def allsp(start): # initialize distances and predecessor edges all_edges=gi.alive_edges() # gi.edges()# damaged= start ? end#if len(damaged) !=0:# all_edges.discard(damaged.pop()) dist, prev , distinv= {}, {}, {} for v in gi.nodes(): dist[v], distinv[v], prev[v] = float('inf'), float('inf'), None dist[start] , distinv[start]= 0, 0 for i in range(len(gi.nodes())): # Bellman-Ford algorithm, tweaked so that high weight = shorter distance for e in all_edges: if distinv[] > distinv[e.source] + 1./ e.weight: #... + 1./ e.weight distinv[] = distinv[e.source] + 1./ e.weight #... + 1./ e.weight dist[] = dist[e.source] + e.weight prev[] = e if e.source==start or ==start: prev[start]=e if distinv[e.source] > distinv[] + 1./ e.weight: #... + 1./ e.weight distinv[e.source] = distinv[] + 1./ e.weight #... + 1./ e.weight dist[e.source] = dist[] + e.weight prev[e.source] = e if or e.source ==start: pass d,dinv=[],[] for v in gi.nodes(): if v!=start: d.append((dist[v])) #int dinv.append(distinv[v]) return d,dinv,dist,distinv # return the total weight of the path (distance)
def path_length(): """ average path length """ dist =,gi.edges()) ret = floyd_warshall.avg(dist) return ret
def getpl(): allhm,allhminv,hm,hminv=[],[],[],[] for s in gi.nodes(): [d,dinv,dist,distinv]=allsp(s) allhm.append(utils.harmean(d)) allhminv.append(utils.harmean(dinv)) hm=float(utils.harmean(allhm)) # distance with the real weights (high means good) hminv=utils.harmean(allhminv) return hminv
def initialize(): """ initialization procedures. For example: attaching methods to nodes. """ global count_steps count_steps = 0 stats.new_collector() for node in gi.nodes(): if node is not None: setattr(node, "weight", 1.0)