def check_formula(numpy, formula, expected_args, got_args): if numpy: expected = formula(*(numpy.array(a, dtype=float) for a in expected_args)) else: try: expected = formula(*expected_args) except ZeroDivisionError: print('cannot check zero division without numpy') return got = formula(*got_args) print(dump(got)) if math.isnan(got): assert isinstance(expected, complex) or math.isnan(expected) elif (numpy and formula is FLOORDIV_OPERATOR and expected == 0 and got == -1): # # TODO: remove this case, and inline FLOORDIV_OPERATOR, when fixed raise pytest.xfail('ran into python bug 22198') elif (numpy and formula is FLOORDIV_OPERATOR and expected_args[0] < 0 and expected_args[-1] == 0): raise pytest.xfail('Floor-dividing negative num by zero with numpy') else: assert expected == got return got
def reduce_to_const(exp): repl_available = Flag(simplify(exp) is not exp) exp.replacement_available.connect(repl_available.set) yield exp print(dump(simplify(exp))) assert all(exp == simplify(exp)) assert isinstance(simplify(exp), Constant), type(exp.replacement) assert repl_available
def check_equiv(self, tree): got, expected_map = tree for settings, expected_value in expected_map.items(): note('settings: {}'.format(settings)) note('expected: {}'.format(expected_value)) for setting in settings: setting.value.set(setting.number) note(dump(got, show_ids=True)) if isnan(expected_value) or isinf(expected_value): assert isnan(got) or isinf(got) else: assert isclose(float(got), expected_value, abs_tol=1e-09)
def simplify(self, node): expr, expected_map = node expr = simplify(expr) note(dump(expr)) return expr, expected_map
def check_dump(expression, expected): dumped = dump(expression) print(dumped) expected = textwrap.dedent(expected.strip('\n').rstrip()) assert dumped == expected
def check_depth(exp, depth): print(dump(exp)) assert get_depth(exp) == depth