def are_entries_known(self, collision_goals): robot_name = self.robot.get_name() robot_links = set(self.robot.get_link_names()) for collision_entry in collision_goals: if not (collision_entry.body_b == robot_name or collision_entry.body_b in self.get_object_names() or self.all_body_bs(collision_entry)): raise UnknownBodyException(u'body b \'{}\' unknown'.format( collision_entry.body_b)) if not self.all_robot_links(collision_entry): for robot_link in collision_entry.robot_links: if robot_link not in robot_links: raise UnknownBodyException( u'robot link \'{}\' unknown'.format(robot_link)) if collision_entry.body_b == robot_name: for robot_link in collision_entry.link_bs: if robot_link != CollisionEntry.ALL and robot_link not in robot_links: raise UnknownBodyException( u'link b \'{}\' of body \'{}\' unknown'.format( robot_link, collision_entry.body_b)) elif not self.all_body_bs( collision_entry) and not self.all_link_bs(collision_entry): object_links = self.get_object( collision_entry.body_b).get_link_names() for link_b in collision_entry.link_bs: if link_b not in object_links: raise UnknownBodyException( u'link b \'{}\' of body \'{}\' unknown'.format( link_b, collision_entry.body_b))
def attach_urdf_object(self, urdf_object, parent_link, pose, round_to=3): """ Rigidly attach another object to the robot. :param urdf_object: Object that shall be attached to the robot. :type urdf_object: URDFObject :param parent_link_name: Name of the link to which the object shall be attached. :type parent_link_name: str :param pose: Hom. transform between the reference frames of the parent link and the object. :type pose: Pose """ if urdf_object.get_name() in self.get_link_names(): raise DuplicateNameException( u'\'{}\' already has link with name \'{}\'.'.format( self.get_name(), urdf_object.get_name())) if urdf_object.get_name() in self.get_joint_names(): raise DuplicateNameException( u'\'{}\' already has joint with name \'{}\'.'.format( self.get_name(), urdf_object.get_name())) if parent_link not in self.get_link_names(): raise UnknownBodyException( u'can not attach \'{}\' to non existent parent link \'{}\' of \'{}\'' .format(urdf_object.get_name(), parent_link, self.get_name())) if len( set(urdf_object.get_link_names()).intersection( set(self.get_link_names()))) != 0: raise DuplicateNameException( u'can not merge urdfs that share link names') if len( set(urdf_object.get_joint_names()).intersection( set(self.get_joint_names()))) != 0: raise DuplicateNameException( u'can not merge urdfs that share joint names') origin = up.Pose([ np.round(pose.position.x, round_to), np.round(pose.position.y, round_to), np.round(pose.position.z, round_to) ], euler_from_quaternion([ np.round(pose.orientation.x, round_to), np.round(pose.orientation.y, round_to), np.round(pose.orientation.z, round_to), np.round(pose.orientation.w, round_to) ])) joint = up.Joint(self.robot_name_to_root_joint(urdf_object.get_name()), parent=parent_link, child=urdf_object.get_root(), joint_type=FIXED_JOINT, origin=origin) self._urdf_robot.add_joint(joint) for j in urdf_object._urdf_robot.joints: self._urdf_robot.add_joint(j) for l in urdf_object._urdf_robot.links: self._urdf_robot.add_link(l) try: del self._link_to_marker[urdf_object.get_name()] except: pass self.reinitialize()
def remove_object(self, name): if self.has_object(name): self._objects[name].suicide() logging.loginfo(u'<-- removed object {} from world'.format(name)) del (self._objects[name]) else: raise UnknownBodyException(u'can\'t remove object \'{}\', because it doesn\' exist'.format(name))
def delete_object(self, object_name): """ Deletes an object with a specific name from the world. :type object_name: str """ if not self.has_object(object_name): raise UnknownBodyException( u'Cannot delete unknown object {}'.format(object_name)) self.deactivate_rendering() p.removeBody(self._objects[object_name].id) self.activate_rendering() del (self._objects[object_name]) print(u'object {} deleted from pybullet world'.format(object_name))
def remove_object(self, name): if if self.object_js_subs.has_key(name): self.object_js_subs[name].unregister() del (self.object_js_subs[name]) try: del (self.object_joint_states[name]) except: pass elif else: raise UnknownBodyException( u'Cannot delete unknown object {}'.format(name))
def detach(self, joint_name, from_obj=None): if joint_name not in self.robot.get_joint_names(): raise UnknownBodyException(u'can\'t detach: {}'.format(joint_name)) if from_obj is None or self.robot.get_name() == from_obj: # this only works because attached simple objects have joint names equal to their name p = self.robot.get_fk_pose(self.robot.get_root(), joint_name) p_map = kdl_to_pose(self.robot.root_T_map.Inverse() * msg_to_kdl(p)) cut_off_obj = self.robot.detach_sub_tree(joint_name) else: raise UnsupportedOptionException( u'only detach from robot supported') wo = WorldObject.from_urdf_object(cut_off_obj) # type: WorldObject wo.base_pose = p_map self.add_object(wo)
def collision_goals_to_collision_matrix(self, collision_goals): """ :param collision_goals: list of CollisionEntry :type collision_goals: list :return: dict mapping (robot_link, body_b, link_b) -> min allowed distance :rtype: dict """ if collision_goals is None: collision_goals = [] min_allowed_distance = dict() if len([ x for x in collision_goals if x.type in [ CollisionEntry.AVOID_ALL_COLLISIONS, CollisionEntry.ALLOW_ALL_COLLISIONS ] ]) == 0: # add avoid all collision if there is no other avoid or allow all collision_goals.insert( 0, CollisionEntry( type=CollisionEntry.AVOID_ALL_COLLISIONS, min_dist=self.default_collision_avoidance_distance)) controllable_links = self.god_map.get_data( [self.controllable_links_identifier]) for collision_entry in collision_goals: # type: CollisionEntry # check if msg got properly filled if collision_entry.body_b == u'' and collision_entry.link_b != u'': raise PhysicsWorldException( u'body_b is empty but link_b is not') # if robot link is empty, use all robot links if collision_entry.robot_link == u'': robot_links = set( elif collision_entry.robot_link in ).get_link_names(): # TODO this check is linear but could be constant robot_links = {collision_entry.robot_link} else: raise UnknownBodyException(u'robot_link \'{}\' unknown'.format( collision_entry.robot_link)) # remove all non controllable links # TODO make pybullet robot know which links are controllable # TODO on first look controllable links are none if controllable_links is not None: robot_links.intersection_update(controllable_links) # if body_b is empty, use all objects if collision_entry.body_b == u'': bodies_b = elif bodies_b = [collision_entry.body_b] else: raise UnknownBodyException(u'body_b \'{}\' unknown'.format( collision_entry.body_b)) for body_b in bodies_b: # if link_b is empty, use all links from body_b if collision_entry.link_b == u'': # empty link b means every link from body b links_b = elif collision_entry.link_b in body_b).get_link_names(): links_b = [collision_entry.link_b] else: raise UnknownBodyException(u'link_b \'{}\' unknown'.format( collision_entry.link_b)) for robot_link, link_b in product(robot_links, links_b): key = (robot_link, body_b, link_b) if collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.ALLOW_COLLISION or \ collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.ALLOW_ALL_COLLISIONS: if key in min_allowed_distance: del min_allowed_distance[key] elif collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.AVOID_COLLISION or \ collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.AVOID_ALL_COLLISIONS: min_allowed_distance[key] = collision_entry.min_dist return min_allowed_distance