コード例 #1
    def _parse_raster_info(self, prop=RASTER_INFO):
        """ Collapses multiple dimensions into a single raster_info complex struct """

        raster_info = {}.fromkeys(_iso_definitions[prop], u'')

        # Ensure conversion of lists to newlines is in place
        raster_info['dimensions'] = get_default_for_complex_sub(
            value=parse_property(self._xml_tree, None, self._data_map, '_ri_num_dims'),

        xpath_root = self._get_xroot_for(prop)
        xpath_map = self._data_structures[prop]

        for dimension in parse_complex_list(self._xml_tree, xpath_root, xpath_map, RASTER_DIMS):
            dimension_type = dimension['type'].lower()

            if dimension_type == 'vertical':
                raster_info['vertical_count'] = dimension['size']

            elif dimension_type == 'column':
                raster_info['column_count'] = dimension['size']
                raster_info['x_resolution'] = u' '.join(dimension[k] for k in ['value', 'units']).strip()

            elif dimension_type == 'row':
                raster_info['row_count'] = dimension['size']
                raster_info['y_resolution'] = u' '.join(dimension[k] for k in ['value', 'units']).strip()

        return raster_info if any(raster_info[k] for k in raster_info) else {}
コード例 #2
    def _init_metadata(self):
        Dynamically sets attributes from a Dictionary passed in by children.
        The Dictionary will contain the name of each attribute as keys, and
        either an XPATH mapping to a text value in _xml_tree, or a function
        that takes no parameters and returns the intended value.

        if self._data_map is None:

        validate_properties(self._data_map, self._metadata_props)

        # Parse attribute values and assign them: key = parse(val)

        for prop in self._data_map:
            setattr(self, prop,
                    parse_property(self._xml_tree, None, self._data_map, prop))

        self.has_data = any(getattr(self, prop) for prop in self._data_map)
コード例 #3
    def _parse_attribute_details_file(self, prop=ATTRIBUTES):
        """ Concatenates a list of Attribute Details data structures parsed from a remote file """

        # Parse content from remote file URL, which may be stored in one of two places:
        #    Starting at: contentInfo/MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription/featureCatalogueCitation
        #    ATTRIBUTE: href
        #    ELEMENT TEXT: CI_Citation/.../CI_Contact/onlineResource/CI_OnlineResource/linkage

        self._attr_details_file_url = parse_property(
            self._xml_tree, None, self._data_map, '_attributes_file'
        if not self._attr_details_file_url:
            return None

            tree_to_parse = get_remote_element(self._attr_details_file_url)
        except Exception:
            self._attr_details_file_url = None
            return None

        xpath_map = self._data_structures[ATTRIBUTES]
        xpath_root = self._get_xroot_for(prop)

        return parse_complex_list(tree_to_parse, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)
コード例 #4
    def _parse_attribute_details_file(self, prop=ATTRIBUTES):
        """ Concatenates a list of Attribute Details data structures parsed from a remote file """

        # Parse content from remote file URL, which may be stored in one of two places:
        #    Starting at: contentInfo/MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription/featureCatalogueCitation
        #    ATTRIBUTE: href
        #    ELEMENT TEXT: CI_Citation/.../CI_Contact/onlineResource/CI_OnlineResource/linkage

        self._attr_details_file_url = parse_property(
            self._xml_tree, None, self._data_map, '_attributes_file'
        if not self._attr_details_file_url:
            return None

            tree_to_parse = get_remote_element(self._attr_details_file_url)
            self._attr_details_file_url = None
            return None

        xpath_map = self._data_structures[ATTRIBUTES]
        xpath_root = self._get_xroot_for(prop)

        return parse_complex_list(tree_to_parse, xpath_root, xpath_map, prop)