コード例 #1
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: butchland/gherkin
def test_lex_comment_no_newline():

    # Given a lexer loaded with a comment without the newline marker
    lexer = gherkin.Lexer(' test comment')

    # When we lex the input string
    new_state = lexer.lex_comment_metadata_value()

    # Then we see the whole line was captured
        (1, gherkin.TOKEN_META_VALUE, 'test comment'),

    # And we also see that the next
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: butchland/gherkin
def test_lex_comment_until_newline():
    "Lexer.lex_comment() Should parse comments until the newline character"

    # Given a lexer loaded with comments containing a metadata field
    lexer = gherkin.Lexer('# one line\n# another line')

    # When I run the lexer
    tokens = lexer.run()

    # Then we see both lines were captured
        (1, gherkin.TOKEN_COMMENT, 'one line'),
        (1, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
        (2, gherkin.TOKEN_COMMENT, 'another line'),
        (2, gherkin.TOKEN_EOF, ''),
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: butchland/gherkin
def test_lex_comment_full():
    "Lexer.run() Should be able to process metadata in comments"

    # Given a lexer loaded with comments containing a metadata field
    lexer = gherkin.Lexer('some text # metadata-field: blah-value\ntext')

    # When I run the lexer
    tokens = lexer.run()

    # Then I see the tokens collected match some text, a field, more
    # text and EOF
    tokens.should.equal([(1, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'some text '),
                         (1, gherkin.TOKEN_META_LABEL, 'metadata-field'),
                         (1, gherkin.TOKEN_META_VALUE, 'blah-value'),
                         (1, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
                         (2, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'text'),
                         (2, gherkin.TOKEN_EOF, '')])
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: butchland/gherkin
def test_lex_text_with_label():
    "Lexer.run() Should be able to parse a label with some text"

    # Given a lexer loaded with a feature
    lexer = gherkin.Lexer(
        'Feature: A cool feature\n  some more text\n  even more text')

    # When we run the lexer
    tokens = lexer.run()

    # Then we see the token list matches the label, text, text EOF
    # sequence
    tokens.should.equal([(1, gherkin.TOKEN_LABEL, 'Feature'),
                         (1, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'A cool feature'),
                         (1, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
                         (2, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'some more text'),
                         (2, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
                         (3, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'even more text'),
                         (3, gherkin.TOKEN_EOF, '')])
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: butchland/gherkin
def test_lex_text_with_labels():
    "Lexer.run() Should be able to tokenize a feature with a scenario"

    # Given a lexer with a more complete feature+scenario
    lexer = gherkin.Lexer('''

Feature: Some descriptive text
  In order to parse a Gherkin file
  As a parser
  I want to be able to parse scenarios

  Even more text

  Scenario: The user wants to describe a feature

    # When we run the lexer
    tokens = lexer.run()

    # Then we see it was broken down into the right list of tokens
        (1, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'), (2, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
        (3, gherkin.TOKEN_LABEL, 'Feature'),
        (3, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'Some descriptive text'),
        (3, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
        (4, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'In order to parse a Gherkin file'),
        (4, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'), (5, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT,
                                           'As a parser'),
        (5, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
        (6, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'I want to be able to parse scenarios'),
        (6, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'), (7, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
        (8, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'Even more text'),
        (8, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'), (9, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'),
        (10, gherkin.TOKEN_LABEL, 'Scenario'),
        (10, gherkin.TOKEN_TEXT, 'The user wants to describe a feature'),
        (10, gherkin.TOKEN_NEWLINE, '\n'), (11, gherkin.TOKEN_EOF, '')