def admin_check_availability(request): """ Respond to the "/admin/check_availability" URL. We let the user enter a name, and see if that name is available. """ if not auth_controller.is_logged_in(request): return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_controller.get_login_url()) if request.method == "GET": # We're showing the form for the first time -> prepare our form # parameters. name = "" response = None elif request.method == "POST": if request.POST['submit'] == "check": name = request.POST['name'] response = None # initially. if name == "": response = "You must enter a name to check!" if response == None: if nameChecker.is_available(name): response = "That name is available." else: response = "Sorry, that name is taken." elif request.POST['submit'] == "done": return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin") # If we get here, show the "check availability" page to the user. return render(request, "website/check_availability.html", {'name' : name, 'response' : response})
def admin_names(request): """ Respond to our "/admin/names" URL. We display a paginated list of reserved names. """ if not auth_controller.is_logged_in(request): return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_controller.get_login_url()) if request.method == "GET": params = request.GET elif request.method == "POST": params = request.POST else: return HttpResponse("Bad HTTP Method") page = int(params.get("page", "1")) sorted_names = _get_sorted_names() paginator = Paginator(sorted_names, 10) if "show" in params: # We've been asked to show a given name. Calculate the page number to # show. name_to_show = params['show'] index = sorted_names.filter(name__lt=name_to_show).count() page = int(index/10) + 1 # Show the desired page. try: names_in_page = except PageNotAnInteger: names_in_page = except EmptyPage: names_in_page = [] return render(request, "website/reserved_names.html", {'page' : page, 'num_pages' : paginator.num_pages, 'names' : names_in_page})
def admin_main(request): """ Respond to our "/admin" URL. We display a menu of available admin options. """ if not auth_controller.is_logged_in(request): return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_controller.get_login_url()) username = auth_controller.get_username(request) can_edit_admins = auth_controller.is_admin(request) edit_admins_url = auth_controller.get_user_admin_url() change_password_url = auth_controller.get_change_password_url() logout_url = auth_controller.get_logout_url() return render(request, "website/admin.html", {'username' : username, 'can_edit_admins' : can_edit_admins, 'edit_admins_url' : edit_admins_url, 'change_password_url' : change_password_url, 'logout_url' : logout_url, })
def admin_name_find(request): """ Respond to the "/admin/name/find" URL. We let the user find a reserved name. """ if not auth_controller.is_logged_in(request): return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_controller.get_login_url()) if request.method == "GET": # We're showing the form for the first time -> prepare our form # parameters. text = "" err_msg = None elif request.method == "POST": if request.POST['submit'] == "search": text = request.POST['text'] err_msg = None # initially. if text == "": err_msg = "You must enter some text to search for!" if err_msg == None: reserved_names = _get_sorted_names() results = reserved_names.filter(name__istartswith=text) if len(results) == 0: err_msg = "There are no names starting with this text." if err_msg == None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin/names?show=" + results[0].name) elif request.POST['submit'] == "cancel": return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin/names") # If we get here, show the "find" page to the user. return render(request, "website/find_name.html", {'text' : text, 'err_msg' : err_msg})
def admin_name_delete(request, id): """ Respond to the "/admin/name/delete/XXX" URL. We let the user delete the reserved name with the given ID. """ if not auth_controller.is_logged_in(request): return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_controller.get_login_url()) try: reserved_name = ReservedName.objects.get(id=id) except ReservedName.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse("No such name") if request.method == "POST" and request.POST['submit'] == "delete": # The user confirmed -> delete the name. reserved_name.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin/names") elif request.method == "POST" and request.POST['submit'] == "cancel": # The user cancelled. return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin/names?show=" + else: # Display the confirmation form. return render(request, "website/confirm_delete.html", {'name' :})
def admin_name_add(request): """ Respond to the "/admin/name/add" URL. We let the user add a new reserved name. """ if not auth_controller.is_logged_in(request): return HttpResponseRedirect(auth_controller.get_login_url()) err_name = None # initially. err_twitter_sources = None # ditto. err_domain_sources = None # ditto. if request.method == "GET": # We're displaying the form for the first time -> set the default field # values. name = "" twitter_sources = "" domain_sources = "" elif request.method == "POST": # The user is submitting the form. Check the entered values. if request.POST.get("submit") == "save": name = request.POST.get("name") twitter_sources = request.POST.get("twitter_sources") domain_sources = request.POST.get("domain_sources") # Check the entered name. if name == "": err_name = "The reserved name cannot be blank." if err_name == None: try: existing_name = ReservedName.objects.get(name=name) except ReservedName.DoesNotExist: existing_name = None if existing_name != None: err_name = "That reserved name is already used." # Check the list of Twitter sources. valid_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "," twitter_sources = twitter_sources.replace(" ", "") for ch in twitter_sources: if ch not in valid_chars: err_twitter_sources = "Invalid character '{}'".format(ch) if twitter_sources == "": twitter_sources = None # Check the list of domain sources. valid_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + ",." domain_sources = domain_sources.replace(" ", "") for ch in domain_sources: if ch not in valid_chars: err_domain_sources = "Invalid character '{}'".format(ch) if domain_sources == "": domain_sources = None # If there weren't any errors, save the updated name. if (err_name == None and err_twitter_sources == None and err_domain_sources == None): reserved_name = ReservedName() = name reserved_name.twitter_sources = twitter_sources reserved_name.domain_sources = domain_sources return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin/names?show=" + name) elif request.POST.get("submit") == "cancel": return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin/names") # If we get here, display the form to the user. return render(request, "website/reserved_name.html", {'name' : name, 'twitter_sources' : twitter_sources, 'domain_sources' : domain_sources, 'err_name' : err_name, 'err_twitter_sources' : err_twitter_sources, 'err_domain_sources' : err_domain_sources, 'heading' : "Add Reserved Name", 'can_delete' : False})