def remove(self, task): """ Delete a task. :param task: The task document to delete. :type task: dict """ # Delete this task AccessControlledModel.remove(self, task)
def remove(self, challenge, progress=noProgress): # Remove all phases for this challenge phases = Phase().find({ 'challengeId': challenge['_id'] }, limit=0) for phase in phases: Phase().remove(phase, progress=progress) phases.close() AccessControlledModel.remove(self, challenge) progress.update(increment=1, message='Deleted challenge ' + challenge['name'])
def remove(self, challenge, progress=noProgress): # Remove all phases for this challenge phases = self.model('phase', 'covalic').find({'challengeId': challenge['_id']}, limit=0) for phase in phases: self.model('phase', 'covalic').remove(phase, progress=progress) phases.close() AccessControlledModel.remove(self, challenge) progress.update(increment=1, message='Deleted challenge ' + challenge['name'])
def setAccessList(self, doc, access, save=False, user=None, force=False, setPublic=None, publicFlags=None): """ Overrides AccessControlledModel.setAccessList to encapsulate ACL functionality for an image. :param doc: the image to set access settings on :type doc: girder.models.image :param access: The access control list :type access: dict :param save: Whether the changes should be saved to the database :type save: bool :param user: The current user :param force: Set this to True to set the flags regardless of the passed in user's permissions. :type force: bool :param setPublic: Pass this if you wish to set the public flag on the resources being updated. :type setPublic: bool or None :param publicFlags: Pass this if you wish to set the public flag list on resources being updated. :type publicFlags: flag identifier str, or list/set/tuple of them, or None """ if setPublic is not None: self.setPublic(doc, setPublic, save=False) if publicFlags is not None: doc = self.setPublicFlags(doc, publicFlags, user=user, save=False, force=force) doc = AccessControlledModel.setAccessList(self, doc, access, user=user, save=save, force=force) return doc
def load(self, id, level=AccessType.ADMIN, user=None, objectId=True, force=False, fields=None, exc=False): """ We override load in order to ensure the task has certain fields within it, and if not, we add them lazily at read time. :param id: The id of the resource. :type id: string or ObjectId :param user: The user to check access against. :type user: dict or None :param level: The required access type for the object. :type level: AccessType :param force: If you explicity want to circumvent access checking on this resource, set this to True. :type force: bool """ print "try to load ", id doc = AccessControlledModel.load( self, id=id, objectId=objectId, level=level, fields=fields, exc=exc, force=force, user=user) print 'got' print doc if doc is not None and 'baseParentType' not in doc: pathFromRoot = self.parentsToRoot(doc, user=user, force=force) baseParent = pathFromRoot[0] doc['baseParentId'] = baseParent['object']['_id'] doc['baseParentType'] = baseParent['type'] if doc is not None and 'lowerName' not in doc: return doc
def save(self, job, *args, **kwargs): """ We extend save so that we can serialize the kwargs before sending them to the database. This will allow kwargs with $ and . characters in the keys. """ job['kwargs'] = json_util.dumps(job['kwargs']) job =, job, *args, **kwargs) job['kwargs'] = json_util.loads(job['kwargs']) return job
def load(self, *args, **kwargs): """ We extend load to deserialize the kwargs back into a dict since we serialized them on the way into the database. """ job = AccessControlledModel.load(self, *args, **kwargs) if job and isinstance(job['kwargs'], six.string_types): job['kwargs'] = json_util.loads(job['kwargs']) return job