コード例 #1
def step3(records, radius=parameters.gridding_radius, year_begin=1880):
    """Step 3 of the GISS processing.

    *records* should be a generator that yields each station.


    # Most of the metadata here used to be synthesized in step2.py and
    # copied from the first yielded record.  Now we synthesize here
    # instead.
    last_year = giss_data.get_ghcn_last_year()
    year_begin = giss_data.BASE_YEAR
    # Compute total number of months in a fixed length record.
    monm = 12 * (last_year - year_begin + 1)
    meta = giss_data.SubboxMetaData(mo1=None,
                                    monm4=monm + 7,
                                    title='GHCN V2 Temperatures (.1 C)')

    units = '(C)'
    title = "%20.20s ANOM %-4s CR %4dKM %s-present" % (meta.title, units,
                                                       radius, year_begin)
    meta.mo1 = 1
    meta.title = title.ljust(80)

    box_source = iter_subbox_grid(records, monm, year_begin, radius)

    yield meta
    for box in box_source:
        yield box
コード例 #2
ファイル: step3.py プロジェクト: rlamy/ccc-gistemp
def step3(records, radius=parameters.gridding_radius, year_begin=1880):
    """Step 3 of the GISS processing.

    *records* should be a generator that yields each station.


    # Most of the metadata here used to be synthesized in step2.py and
    # copied from the first yielded record.  Now we synthesize here
    # instead.
    last_year = giss_data.get_ghcn_last_year()
    year_begin = giss_data.BASE_YEAR
    # Compute total number of months in a fixed length record.
    monm = 12 * (last_year - year_begin + 1)
    meta = giss_data.SubboxMetaData(mo1=None, kq=1, mavg=6, monm=monm,
            monm4=monm + 7, yrbeg=year_begin, missing_flag=9999,
            title='GHCN V2 Temperatures (.1 C)')

    units = '(C)'
    title = "%20.20s ANOM %-4s CR %4dKM %s-present" % (meta.title,
            units, radius, year_begin)
    meta.mo1 = 1
    meta.title = title.ljust(80)

    box_source = iter_subbox_grid(records, monm, year_begin, radius)

    yield meta
    for box in box_source:
        yield box
コード例 #3
ファイル: step2.py プロジェクト: rlamy/ccc-gistemp
def urban_adjustments(anomaly_stream):
    """Takes an iterator of station records and applies an adjustment
    to urban stations to compensate for urban temperature effects.
    Returns an iterator of station records.  Rural stations are passed
    unchanged.  Urban stations which cannot be adjusted are discarded.

    The adjustment follows a linear or two-part linear fit to the
    difference in annual anomalies between the urban station and the
    combined set of nearby rural stations.  The linear fit is to allow
    for a linear effect at the urban station.  The two-part linear fit
    is to allow for a model of urban effect which starts or stops at
    some point during the time series.

    The algorithm is essentially as follows:

    For each urban station:
        1. Find all the rural stations within a fixed radius;
        2. Combine the annual anomaly series for those rural stations, in
           order of valid-data count;
        3. Calculate a two-part linear fit for the difference between
           the urban annual anomalies and this combined rural annual anomaly;
        4. If this fit is satisfactory, apply it; otherwise apply a linear fit.

        If there are not enough nearby rural stations, or the combined
        rural record does not have enough overlap with the urban
        record, try a second time for this urban station, with a
        larger radius.  If there is still not enough data, discard the
        urban station.

    last_year = giss_data.get_ghcn_last_year()
    first_year = 1880

    iyoff = giss_data.BASE_YEAR - 1
    iyrm = last_year - iyoff

    rural_stations = []
    urban_stations = {}

    pi180 = math.pi / 180.0

    all = []
    for record in anomaly_stream:
        station = record.station
        record.urban_adjustment = None
        if record.anomalies is None:
        length = len(record.anomalies)
        d = Struct()
        d.anomalies = record.anomalies
        d.cslat = math.cos(station.lat * pi180)
        d.snlat = math.sin(station.lat * pi180)
        d.cslon = math.cos(station.lon * pi180)
        d.snlon = math.sin(station.lon * pi180)
        d.id = record.uid
        d.first_year = record.first - iyoff
        d.last_year = d.first_year + length - 1
        d.station = station
        d.record = record
        if is_rural(station):
            urban_stations[record] = d

    # Sort the rural stations according to the length of the time record
    # (ignoring gaps).
    for st in rural_stations:
        st.recLen = len([v for v in st.anomalies if valid(v)])
    rural_stations.sort(key=lambda s:s.recLen)

    # Combine time series for rural stations around each urban station
    for record in all:
        us = urban_stations.get(record, None)
        if us is None:
            # Just remove leading/trailing invalid values for rural stations.
            record.begin = record.first
            record.end = record.last
            yield record

        iyu1 = us.first_year + iyoff - 1 # subtract 1 for a possible partial yr
        iyu2 = us.last_year + iyoff + 1  # add 1 for partial year

        usingFullRadius = False
        dropStation = False
        needNewNeighbours = True
        while True:
            if needNewNeighbours:
                if usingFullRadius:
                    radius = parameters.urban_adjustment_full_radius
                    radius = parameters.urban_adjustment_full_radius / 2
                neighbors = get_neighbours(us, rural_stations, radius)
                if not neighbors:
                    if usingFullRadius:
                        dropStation = True
                    usingFullRadius = True
                    needNewNeighbours = True

                counts, urban_series, combined = combine_neighbors(
                        us, iyrm, iyoff, neighbors)
                iy1 = 1
                needNewNeighbours = False

            points, quorate_count, first, last = prepare_series(
                iy1, iyrm, combined, urban_series, counts, iyoff)

            if quorate_count < parameters.urban_adjustment_min_years:
                if usingFullRadius:
                    dropStation = True
                usingFullRadius = True
                needNewNeighbours = True

            if quorate_count >= (parameters.urban_adjustment_proportion_good
                                 * (last - first + 0.9)):

            # Not enough good years for the given range.  Try to save
            # cases in which the gaps are in the early part, by
            # dropping that part and going around to prepare_series
            # again.
            iy1 = int(last - (quorate_count - 1) /
            if iy1 < first + 1:
                iy1 = first + 1                  # avoid infinite loop

        if dropStation:

        fit = getfit(points)
        # find extended range
        iyxtnd = int(round(quorate_count /
                     - (last - first + 1))
        n1x = first + iyoff
        n2x = last + iyoff
        if iyxtnd < 0:
        if iyxtnd > 0:
            lxend = iyu2 - (last + iyoff)
            if iyxtnd <= lxend:
                 n2x = n2x + lxend
                 n1x = n1x - (iyxtnd - lxend)
                 if n1x < iyu1:
                     n1x = iyu1
                 n2x = iyu2

        series = record.series
        # adjust
        m1 = record.rel_first_month + record.good_start_idx
        m2 = record.rel_first_month + record.good_end_idx - 1
        offset = record.good_start_idx # index of first valid month
        a, b = adjust(first_year, record, series, fit, n1x, n2x,
                      first + iyoff, last + iyoff, m1, m2, offset)
        # a and b are numbers of new first and last valid months
        aa = a - m1
        bb = b - a + 1
        record.set_series(a-1 + first_year * 12 + 1,
                          series[aa + offset:aa + offset + bb])
        record.begin = ((a-1) / 12) + first_year
        record.first = record.begin
        record.end = ((b-1) / 12) + first_year
        record.last = record.last_year
        yield record
コード例 #4
ファイル: step2.py プロジェクト: wk1984/ccc-gistemp
def urban_adjustments(anomaly_stream):
    """Takes an iterator of station records and applies an adjustment
    to urban stations to compensate for urban temperature effects.
    Returns an iterator of station records.  Rural stations are passed
    unchanged.  Urban stations which cannot be adjusted are discarded.

    The adjustment follows a linear or two-part linear fit to the
    difference in annual anomalies between the urban station and the
    combined set of nearby rural stations.  The linear fit is to allow
    for a linear effect at the urban station.  The two-part linear fit
    is to allow for a model of urban effect which starts or stops at
    some point during the time series.

    The algorithm is essentially as follows:

    For each urban station:
        1. Find all the rural stations within a fixed radius;
        2. Combine the annual anomaly series for those rural stations, in
           order of valid-data count;
        3. Calculate a two-part linear fit for the difference between
           the urban annual anomalies and this combined rural annual anomaly;
        4. If this fit is satisfactory, apply it; otherwise apply a linear fit.

        If there are not enough nearby rural stations, or the combined
        rural record does not have enough overlap with the urban
        record, try a second time for this urban station, with a
        larger radius.  If there is still not enough data, discard the
        urban station.

    last_year = giss_data.get_ghcn_last_year()
    first_year = 1880

    iyoff = giss_data.BASE_YEAR - 1
    iyrm = last_year - iyoff

    rural_stations = []
    urban_stations = {}

    pi180 = math.pi / 180.0

    all = []
    for record in anomaly_stream:
        station = record.station
        record.urban_adjustment = None
        if record.anomalies is None:
        length = len(record.anomalies)
        d = Struct()
        d.anomalies = record.anomalies
        d.cslat = math.cos(station.lat * pi180)
        d.snlat = math.sin(station.lat * pi180)
        d.cslon = math.cos(station.lon * pi180)
        d.snlon = math.sin(station.lon * pi180)
        d.id = record.uid
        d.first_year = record.first - iyoff
        d.last_year = d.first_year + length - 1
        d.station = station
        d.record = record
        if is_rural(station):
            urban_stations[record] = d

    # Sort the rural stations according to the length of the time record
    # (ignoring gaps).
    for st in rural_stations:
        st.recLen = len([v for v in st.anomalies if valid(v)])
    rural_stations.sort(key=lambda s: s.recLen)

    # Combine time series for rural stations around each urban station
    for record in all:
        us = urban_stations.get(record, None)
        if us is None:
            # Just remove leading/trailing invalid values for rural stations.
            record.begin = record.first
            record.end = record.last
            yield record

        iyu1 = us.first_year + iyoff - 1  # subtract 1 for a possible partial yr
        iyu2 = us.last_year + iyoff + 1  # add 1 for partial year

        usingFullRadius = False
        dropStation = False
        needNewNeighbours = True
        while True:
            if needNewNeighbours:
                if usingFullRadius:
                    radius = parameters.urban_adjustment_full_radius
                    radius = parameters.urban_adjustment_full_radius / 2
                neighbors = get_neighbours(us, rural_stations, radius)
                if not neighbors:
                    if usingFullRadius:
                        dropStation = True
                    usingFullRadius = True
                    needNewNeighbours = True

                counts, urban_series, combined = combine_neighbors(
                    us, iyrm, iyoff, neighbors)
                iy1 = 1
                needNewNeighbours = False

            points, quorate_count, first, last = prepare_series(
                iy1, iyrm, combined, urban_series, counts, iyoff)

            if quorate_count < parameters.urban_adjustment_min_years:
                if usingFullRadius:
                    dropStation = True
                usingFullRadius = True
                needNewNeighbours = True

            if quorate_count >= (parameters.urban_adjustment_proportion_good *
                                 (last - first + 0.9)):

            # Not enough good years for the given range.  Try to save
            # cases in which the gaps are in the early part, by
            # dropping that part and going around to prepare_series
            # again.
            iy1 = int(last - (quorate_count - 1) /
            if iy1 < first + 1:
                iy1 = first + 1  # avoid infinite loop

        if dropStation:

        fit = getfit(points)
        # find extended range
        iyxtnd = int(
            round(quorate_count /
                  parameters.urban_adjustment_proportion_good) -
            (last - first + 1))
        n1x = first + iyoff
        n2x = last + iyoff
        if iyxtnd < 0:
        if iyxtnd > 0:
            lxend = iyu2 - (last + iyoff)
            if iyxtnd <= lxend:
                n2x = n2x + lxend
                n1x = n1x - (iyxtnd - lxend)
                if n1x < iyu1:
                    n1x = iyu1
                n2x = iyu2

        series = record.series
        # adjust
        m1 = record.rel_first_month + record.good_start_idx
        m2 = record.rel_first_month + record.good_end_idx - 1
        offset = record.good_start_idx  # index of first valid month
        a, b = adjust(first_year, record, series, fit, n1x, n2x, first + iyoff,
                      last + iyoff, m1, m2, offset)
        # a and b are numbers of new first and last valid months
        aa = a - m1
        bb = b - a + 1
        record.set_series(a - 1 + first_year * 12 + 1,
                          series[aa + offset:aa + offset + bb])
        record.begin = ((a - 1) / 12) + first_year
        record.first = record.begin
        record.end = ((b - 1) / 12) + first_year
        record.last = record.last_year
        yield record