コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
     black = Color(0, 1)
     noline = LineStyle(0, black)
     back_asset = ImageAsset("images/e36d28c490fe26653e50fbd17025f3ef.jpg")
     back = Sprite(back_asset, (0,0))
     self.text=Sprite(TextAsset("Game Over", width=700, align='center',style='70px Arial', fill=Color(0xff2222,1)), (300,350))
     self.text.visible= False
     moon= Sprite(moon_asset, (300, 200))
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self):
        # Background
        black = Color(0, 1)
        noline = LineStyle(0, black)
        #bg_asset = RectangleAsset(self.width, self.height, noline, black)
        #bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0))
        starfield_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg")
        starfield_sprite = Sprite(starfield_asset, (0, 0))
        # Scale the sprite according to size of screen
        if self.width > self.height:
            starfield_sprite.scale = self.width / starfield_sprite.width
            starfield_sprite.scale = self.height / starfield_sprite.height

        #sun_asset = ImageAsset("images/sun.png")
        #sun_sprite = Sprite(sun_asset, (self.width / 2, self.height / 2))

        # Start Player1 in center of screen
        self.player1 = PlayerShip((self.width / 2, self.height / 2))
        # Start enemy ship @ random location on screen
        self.safex = 0
        self.safey = 0
        # Sets difficulty level of enemy ship (frequency of which it makes movements)
        self.challenge = 100
        EnemyShip((self.safex, self.safey), self.challenge)
コード例 #3
    def test_scaledcirclecollision(self):
        s1 = Sprite(self.circ, (100, 80))
        s2 = Sprite(self.rect, (161, 100))
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
        self.assertFalse(c, msg="circle not colliding with rect")
        s1.x = 101
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
        self.assertTrue(c, msg="circle colliding with rect")
        s1.x = 170
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
        self.assertTrue(c, msg="circle colliding with rect on right side")
        s1.x = 172
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
        self.assertFalse(c, msg="circle not colliding with rect on right side")
        # Now scale at 2x
        s1.scale = 2
        s1.x = 40
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
        self.assertFalse(c, msg="2x scaled circle not colliding with rect")
        s1.x = 41
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
        self.assertTrue(c, msg="2x scaled circle colliding with rect")
        s1.x = 170
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
            c, msg="2x scaled circle colliding with rect on right side")
        s1.x = 172
        c = s1.collidingWith(s2)
            c, msg="2x scaled circle not colliding with rect on right side")

コード例 #4
    def __init__(self):

        self.gameover = False

        rectangle = RectangleAsset(1000, 1000, thinline, blue)
        rectangle1 = RectangleAsset(1000, 1000, thinline, white)

        Sprite(rectangle, (0, 0))
        Sprite(rectangle1, (0, 350))

        #initial positions
        Background((0, 0))
        Background((512, 0))
        Background((1024, 0))
        House1((300, 350))
        House2((900, 350))
        Grinch((1000, 335))
        Grinch((100, 335))
        Grinch((1500, 335))
        self.p1 = Present1((350, 50))
        self.Hlist = Heartlist()

        sleigh_asset = ImageAsset("images/santa_sleigh_PNG72.png")
        sleigh = Sprite(sleigh_asset, (350, 50))
        sleigh.scale = 0.3

        jingle_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.mp3")
        jingle = Sound(jingle_asset)
        jingle.volume = 8
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self):
     bg_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg")
     bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0))
     bg.scale = 2
     self.rocketship = rocket((500, 30))
     self.sun = sun((500, 250))
     self.exploding = False
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self):
     # Background
     black = Color(0, 1)
     noline = LineStyle(0, black)
     #bg_asset = RectangleAsset(self.width, self.height, noline, black)
     #bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0))
     starfield_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg")
     starfield_sprite = Sprite(starfield_asset, (0,0))
     # Scale the sprite according to size of screen
     if self.width > self.height:
         starfield_sprite.scale = self.width / starfield_sprite.width
         starfield_sprite.scale = self.height / starfield_sprite.height
     sun_asset = ImageAsset("images/sun.png")
     sun_sprite = Sprite(sun_asset, (self.width / 2, self.height / 2))
     player1 = Player((100,100))
コード例 #7
ファイル: pong.py プロジェクト: oliviaosimon/Final-Project
 def __init__(self, position):
     ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png") #pull from repository
     ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 400))
     ball.scale = 0.07
     # custom attributes
     ball.direction = 1
     ball.go = True
     # Sounds
     pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3")
     pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset)
     pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3")
     pop = Sound(pop_asset)
     super().__init__(ball_asset, position)
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self):
        bg_asset = ImageAsset("images/istockphoto-114445289-612x612.jpg")
        bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (-100, -115))
        bg.scale = 2
        self.ball = Ball((515, 265))
        self.paddle1 = Paddle1((97, 265))
        self.paddle2 = Paddle2((935, 265))
        self.borderleft = Borderleft((0, 265))

        self.borderright = Borderright((1100, 265))
        self.bordertop = Bordertop((515, 60))
        self.borderbottom = Borderbottom((515, 470))
コード例 #9
 def __init__(self, width, height):
     super().__init__(width, height)
     black = Color(0, 1)
     noline = LineStyle(0, black)
     bg_asset = ImageAsset("images/kSQdCxM.jpg")
     bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0))
     bg.scale = 0.6
     SpaceShip((125, 100))
     SpaceShip((175, 150))
     SpaceShip((75, 150))
     Asteroid(1, (200, 400))
     for a in range(8):
         x = random()
         x = x * 1400 + 100
         y = random()
         y = y * 800 + 100
         pos = (x, y)
         Asteroid(a, pos)
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self):
        bg_asset = ImageAsset("images/tenniscourt1.jpg")
        bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (-100, -115))
        bg.scale = 2

        self.ball = Ball((515, 265))

        self.paddle1 = Paddle1((97, 265))

        self.paddle2 = Paddle2((935, 265))

        self.borderleft = Borderleft((80, 265))

        self.borderright = Borderright((952, 265))

        self.bordertop = Bordertop((515, 60))

        self.borderbottom = Borderbottom((515, 470))

        self.disap = False
コード例 #11
ファイル: gaaaamee.py プロジェクト: VinzentM/empty-app
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1)
black = Color(0, 1)
noline = LineStyle(0, black)
bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, green)
bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0))

# Sounds
pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3")
pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset)
pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3")
pop = Sound(pop_asset)
# A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository
ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png")
ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0))
# Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size
ball.scale = 0.1
ball.y = 200
# custom attributes
ball.dir = 1
ball.go = True
# Sounds
pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3")
pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset)
pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3")
pop = Sound(pop_asset)

def reverse(b):
    b.dir *= -1
コード例 #12
ファイル: tutorial1.py プロジェクト: eddennison/empty-app
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
brectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, blue)
rrectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, red)
bellipse = EllipseAsset(500,250,thinline, blue)
rpolygon = PolygonAsset([(50,0),(950,0),(1000,50),(1000,450),
       (950,500),(50,500),(0,450),(0,50),(50,0)],thinline, redtransparent)

# Now display a rectangle
polySprite = Sprite(rpolygon,(0,0))
count = 0;

while count < 10:
    polySprite.scale = random.random()

    count = count + 1

myapp = App()
コード例 #13
def map(file,scale):
    picture=ImageAsset("images/" + file)
    picture_sprite=Sprite(picture, (0,0))
    picture_sprite.scale = scale
    myapp = App()
コード例 #14
ファイル: project.py プロジェクト: eddie-jeon/PROJECT
from ggame import App, RectangleAsset, ImageAsset, SoundAsset
from ggame import LineStyle, Color, Sprite, Sound

rectangle dimensions:1728 862

# A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository
ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png")
ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0))
ball.fxcenter = 0.7
ball.fycenter = 0.6
# Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size
ball.scale = 0.05
#Handle the mouse movement
def mouseMove(event):
    ball.x = event.x
    ball.y = event.y

myapp = App()
myapp.listenMouseEvent('mousemove', mouseMove)
コード例 #15
green = Color(0x00FF00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x1C86EE, 1.0)
white = Color(0xF8F8FF, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)
orange = Color(0xFF7D40, 1.0)
thinline1 = LineStyle(1, black)
thinline = LineStyle(1, blue)
#values chosen by the user
h = int(input('enter the h value of a parabola in the form y=(x-h)^2+k: '))
k = int(input('enter the k value of a parabola in the form y=(x-h)^2+k: '))
#this is the image used to represent the skier
skier_asset = ImageAsset("images/Python Skiier.png", Frame(0,0,685,685))
skier = Sprite(skier_asset, (50, 160))
skier.scale = 0.3
skier.rotation = .3
#Here I was able to center the vertex of the parabola
xfunc = lambda t: 20*t+522
#Here I used -k vs +k to account for python moving down with regard to y values. 
yfunc = lambda t:-((t-h)**2)-k + 600
#Here I made the jump 60 units in length as this scale was appropriate for the python grid
for t in range(-30, 30):
    Ypoints = yfunc(t)
    Xpoints = xfunc(t)
    #Here the actual circles are plotted which together form a parabola shape simmilar to ski jump
    point = CircleAsset(8, thinline, white)
    Sprite(point, (Xpoints, Ypoints))
print(' ')
#What is going on here?
#for t in range(-10000,56):
コード例 #16
ファイル: picture.py プロジェクト: eddennison/Picture
for detailed information on ggame.

from ggame import App, Color, LineStyle, Sprite, RectangleAsset, CircleAsset, EllipseAsset, PolygonAsset

# add your code here \/  \/  \/
# Three primary colors with no transparency (alpha = 1.0)
red = Color(0xff0000, 1.0)
green = Color(0x00ff00, 1.0)
blue = Color(0x0000ff, 1.0)
black = Color(0x000000, 1.0)

# Define a line style that is a thin (1 pixel) wide black line
thinline = LineStyle(1, black)
# A graphics asset that represents a rectangle
rectangle = RectangleAsset(50, 20, thinline, blue)

# Now display a rectangle
rectSprite = Sprite(rectangle)
rectSprite.scale = 10.0

# add your code here /\  /\  /\

myapp = App()
コード例 #17
ファイル: tutorial3.py プロジェクト: voidJeff/ggame-tutorials
green = Color(0x00FF00, 1)
brown = Color(0x966F33, 1)
black = Color(0, 1)
noline = LineStyle(0, black)
bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, brown)
cover_asset = RectangleAsset(600, 440, noline, green)
bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0, 0))
cover = Sprite(cover_asset, (20, 20))

# A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository
ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png")
beach_asset = ImageAsset("images/beach-ball-575425_640.png")
ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0))
beach = Sprite(beach_asset, (40, 40))
# Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size
ball.scale = 0.1
# custom attributes
ball.dir = 1
ball.go = True
beach.scale = 0.1
beach.dir = 2
beach.go = True

def reverse(b):
    b.dir *= -1

# Set up function for handling screen refresh
def step():
コード例 #18
noline = LineStyle(0, black)
space_asset = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg", )
space_asset2 = ImageAsset("images/starfield.jpg", )
space = Sprite(space_asset, (0, 0))
space2 = Sprite(space_asset, (512, 0))
space3 = Sprite(space_asset, (1024, 0))
space4 = Sprite(space_asset, (0, 512))
space5 = Sprite(space_asset, (512, 512))
space6 = Sprite(space_asset, (1024, 512))
spaceship_asset = ImageAsset(
    Frame(227, 0, 292 - 227, 125), 4, 'vertical')
asteroid_asset = ImageAsset("images/asteroid_for_program.png", )
asteroid1 = Sprite(asteroid_asset, (300, 300))
asteroid2 = Sprite(asteroid_asset, (1120, 300))
asteroid1.scale = .5
asteroid1.xmov = 10
asteroid1.ymov = 10
asteroid2.scale = .5
asteroid2.x2mov = -10
asteroid2.y2mov = -10

spaceship = Sprite(spaceship_asset, (740, 405))
spaceship.fxcenter = spaceship.fycenter = 0.5
# Movement
spaceship.dir = 3
spaceship.bob = 3
spaceship.go = False
spaceship.ygo = False
spaceship.thrust = 0
spaceship.thrustframe = 1
コード例 #19

green = Color(0x00ff00, 1)
black = Color(0, 1)

noline = LineStyle(0, black)

bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, green)
bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0))

# A ball! This is already in the ggame-tutorials repository
ball_asset = ImageAsset("images/orb-150545_640.png")
ball = Sprite(ball_asset, (0, 0))
# Original image is too big. Scale it to 1/10 its original size
ball.scale = 0.1
# custom attributes
ball.dir = 1
ball.go = True

pew1_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/pew1.mp3")
pew1 = Sound(pew1_asset)
pop_asset = SoundAsset("sounds/reappear.mp3")
pop = Sound(pop_asset)

def reverse(b):
    b.dir *= -1
    # Set up function for handling screen refresh
コード例 #20
ファイル: picture.py プロジェクト: miViriaz15/Picture
circle = CircleAsset(100, thinlineblue, cornflowerblue)
smalltriangle = PolygonAsset([(725, 600), (775, 600),
                              (750, 600 + 25 * sqrt(3))], thinlineblack, black)
whiteeye = CircleAsset(32, thinlinewhite, white)
pupil = CircleAsset(12, thinlineblack, black)
whisker = RectangleAsset(100, 7, thinlineblack, black)
cheese = RectangleAsset(180, 70, thinlinegold, gold)
cheesetop = PolygonAsset([(650, 245), (830, 245), (780, 205), (650, 245)],
                         thinlinegolder, golder)
cheesehole = EllipseAsset(17, 10, thinlinegolder, golder)
alsocheesehole = EllipseAsset(9, 6, thinlinegolder, golder)
alsoalsocheesehole = EllipseAsset(11, 8, thinlinegolder, golder)
s = Sprite(triangle, (120, 120))
s.scale = 0.8
Sprite(circle, (60, 45))
Sprite(circle, (380, 45))
Sprite(smalltriangle, (294.5, 420))
Sprite(whiteeye, (225, 200))
Sprite(whiteeye, (350, 200))
Sprite(pupil, (255, 220))
Sprite(pupil, (380, 220))
w = Sprite(whisker, (370, 330))
w.rotation = .3
W = Sprite(whisker, (370, 335))
W.rotation = 0
コード例 #21
    def __init__(self):
        Aasset = ImageAsset("images/Member_A.png", Frame(0, 0, 127, 115), 8,
        Basset = ImageAsset("images/Member_B.png", Frame(0, 0, 127, 115), 8,
        Casset = ImageAsset("images/Member_C.png", Frame(0, 0, 127, 115), 8,
        Dasset = ImageAsset("images/Member_D.png", Frame(0, 0, 127, 115), 8,
        #Cover images is 812 wide and 191*4 down)
        rock = ImageAsset('images/Cover.png', Frame(0, 0, 203, 191), 3,
        pillar = ImageAsset('images/Cover.png', Frame(203, 0, 203, 191), 3,
        box = ImageAsset('images/Cover.png', Frame(406, 0, 203, 191), 3,
        etc = ImageAsset('images/Cover.png', Frame(609, 0, 203, 191), 3,
        self.state = 'none'
        self.labels = []
        instructions = [
            'These are the instructions. Press enter to continue.',
            'If, at any point, you want to skip the instructions, type "s" then press enter.',
            'This game allows you to control three characters and use them to defeat enemies in various levels.',
            'To control the characters, click any location on the map. They will go to that location.',
            'If they are busy (hiding, shooting at any enemy, etc.) then they will not respond.',
            'If you want them to respond even while they are busy, use your "control keys".',
            'There is a different control key for each character. The first uses the control key "a", the second uses "b", and the third uses "c".',
            'To use the control key, merely hold it down. While you are holding it, the character will ignore nearby enemies and focus only on your instructions.',
            'When you release the key, they will resume paying attention to enemies nearby.',
            'Have fun! Press enter to select your level.'
        for a in instructions:
            if input(a) == 's':
        select = 0
        while select == 0:
            stage = input('''Select your level. 
                Enter t for tutorial
                1 for level 1
                2 for level 2
                or 3 for level 3 
            if stage == 't':
                select = 1
                m = ImageAsset("images/map_base.jpg")
                am = Sprite(m)
                am.scale = 1.2
                c = Cover((100, 100), 2, etc)
                c1 = Cover((500, 200), 0, rock)
                b = Enemy((0, 0))
                e = Enemy((300, 300))
                coor_a = (500, 0)
                coor_b = (500, 200)
                coor_c = (500, 400)
            elif stage == '1':
                select = 1
                m = ImageAsset("images/map_base2.jpg")
                am = Sprite(m)
                am.scale = 1.2
                c = Cover((100, 290), 2, etc)
                c1 = Cover((700, 360), 1, rock)
                c2 = Cover((304, 390), 0, rock)
                c3 = Cover((500, 30), 2, rock)
                e = Enemy((800, 0))
                e1 = Enemy((782, 15))
                e2 = Enemy((802, 30))
                coor_a = (0, 0)
                coor_b = (0, 10)
                coor_c = (0, 21)
            elif stage == '2':
                select = 1
                m = ImageAsset("images/map_base3.jpg")
                am = Sprite(m)
                am.scale = 1.1
                c = Cover((10, 100), 0, pillar)
                c1 = Cover((120, 105), 1, pillar)
                c2 = Cover((600, 50), 0, pillar)
                c3 = Cover((800, 300), 2, box)
                coor_a = (500, 0)
                coor_b = (550, 0)
                coor_c = (450, 50)
                e = Enemy((800, 0))
                e1 = Enemy((10, 250))
                e2 = Enemy((400, 300))
                e3 = Enemy((800, 400))
                e3.hp = 40
                e3.scale = 0.58
            elif stage == '3':
                select = 1
                m = ImageAsset("images/map_base4.jpg")
                am = Sprite(m)
                am.scale = 1.1
                c = Cover((10, 0), 0, etc)
                c1 = Cover((550, 300), 1, rock)
                c2 = Cover((480, 320), 1, etc)
                c2.scale = 0.47
                e1 = Enemy((400, 50))
                e2 = Enemy((500, 50))
                e = Enemy((450, 20))
                e.hp = 250
                e.scale = 0.8
                coor_a = (0, 251)
                coor_b = (400, 252)
                coor_c = (800, 253)
                print("Sorry, didn't understand. Try again.")
        self.akey = 'False'
        self.bkey = 'False'
        self.ckey = 'False'
        select = 0
        while select == 0:
            char = input('''Select a type for the first position:
  a is generally balanced
  b is slow but powerful
  c is quick with light damage
  d has high damage and low hp
            if char == 'a':
                Member(10, 1.5, 1, 1, 190, coor_a, Aasset, 'a')
                select = 1
            elif char == 'b':
                Member(18, 0.5, 2.5, 1, 185, coor_a, Basset, 'a')
                select = 1
            elif char == 'c':
                Member(7, 2, 0.3, 1, 180, coor_a, Casset, 'a')
                select = 1
            elif char == 'd':
                Member(33, 1.1, 0.8, 1, 50, coor_a, Dasset, 'a')
                select = 1
                print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
        while select == 1:
            char = input('''Select a type for the second position:
 (see desc above) 
            if char == 'a':
                Member(10, 1.5, 1, 1, 190, coor_b, Aasset, 'b')
                select = 2
            elif char == 'b':
                Member(18, 0.5, 2.5, 1, 185, coor_b, Basset, 'b')
                select = 2
            elif char == 'c':
                Member(7, 2, 0.3, 1, 180, coor_b, Casset, 'b')
                select = 2
            elif char == 'd':
                Member(33, 1.1, 0.8, 1, 50, coor_b, Dasset, 'b')
                select = 2
                print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
        while select == 2:
            char = input('''Select a type for the third (and final) position:
 (see desc. above) 
            if char == 'a':
                a = Member(10, 1.5, 1, 1, 190, coor_c, Aasset, 'c')
                select = 0
            elif char == 'b':
                a = Member(18, 0.5, 2.5, 1, 185, coor_c, Basset, 'c')
                select = 0
            elif char == 'c':
                a = Member(7, 2, 0.3, 1, 180, coor_c, Casset, 'c')
                select = 0
            elif char == 'd':
                Member(33, 1.1, 0.8, 1, 50, coor_c, Dasset, 'c')
                select = 0
                print("Sorry, I don't understand.")
        #Aasset attributes are as follows: (11,1.5,0.7,1,200)
        #Basset attributes are as follows: (20,0.5,2.5,1,170)
        #Casset attributes are as folloes: (7,2,0,3,1,180)
        for x in self.getSpritesbyClass(Member):
            pic = TextAsset(str(x.hp),
                            style='bold 16px Times',
                            fill=Color(0x070E68, 0.9))
            pict = Sprite(pic, (x.x + 33, x.y + 80))
            self.labels.append([pict, x, x.hp, 'M'])
        for x in self.getSpritesbyClass(Enemy):
            pic = TextAsset(str(x.hp),
                            style='bold 16px Helvetica',
                            fill=Color(0x8C2727, 0.9))
            pict = Sprite(pic, (x.x + 33, x.y + 80))
            self.labels.append([pict, x, x.hp, 'E'])

        Game.listenKeyEvent('keydown', 'a', self.a_down)
        Game.listenKeyEvent('keyup', 'a', self.a_up)
        Game.listenKeyEvent('keydown', 'b', self.b_down)
        Game.listenKeyEvent('keyup', 'b', self.b_up)
        Game.listenKeyEvent('keydown', 'c', self.c_down)
        Game.listenKeyEvent('keyup', 'c', self.c_up)
コード例 #22
                              style='200px Arial',
background4 = Sprite(background_asset4, (200, 0))
background5 = Sprite(background_asset5, (600, 600))
background6 = Sprite(background_asset6, (200, 0))
background_asset1 = RectangleAsset(1220, 650, edge, blue)
background_asset2 = ImageAsset("images/Green.png", )
background_asset3 = RectangleAsset(1420, 810, edge, black)
background1 = Sprite(background_asset1, (70, 30))
background2 = Sprite(background_asset2, (0, 0))
background3 = Sprite(background_asset3, (0, 0))
castle_asset = ImageAsset("images/castleyeah.png", )
factory_asset = ImageAsset("images/Factory.png", )
factory = Sprite(factory_asset, (100, 100))
factory.scale = .25
potato_asset = ImageAsset("images/door.jpg", )
castle = Sprite(castle_asset, (850, 200))
castle.scale = .1
castle.fxcenter = castle.fycenter = 0.5

class FactoryFloor(Sprite):
    factoryflr = floor_asset = ImageAsset("images/stonefloor.jpg", )

    def __init__(self, position):
        super().__init__(FactoryFloor.factoryflr, position)
        self.scale = .15
        self.fxcenter = self.fycenter = 0.5