コード例 #1
ファイル: sge.py プロジェクト: holzman/gip
def bootstrapSGE(cp):
    If it exists, source
    sge_root = cp_get(cp, "sge", "sge_root", "")
    if not sge_root:
        log.warning("Could not locate sge_root in config file!  Not " \
            "bootstrapping SGE environment.")
    sge_cell = cp_get(cp, "sge", "sge_cell", "")
    if not sge_cell:
        log.warning("Could not locate sge_cell in config file!  Not " \
            "bootstrapping SGE environment.")
    settings = os.path.join(sge_root, sge_cell, "common/settings.sh")
    if not os.path.exists(settings):
        log.warning("Could not find the SGE settings file; looked in %s" % \
    cmd = "/bin/sh -c 'source %s; /usr/bin/env'" % settings
    fd = os.popen(cmd)
    results = fd.read()
    if fd.close():
        log.warning("Unable to source the SGE settings file; tried %s." % \
    for line in results.splitlines():
        line = line.strip()
        info = line.split('=', 2)
        if len(info) != 2:
        os.environ[info[0]] = info[1]
コード例 #2
ファイル: condor.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def main():
    Main wrapper for the Condor batch system GIP information.
        cp = config()
        condor_path = cp_get(cp, "condor", "condor_path", None)
	condor_location = cp_get(cp, "condor", "condor_location", None)
	condor_config = cp_get(cp, "condor", "condor_config", None)

        if condor_path != None:

	if condor_location != None:
		addToPath('%s/bin' % condor_location)
		if not condor_config:
			condor_config = '%s/etc/condor_config' % condor_location

	if condor_config:
		os.environ['CONDOR_CONFIG'] = condor_config

        #vo_map = VoMapper(cp)
    except Exception, e:
コード例 #3
def print_classic_access(cp, siteUniqueID):
    Emit the GLUE entity for a classic SE's access protocol.
    fallback_name = siteUniqueID + "_classicSE"
    seUniqueID = cp_get(cp, "classic_se", "unique_name", fallback_name)
        default_host = socket.gethostname()
        default_host = 'UNKNOWN.example.org'
    host = cp_get(cp, "classic_se", "host", default_host)
    port = cp_getInt(cp, "classic_se", "port", "2811")
    accessTemplate = getTemplate("GlueSE", "GlueSEAccessProtocolLocalID")

    endpoint = 'gsiftp://%s:%i' % (host, port)

    info = {
        'accessProtocolID': 'GFTP_%s_%i' % (host, port),
        'seUniqueID': seUniqueID,
        'protocol': 'gsiftp',
        'endpoint': endpoint,
        'capability': 'file transfer',
        'maxStreams': 10,
        'security': 'gsiftp',
        'port': port,
        'version': '1.0.0',
    print accessTemplate % info
コード例 #4
ファイル: gip_batch.py プロジェクト: matyasselmeci/gip
def getHTCondorCEVersion(cp):
    Returns the running version of the HTCondor CE
    Copied from getOSGVersion() in gip_cluster.py
    log = logging.getLogger()
    htcondorce_ver_backup = cp_get(cp, "ce", "htcondorce_version", "1.8")
    htcondorce_version_script = cp_get(cp, "gip", "htcondorce_version_script",
    htcondorce_ver = ''

    if len(htcondorce_version_script) == 0:
        htcondorce_version_script = vdtDir('$VDT_LOCATION/condor_ce_config_val',

        htcondorce_version_script = os.path.expandvars(htcondorce_version_script)

        if not os.path.exists(htcondorce_version_script):
            htcondorce_version_script = os.path.expandvars("$VDT_LOCATION/osg/bin/" \

    if os.path.exists(htcondorce_version_script):
            htcondorce_version_script += " HTCondorCEVersion"
            htcondorce_ver = runCommand(htcondorce_version_script).read().strip()
            htcondorce_ver = htcondorce_ver.replace('"','')
        except Exception, e:
コード例 #5
def handle_SE(cp, section):
    Run a provider for one SE.
    # if you only have a classic SE, there will still be a [se] section
    # with the default_se option.  This will result in a GlueService
    # stanza being written with garbage information in it. So, check
    # for default_se = "UNKNOWN" or "UNAVAILABLE" and return if it does
    # default_se is set in the [Storage] section in config.ini and is
    # required by configure-osg.py
    default_se = cp_get(cp, "se", "default_se", "UNKNOWN")
    if default_se == "UNAVAILABLE" or default_se == "UNKNOWN": return

    impl = cp_get(cp, section, "implementation", "UNKNOWN")
    provider_impl = cp_get(cp, section, "provider_implementation", "UNKNOWN")
    if provider_impl == "UNKNOWN" and not cp_getBoolean(
            cp, section, "dynamic_dcache", False):
        provider_impl = 'static'
    se_class, cp = determine_provider(provider_impl, impl, cp)
    se = se_class(cp, section=section)
    log.info("Outputting SE %s; implementation %s; provider %s" %
             (se.getName(), impl, provider_impl))
    except Exception, e:
コード例 #6
ファイル: sge.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def print_VOViewLocal(cp):
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, ce, "name", "UNKNOWN_CE")
    vo_map = VoMapper(cp)
    queue_jobs = getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp)
    vo_queues = getVoQueues(cp)
    VOView = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueVOViewLocalID")
    for vo, queue in vo_queues:
        ce_unique_id = buildCEUniqueID(cp, ce_name, 'sge', queue)
        info = {
            'ceUniqueID'  : ce_unique_id,
            'voLocalID'   : vo,
            'acbr'        : 'VO:%s' % vo,
            'running'     : queue_jobs.get(queue, {}).get(vo, {}).\
                get('running', 0),
            'waiting'     : queue_jobs.get(queue, {}).get(vo, {}).\
                get('waiting', 0),
            #'free_slots'  : vo.get(queue, {}).get('free_slots', 0),
            'free_slots'  : 0, #TODO: fix
            'ert'         : 3600,
            'wrt'         : 3600,
            'default_se'  : getDefaultSE(cp),
            'app'         : cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "app", "/OSG_APP_UNKNOWN"),
            'data'        : cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "/OSG_DATA_UNKNOWN"),
        info['total'] = info['waiting'] + info['running']
        printTemplate(VOView, info)
コード例 #7
def interpolateConfig(cp):

    grid = cp_get(cp, "site", "group", "")
    if cp_getBoolean(cp, "gip_tests", "oim_aware", False):
        sitelist_cmd = "wget -O - http://oim.grid.iu.edu/pub/resource/show.php?format=plain-text 2>/dev/null | grep \",%s,\" | grep \",CE\" | cut -f1 -d," % grid
        sitelist = runCommand(sitelist_cmd).read().split()
        sitelist = ",".join(sitelist)
        cp.set("gip_tests", "site_names", sitelist)
        if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "site_names", "") == "":
            cp.set("gip_tests", "site_names", cp_get(cp, "site", "name", ""))

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "site_dns", "") == "":
        host_parts = cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", "").split('.')
        site_dns = "%s.%s" % (host_parts[:-2], host_parts[:-1])
        cp.set("gip_tests", "site_dns", site_dns)

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "required_site", "") == "":
        cp.set("gip_tests", "required_sites",
               cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "site_names", ""))

    cp.set("gip_tests", "bdii_port", "2170")
    cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_port", "2170")
        "gip_tests", "interop_url",
        % grid)

    if strContains(grid, "ITB"):
        cp.set("bdii", "endpoint", "ldap://is-itb.grid.iu.edu:2170")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "bdii_addr", "is-itb.grid.iu.edu")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_bdii", "pps-bdii.cern.ch")
            "gip_tests", "egee_bdii_conf_url",
        web_server = "http://is-itb.grid.iu.edu"
        cp.set("gip_tests", "bdii_addr", "is.grid.iu.edu")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_bdii", "lcg-bdii.cern.ch")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_bdii_conf_url",
        web_server = "http://is.grid.iu.edu"

    cp.set("gip_tests", "update_url", web_server + "/cgi-bin/status.cgi")
    cp.set("gip_tests", "schema_check_url",
           web_server + "/data/cemon_processed_osg/%s.processed?which=%s")
    cp.set("gip_tests", "validator_url",
           web_server + "/data/cemon_processed_osg/%s.processed?which=%s")

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "compare_excludes", "") == "":
        compare_excludes = "GlueCEStateFreeJobSlots,GlueCEStateRunningJobs,GlueCEStateTotalJobs,GlueSiteLocation,GlueSAStateAvailableSpace,GlueSAStateUsedSpace"
        cp.set("gip_tests", "compare_excludes", compare_excludes)

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "enable_glite", "") == "":
        cp.set("gip_tests", "enable_glite", "False")

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "results_dir", "") == "":
        results_dir = os.path.expandvars("$GIP_LOCATION/../apache/htdocs/")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "results_dir", results_dir)
コード例 #8
ファイル: gip_storage.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def getDefaultSE(cp):
    global _defaultSE
    if _defaultSE:
        return _defaultSE
    default_se = cp_get(cp, "se", "name", "UNKNOWN")
    # if [se] name: ??? is "UNAVAILABLE" or not set, then try to get the
    # default_se
    if default_se == "UNKNOWN" or default_se == "UNAVAILABLE":
        default_se = cp_get(cp, "se", "default_se", "UNAVAILABLE")
    # if it is still UNAVAILABLE or not set, check to see if the classic SE
    # is being advertised and use that
    if default_se == "UNAVAILABLE" and cp_getBoolean(cp, "classic_se",
            "advertise_se", True):
        fallback_name = cp_get(cp, "site", "unique_name", "UNKNOWN") + \
        default_se = cp_get(cp, "classic_se", "name", fallback_name)

    current_se = None
    for sect in cp.sections():
        if not sect.lower().startswith('se'):
            current_se = cp.get(sect, 'name')
        if cp_getBoolean(cp, sect, "default", False):
            _defaultSE = current_se
            return current_se
    if default_se == 'UNKNOWN' and current_se:
        _defaultSE = current_se
        return current_se
    _defaultSE = default_se
    return default_se
コード例 #9
ファイル: gip_site.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def getWLCGInfo(cp):
    Generate GRID, WLCG_TIER, WLCG_PARENT, and WLCG_NAME if appropriate.

    grid = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_grid", "OSG").strip()
    tier = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_tier", "").strip()
    parent = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_parent", "").strip()
    name = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_name", "").strip()

    log.debug('WLCG attributes: wlcg_grid, wlcg_tier, wlcg_parent, wlcg_name: ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' %
              (grid, tier, parent, name))

    otherInfoTemplate = 'GlueSiteOtherInfo: %s\n'
    if grid and tier and parent and name:
        otherInfo  = otherInfoTemplate % ('GRID=WLCG')
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('GRID=%s' % grid)
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('WLCG_TIER=%s' % tier)
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('WLCG_PARENT=%s' % parent)
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('WLCG_NAME=%s' % name)
        log.debug('At least one null WLCG attribute - not publishing WLCG-style GlueSiteOtherInfo')
        otherInfo = ''
    return otherInfo
コード例 #10
ファイル: generic_storage.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def handle_SE(cp, section):
    Run a provider for one SE.
    # if you only have a classic SE, there will still be a [se] section
    # with the default_se option.  This will result in a GlueService
    # stanza being written with garbage information in it. So, check
    # for default_se = "UNKNOWN" or "UNAVAILABLE" and return if it does
    # default_se is set in the [Storage] section in config.ini and is
    # required by configure-osg.py
    default_se = cp_get(cp, "se", "default_se", "UNKNOWN")
    if default_se == "UNAVAILABLE" or default_se == "UNKNOWN": return

    impl = cp_get(cp, section, "implementation", "UNKNOWN")
    provider_impl = cp_get(cp, section, "provider_implementation", "UNKNOWN")
    if provider_impl == "UNKNOWN" and not cp_getBoolean(cp, section,
            "dynamic_dcache", False):
        provider_impl = 'static'
    se_class, cp = determine_provider(provider_impl, impl, cp)
    se = se_class(cp, section=section)
    log.info("Outputting SE %s; implementation %s; provider %s" % (se.getName(),
        impl, provider_impl))
    except Exception, e:
コード例 #11
def getWLCGInfo(cp):
    Generate GRID, WLCG_TIER, WLCG_PARENT, and WLCG_NAME if appropriate.

    grid = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_grid", "OSG").strip()
    tier = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_tier", "").strip()
    parent = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_parent", "").strip()
    name = cp_get(cp, "site", "wlcg_name", "").strip()

        'WLCG attributes: wlcg_grid, wlcg_tier, wlcg_parent, wlcg_name: ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")'
        % (grid, tier, parent, name))

    otherInfoTemplate = 'GlueSiteOtherInfo: %s\n'
    if grid and tier and parent and name:
        otherInfo = otherInfoTemplate % ('GRID=WLCG')
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('GRID=%s' % grid)
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('WLCG_TIER=%s' % tier)
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('WLCG_PARENT=%s' % parent)
        otherInfo += otherInfoTemplate % ('WLCG_NAME=%s' % name)
            'At least one null WLCG attribute - not publishing WLCG-style GlueSiteOtherInfo'
        otherInfo = ''

    return otherInfo
コード例 #12
ファイル: generic_storage.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def print_classic_access(cp, siteUniqueID):
    Emit the GLUE entity for a classic SE's access protocol.
    fallback_name = siteUniqueID + "_classicSE"
    seUniqueID = cp_get(cp, "classic_se", "unique_name", fallback_name)
        default_host = socket.gethostname()
        default_host = 'UNKNOWN.example.org'
    host = cp_get(cp, "classic_se", "host", default_host)
    port = cp_getInt(cp, "classic_se", "port", "2811")
    accessTemplate = getTemplate("GlueSE", "GlueSEAccessProtocolLocalID")

    endpoint = 'gsiftp://%s:%i' % (host, port)

    info = {'accessProtocolID' : 'GFTP_%s_%i' % (host, port),
            'seUniqueID'       : seUniqueID,
            'protocol'         : 'gsiftp',
            'endpoint'         : endpoint,
            'capability'      : 'file transfer',
            'maxStreams'      : 10,
            'security'        : 'gsiftp',
            'port'            : port,
            'version'         : '1.0.0',
    print accessTemplate % info
コード例 #13
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.cp = getTestConfig(args)
        self.args = " ".join(args)

        # these are the test lists by category
        self.reports = []
        self.critical_tests = []
        self.glite_tests = []

        # output files
        self.output_files = []

        # command line values
        self.output_dir = cp_get(
            self.cp, "gip_tests", "results_dir",
        self.source_cmd = "source %s/setup.sh" % os.path.expandvars(
        self.extList = [".xsl"]

        # set up the critical test list
        default_critical_tests = "Interop_Reporting_Check,Missing_Sites,Validate_GIP_BDII,Validate_GIP_URL"
        crit_conf = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "critical_tests",
        self.crit = [i.strip() for i in crit_conf.split(',')]
コード例 #14
ファイル: sge.py プロジェクト: holzman/gip
def print_VOViewLocal(cp):
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, ce, "name", "UNKNOWN_CE")
    vo_map = VoMapper(cp)
    queue_jobs = getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp)
    vo_queues = getVoQueues(cp)
    VOView = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueVOViewLocalID")
    for vo, queue in vo_queues:
        ce_unique_id = buildCEUniqueID(cp, ce_name, 'sge', queue)
        info = {
            'ceUniqueID'  : ce_unique_id,
            'voLocalID'   : vo,
            'acbr'        : 'VO:%s' % vo,
            'running'     : queue_jobs.get(queue, {}).get(vo, {}).\
                get('running', 0),
            'waiting'     : queue_jobs.get(queue, {}).get(vo, {}).\
                get('waiting', 0),
            #'free_slots'  : vo.get(queue, {}).get('free_slots', 0),
            'free_slots'  : 0, #TODO: fix
            'ert'         : 3600,
            'wrt'         : 3600,
            'default_se'  : getDefaultSE(cp),
            'app'         : cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "app", "/OSG_APP_UNKNOWN"),
            'data'        : cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "/OSG_DATA_UNKNOWN"),
        info['total'] = info['waiting'] + info['running']
        printTemplate(VOView, info)
コード例 #15
ファイル: sge.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def bootstrapSGE(cp):
    If it exists, source
    sge_root = cp_get(cp, "sge", "sge_root", "")
    if not sge_root:
        log.warning("Could not locate sge_root in config file!  Not " \
            "bootstrapping SGE environment.")
    sge_cell = cp_get(cp, "sge", "sge_cell", "")
    if not sge_cell:
        log.warning("Could not locate sge_cell in config file!  Not " \
            "bootstrapping SGE environment.")
    settings = os.path.join(sge_root, sge_cell, "common/settings.sh")
    if not os.path.exists(settings):
        log.warning("Could not find the SGE settings file; looked in %s" % \
    cmd = "/bin/sh -c 'source %s; /usr/bin/env'" % settings
    fd = os.popen(cmd)
    results = fd.read()
    if fd.close():
        log.warning("Unable to source the SGE settings file; tried %s." % \
    for line in results.splitlines():
        line = line.strip()
        info = line.split('=', 2)
        if len(info) != 2:
        os.environ[info[0]] = info[1]
コード例 #16
ファイル: OIM_XML_Aggregator.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
 def setConfigValues(self):
     self.results_dir = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "results_dir", "UNKNOWN")
     if self.results_dir == "UNKNOWN": raise ConfigurationError("Results directory is not configured")
     self.oim_xml_dir = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_xml_dir", "UNKNOWN")
     if self.oim_xml_dir == "UNKNOWN": raise ConfigurationError("OIM XML directory is not configured")
     self.oim_summary_xml_file = "%s/%s" % (self.oim_xml_dir, cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_summary_file", "myosg.xml"))
     self.oim_detail_file_template = self.oim_xml_dir + "/" + cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_detail_file_template", "myosg_%s_detail.xml")
     self.oim_tests = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_tests", self.oim_tests)
コード例 #17
def publish_gums(cp, template):
    hostname = cp_get(cp, "ce", 'name', gethostname())
    siteID = cp_get(cp, "site", "unique_name", gethostname())
    gumsConfig = vdtDir(os.path.expandvars('$VDT_LOCATION/gums/config/gums-client.properties'),
    gumsConfigFile = open(gumsConfig, 'r')
    gums_re = re.compile('gums.authz\s*=\s*(https://(.*):.*?/(.*))')

    lines = gumsConfigFile.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        m = gums_re.match(line)
        if m: (gums_uri, gums_host) = m.groups()[0:2]

    os.putenv('X509_USER_CERT', '/etc/grid-security/http/httpcert.pem')
    os.putenv('X509_USER_KEY' , '/etc/grid-security/http/httpkey.pem')

    mapping_subject_dn = '/GIP-GUMS-Probe-Identity'
    mapping_subject_name = '`grid-cert-info -subject` '
    gums_command = vdtDir(os.path.expandvars('$VDT_LOCATION/gums/scripts/gums-service'),
    gums_command += ' mapUser -s ' + mapping_subject_name + mapping_subject_dn

    (gums_output, pin) = popen2.popen4(gums_command)

    gums_id_re = re.compile('.*\[userName: (.*)\].*')

    status = "Warning"
    statusInfo = "Test mapping failed: if GUMS was not down, check logs" +\
                 " at " + gums_host + ':' + '$VDT_LOCATION/tomcat/v55/logs'

    lines = gums_output.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        m = gums_id_re.match(line)
        if m:
            uidMapping = m.groups([0])
            status = "OK"
            statusInfo = "Test mapping successful: user id = %s" % uidMapping
    info = {'serviceID': gums_uri,
            'serviceType': 'GUMS',
            'serviceName': 'Authorization',
            'version': 'UNDEFINED',
            'endpoint': gums_uri,
            'semantics': 'UNDEFINED',
            'owner': '',
            'url': gums_uri,
            'uri': gums_uri,
            'status': status,
            'statusInfo': statusInfo,
            'wsdl': 'Not Applicable',
            'startTime': 'Not Applicable', 
            'siteID': siteID,
            'acbr': '__GIP_DELETEME'

    printTemplate(template, info)
コード例 #18
ファイル: creamCE.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def main():
    log.info('Starting CREAM service provider')
        cp = config()
        serviceID = buildServiceID(cp)
        siteID = cp_get(cp, "site", "unique_name", 'UNKNOWN_SITE')
        serviceName = '%s-CREAM' % siteID 
        creamVersion = getCreamVersion(cp)
        endpoint = 'https://%s:8443/ce-cream/services' % cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", 'UNKNOWN_CE')
        allVOs = voList(cp)
        acbr = ''
        owner = ''

        log.debug('CREAM VOs are %s' % allVOs)
        if not allVOs:
            log.error("No VOs supported!")
            acbr = '__GIP_DELETEME'
            acbr = '\n'.join(['GlueServiceAccessControlBaseRule: %s\n' \
                              'GlueServiceAccessControlBaseRule: VO:%s' % (vo, vo) for vo in allVOs])
            owner = '\n' + '\n'.join(['GlueServiceOwner: %s' % vo for vo in allVOs]) # owner needs an extra prepended newline

        pid = -1
        startTime = 'Not Applicable'
        serviceStatus = 'Not OK'
        serviceStatusInfo = 'Could not find tomcat process'

            (startTime, pid) = getStartTimeAndPid(cp)
            serviceStatus = 'OK'
            serviceStatusInfo = 'Tomcat (%d) is running' % pid
            log.error('Could not locate tomcat process (pgrep -f "org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start"'
                      ' probably failed to return any output!)')
        info = {'serviceID': serviceID,
                'serviceType': 'org.glite.ce.CREAM',
                'serviceName': serviceName,
                'version': creamVersion,
                'endpoint': endpoint,
                'semantics': 'https://edms.cern.ch/document/595770',
                'owner': owner,
                'url': '__GIP_DELETEME', # deprecated
                'uri': '__GIP_DELETEME', # deprecated
                'status': serviceStatus,
                'statusInfo': serviceStatusInfo,
                'wsdl': 'http://grid.pd.infn.it/cream/wsdl/org.glite.ce-cream_service.wsdl',
                'startTime': startTime,
                'siteID': siteID,
                'acbr': acbr

        template = getTemplate("GlueService", "GlueServiceUniqueID")
        printTemplate(template, info)
    except Exception, e:
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr
コード例 #19
ファイル: gip_cluster.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getApplications(cp):
    Return a list of dictionaries containing the application info for each
    application installed at this site.
    Each returned dictionary should have the following keys:
        - locationId
        - locationName
        - version
        - path
    @param cp: Site configuration
    @return: List of dictionaries; each dictionary contains the information
    about a specific installed application.
    app_dir = cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "app", "/UNKNOWN")
    path1 = '%s/etc/grid3-locations.txt' % app_dir
    path2 = '%s/etc/osg-locations.txt' % app_dir
    paths = [path1, path2]
    path3 = cp_get(cp, "ce", "app_list", '')
    if path3:
    locations = {}
    for path in paths:
            fp = open(path, 'r')
        for line in fp:
            line = line.strip()
            info = line.split()
            # Skip blank lines and comments
            if len(line) == 0 or info[0].startswith('#'):
            if len(info) != 3:
                log.warning("Invalid line: %s" % line)
            if info[1].startswith('#') or info[1].startswith('$'):
                info[1] = 'UNDEFINED'
            info = {'locationName': info[0], 'version': info[1], 'path':info[2]}
            info['locationId'] = info['locationName']
            locations = _addLocation(locations, info)
    osg_ver = getOSGVersion(cp)
    if osg_ver:
        # old method: will deprecate in a future version, but leave
        # for backwards compatibility
        info = {'locationId': osg_ver, 'locationName': osg_ver, 'version': \
            osg_ver, 'path': os.environ.get('VDT_LOCATION', '/UNKNOWN')}
        locations = _addLocation(locations, info)
        # new method
        info = {'locationId': 'OSG_VERSION', 'locationName': 'OSG_VERSION',
                'version': osg_ver, 'path': os.environ.get('VDT_LOCATION', '/UNKNOWN')}
        locations = _addLocation(locations, info)
    except Exception, e:
コード例 #20
ファイル: gip_cluster.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def _generateSubClusterHelper(cp, section):
    Private helper function for generateSubClusters; do not use.
    Implementation note: We create a bunch of variables but never
       appear to use them - we actually do return the local dictionary
       at the end of the function.  Just being syntactically lazy.
    #pylint: disable-msg=W0612
    # Names
    subCluster = cp_get(cp, section, "name", cluster)
    subClusterUniqueID = cp_get(cp, section, "unique_name", subCluster)
    clusterUniqueID = getClusterID(cp)

    # Host statistics
    clockSpeed = cp_getInt(cp, section, "cpu_speed_mhz", 999999999)
    cpuCount = cp_getInt(cp, section, "cpus_per_node", 2)
    model = cp_get(cp, section, "cpu_model", 'UNDEFINEDVALUE')
    platform = cp_get(cp, section, "platform", "UNKNOWN")
    vendor = cp_get(cp, section, "cpu_vendor", 'UNDEFINEDVALUE')
    cores_per_cpu = cp_getInt(cp, section, "cores_per_cpu", 2)
    si2k = cp_getInt(cp, section, "SI00", 2000)
    sf2k = cp_getInt(cp, section, "SF00", 2000)
    hepspec = cp_getInt(cp, section, "HEPSPEC", 0)
    ram = cp_getInt(cp, section, "ram_size", 1000*cpuCount*cores_per_cpu)
    cores = cp_getInt(cp, section, "total_cores", 999999999)
    if cores_per_cpu != 0:
        cpus = cp_getInt(cp, section, "total_cpus", cores/cores_per_cpu)
        cpus = 0
    virtualMem = ram + cp_getInt(cp, section, "swap_size", 0)
    inboundIP = cp_getBoolean(cp, section, "inbound_network", False)
    outboundIP = cp_getBoolean(cp, section, "outbound_network", True)
    inboundIP = ldap_boolean(inboundIP)
    outboundIP = ldap_boolean(outboundIP)

    # OS Stats
    osName, osRelease, osVersion = getRelease()

    # Temp directories
    default_tmp = cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "tmp", cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", \
    wn_tmp = cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "wn_tmp", "/tmp")
    tmp = cp_get(cp, section, "tmp", default_tmp)
    if notDefined(tmp):
        tmp = default_tmp

    app_attr = 'GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment'
    apps = getApplications(cp)
    applications = '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (app_attr, i['locationId']) for i in \
        apps if i['locationId']])
    applications += '\n'
    # BDII stuff
    bdii = cp_get(cp, "bdii", "endpoint", "ldap://is.grid.iu.edu:2170")

    return locals()
コード例 #21
ファイル: gip_storage.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
    def getUniqueID(self):
        Return the unique ID of the SE.

        The base class uses the value of se.unique_name (defaults to se.name)
        in the configuraiton object.
        return cp_get(self._cp, self._section, 'unique_name',
            cp_get(self._cp, self._section, 'name', 'UNKNOWN'))
コード例 #22
ファイル: space_calculator.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def getPath(cp, space, vo=None, return_default=True, section='se'):
    Return a path appropriate for a VO and space.

    Based upon the configuration info and the VO/space requested, determine
    a path they should use.

    This function tries to find option dcache.space_<space>_path; it parses
    this as a comma-separated list of VO:path pairs; i.e., 
        space_CMS_path=cms:/dev/null, atlas:/pnfs/blah

    If that does not provide a match and return_default is true, then it will
    look for dcache.space_<space>_default_path and return that.

    If that is not there and return_default is true, it will use the standard
    getPath from gip_storage.

    If return_default is true, this is guaranteed to return a non-empty string;
    if return_default is false, then this might through a ValueError exception.

    @param cp: Site config object
    @param space: The name of the space to determine the path for.
    @param vo: The name of the VO which will be using this space; None for
        the default information.
    @kw return_default: Set to True if you want this function to return the
        default path if it cannot find a VO-specific one.
    @returns: A path string; raises a ValueError if return_default=False
    default_path = cp_get(cp, section, "space_%s_default_path" % space, None)
    if not default_path:
        if section == 'se':
            default_path = getStoragePath(cp, vo)
            default_path = getStoragePath(cp, vo, section=section)
        default_path = getStoragePath(cp, vo, section=section)
    log.debug("Looking up info for space %s, vo %s, section %s; default " \
        "path is %s" % (space, vo, section, default_path))
    if not vo:
        return default_path
    vo_specific_paths = cp_get(cp, section, "space_%s_path" % space, \
    vo_specific_path = None
    if vo_specific_paths:
        for value in vo_specific_paths.split(','):
            value = value.strip()
            info = value.split(':')
            if len(info) != 2:
            fqan, path = info
            if matchFQAN(vo, fqan):
                vo_specific_path = path
    if not vo_specific_path and return_default:
        return default_path
    elif not vo_specific_path:
        raise ValueError("Unable to determine path for %s!" % vo)
    return vo_specific_path
コード例 #23
ファイル: space_calculator.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getPath(cp, space, vo=None, return_default=True, section='se'):
    Return a path appropriate for a VO and space.

    Based upon the configuration info and the VO/space requested, determine
    a path they should use.

    This function tries to find option dcache.space_<space>_path; it parses
    this as a comma-separated list of VO:path pairs; i.e., 
        space_CMS_path=cms:/dev/null, atlas:/pnfs/blah

    If that does not provide a match and return_default is true, then it will
    look for dcache.space_<space>_default_path and return that.

    If that is not there and return_default is true, it will use the standard
    getPath from gip_storage.

    If return_default is true, this is guaranteed to return a non-empty string;
    if return_default is false, then this might through a ValueError exception.

    @param cp: Site config object
    @param space: The name of the space to determine the path for.
    @param vo: The name of the VO which will be using this space; None for
        the default information.
    @kw return_default: Set to True if you want this function to return the
        default path if it cannot find a VO-specific one.
    @returns: A path string; raises a ValueError if return_default=False
    default_path = cp_get(cp, section, "space_%s_default_path" % space, None)
    if not default_path:
        if section == 'se':
            default_path = getStoragePath(cp, vo)
            default_path = getStoragePath(cp, vo, section=section)
        default_path = getStoragePath(cp, vo, section=section)
    log.debug("Looking up info for space %s, vo %s, section %s; default " \
        "path is %s" % (space, vo, section, default_path))
    if not vo:
        return default_path
    vo_specific_paths = cp_get(cp, section, "space_%s_path" % space, \
    vo_specific_path = None
    if vo_specific_paths:
        for value in vo_specific_paths.split(','):
            value = value.strip()
            info = value.split(':')
            if len(info) != 2:
            fqan, path = info
            if matchFQAN(vo, fqan):
                vo_specific_path = path
    if not vo_specific_path and return_default:
        return default_path
    elif not vo_specific_path:
        raise ValueError("Unable to determine path for %s!" % vo)
    return vo_specific_path
コード例 #24
ファイル: cluster.py プロジェクト: holzman/gip
def print_clusters(cp):
    cluster_name = cp_get(cp, "cluster", "name", None)
    if not cluster_name:
        cluster_name = cp_get(cp, "ce", "hosting_cluster", None)
    if not cluster_name:
        cluster_name = cp_get(cp, "ce", "unique_name", None)
    if not cluster_name:
        # raise Exception("Could not determine cluster name.")
    # clusterUniqueID = cp_get(cp, 'ce', 'unique_name', cluster_name)
    clusterUniqueID = getClusterID(cp)
    siteUniqueID = cp_get(cp, "site", "unique_name", "UNKNOWN_SITE")
    extraCEs = cp_get(cp, "cluster", "other_ces", [])
    if extraCEs:
        extraCEs = [x.strip() for x in extraCEs.split(",")]

    ces = getCEList(cp, extraCEs)

    glueClusters = ""
    for ce in ces:
        glueClusters += "GlueForeignKey: GlueCEUniqueID=%s\n" % ce
    bdii = cp_get(cp, "gip", "bdii", "ldap://is.grid.iu.edu:2170")
    info = {
        "cluster": cluster_name,
        "clusterUniqueID": clusterUniqueID,
        "tmp": cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "tmp", cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "/tmp")),
        "wn_tmp": cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "wn_tmp", "/tmp"),
        "siteUniqueID": siteUniqueID,
        "glueClusters": glueClusters,
        "bdii": bdii,
    template = getTemplate("GlueCluster", "GlueClusterUniqueID")
    printTemplate(template, info)
コード例 #25
ファイル: cluster.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def print_clusters(cp):
    cluster_name = cp_get(cp, 'cluster', 'name', None)
    if not cluster_name:
        cluster_name = cp_get(cp, 'ce', 'hosting_cluster', None)
    if not cluster_name:
        cluster_name = cp_get(cp, 'ce', 'unique_name', None)
    if not cluster_name:
        #raise Exception("Could not determine cluster name.")
    #clusterUniqueID = cp_get(cp, 'ce', 'unique_name', cluster_name)
    clusterUniqueID = getClusterID(cp)
    siteUniqueID = cp_get(cp, "site", "unique_name", 'UNKNOWN_SITE')
    extraCEs = cp_get(cp, 'cluster', 'other_ces', [])
    if extraCEs:
        extraCEs = [x.strip() for x in extraCEs.split(',')]

    ces = getCEList(cp, extraCEs)

    glueClusters = ''
    for ce in ces:
        glueClusters += 'GlueForeignKey: GlueCEUniqueID=%s\n' % ce
    bdii = cp_get(cp, 'gip', 'bdii', 'ldap://is.grid.iu.edu:2170')
    info = { \
        'cluster': cluster_name,
        'clusterUniqueID': clusterUniqueID,
        'tmp': cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "tmp", cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", \
        'wn_tmp': cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "wn_tmp", "/tmp"),
        'siteUniqueID': siteUniqueID,
        'glueClusters': glueClusters,
        'bdii': bdii,
    template = getTemplate("GlueCluster", "GlueClusterUniqueID")
    printTemplate(template, info)
コード例 #26
ファイル: gip_cluster.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getClusterID(cp):
    Return the unique ID of the associated cluster.
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, ce, 'unique_name', \
        cp_get(cp, ce, 'name', "UNKNOWN_CE"))
    simple = cp.getboolean(cluster, 'simple')
    if simple:
        return ce_name
        return cp_get(cp, cluster, 'name', ce_name)
コード例 #27
ファイル: gip_cluster.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getSubClusterIDs(cp):
    Return a list of the subcluster unique ID's for this configuration.
    subclusters = []
    for section in cp.sections():
        if not section.startswith(subcluster):
        subCluster = cp_get(cp, section, "name", "UNKNOWN")
        subclusters.append(cp_get(cp, section, "unique_name", subCluster))
    return subclusters
コード例 #28
ファイル: pbs.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def print_VOViewLocal(queue_info, cp):
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, ce, "name", "UNKNOWN_CE")
    vo_map = VoMapper(cp)
    queue_jobs = getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp)
    VOView = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueVOViewLocalID")
    vo_queues = getVoQueues(cp)
    for vo, queue in vo_queues:
        vo_info = queue_jobs.get(queue, {})
        info2 = vo_info.get(vo, {})

	port = getPort(cp)
        ce_unique_id = buildCEUniqueID(cp, ce_name, 'pbs', queue)
        my_queue_info = queue_info.setdefault(queue, {})

        max_job_time = my_queue_info.get("max_wall", 0)
        if cp.has_option("pbs", "max_wall"):
            max_job_time = cp_getInt(cp, "pbs", "max_wall", 1440)

        ert, wrt = responseTimes(cp, info2.get("running", 0),
            info2.get("wait", 0),

        free_slots = my_queue_info.get('free_slots', 0)
        waiting = info2.get('wait', 0)
        if waiting > cp_getInt(cp, 'pbs', 'idle_slack', '10'):
            free_slots = 0

        info = {
            'ceUniqueID'  : ce_unique_id,
            'job_slots'   : my_queue_info.get('job_slots', 0),
            'free_slots'  : free_slots,
            'ce_name'     : ce_name,
            'queue'       : queue,
            'vo'          : vo,
            'voLocalID'   : vo,
            'job_manager' : 'pbs',
            'running'     : info2.get('running', 0),
            'max_running' : info2.get('max_running', 0),
            'priority'    : queue_info.get(queue, {}).get('priority', 0),
            'waiting'     : waiting,
            'data'        : cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "UNKNOWN_DATA"),
            'app'         : cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "app", "UNKNOWN_APP"),
            'default_se'  : getDefaultSE(cp),
            'ert'         : 3600,
            'wrt'         : 3600,
            'acbr'        : 'VO:%s' % vo
        info['total'] = info['waiting'] + info['running']
        printTemplate(VOView, info)
コード例 #29
ファイル: gip_testing.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def interpolateConfig(cp):
    grid = cp_get(cp, "site", "group", "")
    if cp_getBoolean(cp, "gip_tests", "oim_aware", False):
        sitelist_cmd = "wget -O - http://oim.grid.iu.edu/pub/resource/show.php?format=plain-text 2>/dev/null | grep \",%s,\" | grep \",CE\" | cut -f1 -d," % grid
        sitelist = runCommand(sitelist_cmd).read().split()
        sitelist = ",".join(sitelist)
        cp.set("gip_tests", "site_names", sitelist)
        if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "site_names", "") == "":
            cp.set("gip_tests", "site_names", cp_get(cp, "site", "name", ""))

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "site_dns", "") == "":
        host_parts = cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", "").split('.')
        site_dns = "%s.%s" % (host_parts[:-2], host_parts[:-1])
        cp.set("gip_tests", "site_dns", site_dns)

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "required_site", "") == "":
        cp.set("gip_tests", "required_sites", cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "site_names", ""))

    cp.set("gip_tests", "bdii_port", "2170")
    cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_port", "2170")
    cp.set("gip_tests", "interop_url", "http://oim.grid.iu.edu/publisher/get_osg_interop_bdii_ldap_list.php?grid=%s&format=html" % grid)
    if strContains(grid, "ITB"):
        cp.set("bdii", "endpoint", "ldap://is-itb.grid.iu.edu:2170")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "bdii_addr", "is-itb.grid.iu.edu")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_bdii", "pps-bdii.cern.ch")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_bdii_conf_url", "http://egee-pre-production-service.web.cern.ch/egee-pre-production-service/bdii/pps-all-sites.conf")
        web_server = "http://is-itb.grid.iu.edu"
        cp.set("gip_tests", "bdii_addr", "is.grid.iu.edu")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_bdii", "lcg-bdii.cern.ch")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "egee_bdii_conf_url", "http://lcg-bdii-conf.cern.ch/bdii-conf/bdii.conf")
        web_server = "http://is.grid.iu.edu"

    cp.set("gip_tests", "update_url", web_server + "/cgi-bin/status.cgi")
    cp.set("gip_tests", "schema_check_url", web_server + "/data/cemon_processed_osg/%s.processed?which=%s")
    cp.set("gip_tests", "validator_url", web_server + "/data/cemon_processed_osg/%s.processed?which=%s")

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "compare_excludes", "") == "":
        cp.set("gip_tests", "compare_excludes", compare_excludes)

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "enable_glite", "") == "":
        cp.set("gip_tests", "enable_glite", "False")

    if cp_get(cp, "gip_tests", "results_dir", "") == "":
        results_dir = os.path.expandvars("$GIP_LOCATION/../apache/htdocs/")
        cp.set("gip_tests", "results_dir", results_dir)
コード例 #30
ファイル: pbs.py プロジェクト: holzman/gip
def print_VOViewLocal(queue_info, cp):
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, ce, "name", "UNKNOWN_CE")
    vo_map = VoMapper(cp)
    queue_jobs = getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp)
    VOView = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueVOViewLocalID")
    vo_queues = getVoQueues(cp)
    for vo, queue in vo_queues:
        vo_info = queue_jobs.get(queue, {})
        info2 = vo_info.get(vo, {})

        port = getPort(cp)
        ce_unique_id = buildCEUniqueID(cp, ce_name, "pbs", queue)

        my_queue_info = queue_info.setdefault(queue, {})

        max_job_time = my_queue_info.get("max_wall", 0)
        if cp.has_option("pbs", "max_wall"):
            max_job_time = cp_getInt(cp, "pbs", "max_wall", 1440)

        ert, wrt = responseTimes(cp, info2.get("running", 0), info2.get("wait", 0), max_job_time)

        free_slots = my_queue_info.get("free_slots", 0)
        waiting = info2.get("wait", 0)
        if waiting > cp_getInt(cp, "pbs", "idle_slack", "10"):
            free_slots = 0

        info = {
            "ceUniqueID": ce_unique_id,
            "job_slots": my_queue_info.get("job_slots", 0),
            "free_slots": free_slots,
            "ce_name": ce_name,
            "queue": queue,
            "vo": vo,
            "voLocalID": vo,
            "job_manager": "pbs",
            "running": info2.get("running", 0),
            "max_running": info2.get("max_running", 0),
            "priority": queue_info.get(queue, {}).get("priority", 0),
            "waiting": waiting,
            "data": cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "UNKNOWN_DATA"),
            "app": cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "app", "UNKNOWN_APP"),
            "default_se": getDefaultSE(cp),
            "ert": 3600,
            "wrt": 3600,
            "acbr": "VO:%s" % vo,
        info["total"] = info["waiting"] + info["running"]
        printTemplate(VOView, info)
コード例 #31
ファイル: gip_cese_bind.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getCESEBindInfo(cp):
    Generates a list of information for the CESE bind groups.

    Each list entry is a dictionary containing the necessary information for
    filling out a CESE bind entry.

    @param cp: Site configuration
    @returns: List of dictionaries; each dictionary is a CESE bind entry.
    binds = []
    ce_list = getCEList(cp)
    se_list = getSEList(cp, classicSEs=False)
    classicse_list = getClassicSEList(cp)
    #access_point = cp_get(cp, "vo", "default", "/")

    section_map = getSESections(cp)

    access_point = getPath(cp)
    if not access_point:
        access_point = "/"
    classic_access_point = cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "/")
    for myse in se_list:
        mount_point = None
        if myse in section_map:
            section = section_map[myse]
            mount_point = cp_get(cp, section, "mount_point", None)
        for myce in ce_list:
            if myse in classicse_list:
                ap = classic_access_point
                ap = access_point
            info = {
                'ceUniqueID': myce,
                'seUniqueID': myse,
                'access_point': ap,
            if mount_point:
                # Note: always start this with a newline, otherwise the
                # GLUE template will put this on the same line as the previous
                # attribute
                info['mount_point'] = '\nGlueCESEBindMountInfo: %s' % \
                info['mount_point'] = ''
    return binds
コード例 #32
ファイル: gip_storage.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
    def getSRMs(self):
        Return a list of dictionaries containing information about the SRM

        Each dictionary must have the following keys:
           - acbr
           - status
           - version
           - endpoint
           - name

        The base class implementation uses the following configuration entries
        (default value in parenthesis)
           - se.srm_host (default: UNKNOWN.example.com)
           - se.srm_version (2.2.0)
           - se.srm_port (8443)
           - se.srm_endpoint
        srmname = cp_get(self._cp, self._section, "srm_host",
        version = cp_get(self._cp, self._section, "srm_version", "2")
        port = cp_getInt(self._cp, self._section, "srm_port", 8443)
        if version.find('2') >= 0:
            default_endpoint = 'httpg://%s:%i/srm/managerv2' % \
                (srmname, int(port))
            default_endpoint = 'httpg://%s:%i/srm/managerv1' % \
                (srmname, int(port))
        endpoint = cp_get(self._cp, self._section, "srm_endpoint",

        acbr_tmpl = '\nGlueServiceAccessControlRule: %s\n' \
            'GlueServiceAccessControlRule: VO:%s'
        acbr = ''
        vos = voListStorage(self._cp, self._section)
        for vo in vos:
            acbr += acbr_tmpl % (vo, vo)

        info = {'acbr': acbr[1:],
                'status': 'OK',
                'version': version,
                'endpoint': endpoint,
                'name': srmname,

        return [info]
コード例 #33
ファイル: pbs_common.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def pbsCommand(command, cp):
    Run a command against the PBS batch system.
    Use this when talking to PBS; not only does it allow for integration into
    the GIP test framework, but it also filters and expands PBS-style line
        pbsHost = cp.get("pbs", "host")
        pbsHost = ""
    if pbsHost.lower() == "none" or pbsHost.lower() == "localhost":
        pbsHost = ""

    pbs_path = cp_get(cp, "pbs", "pbs_path", ".")
    addToPath(pbs_path + "/bin")

    cmd = command % {'pbsHost': pbsHost}
    fp = runCommand(cmd)
    #pid, exitcode = os.wait()
    #if exitcode != 0:
    #    raise Exception("Command failed: %s" % cmd)
    return pbsOutputFilter(fp)
コード例 #34
 def __init__(self, site, cp):
     GipUnittest.GipTestCase.__init__(self, 'testGipOutput')
     self.type = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "validate_type", "")
     self.name = 'testGipOutput_%s' % site
     self.site = site
     self.entries = None
     self.site_id = None
コード例 #35
def main():
        # Load up the site configuration
        cp = config()
        se_only = cp_getBoolean(cp, "gip", "se_only", False)
        if not se_only:
            # Load up the template for GlueLocationLocalID
            # To view its contents, see $VDT_LOCATION/gip/templates/GlueCluster
            template = getTemplate("GlueCluster", "GlueLocationLocalID")
            cluster_id = getClusterID(cp)
            osg_grid = cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "grid_dir", None)

            if not osg_grid:
                raise RuntimeError('grid_dir ($OSG_GRID) not defined!')

            for subClusterId in getSubClusterIDs(cp):
                # Dictionary of data to fill in for GlueLocationLocalID
                info = {
                    'locationId': 'OSG_GRID',
                    'subClusterId': subClusterId,
                    'clusterId': cluster_id,
                    'locationName': 'OSG_GRID',
                    'version': 1.0,
                    'path': osg_grid,

                # Spit out our template, fill it with the appropriate info.
                printTemplate(template, info)

    except Exception, e:
        # Log error, then report it via stderr.
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr
コード例 #36
ファイル: condor_common.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def _getJobsInfoInternal(cp):
    The "alternate" way of building the jobs info; this allows for sites to
    filter jobs based upon an arbitrary condor_q constraint.

    This is not the default as large sites can have particularly bad performance
    for condor_q.
    global _results_cache
    if _results_cache:
        return dict(_results_cache)
    constraint = cp_get(cp, "condor", "jobs_constraint", "TRUE")
    fp = condorCommand(condor_job_status, cp, {'constraint': constraint})
    handler = ClassAdParser('GlobalJobId', ['JobStatus', 'Owner',
        'AccountingGroup', 'FlockFrom']);

    submitConstraint = _createSubmitterConstraint(cp)
    fp2 = condorCommand(condor_status_submitter, cp, {'constraint': submitConstraint})
    handler2 = ClassAdParser('Name', ['MaxJobsRunning'])
        xmlLine = ''
        while xmlLine.find('<?xml') == -1: # Throw away junk lines from Condor < 7.3.2
            xmlLine = fp.readline()
        condorXml = cStringIO.StringIO(xmlLine+fp.read())
        parseCondorXml(condorXml, handler)
    except Exception, e:
        log.error("Unable to parse condor output!")

        if 'GIP_TESTING' in os.environ: raise RuntimeError('Could not parse condor_q -xml output!')
        return {}
コード例 #37
ファイル: gip_storage.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
    def getName(self):
        Return the name of the SE.

        The base class uses the value of se.name in the configuration object.
        return cp_get(self._cp, self._section, 'name', 'UNKNOWN')
コード例 #38
ファイル: gip_storage.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
    def getAccessProtocols(self):
        Stub function for providing access protocol information.

        Return a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary will
        have the following keys with reference to an access endpoint:

           - protocol
           - hostname
           - port

        Optionally, the following keys may be included (default in parenthesis):

           - capability (file transfer)
           - maxStreams (1)
           - securityinfo (none)
           - version (UNKNOWN)
           - endpoint (<protocol>://<hostname>:<port>)

        For the base class, this just returns [].
        mount_point = cp_get(self._cp, self._section, 'mount_point', None)
        if None:
            return []
        return [{'protocol': 'file', 'hostname': 'POSIX.example.com', 'port': '1234',
            'version': '1.0.0'}]
コード例 #39
ファイル: DCacheInfo19.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
 def run(self):
     endpoint = cp_get(self._cp, self._section, "infoProviderEndpoint", "")
         self.handler = parse_fp(urllib2.urlopen(endpoint))
     except Exception, e:
         self.handler = None
コード例 #40
ファイル: condor_common.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def parseNodes(cp):
    Parse the condor nodes.

    @param cp: ConfigParser object for the GIP
    @returns: A tuple consisting of the total, claimed, and unclaimed nodes.
    global _nodes_cache #pylint: disable-msg=W0603
    if _nodes_cache:
        return _nodes_cache
    subtract = cp_getBoolean(cp, "condor", "subtract_owner", True)
    log.debug("Parsing condor nodes.")
    constraint = cp_get(cp, "condor", "status_constraint", "TRUE")
    fp = condorCommand(condor_status, cp, {'constraint': constraint})
    handler = ClassAdParser('Name', ['State'])
    parseCondorXml(fp, handler)
    total = 0
    claimed = 0
    unclaimed = 0
    for info in handler.getClassAds().values():
        total += 1
        if 'State' not in info:
        if info['State'] == 'Claimed':
            claimed += 1
        elif info['State'] == 'Unclaimed':
            unclaimed += 1
        elif subtract and info['State'] == 'Owner':
            total -= 1
    log.info("There are %i total; %i claimed and %i unclaimed." % \
             (total, claimed, unclaimed))
    _nodes_cache = total, claimed, unclaimed
    return total, claimed, unclaimed
コード例 #41
ファイル: condor_common.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp):
    Retrieve information about the jobs in the Condor system.

    Query condor about the submitter status.  The returned job information is
    a dictionary whose keys are the VO name of the submitting user and values
    the aggregate information about that VO's activities.  The information is
    another dictionary showing the running, idle, held, and max_running jobs
    for that VO.

    @param vo_map: A vo_map object mapping users to VOs
    @param cp: A ConfigParser object with the GIP config information.
    @returns: A dictionary containing job information.
    group_jobs = {}
    queue_constraint = cp_get(cp, "condor", "jobs_constraint", "TRUE")
    if queue_constraint.upper() == 'TRUE':
        submitConstraint = _createSubmitterConstraint(cp)
        fp = condorCommand(condor_status_submitter, cp, {'constraint': submitConstraint})
        handler = ClassAdParser(('Name', 'ScheddName'), ['RunningJobs',
            'IdleJobs', 'HeldJobs', 'MaxJobsRunning', 'FlockedJobs'])
            parseCondorXml(fp, handler)
        except Exception, e:
            log.error("Unable to parse condor output!")
        results = handler.getClassAds()
コード例 #42
ファイル: creamCE.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def buildServiceID(cp):
    ceName = cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", "UNKNOWN_CE")
    gliteSuffix = 'org.glite.ce.CREAM'
    uniqueHash = getUniqueHash(cp)

    serviceID = '%s_%s_%s' % (ceName, gliteSuffix, uniqueHash)
    return serviceID
コード例 #43
ファイル: osg_info_grid_dirs.py プロジェクト: holzman/gip
def main():
        # Load up the site configuration
        cp = config()
        se_only = cp_getBoolean(cp, "gip", "se_only", False)
        if not se_only:
            # Load up the template for GlueLocationLocalID
            # To view its contents, see $VDT_LOCATION/gip/templates/GlueCluster
            template = getTemplate("GlueCluster", "GlueLocationLocalID")
            cluster_id = getClusterID(cp)
            osg_grid = cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "grid_dir", None)
            if not osg_grid:
                raise RuntimeError('grid_dir ($OSG_GRID) not defined!')
            for subClusterId in getSubClusterIDs(cp):
                # Dictionary of data to fill in for GlueLocationLocalID
                info = {'locationId':   'OSG_GRID',
                        'subClusterId': subClusterId,
                        'clusterId':    cluster_id,
                        'locationName': 'OSG_GRID',
                        'version':      1.0,
                        'path':         osg_grid,
                # Spit out our template, fill it with the appropriate info.
                printTemplate(template, info)
    except Exception, e:
        # Log error, then report it via stderr.
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr
コード例 #44
ファイル: gip_batch.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def getCEImpl(cp):
    ceImpl = 'Globus'
    ceImplVersion = cp_get(cp, ce, 'globus_version', '4.0.6')    
    if cp_getBoolean(cp, 'cream', 'enabled', False):
        ceImpl = 'CREAM'
        ceImplVersion = getOSGVersion(cp)
    return (ceImpl, ceImplVersion)
コード例 #45
def pbsCommand(command, cp):
    Run a command against the PBS batch system.
    Use this when talking to PBS; not only does it allow for integration into
    the GIP test framework, but it also filters and expands PBS-style line
        pbsHost = cp.get("pbs", "host")
        pbsHost = ""
    if pbsHost.lower() == "none" or pbsHost.lower() == "localhost":
        pbsHost = ""

    pbs_path = cp_get(cp, "pbs", "pbs_path", ".")
    addToPath(pbs_path + "/bin")

    cmd = command % {'pbsHost': pbsHost}
    fp = runCommand(cmd)
    #pid, exitcode = os.wait()
    #if exitcode != 0:
    #    raise Exception("Command failed: %s" % cmd)
    return pbsOutputFilter(fp)
コード例 #46
ファイル: condor_common.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def parseNodes(cp):
    Parse the condor nodes.

    @param cp: ConfigParser object for the GIP
    @returns: A tuple consisting of the total, claimed, and unclaimed nodes.
    global _nodes_cache #pylint: disable-msg=W0603
    if _nodes_cache:
        return _nodes_cache
    subtract = cp_getBoolean(cp, "condor", "subtract_owner", True)
    log.debug("Parsing condor nodes.")
    constraint = cp_get(cp, "condor", "status_constraint", "TRUE")
    fp = condorCommand(condor_status, cp, {'constraint': constraint})
    handler = ClassAdParser('Name', ['State'])
    parseCondorXml(fp, handler)
    total = 0
    claimed = 0
    unclaimed = 0
    for info in handler.getClassAds().values():
        total += 1
        if 'State' not in info:
        if info['State'] == 'Claimed':
            claimed += 1
        elif info['State'] == 'Unclaimed':
            unclaimed += 1
        elif subtract and info['State'] == 'Owner':
            total -= 1
    log.info("There are %i total; %i claimed and %i unclaimed." % \
             (total, claimed, unclaimed))
    _nodes_cache = total, claimed, unclaimed
    return total, claimed, unclaimed
コード例 #47
ファイル: condor_common.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp):
    Retrieve information about the jobs in the Condor system.

    Query condor about the submitter status.  The returned job information is
    a dictionary whose keys are the VO name of the submitting user and values
    the aggregate information about that VO's activities.  The information is
    another dictionary showing the running, idle, held, and max_running jobs
    for that VO.

    @param vo_map: A vo_map object mapping users to VOs
    @param cp: A ConfigParser object with the GIP config information.
    @returns: A dictionary containing job information.
    group_jobs = {}
    queue_constraint = cp_get(cp, "condor", "jobs_constraint", "TRUE")
    if queue_constraint.upper() == 'TRUE':
        submitConstraint = _createSubmitterConstraint(cp)
        fp = condorCommand(condor_status_submitter, cp, {'constraint': submitConstraint})
        handler = ClassAdParser(('Name', 'ScheddName'), ['RunningJobs',
            'IdleJobs', 'HeldJobs', 'MaxJobsRunning', 'FlockedJobs'])
            parseCondorXml(fp, handler)
        except Exception, e:
            log.error("Unable to parse condor output!")
        results = handler.getClassAds()
コード例 #48
ファイル: condor_common.py プロジェクト: bbockelm/gip
def _getJobsInfoInternal(cp):
    The "alternate" way of building the jobs info; this allows for sites to
    filter jobs based upon an arbitrary condor_q constraint.

    This is not the default as large sites can have particularly bad performance
    for condor_q.
    global _results_cache
    if _results_cache:
        return dict(_results_cache)
    constraint = cp_get(cp, "condor", "jobs_constraint", "TRUE")
    fp = condorCommand(condor_job_status, cp, {'constraint': constraint})
    handler = ClassAdParser('GlobalJobId', ['JobStatus', 'Owner',
        'AccountingGroup', 'FlockFrom']);

    submitConstraint = _createSubmitterConstraint(cp)
    fp2 = condorCommand(condor_status_submitter, cp, {'constraint': submitConstraint})
    handler2 = ClassAdParser('Name', ['MaxJobsRunning'])
        xmlLine = ''
        while xmlLine.find('<?xml') == -1: # Throw away junk lines from Condor < 7.3.2
            xmlLine = fp.readline()
        condorXml = cStringIO.StringIO(xmlLine+fp.read())
        parseCondorXml(condorXml, handler)
    except Exception, e:
        log.error("Unable to parse condor output!")

        if 'GIP_TESTING' in os.environ: raise RuntimeError('Could not parse condor_q -xml output!')
        return {}
コード例 #49
ファイル: gip_cluster.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getApplicationsV1(cp):
    Retrieves the applications in the new "v1" format; it looks in

       - $OSG_APP/etc/grid3-locations.txt
       - $OSG_APP/etc/<vo>/locations-v1.txt

    Here, $OSG_APP/etc may be overridden by the config variable

    One directory is created per VO, owned by root, world-writable, and set to 
    sticky.  The VO names will be determined by the current methods (using 
    voList).  GIP will then scan the directory $OSG_APP/etc/<vo> for all the 
    VO names known to GIP, and read only a file named locations-v1.txt.  It is 
    assumed that locations-v1.txt is the same format as the grid3-locations.txt.
    app_dir = cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "app", "/UNKNOWN")
    base_path = os.path.join(app_dir, "etc")
    base_path = cp_get(cp, "gip", "software_dir", base_path)
    locations = {}
    for vo in voList(cp):
        vo_dir = os.path.join(base_path, vo)
        vo_dir = os.path.expandvars(vo_dir)
        vo_path = os.path.join(vo_dir, 'locations-v1.txt')
        if not os.path.exists(vo_path):
            fp = open(vo_path, 'r')
            log.warning("Unable to read VO application file: %s" % vo_path)
        for line in fp:
            line = line.strip()
            info = line.split()
            # Skip blank lines and comments
            if len(line) == 0 or info[0].startswith('#'):
            if len(info) != 3:
                log.warning("Invalid line: %s" % line)
            if info[1].startswith('#') or info[1].startswith('$'):
                info[1] = 'UNDEFINED'
            info = {'locationName': info[0], 'version': info[1], 'path':info[2]}
            info['locationId'] = info['locationName']
            locations = _addLocation(locations, info)
    return locations
コード例 #50
def print_SE(se, cp):
    Emit the GLUE entities for the SE, based upon the StorageElement class.

    # if the unique ID is UNKNOWN, a real SE does not exist, the classic SE
    # will probably be invoked
    seUniqueID = se.getUniqueID()
    if seUniqueID == "UNKNOWN" or seUniqueID == "UNAVAILABLE": return

    status = se.getStatus()
    version = se.getVersion()

    # Determine space information
        used, available, total = se.getSESpace(total=True, gb=True)
        used, available, total = 0, 0, 0

    # Tape information, if we have it...
    nu, _, nt = se.getSETape()

    siteUniqueID = cp.get("site", "unique_name")
    implementation = se.getImplementation()

    # Try to guess the appropriate architecture
    arch = se.getSEArch()

    # port number was hard coded to 8443, get from cp now
    # NOTE: this field is deprecated by the schema so it should not be used
    port = se.getPort()

    # Fill in the information for the template
    info = {
        'seName': se.getName(),
        'seUniqueID': se.getUniqueID(),
        'implementation': implementation,
        "version": version,
        "status": status,
        "port": port,
        "onlineTotal": total,
        "nearlineTotal": nt,
        "onlineUsed": used,
        "nearlineUsed": nu,
        "architecture": arch,
        "free": available,
        "total": total,
        "bdii": cp_get(cp, "bdii", "endpoint", "Unknown"),
        "siteUniqueID": siteUniqueID,
        "arch": arch,
    seTemplate = getTemplate("GlueSE", "GlueSEUniqueID")
    printTemplate(seTemplate, info)

        print_SA(se, cp, se.getSection())
    except Exception, e:
コード例 #51
ファイル: OIM_XML_Aggregator.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
 def setConfigValues(self):
     self.results_dir = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "results_dir",
     if self.results_dir == "UNKNOWN":
         raise ConfigurationError("Results directory is not configured")
     self.oim_xml_dir = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_xml_dir",
     if self.oim_xml_dir == "UNKNOWN":
         raise ConfigurationError("OIM XML directory is not configured")
     self.oim_summary_xml_file = "%s/%s" % (
         cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_summary_file", "myosg.xml"))
     self.oim_detail_file_template = self.oim_xml_dir + "/" + cp_get(
         self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_detail_file_template",
     self.oim_tests = cp_get(self.cp, "gip_tests", "myosg_tests",
コード例 #52
ファイル: gip_cese_bind.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getClassicSEList(cp):
    Return a list of all the ClassicSE's at this site

    @param cp: Site configuration
    @returns: List of all the ClassicSE's unique_ids
    classic_list = []
    if cp_getBoolean(cp, "classic_se", "advertise_se", True):
        classicSE = cp_get(cp, "classic_se", "unique_name", None)
        if classicSE:
            classic_list = [classicSE]
            siteUniqueID = cp_get(cp, "site", "unique_name", "UNKNOWN")
            classicSE = siteUniqueID + "_classicSE"
            classic_list = [classicSE]

    return classic_list
コード例 #53
def print_VOInfo(se, cp):
    Print out the VOInfo GLUE information for all the VOInfo
    objects in the SE.

    This will optionally alter the VOInfo object to limit the total available
    space for a given VO.
    vo_limit_str = cp_get(cp, "se", "vo_limits", "")
    vo_limit = {}
    cumulative_total = {}
    for vo_str in vo_limit_str.split(','):
        vo_str = vo_str.strip()
        info = vo_str.split(":")
        if len(info) != 2:
        vo = info[0].strip()
            limit = float(info[1].strip())
        vo_limit[vo] = limit
        cumulative_total.setdefault(vo, 0)
    for voinfo in se.getVOInfos():
        do_continue = False
        reduce_by_amount = 0
            totalOnline = float(voinfo.get("totalOnline", 0))
        for vo in get_vos_from_acbr(voinfo.get("acbr", "")):
            if vo in vo_limit:
                    cumulative_total[vo] += totalOnline
                reduce_by_amount = max(
                    cumulative_total.get(vo, 0) - vo_limit[vo])
        if reduce_by_amount > totalOnline:
        elif reduce_by_amount > 0:
            voinfo['totalOnline'] = str(totalOnline - reduce_by_amount)
                voinfo['availableSpace'] = str(
                        float(voinfo['availableSpace']) -
                        reduce_by_amount * 1024**2))
                voinfo['freeOnline'] = str(max(0, float(voinfo['freeOnline']) \
                    - reduce_by_amount))
            print_single_VOInfo(voinfo, se, cp)
        except Exception, e:
コード例 #54
ファイル: condor_common.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def doPath(cp):
    # add condor binaries to system path
    condor_path = cp_get(cp, "condor", "condor_path", None)
    condor_location = cp_get(cp, "condor", "condor_location", None)
    condor_config = cp_get(cp, "condor", "condor_config", None)

    if isDefined(condor_path):

    if isDefined(condor_location):
        log.info("Adding %s/bin to path" % condor_location)
        addToPath('%s/bin' % condor_location)
        if not isDefined(condor_config):
            condor_config = '%s/etc/condor_config' % condor_location

    if isDefined(condor_config):
        os.environ['CONDOR_CONFIG'] = condor_config
コード例 #55
ファイル: gip_cluster.py プロジェクト: tiradani/gip
def getClusterName(cp):
    Return the name of the associated cluster.
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, ce, 'name', "UNKNOWN_CE")
    simple = cp.getboolean(cluster, 'simple')
    if simple:
        return ce_name
        return cp.get(cluster, 'name')