コード例 #1
class RepoOperator(object):

    def __init__(self, git_credentials=None):
        Create a repository interface object

        self._git_credentials = git_credentials
        self.git = GitBit(verbose=True)
        if self._git_credentials:

    def setup_gitbit(self, credentials=None):
        Set gitbit credentials.
        if credentials is None:
            if self._git_credentials is None:
                credentials = self._git_credentials
            self._git_credentials = credentials
        for url_cred_pair in credentials:
            url, cred = url_cred_pair.split(',')
            self.git.add_credential_from_variable(url, cred)

    def set_git_dryrun(self, dryrun):
    def set_git_verbose(self, verbose):

    def set_git_executable(self, executable):

    def print_command_summary(name, results):
        Print the results of running commands.
          first the command line itself
            and the error code if it's non-zero
          then the stdout & stderr values from running that command

        :param name:
        :param results:
        :return: True if any command exited with an error condition

        error_found = False

        print "============================"
        print "Command output for {0}".format(name)

        if 'commands' in results[name]:
            commands = results[name]['commands']
            for command in commands:
                for key in ['command', 'stdout', 'stderr']:
                    if key in command:
                        if command[key] != '':
                            print command[key]
                        if key == 'command':
                            if command['return_code'] != 0:
                                error_found = True
                                print "EXITED: {0}".format(command['return_code'])
                                print "SUCCEED"

        return error_found

    def clone_repo_list(self, repo_list, dest_dir, jobs=1):
        check out repository to dest dir based on repo list
        :param repo_list: a list of repository entry which should contain:
                          'repository': the url of repository, it is required
                          'branch': the branch to be check out, it is optional
                          'commit-id': the commit id to be reset, it is optional
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :param jobs: Number of parallel jobs to run
        cloner = RepoCloner(jobs)
        if cloner is not None:
            for repo in repo_list:
                data = {'repo': repo,
                        'builddir': dest_dir,
                        'credentials': self._git_credentials
            results = cloner.get_results()

            error = False
            for name in results.keys():
                error |= self.print_command_summary(name, results)

            if error:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to clone repositories")

    def clone_repo(self, repo_url, dest_dir, repo_commit="HEAD"):
        check out a repository to dest directory from the repository url
        :param repo_url: the url of repository, it is required
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :return: the directory of the repository
        repo = {}
        repo["repository"] = repo_url
        repo["commit-id"] = repo_commit
        repo_list = [repo]
        self.clone_repo_list(repo_list, dest_dir)
        repo_directory_name = strip_suffix(os.path.basename(repo_url), ".git")
        return os.path.join(dest_dir, repo_directory_name)

    def get_latest_commit_date(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-date
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))
        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['show', '-s', '--pretty=format:%ct'], directory=repo_dir)
        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit date in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_latest_commit_id(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-id
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['log', '--format=format:%H', '-n', '1'], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit id in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_latest_merge_commit_before_date(self, repo_dir, date):
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['log', '--merges', '--format=format:%H', '--before='+date, '-n', '1'], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit id before {date} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(date=date, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_latest_author_commit_before_date(self, repo_dir, date, author):
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['log', '--author='+author, '--format=format:%H', '--before='+date, '-n', '1'], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit id of {author} before {date} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(author=author, date=date, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_newer_commit(self, repo_dir, commit1, commit2):
        if commit1 is newer than commit2, return True
        else, return False
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))
        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['rev-list', commit1+'..'+commit2, '--count'], directory=repo_dir)
        if return_code == 0:
            if output.strip() == "0":
                return commit1
                return commit2
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get any commit between {commit1} and {commit2} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(commit1=commit1, commit2=commit2, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_commit_message(self, repo_dir, commit):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        :return: commit-message

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['log', '--format=format:%B', '-n', '1', commit], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit message of {commit_id} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(commit_id=commit, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_repo_url(self, repo_dir):
        get the remote url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: repository url

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['ls-remote', '--get-url'], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to find the repository url in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_current_branch(self, repo_dir):
        get the current branch name of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: branch name

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong".format(repo_dir))

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD'], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to find the current branch in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def check_branch(self, repo_url, branch):
        Checks if the specified branch name exists for the provided repository. Leave only the characters
        following the final "/". This is to handle remote repositories.
        Raise RuntimeError if it is not found.
        :return: None
        if "/" in branch:
            sliced_branch = branch.split("/")[-1]
            sliced_branch = branch

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['ls-remote', repo_url, 'heads/*{0}'.format(sliced_branch)])

        if return_code is not 0 or output is '':
            raise RuntimeError("The branch, '{0}', provided for '{1}', does not exist."
                               .format(branch, repo_url))

    def set_repo_tagname(self, repo_url, repo_dir, tag_name):
        Sets tagname on the repo
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param tag_name: the tag name to be set
        :return: None
        # See if that tag exists for the repo
        return_code, output, error  = self.git.run(["tag", "-l", tag_name], repo_dir)

        # Return if tag already exists, otherwise create it
        if return_code == 0 and output != '':
            print "Tag {0} already exists in {1}".format(output, repo_url)
            print "Creating tag {0} for repo {1}".format(tag_name, repo_url)
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(["tag", "-a", tag_name, "-m", "\"Creating new tag\""], repo_dir)
            if return_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to create tag {0} for {1}.\nError: {2}".format(tag_name, repo_url, error))
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(["push", "origin", "--tags"], repo_dir)
            if return_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to push tag {0} for {1}.\nError: {2}".format(tag_name, repo_url, error))

    def create_repo_branch(self, repo_url, repo_dir, branch_name):
        Creates branch on the repo
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param branch_name: the branch name to be set
        :return: None
        # See if that branch exists for the repo
        return_code, output, error  = self.git.run(["ls-remote", "--exit-code", "--heads", repo_url, branch_name], repo_dir)
        # Raise RuntimeError if branch already exists, otherwise create it
        if return_code == 0 and output != '':
            raise RuntimeError("Error: Branch {0} already exists - exiting now...".format(output))
            print "Creating branch {0} for repo {1}".format(branch_name, repo_url)
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(["branch", branch_name], repo_dir)
            if return_code != 0:
                print output
                raise RuntimeError("Error: Failed to create local branch {0} with error: {1}.".format(branch_name, error))
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(["push", "-u", "origin", branch_name], repo_dir)
            if return_code != 0:
                print output
                raise RuntimeError("Error: Failed to publish local branch {0} with error: {1}".format(branch_name, error))

    def checkout_repo_branch(self, repo_dir, branch_name):
        Check out to specify branch on the repo
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param branch_name: the branch name to be checked
        :return: None
        return_code, output, error  = self.git.run(["checkout", branch_name], repo_dir)

        if return_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Error: Failed to checkout branch {0}".format(output))

    def push_repo_changes(self, repo_dir, commit_message, push_all=False):
        publish changes of reposioty
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param commit_message: the message to be added to commit
        :return: None
        run_add = False
        run_commit = False
        status_code, status_out, status_error = self.git.run(['status'], repo_dir)
        if status_code == 0:
            if "nothing to commit, working directory clean" in status_out and \
               "Your branch is up-to-date with" in status_out :
                print status_out

            if "Changes not staged for commit" in status_out:
                run_add = True
                run_commit = True

            if "Changes to be committed" in status_out:
                run_commit = True

        if run_add:
            if push_all:
                add_code, add_out, add_error = self.git.run(['add', '-A'], repo_dir)
                add_code, add_out, add_error = self.git.run(['add', '-u'], repo_dir)

            if add_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Unable to add files for commiting.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format\
                                  (add_code, add_out, add_error))

        if run_commit:
            commit_code, commit_out, commit_error = self.git.run(['commit', '-m', commit_message], repo_dir)
            if commit_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Unable to commit changes for pushing.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format\
                                  (commit_code, commit_out, commit_error))

        push_code, push_out, push_error = self.git.run(['push'], repo_dir)
        if push_code !=0:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to push changes.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format(push_code, push_out, push_error))
コード例 #2
class RepoOperator(object):
    def __init__(self, git_credentials=None):
        Create a repository interface object

        self._git_credentials = git_credentials

        self.git = GitBit(verbose=True)
        if self._git_credentials:

    def setup_gitbit(self, credentials=None):
        Set gitbit credentials.
        if credentials is None:
            if self._git_credentials is None:
                credentials = self._git_credentials
            self._git_credentials = credentials
        for url_cred_pair in credentials:
            url, cred = url_cred_pair.split(',')
            self.git.add_credential_from_variable(url, cred)

    def set_git_dryrun(self, dryrun):

    def set_git_verbose(self, verbose):

    def set_git_executable(self, executable):

    def print_command_summary(name, results):
        Print the results of running commands.
          first the command line itself
            and the error code if it's non-zero
          then the stdout & stderr values from running that command

        :param name:
        :param results:
        :return: True if any command exited with an error condition

        error_found = False

        print "============================"
        print "Command output for {0}".format(name)

        if 'commands' in results[name]:
            commands = results[name]['commands']
            for command in commands:
                for key in ['command', 'stdout', 'stderr']:
                    if key in command:
                        if command[key] != '':
                            print command[key]
                        if key == 'command':
                            if command['return_code'] != 0:
                                error_found = True
                                print "EXITED: {0}".format(
                                print "SUCCEED"

        return error_found

    def clone_repo_list(self, repo_list, dest_dir, jobs=1):
        check out repository to dest dir based on repo list
        :param repo_list: a list of repository entry which should contain:
                          'repository': the url of repository, it is required
                          'branch': the branch to be check out, it is optional
                          'commit-id': the commit id to be reset, it is optional
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :param jobs: Number of parallel jobs to run
        cloner = RepoCloner(jobs)
        if cloner is not None:
            for repo in repo_list:
                data = {
                    'repo': repo,
                    'builddir': dest_dir,
                    'credentials': self._git_credentials
            results = cloner.get_results()

            error = False
            for name in results.keys():
                error |= self.print_command_summary(name, results)

            if error:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to clone repositories")

    def clone_repo(self, repo_url, dest_dir, repo_commit="HEAD"):
        check out a repository to dest directory from the repository url
        :param repo_url: the url of repository, it is required
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :return: the directory of the repository
        repo = {}
        repo["repository"] = repo_url
        repo["commit-id"] = repo_commit
        repo_list = [repo]
        self.clone_repo_list(repo_list, dest_dir)

        repo_directory_name = strip_suffix(os.path.basename(repo_url), ".git")
        return os.path.join(dest_dir, repo_directory_name)

    def get_latest_commit_date(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-date
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"
        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['show', '-s', '--pretty=format:%ct'], directory=repo_dir)
        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to get commit date in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_latest_commit_id(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-id

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['log', '--format=format:%H', '-n', '1'], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to get commit id in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_latest_merge_commit_before_date(self, repo_dir, date):
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run([
            'log', '--merges', '--format=format:%H', '--before=' + date, '-n',

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit id before {date} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(date=date, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_latest_author_commit_before_date(self, repo_dir, date, author):
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run([
            'log', '--author=' + author, '--format=format:%H',
            '--before=' + date, '-n', '1'

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit id of {author} before {date} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(author=author, date=date, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_newer_commit(self, repo_dir, commit1, commit2):
        if commit1 is newer than commit2, return True
        else, return False
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"
        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['rev-list', commit1 + '..' + commit2, '--count'],
        if return_code == 0:
            if output.strip() == "0":
                return commit1
                return commit2
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get any commit between {commit1} and {commit2} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(commit1=commit1, commit2=commit2, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_commit_message(self, repo_dir, commit):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        :return: commit-message

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['log', '--format=format:%B', '-n', '1', commit],

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit message of {commit_id} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(commit_id=commit, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_repo_url(self, repo_dir):
        get the remote url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: repository url

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(['ls-remote', '--get-url'],

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to find the repository url in directory {0}".format(

    def get_current_branch(self, repo_dir):
        get the current branch name of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: branch name

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The repository directory {0} is not specified. or its format is wrong"

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD'], directory=repo_dir)

        if return_code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to find the current branch in directory {0}".format(

    def check_branch(self, repo_url, branch):
        Checks if the specified branch name exists for the provided repository. Leave only the characters
        following the final "/". This is to handle remote repositories.
        Raise RuntimeError if it is not found.
        :return: None
        if "/" in branch:
            sliced_branch = branch.split("/")[-1]
            sliced_branch = branch

        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['ls-remote', repo_url, 'heads/*{0}'.format(sliced_branch)])

        if return_code is not 0 or output is '':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The branch, '{0}', provided for '{1}', does not exist.".
                format(branch, repo_url))

    def set_repo_tagname(self, repo_url, repo_dir, tag_name):
        Sets tagname on the repo
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param tag_name: the tag name to be set
        :return: None
        # See if that tag exists for the repo
        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(["tag", "-l", tag_name],

        # Return if tag already exists, otherwise create it
        if return_code == 0 and output != '':
            print "Tag {0} already exists in {1}".format(output, repo_url)
            print "Creating tag {0} for repo {1}".format(tag_name, repo_url)
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
                ["tag", "-a", tag_name, "-m", "\"Creating new tag\""],
            if return_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Failed to create tag {0} for {1}.\nError: {2}".format(
                        tag_name, repo_url, error))
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
                ["push", "origin", "--tags"], repo_dir)
            if return_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Failed to push tag {0} for {1}.\nError: {2}".format(
                        tag_name, repo_url, error))

    def create_repo_branch(self, repo_url, repo_dir, branch_name):
        Creates branch on the repo
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param branch_name: the branch name to be set
        :return: None
        # See if that branch exists for the repo
        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ["ls-remote", "--exit-code", "--heads", repo_url, branch_name],
        # Raise RuntimeError if branch already exists, otherwise create it
        if return_code == 0 and output != '':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Error: Branch {0} already exists - exiting now...".format(
            print "Creating branch {0} for repo {1}".format(
                branch_name, repo_url)
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(["branch", branch_name],
            if return_code != 0:
                print output
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Error: Failed to create local branch {0} with error: {1}."
                    .format(branch_name, error))
            return_code, output, error = self.git.run(
                ["push", "-u", "origin", branch_name], repo_dir)
            if return_code != 0:
                print output
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Error: Failed to publish local branch {0} with error: {1}"
                    .format(branch_name, error))

    def checkout_repo_branch(self, repo_dir, branch_name):
        Check out to specify branch on the repo
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param branch_name: the branch name to be checked
        :return: None
        return_code, output, error = self.git.run(["checkout", branch_name],

        if return_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Error: Failed to checkout branch {0}".format(output))

    def push_repo_changes(self, repo_dir, commit_message, push_all=False):
        publish changes of reposioty
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param commit_message: the message to be added to commit
        :return: None
        run_add = False
        run_commit = False
        status_code, status_out, status_error = self.git.run(['status'],
        if status_code == 0:
            if "nothing to commit, working directory clean" in status_out and \
               "Your branch is up-to-date with" in status_out :
                print status_out

            if "Changes not staged for commit" in status_out:
                run_add = True
                run_commit = True

            if "Changes to be committed" in status_out:
                run_commit = True

        if run_add:
            if push_all:
                add_code, add_out, add_error = self.git.run(['add', '-A'],
                add_code, add_out, add_error = self.git.run(['add', '-u'],

            if add_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Unable to add files for commiting.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format\
                                  (add_code, add_out, add_error))

        if run_commit:
            commit_code, commit_out, commit_error = self.git.run(
                ['commit', '-m', commit_message], repo_dir)
            if commit_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Unable to commit changes for pushing.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format\
                                  (commit_code, commit_out, commit_error))

        push_code, push_out, push_error = self.git.run(['push'], repo_dir)
        if push_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to push changes.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format(
                push_code, push_out, push_error))
コード例 #3
ファイル: manifest.py プロジェクト: PengTian0/my-on-tools
class Manifest(object):
    def __init__(self, file_path, git_credentials=None):
        __build_name - Refer to the field "build-name" in manifest file.
        __repositories - Refer to the field "repositories" in manifest file.
        __downstream_jobs - Refer to the field "downstream-jobs" in manifest file.
        __file_path - The file path of the manifest file
        __name - The file name of the manifest file
        __manifest -The content of the manifest file
        __changed - If manifest is changed, be True; The default value is False
        __git_credentials  - URL, credentials pair for the access to github repos
        gitbit - Class instance of gitbit

        self._build_name = None
        self._build_requirements = None
        self._repositories = []
        self._downstream_jobs = []
        self._file_path = file_path
        self._name = file_path.split('/')[-1]
        self._manifest = None
        self._changed = False

        self._git_credentials = None
        self.gitbit = GitBit(verbose=True)

        if git_credentials:
            self._git_credentials = git_credentials


    def set_git_credentials(self, git_credentials):
        self._git_credentials = git_credentials

    def downstream_jobs(self):
        return self._downstream_jobs

    def repositories(self):
        return self._repositories

    def manifest(self):
        return self._manifest

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def file_path(self):
        return self._file_path

    def build_name(self):
        return self._build_name

    def build_name(self, build_name):
        self._build_name = build_name
        self._manifest['build-name'] = build_name

    def build_requirements(self):
        return self._build_requirements

    def build_requirements(self, requirements):
        self._manifest['build-requirements'] = requirements
        self._build_requirements = requirements

    def changed(self):
        return self._changed

    def setup_gitbit(self):
        Set gitbit credentials.
        :return: None
        if self._git_credentials:
            for url_cred_pair in self._git_credentials:
                url, cred = url_cred_pair.split(',')
                self.gitbit.add_credential_from_variable(url, cred)

    def read_manifest_file(self, filename):
        Reads the manifest file json data to class member _manifest.
        :param filename: where to read the manifest data from
        :return: None
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise KeyError(
                "No file found for manifest at {0}".format(filename))

        with open(filename, "r") as manifest_file:
            self._manifest = json.load(manifest_file)

    def parse_manifest(self):
        parse manifest and assign properties
        :return: None
        if 'build-name' in self._manifest:
            self._build_name = self._manifest['build-name']

        if 'build-requirements' in self._manifest:
            self._build_requirements = self._manifest['build-requirements']

        if 'repositories' in self._manifest:
            for repo in self._manifest['repositories']:

        if 'downstream-jobs' in self._manifest:
            for job in self._manifest['downstream-jobs']:

    def validate_repositories(repositories):
        validate whether the entry 'repositories' contains useful information
        return: True if the entry is valid,
                False if the entry is unusable
                and message including omission imformation
        result = True
        message = []
        for repo in repositories:
            valid = True
            # repository url is required
            if 'repository' not in repo:
                valid = False
                message.append("entry without tag repository")

            # either branch or commit-id should be set.
            if 'branch' not in repo and \
               'commit-id' not in repo:
                valid = False
                    "Either branch or commit-id should be set for entry")

            if not valid:
                result = False
                message.append("entry content:")
                message.append("{0}".format(json.dumps(repo, indent=True)))

        return result, message

    def validate_downstream_jobs(downstream_jobs):
        validate whether the entry 'downstream-jobs' contains useful information
        return: True if the entry is valid,
                False if the entry is unusable
                and message including omission imformation
        result = True
        message = []
        for job in downstream_jobs:
            valid = True
            # repository url is required
            if 'repository' not in job:
                valid = False
                message.append("entry without tag repository")

            #command is required
            if 'command' not in job:
                valid = False
                message.append("entry without tag command")

            #working-directory is required
            if 'working-directory' not in job:
                valid = False
                message.append("entry without tag working-directory")

            #running-label is required
            if 'running-label' not in job:
                valid = False
                message.append("entry without tag running-label")

            # either branch or commit-id should be set.
            if 'branch' not in job and \
               'commit-id' not in job:
                valid = False
                    "Either commit-id or branch should be set for job repository"

            # downstream-jobs is optional
            # if it is specified, the value should be validate
            if 'downstream-jobs' in job:
                downstream_result, downstream_message = Manifest.validate_downstream_jobs(
                if not downstream_result:
                    valid = False

            if not valid:
                result = False
                message.append("entry content:")
                message.append("{0}".format(json.dumps(job, indent=True)))

        return result, message

    def validate_manifest(self):
        Identify whether the manifest contains useful information (as we understand it)
        raise error if manifest is unusable
        :return: None

        result = True
        messages = ["Validate manifest file: {0}".format(self._name)]
        if self._manifest is None:
            result = False
            messages.append("No manifest contents")

        #build-name is required
        if 'build-name' not in self._manifest:
            result = False
            messages.append("No build-name in manifest file")

        #repositories is required
        if 'repositories' not in self._manifest:
            result = False
            messages.append("No repositories in manifest file")
            r, m = self.validate_repositories(self._repositories)
            if not r:
                result = False
        #downstream-jobs is required
        if 'downstream-jobs' not in self._manifest:
            result = False
            messages.append("No downstream-jobs in manifest file")
            r, m = Manifest.validate_downstream_jobs(self._downstream_jobs)
            if not r:
                result = False
        #build-requirements is required
        if 'build-requirements' not in self._manifest:
            result = False
            messages.append("No build-requirements in manifest file")

        if not result:
            messages.append("manifest file {0} is not valid".format(
            error = '\n'.join(messages)
            raise KeyError(error)

    def check_commit_changed(repo, repo_url, branch, commit):
        Check whether the repository is changed based on its url, branch ,commit-id and arguments repo_url, branch, commit
        :param repo: an repository entry of member _repositories or _downstream_jobs
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param branch: the branch of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        :return: True when the commit-id is different with argument commit
                 and the url and branch is the same with the arguments repo_url, branch;
                 otherwise, False

        if (repo['repository'] == repo_url):
            # If repo has "branch", compare "commit-id" in repo with the argument commit
            # only when "branch" is the same with argument branch.

            if 'branch' in repo:
                sliced_repo_branch = repo['branch'].split("/")[-1]
                sliced_branch = branch.split("/")[-1]
                if (repo['branch'] == branch or repo['branch'] == sliced_branch
                        or sliced_repo_branch == sliced_branch):

                    if 'commit-id' in repo:
                        print "checking the commit-id for {0} with branch {1} from {2} to {3}".format\
                                (repo_url, branch, repo['commit-id'], commit)

                        if repo['commit-id'] != commit:
                            print "   commit-id updated!"
                            return True
                            print "   commit-id unchanged"
                            return False
                        print "add commit-id{0} for {1} with branch {2} ".format\
                              (commit, repo_url, branch)
                        return True
            # If repo doesn't have "branch", compare "commit-id" in repo with argument commit
            # Exits with 1 if repo doesn't have "commit-id"
                if 'commit-id' not in repo:
                    raise KeyError(
                        "Neither commit-id nor branch is set for repository {0}"
                    if repo['commit-id'] != commit:
                        print "   commit-id updated!"
                        return True
                        print "   commit-id unchanged"
                        return False
        return False

    def update_downstream_jobs(downstream_jobs, repo_url, branch, commit):
        update the instance of the class based on member:
        _downstream_jobs and provided arguments.

        :param downstream_jobs: the entry downstream_jobs
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param branch: the branch of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        :return: True if any job in downstream_jobs is updated
                 False if none of jobs in downstream_jobs is updated
        updated = False
        for job in downstream_jobs:
            if Manifest.check_commit_changed(job, repo_url, branch, commit):
                job['commit-id'] = commit
                updated = True
            if 'downstream-jobs' in job:
                nested_downstream_jobs = job['downstream-jobs']
                if Manifest.update_downstream_jobs(nested_downstream_jobs,
                                                   repo_url, branch, commit):
                    updated = True
        return updated

    def update_repositories(repositories, repo_url, branch, commit):
        update the instance of the class based on member:
        _repositories and provided arguments.

        :param repositories: the entry repositories
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param branch: the branch of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        updated = False
        for repo in repositories:
            if Manifest.check_commit_changed(repo, repo_url, branch, commit):
                repo['commit-id'] = commit
                updated = True
        return updated

    def update_manifest(self, repo_url, branch, commit):
        update the instance of the class based on members
         _repositories , _downstream_jobs and provided arguments.
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param branch: the branch of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        print "start updating  manifest file {0}".format(self._name)
        if self.update_repositories(self._repositories, repo_url, branch,
            self._changed = True

        if self.update_downstream_jobs(self._downstream_jobs, repo_url, branch,
            self._changed = True

    def write_manifest_file(self,
        Add, commit, and push the manifest changes to the manifest repo.
        :param repo_dir: String, The directory of the repository
        :param commit_message: String, The commit message for command "git commit"
        :param file_path: String, The path to the temporary file.
                          If it is not set, the default value is self._file_path where manifest come from
        :param dry_run: If true, would not push changes
        if file_path is None:
            file_path = self._file_path

        with open(file_path, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(self._manifest, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

        status_code, status_out, status_error = self.gitbit.run(['status'],
        add_code, add_out, add_error = self.gitbit.run(['add', '-u'], repo_dir)

        if add_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to add files for commiting.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}}'.format\
                                 (add_code, add_out, add_error))

        commit_code, commit_out, commit_error = self.gitbit.run(
            ['commit', '-m', commit_message], repo_dir)
        if commit_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to commit changes for pushing.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format\
                                 (commit_code, commit_out, commit_error))

        if not dryrun:
            push_code, push_out, push_error = self.gitbit.run(['push'],
            if push_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unable to push changes.\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format(
                        push_code, push_out, push_error))
            print "Would push changes here if not for dry run"
コード例 #4
    def do_one_task(self, name, data, results):
        Perform the actual work of checking out a repository.   This portion of the
        task is performed in a subprocess, and may be performed in parallel with other

        name and data will come from the values passed in to add_task()

        :param name:
        :param data:
        data should contain:
           'credentials': a list of Git credentials in URL:VARIABLE_NAME format
           'repo': a repository entry from a manifest file
           'builddir': the location to check out the repository into
        :param results: a shared dictionary for storing results and sharing them to the
                        parent process
        :return: None (all output data stored in results)

        # make sure we have all of the right data that we need to start the build
        if name is None or data is None:
            raise ValueError("name or data not present")

        for key in ['repo', 'builddir']:
            if key not in data:
                raise ValueError("{0} key missing from data: {1}".format(key, data))

        repo = data['repo']
        if 'repository' not in repo:
            raise ValueError("no repository in work {0}".format(repo))

        # data validation okay, so start the work

        print "Starting checkout of {0}".format(name)

        # someplace to start storing results of the commands that will be run
        results['commands'] = []
        commands = results['commands']
        git = GitBit(verbose=False)
        if 'credentials' in data:
            for credential in data['credentials']:
                url, cred = credential.split(',', 2)
                git.add_credential_from_variable(url, cred)
        repo_url = repo['repository']
        destination_directory_name = strip_suffix(os.path.basename(repo_url), ".git")
        # build up a git clone command line
        # clone [ -b branchname ] repository_url [ destination_name ]

        command = ['clone']

        #clone big files with git-lfs is much faster
        if repo.has_key('lfs') and repo['lfs']:
            command = ['lfs', 'clone']

        if 'branch' in repo:
            command.extend(['-b', repo['branch']])


        if 'checked-out-directory-name' in repo:
            # this specifies what the directory name of the checked out repository
            # should be, as opposed to using Git's default (the basename of the repository URL)

            # note to self: do not combine the following two lines again
            destination_directory_name = repo['checked-out-directory-name']

        return_code, out, err = git.run(command, data['builddir'])

        commands.append({'command': command,
                         'return_code': return_code,
                         'stdout': out,
                         'stderr': err

        if return_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to clone the repository")

        # the clone has been performed -- now check to see if we need to move the HEAD
        # to point to a specific location within the tree history.   That will be true
        # if there is a commit-id or tag value specified in the repository (which will
        # be the case most of the time).

        reset_id = self._get_reset_value(repo)

        if reset_id is not None:
            working_directory = os.path.join(data['builddir'], destination_directory_name)

            command = ["reset", "--hard", reset_id]
            return_code, out, err = git.run(command, directory=working_directory)
            commands.append({'command': command,
                             'return_code': return_code,
                             'stdout': out,
                             'stderr': err
            if return_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("unable to move to correct commit/tag")

        results['status'] = "success"
コード例 #5
ファイル: RepositoryOperator.py プロジェクト: xus16/on-tools
    def do_one_task(self, name, data, results):
        Perform the actual work of checking out a repository.   This portion of the
        task is performed in a subprocess, and may be performed in parallel with other

        name and data will come from the values passed in to add_task()

        :param name:
        :param data:
        data should contain:
           'credentials': a list of Git credentials in URL:VARIABLE_NAME format
           'repo': a repository entry from a manifest file
           'builddir': the location to check out the repository into
        :param results: a shared dictionary for storing results and sharing them to the
                        parent process
        :return: None (all output data stored in results)

        # make sure we have all of the right data that we need to start the build
        if name is None or data is None:
            raise ValueError("name or data not present")

        for key in ['repo', 'builddir']:
            if key not in data:
                raise ValueError("{0} key missing from data: {1}".format(
                    key, data))

        repo = data['repo']
        if 'repository' not in repo:
            raise ValueError("no repository in work {0}".format(repo))

        # data validation okay, so start the work

        print "Starting checkout of {0}".format(name)

        # someplace to start storing results of the commands that will be run
        results['commands'] = []
        commands = results['commands']
        git = GitBit(verbose=False)
        if 'credentials' in data:
            for credential in data['credentials']:
                url, cred = credential.split(',', 2)
                git.add_credential_from_variable(url, cred)
        repo_url = repo['repository']
        destination_directory_name = strip_suffix(os.path.basename(repo_url),
        # build up a git clone command line
        # clone [ -b branchname ] repository_url [ destination_name ]

        command = ['clone']

        #clone big files with git-lfs is much faster
        if repo.has_key('lfs') and repo['lfs']:
            command = ['lfs', 'clone']

        if 'branch' in repo:
            command.extend(['-b', repo['branch']])


        if 'checked-out-directory-name' in repo:
            # this specifies what the directory name of the checked out repository
            # should be, as opposed to using Git's default (the basename of the repository URL)

            # note to self: do not combine the following two lines again
            destination_directory_name = repo['checked-out-directory-name']

        return_code, out, err = git.run(command, data['builddir'])

            'command': command,
            'return_code': return_code,
            'stdout': out,
            'stderr': err

        if return_code != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to clone the repository")

        # the clone has been performed -- now check to see if we need to move the HEAD
        # to point to a specific location within the tree history.   That will be true
        # if there is a commit-id or tag value specified in the repository (which will
        # be the case most of the time).

        reset_id = self._get_reset_value(repo)

        if reset_id is not None:
            working_directory = os.path.join(data['builddir'],

            command = ["reset", "--hard", reset_id]
            return_code, out, err = git.run(command,
                'command': command,
                'return_code': return_code,
                'stdout': out,
                'stderr': err
            if return_code != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("unable to move to correct commit/tag")

        results['status'] = "success"
コード例 #6
ファイル: RepositoryOperator.py プロジェクト: xus16/on-tools
class RepoOperator(object):
    def __init__(self, git_credentials=None):
        Create a repository interface object

        self._git_credentials = git_credentials

        self.git = GitBit(verbose=True)
        if self._git_credentials:

    def setup_gitbit(self, credentials=None):
        Set gitbit credentials.
        if credentials is None:
            if self._git_credentials is None:
                credentials = self._git_credentials
            self._git_credentials = credentials
        for url_cred_pair in credentials:
            url, cred = url_cred_pair.split(',')
            self.git.add_credential_from_variable(url, cred)

    def set_git_dryrun(self, dryrun):

    def set_git_verbose(self, verbose):

    def set_git_executable(self, executable):

    def print_command_summary(name, results):
        Print the results of running commands.
          first the command line itself
            and the error code if it's non-zero
          then the stdout & stderr values from running that command

        :param name:
        :param results:
        :return: True if any command exited with an error condition

        error_found = False

        print "============================"
        print "Command output for {0}".format(name)

        if 'commands' in results[name]:
            commands = results[name]['commands']
            for command in commands:
                for key in ['command', 'stdout', 'stderr']:
                    if key in command:
                        if command[key] != '':
                            print command[key]
                        if key == 'command':
                            if command['return_code'] != 0:
                                error_found = True
                                print "EXITED: {0}".format(

        return error_found

    def clone_repo_list(self, repo_list, dest_dir, jobs=1):
        check out repository to dest dir based on repo list
        :param repo_list: a list of repository entry which should contain:
                          'repository': the url of repository, it is required
                          'branch': the branch to be check out, it is optional
                          'commit-id': the commit id to be reset, it is optional
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :param jobs: Number of parallel jobs to run
        cloner = RepoCloner(jobs)
        if cloner is not None:
            for repo in repo_list:
                data = {
                    'repo': repo,
                    'builddir': dest_dir,
                    'credentials': self._git_credentials

            results = cloner.get_results()

            error = False
            for name in results.keys():
                error |= self.print_command_summary(name, results)

            if error:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to clone repositories")

    def clone_repo(self, repo_url, dest_dir, repo_commit="HEAD"):
        check out a repository to dest directory from the repository url
        :param repo_url: the url of repository, it is required
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :return: the directory of the repository
        repo = {}
        repo["repository"] = repo_url
        repo["commit-id"] = repo_commit
        repo_list = [repo]
        self.clone_repo_list(repo_list, dest_dir)

        repo_directory_name = strip_suffix(os.path.basename(repo_url), ".git")
        return os.path.join(dest_dir, repo_directory_name)

    def get_lastest_commit_date(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-date
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")
        code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['show', '-s', '--pretty=format:%ct'], directory=repo_dir)
        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to get commit date in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_lastest_commit_id(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-id

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['log', '--format=format:%H', '-n', '1'], directory=repo_dir)

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to get commit id in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_commit_message(self, repo_dir, commit):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        :return: commit-message

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(
            ['log', '--format=format:%B', '-n', '1', commit],

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit message of {commit_id} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(commit_id=commit, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_repo_url(self, repo_dir):
        get the remote url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: repository url

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(['ls-remote', '--get-url'],

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to find the repository url in directory {0}".format(

    def get_current_branch(self, repo_dir):
        get the current branch name of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: branch name

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD'],

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to find the current branch in directory {0}".format(

    def check_branch(self, repo_url, branch):
        Checks if the specified branch name exists for the provided repository. Leave only the characters
        following the final "/". This is to handle remote repositories.
        Raise RuntimeError if it is not found.
        :return: None
        if "/" in branch:
            sliced_branch = branch.split("/")[-1]
            sliced_branch = branch

        cmd_returncode, cmd_value, cmd_error = self.git.run(
            ['ls-remote', repo_url, 'heads/*{0}'.format(sliced_branch)])

        if cmd_returncode is not 0 or cmd_value is '':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The branch, '{0}', provided for '{1}', does not exist.".
                format(branch, repo_url))

    def set_repo_tagname(self, repo_url, repo_dir, tag_name):
        Sets tagname on the repo
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param tag_name: the tag name to be set
        :return: None
        # See if that tag exists for the repo
        cmd_returncode, cmd_value, cmd_error = self.git.run(
            ["tag", "-l", tag_name], repo_dir)

        # Raise RuntimeError if tag already exists, otherwise create it
        if cmd_returncode == 0 and cmd_value != '':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Error: Tag {0} already exists - exiting now...".format(
            print "Creating tag {0} for repo {1}".format(tag_name, repo_url)
            self.git.run(["tag", "-a", tag_name, "-m", "\"Creating new tag\""],
            self.git.run(["push", "origin", "--tags"], repo_dir)
コード例 #7
class RepoOperator(object):

    def __init__(self, git_credentials=None):
        Create a repository interface object

        self._git_credentials = git_credentials
        self.git = GitBit(verbose=True)
        if self._git_credentials:

    def setup_gitbit(self, credentials=None):
        Set gitbit credentials.
        self.git.set_identity(config.gitbit_identity['username'], config.gitbit_identity['email'])
        if credentials is None:
            if self._git_credentials is None:
                credentials = self._git_credentials
            self._git_credentials = credentials
        for url_cred_pair in credentials:
            url, cred = url_cred_pair.split(',')
            self.git.add_credential_from_variable(url, cred)

    def set_git_dryrun(self, dryrun):
    def set_git_verbose(self, verbose):

    def set_git_executable(self, executable):

    def print_command_summary(name, results):
        Print the results of running commands.
          first the command line itself
            and the error code if it's non-zero
          then the stdout & stderr values from running that command

        :param name:
        :param results:
        :return: True if any command exited with an error condition

        error_found = False

        print "============================"
        print "Command output for {0}".format(name)

        if 'commands' in results[name]:
            commands = results[name]['commands']
            for command in commands:
                for key in ['command', 'stdout', 'stderr']:
                    if key in command:
                        if command[key] != '':
                            print command[key]
                        if key == 'command':
                            if command['return_code'] != 0:
                                error_found = True
                                print "EXITED: {0}".format(command['return_code'])

        return error_found

    def clone_repo_list(self, repo_list, dest_dir, jobs=1):
        check out repository to dest dir based on repo list
        :param repo_list: a list of repository entry which should contain:
                          'repository': the url of repository, it is required
                          'branch': the branch to be check out, it is optional
                          'commit-id': the commit id to be reset, it is optional
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :param jobs: Number of parallel jobs to run
        cloner = RepoCloner(jobs)
        if cloner is not None:
            for repo in repo_list:
                data = {'repo': repo,
                        'builddir': dest_dir,
                        'credentials': self._git_credentials

            results = cloner.get_results()

            error = False
            for name in results.keys():
                error |= self.print_command_summary(name, results)

            if error:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to clone repositories")

    def clone_repo(self, repo_url, dest_dir, repo_commit="HEAD"):
        check out a repository to dest directory from the repository url
        :param repo_url: the url of repository, it is required
        :param dest_dir: the directory where repository will be check out
        :return: the directory of the repository
        repo = {}
        repo["repository"] = repo_url
        repo["commit-id"] = repo_commit
        repo_list = [repo]
        self.clone_repo_list(repo_list, dest_dir)
        repo_directory_name = strip_suffix(os.path.basename(repo_url), ".git")
        return os.path.join(dest_dir, repo_directory_name)

    def get_lastest_commit_date(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-date
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")
        code, output, error = self.git.run(['show', '-s', '--pretty=format:%ct'], directory=repo_dir)
        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit date in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_lastest_commit_id(self, repo_dir):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :return: commit-id
        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(['log', '--format=format:%H', '-n', '1'], directory=repo_dir)

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit id in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_commit_message(self, repo_dir, commit):
        :param repo_dir: path of the repository
        :param commit: the commit id of the repository
        :return: commit-message

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(['log', '--format=format:%B', '-n', '1', commit], directory=repo_dir)

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to get commit message of {commit_id} in directory {repo_dir}"\
                  .format(commit_id=commit, repo_dir=repo_dir))

    def get_repo_url(self, repo_dir):
        get the remote url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: repository url

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(['ls-remote', '--get-url'], directory=repo_dir)

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to find the repository url in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def get_current_branch(self, repo_dir):
        get the current branch name of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :return: branch name

        if repo_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("The repository directory is not a directory")

        code, output, error = self.git.run(['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD'], directory=repo_dir)

        if code == 0:
            return output.strip()
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to find the current branch in directory {0}".format(repo_dir))

    def check_branch(self, repo_url, branch):
        Checks if the specified branch name exists for the provided repository. Leave only the characters
        following the final "/". This is to handle remote repositories.
        Raise RuntimeError if it is not found.
        :return: None
        if "/" in branch:
            sliced_branch = branch.split("/")[-1]
            sliced_branch = branch

        cmd_returncode, cmd_value, cmd_error = self.git.run(['ls-remote', repo_url, 'heads/*{0}'

        if cmd_returncode is not 0 or cmd_value is '':
            raise RuntimeError("The branch, '{0}', provided for '{1}', does not exist."
                               .format(branch, repo_url))

    def set_repo_tagname(self, repo_url, repo_dir, tag_name):
        Sets tagname on the repo
        :param repo_url: the url of the repository
        :param repo_dir: the directory of the repository
        :param tag_name: the tag name to be set
        :return: None
        # See if that tag exists for the repo
        cmd_returncode, cmd_value, cmd_error  = self.git.run(["tag", "-l", tag_name], repo_dir)

        # Raise RuntimeError if tag already exists, otherwise create it
        if cmd_returncode == 0 and cmd_value != '':
            raise RuntimeError("Error: Tag {0} already exists - exiting now...".format(cmd_value))
            print "Creating tag {0} for repo {1}".format(tag_name, repo_url)
            self.git.run(["tag", "-a", tag_name, "-m", "\"Creating new tag\""], repo_dir)
            self.git.run(["push", "origin", "--tags"], repo_dir)