コード例 #1
ファイル: clearance.py プロジェクト: spatiometrics/HermitCrab
    def RunScript(self, AS, CL):
        # Initialize outputs
        S = []
        TS = CL
        W = []
        CS = []
        # Set defaults if no values are provided
        D = 1000

        # Iterate over each test segment
        for seg in CL:
            # Extend line to threshold width
            midpt, TT, t = ghc.EvaluateLength(seg, 0.5, True)
            SS, E = ghc.EndPoints(seg)
            V, L = ghc.Vector2Pt(midpt, SS, False)
            vect = ghc.Amplitude(V, D/2)
            G1, X = ghc.Move(midpt, vect)
            G2, X = ghc.Move(midpt, -vect)
            test_line = ghc.Line(G1, G2)
            # Rotate test line 90 degrees
            test_line, X = ghc.Rotate(test_line, math.pi/2, midpt)
            # Check for intersection
            srf_intersection = checkIntersection(test_line, AS, midpt, D)
            # Store results

        # Return outputs
        return TS, W, CS
コード例 #2
def copy_modules():
    global meshes_a, meshes_b, meshes_c
    # Copying Modules
    meshes_a = []
    meshes_b = []
    meshes_c = []
    totals = [0, 0, 0]
    for i, p in enumerate(points_input):
        d = voxel_data[i]
        if d == 0:
        cart = loc_to_cart(i)

        mesh_id = mesh_strategy_neighbors(cart)

        translation = gh.Vector2Pt(world_xy, p, False)[0]

        add = clamp(
            int((gh.Deconstruct(p)[2] / 4000 * 4) + (perlin_values[i] - 0.5)),
            0, 3)

        if mesh_id == 0:
            meshes_a.append(gh.Move(mesh_input[16 + add], translation)[0])
        elif mesh_id == 1:
            meshes_a.append(gh.Move(mesh_input[12 + add], translation)[0])
            meshes_b.append(gh.Move(mesh_input[8 + add], translation)[0])
        elif mesh_id == 2:
            meshes_b.append(gh.Move(mesh_input[4 + add], translation)[0])
            meshes_c.append(gh.Move(mesh_input[0 + add], translation)[0])

        totals[mesh_id] += 1

        #new_plane = gh.PlaneOrigin(random.choose

    print totals
コード例 #3
                    def leafgenerator(point):
                        #random z move
                        zmove = rg.Vector3d(0, 0, 1)
                        moveamp = random.uniform(-leaflen / 3, leaflen / 5)
                        ampzmove = ghc.Amplitude(zmove, moveamp)
                        llendpnt = ghc.Move(point, ampzmove)[0]

                        #setting a leaf centerline vector
                        leafvector = ghc.Vector2Pt(leafpoint, llendpnt,
                        #defining leaf center point as avarage of st and end pnts
                        midpnt = ghc.Average([leafpoint, llendpnt])

                        #generating perpendicular vector
                        vecperpleaf = ghc.Rotate(leafvector, radians(90),
                        leafperpamp = ghc.Amplitude(
                            random.uniform((leafwidth / 2) / 5 * 4,
                                           (leafwidth / 2) / 5 * 6))

                        #moving mid point to both sides
                        midpnt1 = ghc.Move(midpnt, leafperpamp)[0]
                        midpnt2 = ghc.Move(midpnt, -leafperpamp)[0]

                        #leaf geo
                        leafgeo = rg.NurbsSurface.CreateFromCorners(
                            leafpoint, midpnt1, llendpnt, midpnt2)
コード例 #4
def Cremona2(no, nomes, Linhas, countPF, dicPF):
    ptos1 = []
    dicUp = {}
    for i in range(countPF):
        if i == 0:
            Spt = dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(0)
            Ept = dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(1)
            if i == 1:
                cond1 = rs.PointCompare(dicPF[nomes[i - 1]].PointAt(0),
                                        dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(1), Tol)
                cond2 = rs.PointCompare(dicPF[nomes[i - 1]].PointAt(0),
                                        dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(0), Tol)
                if cond1 or cond2:
                    pAux3 = Spt
                    Spt = Ept
                    Ept = pAux3
            if rs.PointCompare(Ept, dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(1), Tol):
                ptAux1 = dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(1)
                ptAux2 = dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(0)
                ptAux1 = dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(0)
                ptAux2 = dicPF[nomes[i]].PointAt(1)
            Ept += (ptAux2 - ptAux1)
    vAux1 = Line(rs.CurveStartPoint(Linhas[-2]), Ept)
    vAux2 = Line(rs.CurveStartPoint(Linhas[-1]), Spt)
    F1 = gh.Move(rs.coerceline(Linhas[-2]), vAux1)[0]
    F2 = gh.Move(rs.coerceline(Linhas[-1]), vAux2)[0]
    inter = gh.LineXLine(F1, F2)[2]
    F1 = rs.AddLine(Ept, inter)
    F2 = rs.AddLine(inter, Spt)
    dicUp[nomes[-2]] = rs.coerceline(F1)
    dicUp[nomes[-1]] = rs.coerceline(F2)
    #-cargas e nomenclatura
    #teste de tração e compressão
    sin1 = TraComp(no, F1, rs.coerceline(Linhas[-2]), nomes[-2])
    sin2 = TraComp(no, F2, rs.coerceline(Linhas[-1]), nomes[-1])
    #valores das cargas
    carga1 = rs.CurveLength(F1) * sin1 / Escala
    carga2 = rs.CurveLength(F2) * sin2 / Escala
    #teste de tensão admissivel
    cor1 = teste_elemento(nomes[-2], carga1, Linhas[-2])
    cor2 = teste_elemento(nomes[-1], carga2, Linhas[-1])
    #nomenclatura do FG
    txt1 = nomes[-2] + ' = ' + str('%.2f' % carga1)
    txt2 = nomes[-1] + ' = ' + str('%.2f' % carga2)
    pt1 = rs.coerceline(Linhas[-2]).PointAt(.5)
    pt2 = rs.coerceline(Linhas[-1]).PointAt(.5)
    ptos1 += [pt1, txt1, cor1]
    ptos1 += [pt2, txt2, cor2]
    #nimenclatura do PF
    pt1 = rs.coerceline(F1).PointAt(.5)
    pt2 = rs.coerceline(F2).PointAt(.5)
    txt1 = nomes[-2]
    txt2 = nomes[-1]
    ptos1 += [pt1, txt1, cor1]
    ptos1 += [pt2, txt2, cor2]

    return dicUp, ptos1
コード例 #5
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: tejaskumar555/LBT-2-PH
    def inset_window_surface(self):
        """Moves the window geometry based on the InstallDepth param """

        orientation = -1 # don't remember why this is...

        transform_vector = ghc.Amplitude(self.surface_normal, float(self.install_depth) * orientation)
        transformed_surface = ghc.Move(self.rh_surface, transform_vector).geometry
        return transformed_surface
コード例 #6
def create_outside_points(segment):
    # Create a point mid-curve outside the region
    n_pts = max(int(segment.GetLength() / sample), 1)
    curve_points, tangents, _ = ghc.DivideCurve(segment, n_pts, False)
    if n_pts > 1:
        points = []
        for curve_point in curve_points[1:-1]:
            normal = ghc.CrossProduct(tangents[0], global_Z, True)
            curve_point, _ = ghc.Move(curve_point, normal[0] * distance)
        return points
        segment.Domain = reparam
        normal = ghc.CrossProduct(tangents, global_Z, True)
        curve_point = ghc.EvaluateCurve(segment, 0.5)[0]
        curve_point, _ = ghc.Move(curve_point, normal[0][0] * distance)
        return [curve_point]
コード例 #7
ファイル: lbt_to_phpp.py プロジェクト: tejaskumar555/LBT-2-PH
def get_footprint(_surfaces):
    # Finds the 'footprint' of the building for 'Primary Energy Renewable' reference
    # 1) Re-build the Opaque Surfaces
    # 2) Join all the surface Breps into a single brep
    # 3) Find the 'box' for the single joined brep
    # 4) Find the lowest Z points on the box, offset another 10 units 'down'
    # 5) Make a new Plane at this new location
    # 6) Projects the brep edges onto the new Plane
    # 7) Split a surface using the edges, combine back into a single surface

    Footprint = namedtuple('Footprint',
                           ['Footprint_surface', 'Footprint_area'])

    #----- Build brep
    surfaces = (from_face3d(surface.Srfc) for surface in _surfaces)
    bldg_mass = ghc.BrepJoin(surfaces).breps
    bldg_mass = ghc.BoundaryVolume(bldg_mass)
    if not bldg_mass:
        return Footprint(None, None)

    #------- Find Corners, Find 'bottom' (lowest Z)
    bldg_mass_corners = [v for v in ghc.BoxCorners(bldg_mass)]
    bldg_mass_corners.sort(reverse=False, key=lambda point3D: point3D.Z)
    rect_pts = bldg_mass_corners[0:3]

    #------- Projection Plane
    projection_plane1 = ghc.Plane3Pt(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1], rect_pts[2])
    projection_plane2 = ghc.Move(projection_plane1, ghc.UnitZ(-10)).geometry
    matrix = rs.XformPlanarProjection(projection_plane2)

    #------- Project Edges onto Projection Plane
    projected_edges = []
    for edge in ghc.DeconstructBrep(bldg_mass).edges:
        projected_edges.append(ghc.Transform(edge, matrix))

    #------- Split the projection surface using the curves
    l1 = ghc.Line(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1])
    l2 = ghc.Line(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[2])
    max_length = max(ghc.Length(l1), ghc.Length(l2))

    projection_surface = ghc.Polygon(projection_plane2, max_length * 100, 4,
    projected_surfaces = ghc.SurfaceSplit(projection_surface, projected_edges)

    #------- Remove the biggest surface from the set(the background srfc)
    projected_surfaces.sort(key=lambda x: x.GetArea())

    #------- Join the new srfcs back together into a single one
    unioned_NURB = ghc.RegionUnion(projected_surfaces)
    unioned_surface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(unioned_NURB)

    return Footprint(unioned_surface, unioned_surface.GetArea())
コード例 #8
    def _build_volume_brep_from_zone(self):      
        # Floor Surface
        floor_surface = rs.coercebrep(self.tfa_surface.surface)
        floor_surface = ghc.Move(floor_surface, ghc.UnitZ(self._offset_z) )[0]  # 0 is the new translated geometry

        # Extrusion curve
        surface_centroid = Rhino.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(floor_surface).Centroid
        end_point = ghc.ConstructPoint(surface_centroid.X, surface_centroid.Y, surface_centroid.Z + self._space_height)
        extrusion_curve = rs.AddLine(surface_centroid, end_point)

        volume_brep = rs.ExtrudeSurface(surface=floor_surface, curve=extrusion_curve, cap=True)
        volume_brep = rs.coercebrep(volume_brep)
        return [volume_brep]
コード例 #9
def calcFootprint(_zoneObjs, _opaqueSurfaces):
    # Finds the 'footprint' of the building for 'Primary Energy Renewable' reference
    # 1) Re-build the zone Breps
    # 2) Join all the zone Breps into a single brep
    # 3) Find the 'box' for the single joined brep
    # 4) Find the lowest Z points on the box, offset another 10 units 'down'
    # 5) Make a new Plane at this new location
    # 6) Projects the brep onto the new Plane

    zoneBreps = []
    for zone in _zoneObjs:
        zoneSurfaces = []
        for srfc in _opaqueSurfaces:
            if srfc.HostZoneName == zone.ZoneName:
        zoneBrep = ghc.BrepJoin(zoneSurfaces).breps

    bldg_mass = ghc.SolidUnion(zoneBreps)

    if bldg_mass == None:
        return None

    #------- Find Corners, Find 'bottom' (lowest Z)
    bldg_mass_corners = [v for v in ghc.BoxCorners(bldg_mass)]
    bldg_mass_corners.sort(reverse=False, key=lambda point3D: point3D.Z)
    rect_pts = bldg_mass_corners[0:3]

    #------- Project Brep to Footprint
    projection_plane1 = ghc.Plane3Pt(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1], rect_pts[2])
    projection_plane2 = ghc.Move(projection_plane1, ghc.UnitZ(-10)).geometry
    matrix = rs.XformPlanarProjection(projection_plane2)
    footprint_srfc = rs.TransformObjects(bldg_mass, matrix, copy=True)
    footprint_area = rs.Area(footprint_srfc)

    #------- Output
    Footprint = namedtuple('Footprint',
                           ['Footprint_surface', 'Footprint_area'])
    fp = Footprint(footprint_srfc, footprint_area)

    return fp
コード例 #10
def TraComp(no, forcePF, forceFG, nome):
    pontoFG = forceFG.PointAt(.5)
    movevec = rs.AddLine(rs.CurveEndPoint(forcePF), no)
    movevec = rs.coerceline(movevec)
    testeLin = gh.Move(rs.coerceline(forcePF), movevec)[0]
    dist1 = rs.Distance(testeLin.PointAt(0), pontoFG)
    dist2 = gh.Length(testeLin)
    dist2 += (gh.Length(forceFG) / 2)
    #testando tração
    if abs(dist1 - dist2) <= Tol:
        #coloca a nomenclattura do elemento na lista de objetos tracionados
        #retorna 1 para tração
        return 1

    #se compressão
        #coloca a nomenclattura do elemento na lista de objetos comprimidos
        #retorna -1 para compressão
        return -1
コード例 #11
def fractal(depth, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, anglerec, angle, lvariation,
            aran, lran, anglerech, angleh, branches, verticality, gchance,
            depthstart, radtolen, radchng, mngon, polygon, branch_cluster):

    #test if depth>0
    if depth:

        #defining random angle variation and length variation
        arn = random.uniform(-angle / 100 * aran, angle / 100 * aran)
        lrn = random.uniform(-length / 100 * lran, length / 100 * lran)

        if hrandom == True:
            #defining horizontal rotation angles
            ahor = random.sample(range(0, 360), branches)

            #removing numbers within tolerance
            ahr = rs.CullDuplicateNumbers(ahor, angleh)

            #in a 360 fashion
            if ahr[0] + 360 - angleh < ahr[-1]:
                del ahr[0]
            #generating evenly distributed angles
            ahr = range(0, 360 + 1, 360 // branches)[:-1]

        #previous branch vector
        vecst = rg.Point3d(x1, y1, z1)
        vecend = rg.Point3d(x2, y2, z2)
        movevec = ghc.Vector2Pt(vecst, vecend,
                                True)[0]  #returns vector and it's length

        #perpendicular vector
        rotplane3 = ghc.PlaneNormal(
            vecend, movevec)  #creates plane perpendicular to vector
        plns = ghc.DeconstructPlane(rotplane3)  #origin, x, y, z
        rotplane = ghc.ConstructPlane(
            plns[2], plns[1], plns[3]
        )  #constructing new plane switching x and y planes to make perpendicular

        #generating perpendicular vector
        vecperp = ghc.Rotate(movevec, radians(90), rotplane)[0]

        #generating vector amplitudes
        leny = (length + lrn) * sin(
            radians((anglerec + arn) * (1 - (verticality**depth))))
        lenz = (length + lrn) * cos(radians(anglerec + arn))
        ampy = ghc.Amplitude(vecperp, leny)
        ampz = ghc.Amplitude(movevec, lenz)

        #changing branch length dependant on branch depth
        length = length * lvariation

        #building points
        endpoint1 = ghc.Move(
            vecend, ampz)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data
        endpoint = ghc.Move(
            endpoint1, ampy)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data

        #rotating point in a cone fashion
        rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(
            endpoint, radians(anglerech), vecend,
            movevec)[0]  #returns rotated geometry and transformation data

        #building line between points
        linegeo = rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint)

        #defining recursion depth
        key = depthstart + 1 - depth

        #building geometry
        pln = ghc.PlaneNormal(rotpoint,
                              linegeo)  #returns a plane perp to a vector
        radius = length * (radchng**(key)) / radtolen

        #reduce details with each branch, but not less than 3
        if mngon - key + 1 <= 3:
            splits = 3
            splits = mngon - key + 1

        polygonend = ghc.Polygon(pln, radius, splits,
                                 0)[0]  #returns a polygon and its perimeter

        #aligning curves for loft creation
        crvst = ghc.EndPoints(polygon)[0]
        pntcld = ghc.Discontinuity(polygonend,
                                   1)  #returns points and point parameters

        #finind seam point
        closest_point = ghc.ClosestPoint(
            crvst, pntcld[0]
        )  #returns closest point, closest point index, distance between closest points
        seampnt = pntcld[1][closest_point[1]]
        polygonend = ghc.Seam(polygonend, seampnt)

        lcurves = [polygon, polygonend]

        #building geometry
        if depth == 1 and splits == 3:
            geo = ghc.ExtrudePoint(
                polygon, rotpoint)  #if last branch than make a pyramid
            geo = rg.Brep.CreateFromLoft(lcurves, rg.Point3d.Unset,
                                         rg.Point3d.Unset, rg.LoftType.Normal,

        #make solid
        geocapped = ghc.CapHoles(geo)

        #building a dict of geo with depth as key, and geo as values, for more efficient joins

        if branch_cluster not in pgons.keys():
            pgons[branch_cluster] = [geocapped]

        #setting coords for next branch
        x1 = x2
        y1 = y2
        z1 = z2

        #getting xyz from rotated point
        x2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[0]
        y2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[1]
        z2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[2]

        #setting base polygon for next branch
        polygon = polygonend

        #calling function with different angle parameter for branch splitting
        #calling as many branches as spread within tolerance
        #filling dict with branch clusters
        cluster.append(cluster[-1] + 1)
        branch_cluster = cluster[-1]

        for aa in ahr:
            if (
                (random.randint(40, 99) / 100)**depth
            ) < gchance or depth == depthstart + 1:  #or added to prevent blank trees
                fractal(depth - 1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, angle,
                        angle, lvariation, aran, lran, aa, angleh, branches,
                        verticality, gchance, depthstart, radtolen, radchng,
                        mngon, polygon, branch_cluster)
コード例 #12
    DiagEixo = Diagonais
    for i in DiagEixo:
        vol = Volumetria(i, Diag_e / 2, Diag_l / 2, ptX)
# 3D dos banzos e bordas do conector
    BzEixo = Banzo_Sup + Banzo_Inf + Conector
    for i in BzEixo:
        vol = Volumetria(i, Bz_e / 2, Bz_l / 2, ptX)
# 3D da cobertura
    for i in Cobertura:
        vol = Volumetria(i, .01, Dist_entre_eixos / 2, ptX)
# copiando treliças de acordo com a distancia entre os eixos
    for i in range(1, N_Tr, 1):
        Tr_copias += gh.Move(Tr_3D, i * Dist_entre_eixos * eZ)[0]

### - cargas - ###
#area das diagonais
AreaD = Diag_e * Diag_l
### menor momento de inercia das diagonais
ID = MomInerMinQuad(Diag_l, Diag_e)
#area do banzo
AreaB = Bz_e * Bz_l
### menor momento de inercia dos Banzos
IB = MomInerMinQuad(Bz_l, Bz_e)
#peso linear das diagonais
plDiag = AreaD * Peso_esp_Tr
#peso linear do banzo
plBz = AreaB * Peso_esp_Tr
#peso linear da cobertura
コード例 #13
def fractal(depth, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, anglerec, angle, lvariation,
            aran, lran, anglerech, angleh, branches, gravity):

    #test if depth>0
    if depth:

        #defining random angle variation and length variation
        arn = random.uniform(-angle / 100 * aran, angle / 100 * aran)
        lrn = random.uniform(-length / 100 * lran, length / 100 * lran)

        #defining horizontal rotation angles
        ahor = random.sample(range(0, 360), branches)
        #removing numbers within tolerance
        ahr = rs.CullDuplicateNumbers(ahor, angleh)
        #in a 360 fashion
        if ahr[0]+360-angleh<ahr[-1]:
            del ahr[0]
        ahr = [0, 90, 270, 180]
        #previous branch vector

        vecst = rg.Point3d(x1, y1, z1)
        vecend = rg.Point3d(x2, y2, z2)

        movevec = ghc.Vector2Pt(vecst, vecend,
                                True)[0]  #returns vector and it's length

        #perpendicular vector rotation plane

        rotplane3 = ghc.PlaneNormal(
            vecend, movevec)  #creates plane perpendicular to vector
        plns = ghc.DeconstructPlane(rotplane3)  #origin, x, y, z
        rotplane = ghc.ConstructPlane(
            plns[0], plns[3], plns[2]
        )  #constructing new plane switching x and y planes to make perpendicular

        #generating perpendicular vector
        vecperp = ghc.Rotate(movevec, radians(90), rotplane)[0]

        #generating vector amplitudes
        leny = (length + lrn) * sin(radians(anglerec + arn))
        lenz = (length + lrn) * cos(radians(anglerec + arn))
        ampy = ghc.Amplitude(vecperp, leny)
        ampz = ghc.Amplitude(movevec, lenz)

        #changing branch length dependant on branch depth
        length = length * lvariation

        #building points
        endpoint1 = ghc.Move(
            vecend, ampz)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data
        endpoint = ghc.Move(
            endpoint1, ampy)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data

        #rotating point in a cone fashion
        rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(
            endpoint, anglerech, vecend,
            movevec)[0]  #returns rotated geometry and transformation data

        #vertical branch angle
        angl1 = ghc.Angle(rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint), horizont,
                          verticalpln)[0]  #outputs angle and reflex
        angl = ghc.Degrees(angl1)


        #rotate depending on how horizontal branch is
        if angl > 0 and angl < 180:
            if angl < 89:
                grrot = ((30 / 100) * (100 - (angl * 0.9)) / 100) * gravity
            elif angl > 91:
                grrot = ((30 / 100) * (100 -
                                       ((180 - angl) * 0.9)) / 100) * gravity

            grrot == 0
            rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(rotpoint, grrot, vecend, verticalpln)[0]

        #building line between points
        linegeo = rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint)

        #setting coords for next branch
        x1 = x2
        y1 = y2
        z1 = z2

        #getting xyz from rotated point
        x2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[0]
        y2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[1]
        z2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[2]

        #building a dict of lines with depth as key, and corresponding lines as values
        if depth not in treelin.keys():
            treelin[depth] = [linegeo]

        #calling function with different angle parameter for branch splitting
        #calling as many branches as spread within tolerance
        for aa in ahr:
            fractal(depth - 1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, angle, angle,
                    lvariation, aran, lran, aa, angleh, branches, gravity)
コード例 #14
pOr, eX, eY, eZ = Plano

#-Copiando Curva inicial
Curva = rs.CopyObjects(Curva, 10 * eY)
BzSup1 = rs.coercecurve(Curva)

#----Primeiro ponto do Eixo de Simetria----
#A variável Eixo_de_Simetria por entrada um float entre o e 1 ou
#uma reta que intercepta a Curva no ponto do eixo
#caso seja um float:
if type(Eixo_de_Simetria) == float:
    #ptX1 = coordenadas da curva no ponto de interceção com o eixo de simetria
    #vct1 = tangente da curva no ponto
    #prm1 = parametro da curva no ponto
    ptX1, vtc1, prm1 = gh.EvaluateLength(BzSup1, Eixo_de_Simetria, True)
    ptAux = gh.Move(ptX1, -eY)[0]
    #-desenhando linha do Exio de simetria
    Eixo_de_Simetria = rs.AddLine(ptX1, ptAux)
#caso seja uma linha
elif str(type(Eixo_de_Simetria)) == "<type 'Guid'>":
    #ptX1 = coordenadas do ponto de interceção da Curva com o eixo de simetria
    #prm1 = parametro da curva no ponto
    #count = conta o número de interceções
    ptX1, prm1, count = gh.CurveXLine(BzSup1, rs.coerceline(Eixo_de_Simetria))
    ptAux = gh.Move(ptX1, -eY)[0]
#caso o vão da viga seja definido pela variavel VigaDist
if VigaDist:
    ptobase = rs.CurveStartPoint(Curva)
    ptoAux = rs.LineClosestPoint(Eixo_de_Simetria, ptobase)
    dist1 = rs.Distance(ptobase, ptoAux)
    escala = (VigaDist / 2) / dist1
コード例 #15
def EixosVigas(BZ, DiagN, d1, od1, d2, od2):
    #dividir o banzo superior 1 em 2 x (numero de diagonais de v)
    ptB1 = rs.DivideCurve(BZ, (2 * DiagN))
    #a variável EPcurv armazena o start point do eixo do banzo superior
    SPCurv = ptB1[0]
    #exclui o primeiro valor da lista (start point da curva do banzo superior)
    ptB1 = ptB1[1:]
    #pAux é o ponto de partida do eixo do banzo inferior
    pAux = gh.Move(Point3d(SPCurv), -d2 * eY)[0]
    #Offsets da curva do banzo sup nas distancias d1 e d2
    cAux1 = rs.OffsetCurve(BZ, od1, d1, eZ)
    cAux2 = rs.OffsetCurve(BZ, od2, d2, eZ)
    #-aplicando mascara binária
    #ptB1 = lista dos nós do banzo sup
    ptB1 = gh.Dispatch(ptB1, [False, True, False, False])[0]
    # iniciando lista dos nós do bazo infeirior
    apoio = pAux
    ptB2 = [pAux]
    #-calculando nós do banzo inferior
    #contador FOR do primeiro ao penultimo item de ptb1
    for i in range(len(ptB1) - 1):
        #desenha linhas etrne o ponto atual e próximo ponto de ptB1
        linAux = Line(ptB1[i], ptB1[i + 1])
        #pAux = ponto médio de linAux
        pAux3 = linAux.PointAt(.5)
        #calcula ponto em cAux1 mais proximo de pAux
        #pAux1 =[(coordenadas do pto),(parametro do pto),(distância pto-crv)]
        pAux1 = gh.CurveClosestPoint(pAux3, rs.coercecurve(cAux1))
        #idem - cAux2
        #pAux2 = idem
        pAux2 = gh.CurveClosestPoint(pAux3, rs.coercecurve(cAux2))
        #linha entre os pontos equivalentes das curvas cAux1 e cAux2
        linAux2 = Line(pAux2[0], pAux1[0])
        #cAux3 = cAux1 cortada (trim) no ponto pAux1
        cAux3 = rs.TrimCurve(cAux1, (0, pAux1[1]), False)
        #razão entre o comprimento da curva cAux1 até o ponto pAux1
        #e o compriento total de cAux1
        prmt = rs.CurveLength(cAux3) / rs.CurveLength(cAux1)
        #ponto que interpola as alturas VH1 e VH2
        pAux = linAux2.PointAt(prmt)
        #coloca o pto pAux na lista dos nós

#o ponto final do banzo inferior é colocado no final da lista ptB2
    #-ajuste do ultimo ponto da treliça
    nosD = gh.Weave([0, 1], ptB2, ptB1)

    if DiagN % 2 == 0:
        del nosD[-1]
    #desenha diagonais
    lDiag = rs.AddPolyline(nosD)

    #desenha banzo inferior
    bzInf = rs.AddPolyline(ptB2)
    #desenha banzo superior
    bzSup = rs.AddPolyline(ptB1)
    return lDiag, bzSup, bzInf, nosD, ptB1, ptB2, apoio
コード例 #16
def fractal(depth, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, anglerec, angle, lvariation,
            aran, lran, anglerech, angleh, branches, verticality, gchance):

    #test if depth>0
    if depth:

        #defining random angle variation and length variation
        arn = random.uniform(-angle / 100 * aran, angle / 100 * aran)
        lrn = random.uniform(-length / 100 * lran, length / 100 * lran)

        if hrandom == True:
            #defining horizontal rotation angles
            ahor = random.sample(range(0, 360), branches)

            #removing numbers within tolerance
            ahr = rs.CullDuplicateNumbers(ahor, angleh)

            #in a 360 fashion
            if ahr[0] + 360 - angleh < ahr[-1]:
                del ahr[0]
            #generating evenly distributed angles
            ahr = range(0, 360 + 1, 360 // branches)[:-1]

        #previous branch vector
        vecst = rg.Point3d(x1, y1, z1)
        vecend = rg.Point3d(x2, y2, z2)
        movevec = ghc.Vector2Pt(vecst, vecend,
                                True)[0]  #returns vector and it's length

        #perpendicular vector
        rotplane3 = ghc.PlaneNormal(
            vecend, movevec)  #creates plane perpendicular to vector
        plns = ghc.DeconstructPlane(rotplane3)  #origin, x, y, z
        rotplane = ghc.ConstructPlane(
            plns[2], plns[1], plns[3]
        )  #constructing new plane switching x and y planes to make perpendicular

        #generating perpendicular vector
        vecperp = ghc.Rotate(movevec, radians(90), rotplane)[0]

        #generating vector amplitudes
        leny = (length + lrn) * sin(
            radians((anglerec + arn) * (1 - (verticality**depth))))
        lenz = (length + lrn) * cos(radians(anglerec + arn))
        ampy = ghc.Amplitude(vecperp, leny)
        ampz = ghc.Amplitude(movevec, lenz)

        #changing branch length dependant on branch depth
        length = length * lvariation

        #building points
        endpoint1 = ghc.Move(
            vecend, ampz)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data
        endpoint = ghc.Move(
            endpoint1, ampy)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data

        #rotating point in a cone fashion
        rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(
            endpoint, radians(anglerech), vecend,
            movevec)[0]  #returns rotated geometry and transformation data

        #building line between points
        linegeo = rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint)

        #setting coords for next branch
        x1 = x2
        y1 = y2
        z1 = z2

        #getting xyz from rotated point
        x2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[0]
        y2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[1]
        z2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[2]

        #building a dict of lines with depth as key, and corresponding lines as values
        if depth not in treelin.keys():
            treelin[depth] = [linegeo]

        #calling function with different angle parameter for branch splitting
        #calling as many branches as spread within tolerance

        for aa in ahr:
            if (
                (random.randint(40, 99) / 100)**depth
            ) < gchance or depth == depthstart + 1:  #or added to prevent blank trees
                fractal(depth - 1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, angle,
                        angle, lvariation, aran, lran, aa, angleh, branches,
                        verticality, gchance)
コード例 #17
def fractal(depth, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, anglerec, angle, lvariation,
            aran, lran, anglerech, angleh, branches, verticality, gchance,
            depthstart, radtolen, radchng, mngon, polygon):

    #test if depth>0
    if depth:

        #defining random angle variation and length variation
        arn = random.uniform(-angle / 100 * aran, angle / 100 * aran)
        lrn = random.uniform(-length / 100 * lran, length / 100 * lran)

        if hrandom == True:
            #defining horizontal rotation angles
            ahor = random.sample(range(0, 360), branches)

            #removing numbers within tolerance
            ahr = rs.CullDuplicateNumbers(ahor, angleh)

            #in a 360 fashion
            if ahr[0] + 360 - angleh < ahr[-1]:
                del ahr[0]
            #generating evenly distributed angles
            ahr = range(0, 360 + 1, 360 // branches)[:-1]

        #previous branch vector
        vecst = rg.Point3d(x1, y1, z1)
        vecend = rg.Point3d(x2, y2, z2)
        movevec = ghc.Vector2Pt(vecst, vecend,
                                True)[0]  #returns vector and it's length

        #perpendicular vector
        rotplane3 = ghc.PlaneNormal(
            vecend, movevec)  #creates plane perpendicular to vector
        plns = ghc.DeconstructPlane(rotplane3)  #origin, x, y, z
        rotplane = ghc.ConstructPlane(
            plns[2], plns[1], plns[3]
        )  #constructing new plane switching x and y planes to make perpendicular

        #generating perpendicular vector
        vecperp = ghc.Rotate(movevec, radians(90), rotplane)[0]

        #generating vector amplitudes
        leny = (length + lrn) * sin(
            radians((anglerec + arn) * (1 - (verticality**depth))))
        lenz = (length + lrn) * cos(radians(anglerec + arn))
        ampy = ghc.Amplitude(vecperp, leny)
        ampz = ghc.Amplitude(movevec, lenz)

        #changing branch length dependant on branch depth
        length = length * lvariation

        #building points
        endpoint1 = ghc.Move(
            vecend, ampz)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data
        endpoint = ghc.Move(
            endpoint1, ampy)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data

        #rotating point in a cone fashion
        rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(
            endpoint, radians(anglerech), vecend,
            movevec)[0]  #returns rotated geometry and transformation data

        #building line between points
        linegeo = rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint)

        #defining recursion depth
        key = depthstart + 1 - depth

        #building geometry
        #stpnt = VECEND ghc.EndPoints(nn)[0] #returns list of two points, start and end
        #endpnt = ROTPOINT ghc.EndPoints(nn)[1]
        pln = ghc.PlaneNormal(rotpoint,
                              linegeo)  #returns a plane perp to a vector
        radius = length * (radchng**(key)) / radtolen
        #polygon = polygonbase

        #reduce details with each branch, but not less than 3
        if mngon - key + 1 <= 3:
            splits = 3
            splits = mngon - key + 1

        polygonend = ghc.Polygon(pln, radius, splits,
                                 0)[0]  #returns a polygon and its perimeter

        #creating loft between polygons
        #Normal = rg.LoftType.Normal
        #loptions = ghc.LoftOptions(False, True, 0, 0, rg.LoftType.Normal)  #loft option

        lcurves = [polygon, polygonend]
        #loftedgeo = ghc.Loft(lcurves, loptions)

        if depth == 1 and splits == 3:
            geo = ghc.ExtrudePoint(
                polygon, rotpoint)  #if last branch than make a pyramid
            geo = ghc.RuledSurface(polygon, polygonend)

        #setting coords for next branch
        x1 = x2
        y1 = y2
        z1 = z2

        #getting xyz from rotated point
        x2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[0]
        y2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[1]
        z2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[2]

        #setting base polygon for next branch
        polygon = polygonend


        #calling function with different angle parameter for branch splitting
        #calling as many branches as spread within tolerance

        for aa in ahr:
            if (
                (random.randint(40, 99) / 100)**depth
            ) < gchance or depth == depthstart + 1:  #or added to prevent blank trees
                fractal(depth - 1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, angle,
                        angle, lvariation, aran, lran, aa, angleh, branches,
                        verticality, gchance, depthstart, radtolen, radchng,
                        mngon, polygon)
コード例 #18
def fractal(depth, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, anglerec, angle, lvariation,
            aran, lran, anglerech, angleh, branches, verticality, gchance,
            depthstart, radtolen, radchng, mngon, polygon, branch_cluster):

    #test if depth>0
    if depth:

        #defining random angle variation and length variation
        arn = random.uniform(-angle / 100 * aran, angle / 100 * aran)
        lrn = random.uniform(-length / 100 * lran, length / 100 * lran)

        if hrandom == True:
            #defining horizontal rotation angles
            ahor = random.sample(range(0, 360), branches)
            #removing numbers within tolerance
            ahr = rs.CullDuplicateNumbers(ahor, angleh)
            #in a 360 fashion
            if ahr[0] + 360 - angleh < ahr[-1]:
                del ahr[0]
            #generating evenly distributed angles
            ahr = range(0, 360 + 1, 360 // branches)[:-1]

        #previous branch vector
        vecst = rg.Point3d(x1, y1, z1)
        vecend = rg.Point3d(x2, y2, z2)
        movevec = ghc.Vector2Pt(vecst, vecend,
                                True)[0]  #returns vector and it's length

        #perpendicular vector
        rotplane3 = ghc.PlaneNormal(
            vecend, movevec)  #creates plane perpendicular to vector
        plns = ghc.DeconstructPlane(rotplane3)  #origin, x, y, z
        rotplane = ghc.ConstructPlane(
            plns[2], plns[1], plns[3]
        )  #constructing new plane switching x and y planes to make perpendicular

        #generating perpendicular vector
        vecperp = ghc.Rotate(movevec, radians(90), rotplane)[0]

        #generating vector amplitudes
        leny = (length + lrn) * sin(
            radians((anglerec + arn) * (1 - (verticality**depth))))
        lenz = (length + lrn) * cos(radians(anglerec + arn))
        ampy = ghc.Amplitude(vecperp, leny)
        ampz = ghc.Amplitude(movevec, lenz)

        #changing branch length dependant on branch depth
        length = length * lvariation

        #building points
        endpoint1 = ghc.Move(
            vecend, ampz)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data
        endpoint = ghc.Move(
            endpoint1, ampy)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data

        #rotating point in a cone fashion
        rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(
            endpoint, radians(anglerech), vecend,
            movevec)[0]  #returns rotated geometry and transformation data

        #building line between points
        linegeo = rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint)

        #defining recursion depth
        key = depthstart + 1 - depth

        #building geometry
        pln = ghc.PlaneNormal(rotpoint,
                              linegeo)  #returns a plane perp to a vector
        radius = length * (radchng**(key)) / radtolen

        #reduce details with each branch, but not less than 3
        splits = 3 if mngon - key + 1 <= 3 else mngon - key + 1

        polygonend = ghc.Polygon(pln, radius, splits,
                                 0)[0]  #returns a polygon and its perimeter

        #aligning curves for loft creation
        crvst = ghc.EndPoints(polygon)[0]
        pntcld = ghc.Discontinuity(polygonend,
                                   1)  #returns points and point parameters

        #finind seam point
        closest_point = ghc.ClosestPoint(
            crvst, pntcld[0]
        )  #returns closest point, closest point index, distance between closest points
        seampnt = pntcld[1][closest_point[1]]
        polygonend = ghc.Seam(polygonend, seampnt)

        lcurves = [polygon, polygonend]

        #building geometry
        geo = ghc.ExtrudePoint(
            polygon, rotpoint
        ) if depth == 1 and splits == 3 else rg.Brep.CreateFromLoft(
            lcurves, rg.Point3d.Unset, rg.Point3d.Unset, rg.LoftType.Normal,
            False)[0]  #if last branch than make a pyramid
        #make solid
        geocapped = ghc.CapHoles(geo)

        #building a dict of geo with depth as key, and geo as values
            {branch_cluster: [geocapped]}) if branch_cluster not in pgons.keys(
            ) else pgons[branch_cluster].append(geocapped)

        #setting coords for next branch
        x1 = x2
        y1 = y2
        z1 = z2

        #getting xyz from rotated point
        x2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[0]
        y2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[1]
        z2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[2]

        #setting base polygon for next branch
        polygon = polygonend

        #filling dict with branch clusters
        cluster.append(cluster[-1] + 1)
        branch_cluster = cluster[-1]

        #calling function with different angle parameter for branch splitting, calling as many branches as spread within tolerance
        if depth != 1:
            for aa in ahr:
                if (
                    (random.randint(40, 99) / 100)**depth
                ) < gchance or depth == depthstart + 1:  #or added to prevent blank trees
                    fractal(depth - 1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, angle,
                            angle, lvariation, aran, lran, aa, angleh,
                            branches, verticality, gchance, depthstart,
                            radtolen, radchng, mngon, polygon, branch_cluster)
        #leaf logic
        if depth <= leavesdepth and leavesperbranch > 0 and maxleaves > 0:

            #vector for leaf growth spread
            leafpntvec = ghc.Vector2Pt(vecend, rotpoint, True)[0]

            #setting leaf growth position on last barnch, leafpnt list
            lastbranchlength = ghc.Length(linegeo)
            leaves_list = [lastbranchlength]
                for lengthparam in random.sample(
                    range(0, int(lastbranchlength)), leavesperbranch - 1)
            ] if leavesperbranch > 1 else None

            for leafpnt in leaves_list:
                leafamp = ghc.Amplitude(leafpntvec, leafpnt)
                leafpoint = ghc.Move(vecend, leafamp)[0]

                #plane for leaf generation
                linetocenter = ghc.Line(stpntbase, leafpoint)
                planetocenter = ghc.PlaneNormal(leafpoint, linetocenter)

                #create an imaginary circle with leaflen radius and populate it with points for random leaf generation
                leafgenerationcircle = ghc.CircleCNR(leafpoint, linetocenter,
                circlesurf = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(leafgenerationcircle)
                leafcnt = random.randint(0, maxleaves)
                if leafcnt > 0:
                    leafendpnts = ghc.PopulateGeometry(circlesurf, leafcnt,
                                                       random.randint(1, 500))

                    def leafgenerator(point):
                        #random z move
                        zmove = rg.Vector3d(0, 0, 1)
                        moveamp = random.uniform(-leaflen / 3, leaflen / 5)
                        ampzmove = ghc.Amplitude(zmove, moveamp)
                        llendpnt = ghc.Move(point, ampzmove)[0]

                        #setting a leaf centerline vector
                        leafvector = ghc.Vector2Pt(leafpoint, llendpnt,
                        #defining leaf center point as avarage of st and end pnts
                        midpnt = ghc.Average([leafpoint, llendpnt])

                        #generating perpendicular vector
                        vecperpleaf = ghc.Rotate(leafvector, radians(90),
                        leafperpamp = ghc.Amplitude(
                            random.uniform((leafwidth / 2) / 5 * 4,
                                           (leafwidth / 2) / 5 * 6))

                        #moving mid point to both sides
                        midpnt1 = ghc.Move(midpnt, leafperpamp)[0]
                        midpnt2 = ghc.Move(midpnt, -leafperpamp)[0]

                        #leaf geo
                        leafgeo = rg.NurbsSurface.CreateFromCorners(
                            leafpoint, midpnt1, llendpnt, midpnt2)

                    #iterate over random number of generated points if list, else generate for one point
                    [leafgenerator(pp) for pp in leafendpnts] if isinstance(
                        leafendpnts, list) else leafgenerator(leafendpnts)
コード例 #19
ファイル: shading.py プロジェクト: tejaskumar555/LBT-2-PH
def find_reveal_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
    WinCenter = ghc.Area(_phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface).centroid
    edges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    surface_normal = _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal

    #Create the Intersection Surface for each side
    Side1_OriginPt = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(edges.Left) )
    Side1_NormalLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side1_OriginPt, surface_normal, _extents)
    Side1_Direction = ghc.Vector2Pt(WinCenter, Side1_OriginPt, False).vector
    Side1_HorizLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction, _extents)
    Side1_IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(Side1_NormalLine, Side1_HorizLine)
    #Side2_OriginPt = SideMidPoints[1] #ghc.CurveMiddle(self.Edge_Left)
    Side2_OriginPt = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(edges.Right) )
    Side2_NormalLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side2_OriginPt, surface_normal, _extents)
    Side2_Direction = ghc.Vector2Pt(WinCenter, Side2_OriginPt, False).vector
    Side2_HorizLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction, _extents)
    Side2_IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(Side2_NormalLine, Side2_HorizLine)
    #Find any Shader Objects and put them all into a list
    Side1_RevealShaderObjs = []
    testStartPt = ghc.Move(WinCenter, ghc.Amplitude(surface_normal, 0.1)).geometry #Offsets the test line just a bit
    Side1_TesterLine = ghc.LineSDL(testStartPt, Side1_Direction, _extents) #extend a line off to side 1
    for i in range(len(_shadingGeom)):
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(_shadingGeom[i],Side1_TesterLine).points != None:
    Side2_RevealShaderObjs = []
    Side2_TesterLine = ghc.LineSDL(testStartPt, Side2_Direction, _extents) #extend a line off to side 2
    for i in range(len(_shadingGeom)):
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(_shadingGeom[i],Side2_TesterLine).points != None:
    # Calc Shading reveal dims
    NumShadedSides = 0
    if len(Side1_RevealShaderObjs) != 0:
        Side1_o_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[0]
        Side1_d_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[1]
        Side1_CheckLine = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[2]
        NumShadedSides = NumShadedSides + 1
        Side1_o_reveal =  None
        Side1_d_reveal = None
        Side1_CheckLine = Side1_HorizLine
    if len(Side2_RevealShaderObjs) != 0:
        Side2_o_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[0]
        Side2_d_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[1]
        Side2_CheckLine = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[2]
        NumShadedSides = NumShadedSides + 1
        Side2_o_reveal =  None
        Side2_d_reveal = None
        Side2_CheckLine = Side2_HorizLine
    # TODO: how to handel asymetrical reveals????

    o_reveal = Side1_o_reveal#(Side1_o_reveal + Side2_o_reveal )/ max(1,NumShadedSides)
    d_reveal = Side1_d_reveal#(Side1_d_reveal + Side2_d_reveal )/ max(1,NumShadedSides)

    return o_reveal, d_reveal, Side1_CheckLine, Side2_CheckLine
コード例 #20
    return gh.Length(Line(pt1,pt2))

# Desenhando o poligono de forças
pAux = rs.coerce3dpoint(pto_inicial)

polo = rs.coerce3dpoint(polo)

#primeiro raio polar

for v in vetores:
    vAux1 = rs.coerceline(v)
    vAux2 = pAux - v.PointAt(0)
    vAux3 = gh.Move(vAux1,vAux2)[0]
    pAux = vAux3.PointAt(1)

#desenhando a resultante

#Desenhando o funicular

j = len(raios)

for i in range(j):
コード例 #21
def bakeText(_txt,
    """Bakes some Text to the Rhino scene


    _txt: <String> The actual text / note to bake

    _txtLocation: <Point3D> The reference point  / location for the object

    _layer: <String> The layer to bake the object to

    _txtSize: <Float> The size of the text (height). Refers to the Annotation scale of the Page being printed

    _neighbors: <List> The other text tags being printed


    # https://developer.rhino3d.com/api/RhinoCommon/html/T_Rhino_Geometry_TextEntity.htm

    sc.doc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc

    # The baseplane for the Text

    origin = _txtLocation

    basePlane_origin = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(origin)

    basePlan_normal = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 0, 1)  # Assumes Top View

    basePlane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(origin=basePlane_origin,

    # Create the txt object

    txt = Rhino.Geometry.TextEntity()

    txt.Text = _txt

    txt.Plane = basePlane

    txt.TextHeight = _txtSize

    txt.Justification = Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.MiddleCenter

    if _avoidCollisions:

        # Test against the other text items on the sheet

        # First, find / create the bouding box rectangle of the text note

        thisBB = txt.GetBoundingBox(txt.Plane)

        boxXdim = abs(thisBB.Min.X - thisBB.Max.X)

        boxYdim = abs(thisBB.Min.Y - thisBB.Max.Y)

        domainX = ghc.ConstructDomain((boxXdim / 2) * -1, boxXdim / 2)

        domainY = ghc.ConstructDomain((boxYdim / 2) * -1, boxYdim / 2)

        boundingRect = ghc.Rectangle(txt.Plane, domainX, domainY, 0).rectangle

        # Compare the current text note to the others already in the scene

        # Move the current tag if neccessary

        for eachNeighbor in _neighbors:

            intersection = ghc.CurveXCurve(eachNeighbor, boundingRect)

            if intersection.points != None:

                neighbor = ghc.DeconstuctRectangle(
                    eachNeighbor)  # The overlapping textbox

                neighborY = neighbor.Y  # Returns a domain

                #neighborY = abs(neighborY[0] - neighborY[1]) # Total Y distance

                neighborCP = neighbor.base_plane.Origin

                thisCP = ghc.DeconstuctRectangle(

                if thisCP.Y > neighborCP.Y:

                    # Move the tag 'up'

                    neighborMaxY = neighborCP.Y + neighborY[1]

                    thisMinY = thisCP.Y - (boxYdim / 2)

                    moveVector = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(
                        0, neighborMaxY - thisMinY, 0)

                    boundingRect = ghc.Move(boundingRect, moveVector).geometry


                    # Move the tag 'down'

                    neighborMinY = neighborCP.Y - neighborY[1]

                    thisMaxY = thisCP.Y + (boxYdim / 2)

                    moveVector = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(
                        0, neighborMinY - thisMaxY, 0)

                    boundingRect = ghc.Move(boundingRect, moveVector).geometry

                #Re-Set the text tag's origin to the new location

                txt.Plane = ghc.DeconstuctRectangle(boundingRect).base_plane


        boundingRect = None

    # Add the new text object to the Scene

    txtObj = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddText(txt)

    # Set the new Text's Layer

    if not rs.IsLayer(_layer):


    rs.ObjectLayer(txtObj, _layer)

    sc.doc = ghdoc

    return boundingRect  # Return the text bounding box
コード例 #22
 #Cargas na viga v3
 C_v3, ptC_v3 = Linhas_de_Cargas(v3, P_v3, 'V3')
 Linhas_de_Carga += C_v3
 txt_pontos += ptC_v3
 #determinando sendido de seleção dos elementos
 cirDir = rs.AddCircle3Pt(Apoios[0], ptX[0], Apoios[1])
 #### --- Cálculo do Shed --- ####
 print '####-------------------Shed----------------------####'
 bi3 = v3[2]
 pto = rs.CurveStartPoint(bi3)
 if not pto_base_FG1:
     pto_base_FG1 = pto
 pto_base_FG1 = rs.coerce3dpoint(pto_base_FG1)
 vAux1 = Line(pto, pto_base_FG1)
 for i in range(len(v3)):
     v3[i] = gh.Move(rs.coercegeometry(v3[i]), vAux1)[0]
 for i in range(len(C_v3)):
     C_aux = gh.Move(rs.coerceline(C_v3[i]), vAux1)[0]
 FG1 = v3 + carreg_1
 nomes_cargas = []
 for i in range(len(carreg_1)):
     nome = "P" + str(i + 1) + '_v3'
 dic_1, raios_1, funicular_1, resultante_1, ptos = PF_funic(
     pto_inicial_1, polo_1, carreg_1, nomes_cargas)
 for i in dic_1.keys():
 txt_pontos += ptos
 # - desenhando a resultante no FG
コード例 #23
def PF_funic(pto_inicial, polo, carreg, nomes_cargas):
    raios = []
    ptos = []
    dicUp = {}
    PF = []
    resultante = []
    funicular = []
    ## -- Desenhando o poligono de forças -- ##
    pAux = rs.coerce3dpoint(pto_inicial)
    # polo do PF do Shed
    polo = rs.coerce3dpoint(polo)
    #primeiro raio polar
    raios.append(Line(polo, pAux))
    ptos += [polo, 'polo', cornode]
    #desenhando carregamentos no PF e os raios polares
    for i in range(len(carreg)):
        v = carreg[i]
        #carregamento no FG
        vAux1 = rs.coerceline(v)
        #vetor auxiliar para mover o carregamento para a posição de soma
        vAux2 = pAux - v.PointAt(0)
        # carregamento no PF
        vAux3 = gh.Move(vAux1, vAux2)[0]
        #Nomenclatura - texto da reação Pi
        nome = nomes_cargas[i]
        #Nomenclatua - posição do texto
        txtPt = vAux3.PointAt(.5)
        # Nomenclatura do PF
        ptos += [txtPt, nome, corcargas]
        # colocando carregamento na lista do PF
        # olocando carregamento no dicionario do PF
        dicUp[nome] = vAux3
        # ponto da posição de soma para o proximo carregamento
        pAux = vAux3.PointAt(1)
        #desenhando raio polar
        r = Line(polo, pAux)
        #colocando raio polar na lista de raios
    #desenhando a resultante no PF
    #ponto final da resultante R1
    pto_R1 = pAux
    #resultante r1 no PF
    R1PF = Line(rs.coerce3dpoint(pto_inicial), pto_R1)
    #colocando R1 na lista de resultantes
    #R1 no dicionario do PF
    dicUp['R1'] = R1PF
    #Desenhando o funicular
    for i in range(len(raios)):
        r = rs.coerceline(raios[i])
        #caso da primeira corda
        if i == 0:
            pAux = (rs.coerceline(carreg[0]).PointAt(0))
            vAux1 = Line(r.PointAt(0), pAux)
            corda = gh.Move(r, vAux1)[0]
            corda = rs.coerceline(corda)
        #cordas intermediarias
        elif i < len(raios) - 1:
            vAux1 = Line(r.PointAt(1), pAux)
            crdAux = gh.Move(r, vAux1)[0]
            crdAux = rs.coerceline(crdAux)
            pAux2 = pAux
            pAux = gh.LineXLine(crdAux, carreg[i])[-1]
            corda = Line(pAux2, pAux)
        #caso da ultima corda
            vAux1 = Line(r.PointAt(1), pAux)
            corda = gh.Move(r, vAux1)[0]
            corda = rs.coerceline(corda)
        #adicionando corda na lista do funicular
    #resesenhando as cordas extremas
    return dicUp, raios, funicular, resultante, ptos
コード例 #24
def Linha_force_extena(no, peso, conv):
    lincarg = rs.AddLine(no, gh.Move(no, peso * conv * eY)[0])
    return lincarg