コード例 #1
def git_hash_time(hash, folders):
    changes = set()
    changes_file = get_rd_file('changes.txt')

    if os.path.exists(changes_file):
        with open(changes_file, 'r') as f:
            changes = set([line.strip() for line in f.readlines()])

    mtime = git.log('-1', hash, '--pretty=format:%ct')

    if mtime == '':

    mtime = int(mtime)

    for folder in folders:
        folder = folder.strip()

        source_folder = '%s/src/main/java' % folder

        if not os.path.isdir(source_folder):
            source_folder = '%s/docroot/WEB-INF/src' % folder

        if not os.path.isdir(source_folder):
            source_folder = '%s/src' % folder

        if not os.path.isdir(source_folder):

        for file in git.ls_files(source_folder).split('\n'):
            if file not in changes and os.path.isfile(file):
                os.utime(file, (mtime, mtime))
コード例 #2
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: alda519/GreenTea
 def updateInformationsAboutTests(self):
       Update informations about tests from Makefiles.
     git = self.__getGitCmd()
     # git ls-files --full-name *Makefile
     mkFiles = git.ls_files('--full-name', '*Makefile')
     for mkFile in mkFiles.splitlines():
         folder = os.path.dirname(mkFile)
         info = self.__parseMakefile("%s/%s" % (self.path_absolute, mkFile))
         if 'Name' not in info:
             self.__getLog().warning("The test '%s' doesn't contain"
                                     " Name in Makefile" % folder)
         owner = Author.parseAuthor(info.get('Owner'))
         name = re.sub('\s+.*', '', info.get('Name'))
         test = None
         tests = Test.objects.filter(folder=folder, git=self).order_by('id')
         if len(tests) > 0:
             test = tests[0]
             test.name = name
             if len(tests) > 1:
                 # This is here, because we have got more records in DB for
                 # the one test, when the name of test was changed.
                 testH = TestHistory.objects.filter(test=test)
                 for it in tests[1:]:
                     for it2 in TestHistory.objects.filter(test=it):
                         if it2 in testH:
                             it2.test = test
                     deps = Test.objects.filter(dependencies=it)
                     for it3 in deps:
                         if test not in it3.dependencies:
             test, status = Test.objects.get_or_create(name=name, defaults={
                                                       "git": self})
         test.owner = owner
         test.folder = folder
         if 'Description' in info and \
                 test.description != info.get('Description'):
             test.description = info.get('Description')
         if 'TestTime' in info and test.time != info.get('TestTime'):
             test.time = info.get('TestTime')
         if 'Type' in info and test.type != info.get('Type'):
             test.type = info.get('Type')
         if 'RunFor' in info:
             self.__updateGroups(test, info.get('RunFor'))
         self.__updateDependences(test, info.get('RhtsRequires'))
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: BlackSmith/GreenTea
 def updateInformationsAboutTests(self):
       Update informations about tests from Makefiles.
     git = self.__getGitCmd()
     # git ls-files --full-name *Makefile
     mkFiles = git.ls_files('--full-name', '*Makefile')
     for mkFile in mkFiles.splitlines():
         folder = os.path.dirname(mkFile)
         info = self.__parseMakefile("%s/%s" % (self.path_absolute, mkFile))
         if 'Name' not in info:
             self.__getLog().warning("The test '%s' doesn't contain"
                                     " Name in Makefile" % folder)
         owner = Author.parseAuthor(info.get('Owner'))
         name = re.sub('\s+.*', '', info.get('Name'))
         test = None
         tests = Test.objects.filter(folder=folder, git=self).order_by('id')
         if len(tests) > 0:
             test = tests[0]
             test.name = name
             if len(tests) > 1:
                 # This is here, because we have got more records in DB for
                 # the one test, when the name of test was changed.
                 testH = TestHistory.objects.filter(test=test)
                 for it in tests[1:]:
                     for it2 in TestHistory.objects.filter(test=it):
                         if it2 in testH:
                             it2.test = test
                     deps = Test.objects.filter(dependencies=it)
                     for it3 in deps:
                         if test not in it3.dependencies:
             test, status = Test.objects.get_or_create(
                 name=name, defaults={"git": self})
         test.owner = owner
         test.folder = folder
         if 'Description' in info and \
                 test.description != info.get('Description'):
             test.description = info.get('Description')
         if 'TestTime' in info and test.time != info.get('TestTime'):
             test.time = info.get('TestTime')
         if 'Type' in info and test.type != info.get('Type'):
             test.type = info.get('Type')
         if 'RunFor' in info:
             self.__updateGroups(test, info.get('RunFor'))
         self.__updateDependences(test, info.get('RhtsRequires'))
コード例 #4
def add_mt_disclaimers(repository, file_info):
    now = datetime.now()


    root_folder = repository.github.single_folder \
        if repository.github.single_folder is not None else repository.github.project_folder

    for file in get_eligible_files(repository, git.ls_files(root_folder), 'en'):
        crowdin_file = get_crowdin_file(repository, file)

        target_file = 'ja/' + file[3:] if file[0:3] == 'en/' else file.replace('/en/', '/ja/')

        if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (repository.github.git_root, target_file)):
            if target_file[-9:] == '.markdown':
                target_file = target_file[:-9] + '.md'
            elif target_file[-3:] == '.md':
                target_file = target_file[:-3] + '.markdown'

            if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (repository.github.git_root, target_file)):

        if crowdin_file not in file_info or file_info[crowdin_file]['translated'] == file_info[crowdin_file]['approved']:

        new_lines = []

        with open(target_file, 'r') as f:
            new_lines = [
                line for line in f.readlines()
                    if line.find('<p class="alert alert-info"><span class="wysiwyg-color-blue120">') == -1

        content = '%s\n%s' % (''.join(new_lines), disclaimer_text)

        with open(target_file, 'w') as f:


    git.commit('-m', 'Added machine translation disclaimer %s' % now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

コード例 #5
def generate_html_files(repository, file_info):
    now = datetime.now()


    root_folder = repository.github.single_folder \
        if repository.github.single_folder is not None else repository.github.project_folder

    titles = {}

    for file in get_eligible_files(repository, git.ls_files(root_folder), 'en'):
        crowdin_file = get_crowdin_file(repository, file)

        target_file = 'ja/' + file[3:] if file[0:3] == 'en/' else file.replace('/en/', '/ja/')

        if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (repository.github.git_root, target_file)):
            if target_file[-9:] == '.markdown':
                target_file = target_file[:-9] + '.md'
            elif target_file[-3:] == '.md':
                target_file = target_file[:-3] + '.markdown'

            if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (repository.github.git_root, target_file)):

        html_file = target_file[:target_file.rfind('.')] + '.html'
        titles[html_file] = get_title(file)

        _pandoc(target_file, html_file, '--from=gfm', '--to=html')


    git.commit('-m', 'Updated pandoc conversion %s' % now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))


    return titles
コード例 #6
def git_find(haystack, needle, commit=None):
    haystack = relpath(haystack, git_root)

    if commit is None:
        file_list = set([
            relpath(x, haystack).replace('\\', '/')
            for x in git.ls_files(haystack).split('\n')
            if is_project_file(needle, x)
        file_list = set([
            relpath(x, haystack).replace('\\', '/')
            for x in git.ls_files('--with-tree=%s' %
                                  commit, haystack).split('\n')
            if is_project_file(needle, x)

    # First, assume that we're looking for a module root, so check for
    # bnd.bnd, ivy.xml, and package.json

    for pattern in ['/%s/%s', '%s/%s']:
        for module_marker in ['bnd.bnd', 'ivy.xml', 'package.json']:
            filter_needle = pattern % (needle, module_marker)
            filtered_list = [
                file for file in file_list if file.find(filter_needle) > -1

            if len(filtered_list) > 0:
                return (get_filtered_folders(filtered_list, needle), None)

    for pattern in ['%s/', '/%s', '%s']:
        for module_marker in ['bnd.bnd', 'ivy.xml', 'package.json']:
            filter_needle = pattern % needle
            filtered_list = [
                file for file in file_list if file.find(filter_needle) > -1
                and file.find(module_marker) > -1

            if len(filtered_list) > 0:
                return (get_filtered_folders(filtered_list, needle), None)

    # Next, check for a folder that isn't a module root, which can either be
    # an exact match or a suffix match. Prefer in that order.

    for pattern in ['/%s/', '%s/']:
        filter_needle = pattern % needle
        filtered_list = [
            file for file in file_list if file.find(filter_needle) > -1

        if len(filtered_list) > 0:
            return (get_filtered_folders(filtered_list, needle), None)

    # Finally, assume that maybe the person is looking for a folder containing
    # a file and is using the file name as an abbreviated way at getting there.
    # Choose a prefix match first, then an anywhere match.

    for pattern in ['/%s', '%s']:
        filter_needle = pattern % needle
        filtered_list = [
            file for file in file_list if file.find(filter_needle) > -1

        if len(filtered_list) > 0:
            return (get_filtered_folders(filtered_list, needle), filtered_list)

    return (None, None)
コード例 #7
def check_renamed_articles(repository, language, articles, section_paths):
    old_dir = os.getcwd()

    old_article_paths = {
        get_article_id(file): file
        for file in git.ls_files('en/').split('\n')

    new_article_paths = {
        str(article['id']): get_article_path(article, 'en', section_paths)
        for article in articles.values()
        if is_tracked_article(article, section_paths)

    old_translated_paths = {
        get_article_id(file): file
        for file in git.ls_files(language + '/').split('\n')

    new_translated_paths = {
        str(article['id']): get_article_path(article, language, section_paths)
        for article in articles.values()
        if is_tracked_article(article, section_paths)

    for article_id, new_article_path in sorted(new_article_paths.items()):
        if article_id not in old_article_paths:

        old_article_path = old_article_paths[article_id]

        if old_article_path == new_article_path:

        if not os.path.exists(old_article_path):

        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_article_path), exist_ok=True)
        os.rename(old_article_path, new_article_path)



    for article_id, new_article_path in sorted(new_translated_paths.items()):
        if article_id not in old_translated_paths:

        old_article_path = old_translated_paths[article_id]

        if old_article_path == new_article_path:

        if not os.path.exists(old_article_path):

        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_article_path), exist_ok=True)
        os.rename(old_article_path, new_article_path)


    git.commit('-m', 'Renamed articles: %s' % datetime.now())


    return new_article_paths
コード例 #8
def getparent(check_tags):

    if git_root is None:
        return current_branch

    # Find the current branch, accounting for detached head

    if current_branch in [
            'master', 'master-private', '7.0.x', '7.0.x-private', 'ee-6.2.x',
            'ee-6.1.x', 'ee-6.0.x'
        return current_branch

    # Extract the full version

    full_version = None

    if isfile(join(git_root, 'release.properties')):
        full_version = get_file_property(join(git_root, 'release.properties'),
    elif isfile(join(git_root, 'build.properties')) and isfile(
            join(git_root, 'app.server.properties')):
        full_version = get_file_property(join(git_root, 'build.properties'),
    elif isfile(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal')):
        with open(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal'), 'r') as file:
            commit = file.readlines()[0].strip()
            full_version = get_git_file_property(commit, 'release.properties',
        return getparent_origin()

    # If the short version is 6.x, then we have a shortcut

    short_version = '.'.join(full_version.split('.')[0:2])

    base_branch = None

    if short_version == '6.0':
        base_branch = 'ee-6.0.x'
    elif short_version == '6.1':
        base_branch = 'ee-6.1.x'
    elif short_version == '6.2':
        base_branch = 'ee-6.2.x'
        # Determine the base version using build.properties

        if isfile(join(git_root, 'build.properties')):
            base_branch = get_file_property(join(git_root, 'build.properties'),

        if base_branch is None and isfile(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal')):
            with open(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal'), 'r') as file:
                commit = file.readlines()[0].strip()
                base_branch = get_git_file_property(commit, 'build.properties',

        if base_branch is None:
            base_branch = current_branch if current_branch != 'HEAD' else '7.0.x'
        elif base_branch == 'ee-7.0.x':
            base_branch = '7.0.x'
        elif isdir(join(git_root, 'modules/private')) and len(
        ) == 0 and base_branch.find('-private') == -1:
            base_branch = '%s-private' % base_branch

    # If this is master or master-private, or we've recently rebased to 7.0.x or 7.0.x-private,
    # then use the branch instead of the tag

    if not check_tags:
        return base_branch

    if base_branch != 'ee-7.0.x':
        exit_code = subprocess.call(
            ['git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', base_branch, 'HEAD'])

        if exit_code == 0:
            return base_branch

    # Find the closest matching tag

    base_tag = ''

    if base_branch == '7.1.x' or base_branch == '7.1.x-private':
        base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

        if base_tag is None or len(base_tag) == 0:
            base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

        if base_tag is None or len(base_tag) == 0:
            base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

    elif base_branch == '7.0.x' or base_branch == '7.0.x-private':
        base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

        if base_tag is None or len(base_tag) == 0:
            base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

        if base_tag is None or len(base_tag) == 0:
            base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

    elif base_branch == 'ee-6.2.x':
        base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

    elif base_branch == 'ee-6.1.x':
        base_tag = git.describe('--tags', 'HEAD', '--abbrev=0',

    if base_tag.find('fix-pack-base-') == 0 or base_tag.find(
            'fix-pack-de-') == 0 or base_tag.find(
                'fix-pack-dxp-') == 0 or base_tag.find('-ga') > -1:
        return base_tag

    return base_branch
コード例 #9
def getparent(check_tags):
    if git_root is None:
        return current_branch

    # Find the current branch, accounting for detached head

    ee_branches = ['6.2.x', '6.1.x', '6.0.x']
    ee_branches = ee_branches + ['ee-%s' % branch for branch in ee_branches]

    de_branches = ['7.0.x', '7.0.x-private', 'ee-7.0.x']

    dxp_branches = ['7.3.x', '7.2.x', '7.1.x']
    dxp_branches = dxp_branches + [
        '%s-private' % branch for branch in dxp_branches

    if current_branch == 'master' or current_branch in ee_branches + de_branches + dxp_branches:
        return current_branch

    # Extract the full version

    full_version = None

    if isfile(join(git_root, 'release.properties')):
        full_version = get_file_property(join(git_root, 'release.properties'),
    elif isfile(join(git_root, 'build.properties')) and isfile(
            join(git_root, 'app.server.properties')):
        full_version = get_file_property(join(git_root, 'build.properties'),
    elif isfile(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal')):
        with open(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal'), 'r') as file:
            commit = file.readlines()[0].strip()
            full_version = get_git_file_property(commit, 'release.properties',
        return getparent_origin()

    # If the short version is 6.x, then we have a shortcut

    short_version = '.'.join(full_version.split('.')[0:2])

    base_branch = None

    if short_version == '6.0':
        base_branch = 'ee-6.0.x'
    elif short_version == '6.1':
        base_branch = 'ee-6.1.x'
    elif short_version == '6.2':
        base_branch = 'ee-6.2.x'
        # Determine the base version using build.properties

        if isfile(join(git_root, 'build.properties')):
            base_branch = get_file_property(join(git_root, 'build.properties'),

        if base_branch is None:
            if isfile(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal')):
                with open(join(git_root, 'git-commit-portal'), 'r') as file:
                    commit = file.readlines()[0].strip()
                    base_branch = get_git_file_property(
                        commit, 'build.properties', 'git.working.branch.name')
        elif base_branch == 'master':
            if git.for_each_ref(
                    'refs/remotes/upstream*/%s.x' % short_version) != '':
                base_branch = '%s.x' % short_version

        if base_branch is None:
            base_branch = current_branch if current_branch != 'HEAD' else '7.0.x'
        elif base_branch == 'ee-7.0.x':
            base_branch = '7.0.x'
        elif isdir(join(git_root, 'modules/private')) and len(
        ) == 0 and base_branch.find('-private') == -1:
            base_branch = '%s-private' % base_branch

    # If this is master or master-private, or we've recently rebased to 7.0.x or 7.0.x-private,
    # then use the branch instead of the tag

    if not check_tags:
        return base_branch

    # Find the closest matching tag

    base_tag = None

    if base_branch in dxp_branches or base_branch in de_branches:
        base_tag = git.describe(
            'HEAD', '--tags', '--abbrev=0',
            '--match=fix-pack-*-%s%s10*' % (base_branch[0], base_branch[2]))

        if base_tag is None or len(base_tag) == 0:
            base_tag = git.describe(
                'HEAD', '--tags', '--abbrev=0',
                '--match=%s.%s.*-ga*' % (base_branch[0], base_branch[2]))

    elif base_branch in ee_branches:
        base_tag = git.describe('HEAD', '--tags', '--abbrev=0',
                                '--match=fix-pack-base-6%s*' % base_branch[5])

        if base_tag is None or len(base_tag) == 0:
            if base_branch.find('ee-') == 0:
                base_tag = git.describe(
                    'HEAD', '--tags', '--abbrev=0',
                    '--match=%s.%s.*-ga*' % (base_branch[3], base_branch[5]))
                base_tag = git.describe(
                    'HEAD', '--tags', '--abbrev=0',
                    '--match=%s.%s.*-ga*' % (base_branch[0], base_branch[2]))

    if base_tag is None:
        return base_branch

    if base_tag.find('fix-pack-base-') == 0 or base_tag.find(
            'fix-pack-de-') == 0 or base_tag.find(
                'fix-pack-dxp-') == 0 or base_tag.find('-ga') > -1:
        return base_tag

    return base_branch