コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, host, port):
        # Now import the girder modules.  If this fails, it's up to the
        # administrator to make sure Girder is installed and on the PYTHONPATH.
        import girder.events
        from girder import constants
        from girder.api import api_main
        from girder import constants
        from girder.utility import plugin_utilities, model_importer

        self.root_dir = constants.ROOT_DIR


        cherrypy.engine.subscribe("start", girder.events.daemon.start)
        cherrypy.engine.subscribe("stop", girder.events.daemon.stop)

        plugins = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting').get(
            constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED, default=())
        plugin_utilities.loadPlugins(plugins, self, cherrypy.config)

        self.config = {
            "/": {
                "request.dispatch": cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
                "tools.staticdir.root": self.root_dir
            "/static": {
                "tools.staticdir.on": "True",
                "tools.staticdir.dir": "clients/web/static"
コード例 #2
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: github4210/girder
def loadRouteTable(reconcileRoutes=False):
    Retrieves the route table from Girder and reconciles the state of it with the current
    application state.

    Reconciliation ensures that every enabled plugin has a route by assigning default routes for
    plugins that have none, such as newly-enabled plugins.

    :returns: The non empty routes (as a dict of name -> route) to be mounted by CherryPy
              during Girder's setup phase.
    pluginWebroots = plugin_utilities.getPluginWebroots()
    setting = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
    routeTable = setting.get(constants.SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE)

    def reconcileRouteTable(routeTable):
        hasChanged = False

        for name in pluginWebroots.keys():
            if name not in routeTable:
                routeTable[name] = os.path.join('/', name)
                hasChanged = True

        if hasChanged:
            setting.set(constants.SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE, routeTable)

        return routeTable

    if reconcileRoutes:
        routeTable = reconcileRouteTable(routeTable)

    return {
        name: route
        for (name, route) in six.viewitems(routeTable) if route
コード例 #3
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: cvlucian/girder
def _getPluginBuildArgs(buildAll, plugins):
    if buildAll:
        return ['--all-plugins']
    elif not plugins:  # build only the enabled plugins
        settings = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
        plugins = settings.get(constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED,
        plugins = ','.join(
            plugin_utilities.getToposortedPlugins(plugins, ignoreMissing=True))

    return ['--plugins=%s' % plugins]
コード例 #4
ファイル: providers.py プロジェクト: dsa-code/girder
def _verifyOpenRegistration():
    Raises a REST exception if registration policy on the server is not set to
    'open'. This should be called by the provider-specific code in the case when
    a user logs in with an email that is not already tied to an existing user.
    policy = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting').get(
        SettingKey.REGISTRATION_POLICY, default='open')
    if policy != 'open':
        raise RestException(
            'Registration on this instance is closed. Contact an administrator '
            'to create an account for you.')
コード例 #5
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: zackgalbreath/girder
def loadRouteTable(reconcileRoutes=False):
    Retrieves the route table from Girder and reconciles the state of it with the current
    application state.

    Reconciliation deals with 2 scenarios:

    1. A plugin is no longer active (by being disabled or removed) and the route for the
       plugin needs to be removed.
    2. A webroot was added (a new plugin was enabled) and a default route needs to be added.

    :returns: The non empty routes (as a dict of name -> route) to be mounted by CherryPy
              during Girder's setup phase.
    pluginWebroots = plugin_utilities.getPluginWebroots()
    setting = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
    routeTable = setting.get(constants.SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE)
    reservedRoutes = (constants.GIRDER_ROUTE_ID,

    def reconcileRouteTable(routeTable):
        hasChanged = False

        # GIRDER_ROUTE_ID is a special route, which can't be removed
        for name in routeTable.keys():
            if name not in reservedRoutes and name not in pluginWebroots:
                del routeTable[name]
                hasChanged = True

        for name in pluginWebroots.keys():
            if name not in routeTable:
                routeTable[name] = os.path.join('/', name)
                hasChanged = True

        if hasChanged:
            setting.set(constants.SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE, routeTable)

        return routeTable

    if reconcileRoutes:
        routeTable = reconcileRouteTable(routeTable)

    return {
        name: route
        for (name, route) in six.viewitems(routeTable) if route
コード例 #6
def _getPluginBuildArgs(buildAll, plugins):
    if buildAll:
        return ['--all-plugins']
    elif not plugins:  # build only the enabled plugins
        settings = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
        plugins = settings.get(constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED, default=())
        plugins = list(plugin_utilities.getToposortedPlugins(plugins, ignoreMissing=True))

    # include static-only dependencies that are not in the runtime load set
    staticPlugins = plugin_utilities.getToposortedPlugins(
        plugins, ignoreMissing=True, keys=('dependencies', 'staticWebDependencies'))
    staticPlugins = [p for p in staticPlugins if p not in plugins]

    return [
        '--plugins=%s' % ','.join(plugins),
        '--configure-plugins=%s' % ','.join(staticPlugins)
コード例 #7
def loadPlugin(name, root, appconf, apiRoot=None):
    Loads a plugin into the application. This means allowing it to create
    endpoints within its own web API namespace, and to register its event
    listeners, and do anything else it might want to do.

    :param name: The name of the plugin (i.e. its directory name)
    :type name: str
    :param root: The root node of the web API.
    :param appconf: The cherrypy configuration for the server.
    :type appconf: dict
    if apiRoot is None:
        apiRoot = root.api.v1

    pluginDir = os.path.join(getPluginDir(), name)
    isPluginDir = os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pluginDir, 'server'))
    isPluginFile = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pluginDir, 'server.py'))
    pluginLoadMethod = None

    if not os.path.exists(pluginDir):
        # Try to load the plugin as an entry_point
        for entry_point in iter_entry_points(group='girder.plugin', name=name):
            pluginLoadMethod = entry_point.load()
            module = importlib.import_module(entry_point.module_name)
            pluginDir = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
            module.PLUGIN_ROOT_DIR = pluginDir
            girder.plugins.__dict__[name] = module
            isPluginDir = True

    if not os.path.exists(pluginDir):
        raise Exception('Plugin directory does not exist: %s' % pluginDir)
    if not isPluginDir and not isPluginFile:
        # This plugin does not have any server-side python code.
        return root, appconf, apiRoot

    mailTemplatesDir = os.path.join(pluginDir, 'server', 'mail_templates')
    if os.path.isdir(mailTemplatesDir):
        # If the plugin has mail templates, add them to the lookup path
        mail_utils.addTemplateDirectory(mailTemplatesDir, prepend=True)

    moduleName = '.'.join((ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE, name))

    if moduleName not in sys.modules:
        fp = None
            # @todo this query is run for every plugin that's loaded
            setting = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
            routeTable = setting.get(SettingKey.ROUTE_TABLE)

            info = {
                'name': name,
                'config': appconf,
                'serverRoot': root,
                'serverRootPath': routeTable[GIRDER_ROUTE_ID],
                'apiRoot': apiRoot,
                'staticRoot': routeTable[GIRDER_STATIC_ROUTE_ID],
                'pluginRootDir': os.path.abspath(pluginDir)

            if pluginLoadMethod is None:
                fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(
                    'server', [pluginDir])
                module = imp.load_module(moduleName, fp, pathname, description)
                module.PLUGIN_ROOT_DIR = pluginDir
                girder.plugins.__dict__[name] = module
                pluginLoadMethod = getattr(module, 'load', None)

            if pluginLoadMethod is not None:
                sys.modules[moduleName] = module

            root, appconf, apiRoot = (info['serverRoot'], info['config'],

            if fp:

        return root, appconf, apiRoot
コード例 #8
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: github4210/girder
def configureServer(test=False, plugins=None, curConfig=None):
    Function to setup the cherrypy server. It configures it, but does
    not actually start it.

    :param test: Set to True when running in the tests.
    :type test: bool
    :param plugins: If you wish to start the server with a custom set of
                    plugins, pass this as a list of plugins to load. Otherwise,
                    will use the PLUGINS_ENABLED setting value from the db.
    :param curConfig: The configuration dictionary to update.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()

    appconf = {
        '/': {
            'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
            'request.show_tracebacks': test,
            'request.methods_with_bodies': ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'),
            'response.headers.server': 'Girder %s' % __version__,
            'error_page.default': _errorDefault
    # Add MIME types for serving Fontello files from staticdir;
    # these may be missing or incorrect in the OS
    mimetypes.add_type('application/vnd.ms-fontobject', '.eot')
    mimetypes.add_type('application/x-font-ttf', '.ttf')
    mimetypes.add_type('application/font-woff', '.woff')

    if test:
        appconf['/src'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/src',
        appconf['/test'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/test',
        appconf['/clients'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients'
        appconf['/plugins'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'plugins',


    if test:
        # Force some config params in testing mode
            'server': {
                'mode': 'testing',
                'api_root': 'api/v1',
                'static_root': 'static',
                'api_static_root': '../static',
                'cherrypy_server': True

    mode = curConfig['server']['mode'].lower()
    logprint.info('Running in mode: ' + mode)
    cherrypy.config['engine.autoreload.on'] = mode == 'development'

    # Don't import this until after the configs have been read; some module
    # initialization code requires the configuration to be set up.
    from girder.api import api_main

    root = webroot.Webroot()

    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', girder.events.daemon.start)
    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', girder.events.daemon.stop)

    if plugins is None:
        settings = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
        plugins = settings.get(constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED,

    plugins = list(
        plugin_utilities.getToposortedPlugins(plugins, ignoreMissing=True))

    _configureStaticRoutes(root, plugins)

        'model.setting.save.after', '_updateStaticRoutesIfModified',
        functools.partial(_configureStaticRoutes, root, plugins))

    root, appconf, _ = plugin_utilities.loadPlugins(plugins,

    return root, appconf
コード例 #9
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: zackgalbreath/girder
def configureServer(test=False, plugins=None, curConfig=None):
    Function to setup the cherrypy server. It configures it, but does
    not actually start it.

    :param test: Set to True when running in the tests.
    :type test: bool
    :param plugins: If you wish to start the server with a custom set of
                    plugins, pass this as a list of plugins to load. Otherwise,
                    will use the PLUGINS_ENABLED setting value from the db.
    :param curConfig: The configuration dictionary to update.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()

    routeTable = loadRouteTable()

    appconf = {
        '/': {
            'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
            'request.show_tracebacks': test,
            'request.methods_with_bodies': ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'),
            'response.headers.server': 'Girder %s' % __version__,
            'error_page.default': _errorDefault
    # Add MIME types for serving Fontello files from staticdir;
    # these may be missing or incorrect in the OS
    mimetypes.add_type('application/vnd.ms-fontobject', '.eot')
    mimetypes.add_type('application/x-font-ttf', '.ttf')
    mimetypes.add_type('application/font-woff', '.woff')

    if test:
        appconf['/src'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/src',
        appconf['/test'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/test',
        appconf['/clients'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients'
        appconf['/plugins'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'plugins',


    if test:
        # Force some config params in testing mode
            'server': {
                'mode': 'testing',
                'api_root': 'api/v1',
                'static_root': 'static',
                'api_static_root': '../static'

    mode = curConfig['server']['mode'].lower()
    logprint.info('Running in mode: ' + mode)
    cherrypy.config['engine.autoreload.on'] = mode == 'development'

    # Don't import this until after the configs have been read; some module
    # initialization code requires the configuration to be set up.
    from girder.api import api_main

    root = webroot.Webroot()

    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', girder.events.daemon.start)
    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', girder.events.daemon.stop)

    if plugins is None:
        settings = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
        plugins = settings.get(constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED,

    plugins = list(
        plugin_utilities.getToposortedPlugins(plugins, ignoreMissing=True))

    # Make the staticRoot relative to the api_root, if possible.  The api_root
    # could be relative or absolute, but it needs to be in an absolute form for
    # relpath to behave as expected.  We always expect the api_root to
    # contain at least two components, but the reference from static needs to
    # be from only the first component.
    apiRootBase = os.path.split(
        os.path.join('/', curConfig['server']['api_root']))[0]


    root, appconf, _ = plugin_utilities.loadPlugins(plugins,

    return root, appconf
コード例 #10
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: dsa-code/girder
def setup(test=False, plugins=None):
    Function to setup the cherrypy server. It configures it, but does
    not actually start it.

    :param test: Set to True when running in the tests.
    :type test: bool
    :param plugins: If you wish to start the server with a custom set of
                    plugins, pass this as a list of plugins to load. Otherwise,
                    will use the PLUGINS_ENABLED setting value from the db.
    cur_config = config.getConfig()

    appconf = {
        '/': {
            'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
            'tools.staticdir.root': constants.ROOT_DIR,
            'request.show_tracebacks': test
        '/static': {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/static'

    if test:
        appconf['/src'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/src',
        appconf['/test'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/test',
        appconf['/clients'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients'


    if test:
        # Force some config params in testing mode
            'server': {
                'mode': 'testing',
                'api_root': '/api/v1',
                'static_root': '/static'

    # Don't import this until after the configs have been read; some module
    # initialization code requires the configuration to be set up.
    from girder.api import api_main

    root = webroot.Webroot()

    if cur_config['server']['mode'] is 'development':
        dev_endpoints.addDevEndpoints(root, appconf)  # pragma: no cover

    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', girder.events.daemon.start)
    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', girder.events.daemon.stop)

    if plugins is None:
        settings = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
        plugins = settings.get(constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED,

        'apiRoot': cur_config['server']['api_root'],
        'staticRoot': cur_config['server']['static_root'],
        'plugins': plugins

    plugin_utilities.loadPlugins(plugins, root, appconf)

    application = cherrypy.tree.mount(root, '/', appconf)

    if test:
        application.merge({'server': {'mode': 'testing'}})

    return application
コード例 #11
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: cryos/girder
def configureServer(test=False, plugins=None, curConfig=None):
    Function to setup the cherrypy server. It configures it, but does
    not actually start it.

    :param test: Set to True when running in the tests.
    :type test: bool
    :param plugins: If you wish to start the server with a custom set of
                    plugins, pass this as a list of plugins to load. Otherwise,
                    will use the PLUGINS_ENABLED setting value from the db.
    :param curConfig: The configuration dictionary to update.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()

    curStaticRoot = constants.STATIC_ROOT_DIR

    appconf = {
        '/': {
            'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
            'tools.staticdir.root': curStaticRoot,
            'request.show_tracebacks': test,
            'request.methods_with_bodies': ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH')
        '/static': {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/static'

    if test:
        appconf['/src'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/src',
        appconf['/test'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients/web/test',
        appconf['/clients'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'clients'
        appconf['/plugins'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.on': 'True',
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'plugins',


    if test:
        # Force some config params in testing mode
            'server': {
                'mode': 'testing',
                'api_root': 'api/v1',
                'static_root': 'static',
                'api_static_root': '../static'

    # Don't import this until after the configs have been read; some module
    # initialization code requires the configuration to be set up.
    from girder.api import api_main

    root = webroot.Webroot()

    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start', girder.events.daemon.start)
    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', girder.events.daemon.stop)

    if plugins is None:
        settings = model_importer.ModelImporter().model('setting')
        plugins = settings.get(constants.SettingKey.PLUGINS_ENABLED,

        'apiRoot': curConfig['server']['api_root'],
        'staticRoot': curConfig['server']['static_root'],
        'plugins': plugins

    apiStaticRoot = curConfig['server'].get('api_static_root', '')
    if not apiStaticRoot:
        apiStaticRoot = curConfig['server']['static_root']
        'apiRoot': curConfig['server']['api_root'],
        'staticRoot': apiStaticRoot,

    root, appconf, _ = plugin_utilities.loadPlugins(plugins,

    return root, appconf