys(): self.last_user_fire[uid] = 0 last_fired = self.last_user_fire[uid] if last_fired > t: return if t - last_fired < self.delay: return self.last_user_fire[uid] = t e_d = {"o": o, "uid": uid, "t": t} e = pygame.event.Event(server_update_event, { "g_type": "fire", "data": e_d }) try: self.pygame_q.put_nowait(e) except: print( "[Controller]: -pygameq is full with {}. Maybe try a different size" .format(self.pygame_q.qsize())) sys.exit(1) def on_users_positions(self, data): print("[Controller]: -Got one user x: {}, y:{}".format( data["x"], data["y"])) self.tanks[data["uid"]] = self.create_tank(data) def __on_users_positions(self, data): print("[Controller]: -Got users positions with {}".format(len(data))) (n_clients, ) = unpack("=I", data[:4]) data = data[4:] for _ in range(0, n_clients): x, y, o, uid = unpack("=IIBI", data[:13]) self.last_user_updates[uid] = time() e_d = {"x": x, "y": y, "o": o, "uid": uid} e = pygame.event.Event(server_update_event, { "g_type": "pos", "data": e_d }) try: self.pygame_q.put_nowait(e) except: print( "[Controller]: -pygameq is full with {}. Maybe try a different size" .format(self.pygame_q.qsize())) sys.exit(1) data = data[13:] def on_user_kill_disc(self, data): if data["uid"] == self.died.set() self.tanks.pop(data["uid"], None) def __on_user_kill_disc(self, data): uid, t = unpack('=Id', data) self.last_user_fire.pop(uid, None) self.last_user_updates.pop(uid, None) e_d = {"uid": uid, "t": t} e = pygame.event.Event(server_update_event, { "g_type": "kill", "data": e_d }) try: self.pygame_q.put_nowait(e) except: print( "[Controller]: -pygameq is full with {}. Maybe try a different size" .format(self.pygame_q.qsize())) sys.exit(1) def worker_draw_and_report(self): self.screen.blit(, (0, 0)) if is None or not in self.tanks.keys(): return our_t = self.tanks[] their_ts = [ tank.rect for tank in self.tanks.values() if != ] their_ids = [uid for uid in self.tanks.keys() if uid !=] our_b = [bullet.get_rect() for bullet in our_t.bullets] if not self.died.is_set(): tanks_i = our_t.rect.collidelist(their_ts) if tanks_i != -1: print("[Controller]: -Reporting kill on {} from collision. My poz: ({}), their: ({})"\ .format(their_ids[tanks_i], our_t.rect.topleft, \ self.tanks[their_ids[tanks_i]].rect.topleft)) self.__report_kill(their_ids[tanks_i]) self.__report_kill( self.tanks.pop(their_ids[tanks_i], None) del their_ids[tanks_i] del their_ts[tanks_i] self.died.set() #TODO: Say that we died and stop sending update reports bullet_inds = [] for ind, bullet in enumerate(our_b): bullet_i = bullet.collidelist(their_ts) if bullet_i != -1: print( "[Controller]: -Reporting kill from bullets on {}. Got him with bullet {} of {}" .format(their_ids[bullet_i], ind, len(our_b))) self.__report_kill(their_ids[bullet_i]) self.tanks.pop(their_ids[bullet_i], None) del their_ids[bullet_i] del their_ts[bullet_i] bullet_inds.append(ind) bullet_inds.reverse() for b_i in bullet_inds: del our_t.bullets[b_i] for tank in self.tanks.values(): inds = [] for ind, bullet in enumerate(tank.bullets): if not bullet.update(): inds.append(ind) inds.reverse() for ind in inds: del tank.bullets[ind] tank.draw() for bullet in tank.bullets: bullet.draw() if not self.died.is_set(): our_t.draw() for bullet in our_t.bullets: bullet.draw() pygame.display.flip()