コード例 #1
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: pntrivedy/GitPython
    def iter_blobs(self, predicate=lambda t: True):
        :return: Iterator yielding tuples of Blob objects and stages, tuple(stage, Blob)

        :param predicate:
            Function(t) returning True if tuple(stage, Blob) should be yielded by the
            iterator. A default filter, the BlobFilter, allows you to yield blobs
            only if they match a given list of paths. """
        for entry in mviter(self.entries):
            blob = entry.to_blob(self.repo)
            blob.size = entry.size
            output = (entry.stage, blob)
            if predicate(output):
                yield output
コード例 #2
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: ChannyAzar/GitPython
    def iter_blobs(self, predicate=lambda t: True):
        :return: Iterator yielding tuples of Blob objects and stages, tuple(stage, Blob)

        :param predicate:
            Function(t) returning True if tuple(stage, Blob) should be yielded by the
            iterator. A default filter, the BlobFilter, allows you to yield blobs
            only if they match a given list of paths. """
        for entry in mviter(self.entries):
            blob = entry.to_blob(self.repo)
            blob.size = entry.size
            output = (entry.stage, blob)
            if predicate(output):
                yield output
コード例 #3
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: pntrivedy/GitPython
    def unmerged_blobs(self):
            Iterator yielding dict(path : list( tuple( stage, Blob, ...))), being
            a dictionary associating a path in the index with a list containing
            sorted stage/blob pairs

            Blobs that have been removed in one side simply do not exist in the
            given stage. I.e. a file removed on the 'other' branch whose entries
            are at stage 3 will not have a stage 3 entry.
        is_unmerged_blob = lambda t: t[0] != 0
        path_map = dict()
        for stage, blob in self.iter_blobs(is_unmerged_blob):
            path_map.setdefault(blob.path, list()).append((stage, blob))
        # END for each unmerged blob
        for l in mviter(path_map):
        return path_map
コード例 #4
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: ChannyAzar/GitPython
    def unmerged_blobs(self):
            Iterator yielding dict(path : list( tuple( stage, Blob, ...))), being
            a dictionary associating a path in the index with a list containing
            sorted stage/blob pairs

            Blobs that have been removed in one side simply do not exist in the
            given stage. I.e. a file removed on the 'other' branch whose entries
            are at stage 3 will not have a stage 3 entry.
        is_unmerged_blob = lambda t: t[0] != 0
        path_map = dict()
        for stage, blob in self.iter_blobs(is_unmerged_blob):
            path_map.setdefault(blob.path, list()).append((stage, blob))
        # END for each unmerged blob
        for l in mviter(path_map):
        return path_map
コード例 #5
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: pntrivedy/GitPython
    def checkout(self,
                 fprogress=lambda *args: None,
        """Checkout the given paths or all files from the version known to the index into
        the working tree.

        :note: Be sure you have written pending changes using the ``write`` method
            in case you have altered the enties dictionary directly

        :param paths:
            If None, all paths in the index will be checked out. Otherwise an iterable
            of relative or absolute paths or a single path pointing to files or directories
            in the index is expected.

        :param force:
            If True, existing files will be overwritten even if they contain local modifications.
            If False, these will trigger a CheckoutError.

        :param fprogress:
            see Index.add_ for signature and explanation.
            The provided progress information will contain None as path and item if no
            explicit paths are given. Otherwise progress information will be send
            prior and after a file has been checked out

        :param kwargs:
            Additional arguments to be pasesd to git-checkout-index

            iterable yielding paths to files which have been checked out and are
            guaranteed to match the version stored in the index

        :raise CheckoutError:
            If at least one file failed to be checked out. This is a summary,
            hence it will checkout as many files as it can anyway.
            If one of files or directories do not exist in the index
            ( as opposed to the  original git command who ignores them ).
            Raise GitCommandError if error lines could not be parsed - this truly is
            an exceptional state

        .. note:: The checkout is limited to checking out the files in the
            index. Files which are not in the index anymore and exist in
            the working tree will not be deleted. This behaviour is fundamentally
            different to *head.checkout*, i.e. if you want git-checkout like behaviour,
            use head.checkout instead of index.checkout.
        args = ["--index"]
        if force:

        def handle_stderr(proc, iter_checked_out_files):
            stderr = proc.stderr.read()
            if not stderr:
            # line contents:
            stderr = stderr.decode(defenc)
            # git-checkout-index: this already exists
            failed_files = list()
            failed_reasons = list()
            unknown_lines = list()
            endings = (' already exists', ' is not in the cache',
                       ' does not exist at stage', ' is unmerged')
            for line in stderr.splitlines():
                if not line.startswith(
                        "git checkout-index: ") and not line.startswith(
                            "git-checkout-index: "):
                    is_a_dir = " is a directory"
                    unlink_issue = "unable to unlink old '"
                    already_exists_issue = ' already exists, no checkout'  # created by entry.c:checkout_entry(...)
                    if line.endswith(is_a_dir):
                    elif line.startswith(unlink_issue):
                    elif line.endswith(already_exists_issue):
                # END special lines parsing

                for e in endings:
                    if line.endswith(e):
                    # END if ending matches
                # END for each possible ending
            # END for each line
            if unknown_lines:
                raise GitCommandError(("git-checkout-index", ), 128, stderr)
            if failed_files:
                valid_files = list(
                    set(iter_checked_out_files) - set(failed_files))
                raise CheckoutError(
                    "Some files could not be checked out from the index due to local modifications",
                    failed_files, valid_files, failed_reasons)

        # END stderr handler

        if paths is None:
            kwargs['as_process'] = 1
            fprogress(None, False, None)
            proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(*args, **kwargs)
            fprogress(None, True, None)
            rval_iter = (e.path for e in mviter(self.entries))
            handle_stderr(proc, rval_iter)
            return rval_iter
            if isinstance(paths, string_types):
                paths = [paths]

            # make sure we have our entries loaded before we start checkout_index
            # which will hold a lock on it. We try to get the lock as well during
            # our entries initialization

            kwargs['as_process'] = True
            kwargs['istream'] = subprocess.PIPE
            proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(args, **kwargs)
            make_exc = lambda: GitCommandError(
                ("git-checkout-index", ) + tuple(args), 128, proc.stderr.read(
            checked_out_files = list()

            for path in paths:
                co_path = to_native_path_linux(self._to_relative_path(path))
                # if the item is not in the index, it could be a directory
                path_is_directory = False

                    self.entries[(co_path, 0)]
                except KeyError:
                    dir = co_path
                    if not dir.endswith('/'):
                        dir += '/'
                    for entry in mviter(self.entries):
                        if entry.path.startswith(dir):
                            p = entry.path
                            path_is_directory = True
                        # END if entry is in directory
                    # END for each entry
                # END path exception handlnig

                if not path_is_directory:
                # END path is a file
            # END for each path
            self._flush_stdin_and_wait(proc, ignore_stdout=True)

            handle_stderr(proc, checked_out_files)
            return checked_out_files
        # END paths handling
        assert "Should not reach this point"
コード例 #6
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: ChannyAzar/GitPython
    def checkout(self, paths=None, force=False, fprogress=lambda *args: None, **kwargs):
        """Checkout the given paths or all files from the version known to the index into
        the working tree.

        :note: Be sure you have written pending changes using the ``write`` method
            in case you have altered the enties dictionary directly

        :param paths:
            If None, all paths in the index will be checked out. Otherwise an iterable
            of relative or absolute paths or a single path pointing to files or directories
            in the index is expected.

        :param force:
            If True, existing files will be overwritten even if they contain local modifications.
            If False, these will trigger a CheckoutError.

        :param fprogress:
            see Index.add_ for signature and explanation.
            The provided progress information will contain None as path and item if no
            explicit paths are given. Otherwise progress information will be send
            prior and after a file has been checked out

        :param kwargs:
            Additional arguments to be pasesd to git-checkout-index

            iterable yielding paths to files which have been checked out and are
            guaranteed to match the version stored in the index

        :raise CheckoutError:
            If at least one file failed to be checked out. This is a summary,
            hence it will checkout as many files as it can anyway.
            If one of files or directories do not exist in the index
            ( as opposed to the  original git command who ignores them ).
            Raise GitCommandError if error lines could not be parsed - this truly is
            an exceptional state

        .. note:: The checkout is limited to checking out the files in the
            index. Files which are not in the index anymore and exist in
            the working tree will not be deleted. This behaviour is fundamentally
            different to *head.checkout*, i.e. if you want git-checkout like behaviour,
            use head.checkout instead of index.checkout.
        args = ["--index"]
        if force:

        def handle_stderr(proc, iter_checked_out_files):
            stderr = proc.stderr.read()
            if not stderr:
            # line contents:
            stderr = stderr.decode(defenc)
            # git-checkout-index: this already exists
            failed_files = list()
            failed_reasons = list()
            unknown_lines = list()
            endings = (' already exists', ' is not in the cache', ' does not exist at stage', ' is unmerged')
            for line in stderr.splitlines():
                if not line.startswith("git checkout-index: ") and not line.startswith("git-checkout-index: "):
                    is_a_dir = " is a directory"
                    unlink_issue = "unable to unlink old '"
                    already_exists_issue = ' already exists, no checkout'   # created by entry.c:checkout_entry(...)
                    if line.endswith(is_a_dir):
                    elif line.startswith(unlink_issue):
                    elif line.endswith(already_exists_issue):
                # END special lines parsing

                for e in endings:
                    if line.endswith(e):
                    # END if ending matches
                # END for each possible ending
            # END for each line
            if unknown_lines:
                raise GitCommandError(("git-checkout-index", ), 128, stderr)
            if failed_files:
                valid_files = list(set(iter_checked_out_files) - set(failed_files))
                raise CheckoutError(
                    "Some files could not be checked out from the index due to local modifications",
                    failed_files, valid_files, failed_reasons)
        # END stderr handler

        if paths is None:
            kwargs['as_process'] = 1
            fprogress(None, False, None)
            proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(*args, **kwargs)
            fprogress(None, True, None)
            rval_iter = (e.path for e in mviter(self.entries))
            handle_stderr(proc, rval_iter)
            return rval_iter
            if isinstance(paths, string_types):
                paths = [paths]

            # make sure we have our entries loaded before we start checkout_index
            # which will hold a lock on it. We try to get the lock as well during
            # our entries initialization

            kwargs['as_process'] = True
            kwargs['istream'] = subprocess.PIPE
            proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(args, **kwargs)
            make_exc = lambda: GitCommandError(("git-checkout-index",) + tuple(args), 128, proc.stderr.read())
            checked_out_files = list()

            for path in paths:
                co_path = to_native_path_linux(self._to_relative_path(path))
                # if the item is not in the index, it could be a directory
                path_is_directory = False

                    self.entries[(co_path, 0)]
                except KeyError:
                    dir = co_path
                    if not dir.endswith('/'):
                        dir += '/'
                    for entry in mviter(self.entries):
                        if entry.path.startswith(dir):
                            p = entry.path
                            self._write_path_to_stdin(proc, p, p, make_exc,
                                                      fprogress, read_from_stdout=False)
                            path_is_directory = True
                        # END if entry is in directory
                    # END for each entry
                # END path exception handlnig

                if not path_is_directory:
                    self._write_path_to_stdin(proc, co_path, path, make_exc,
                                              fprogress, read_from_stdout=False)
                # END path is a file
            # END for each path
            self._flush_stdin_and_wait(proc, ignore_stdout=True)

            handle_stderr(proc, checked_out_files)
            return checked_out_files
        # END paths handling
        assert "Should not reach this point"