コード例 #1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        notifications = get_notifications()
        for notification in notifications:
            process_me = notification['reason'] == 'mention'
            if process_me:
                    url = notification['subject']['url']
                    url = url.replace('/repos', '')
                    url = url.replace('//api.github', '//github')
                    latest_comment_url = notification['subject']['latest_comment_url']
                    _org_name = org_name(url)
                    _repo_name = repo_name(url)
                    _issue_number = issue_number(url)
                    _comment_id = latest_comment_url.split('/')[-1]
                    comment = get_issue_comments(_org_name, _repo_name, _issue_number, _comment_id)
                    does_mention_gitcoinbot = settings.GITHUB_API_USER in comment.get('body','')
                    if comment.get('message','') == "Not Found":
                        print("comment was not found")
                    elif not does_mention_gitcoinbot:
                        print("does not mention gitcoinbot")
                        comment_from = comment['user']['login']
                        num_reactions = comment['reactions']['total_count']
                        print(_org_name, _repo_name, _issue_number, _comment_id, num_reactions, comment_from)
                        is_from_gitcoinbot = settings.GITHUB_API_USER in comment_from
                        if num_reactions == 0 and not is_from_gitcoinbot:
                            post_issue_comment_reaction(_org_name, _repo_name, _comment_id, 'heart')
                            comment = f"@{comment_from}. :wave: thanks for the atMention, but you need to [install @gitcoinbot on this repo for me to be able to respond](https://github.com/apps/gitcoinbot).  More details [in the documentation](https://github.com/gitcoinco/web/tree/master/app/gitcoinbot).\n\n:v:\n@gitcoinbot"
                            post_issue_comment(_org_name, _repo_name, _issue_number, comment)
                except Exception as e:
コード例 #2
def maybe_market_tip_to_github(tip):
    if not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID:
        return False
    if not tip.github_url:
        return False
    if tip.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK:
        return False

    # prepare message
    username = tip.username if '@' in tip.username else str('@' + tip.username)
    _from = " from {}".format(tip.from_name) if tip.from_name else ""
    warning = tip.network if tip.network != 'mainnet' else ""
    _comments = "\n\nThe sender had the following public comments: \n> {}".format(tip.comments_public) if tip.comments_public else ""
    msg = "⚡️ A tip worth {} {} {} {} has been granted to {} for this issue{}. ⚡️ {}\n\nNice work {}, check your email for further instructions. \n\n * ${} in Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n * Incentivize contributions to your repo: <a href='https://gitcoin.co/tip'>Send a Tip</a> or <a href='https://gitcoin.co/funding/new'>Fund a PR</a>\n * No Email? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>"
    msg = msg.format(round(tip.amount, 3), warning, tip.tokenName, "(${})".format(tip.value_in_usdt) if tip.value_in_usdt else "" , username, _from, _comments, username, amount_usdt_open_work())

    # actually post
    url = tip.github_url
    uri = parse(url).path
    uri_array = uri.split('/')
        username = uri_array[1]
        repo = uri_array[2]
        issue_num = uri_array[4]

        post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)

    except Exception as e:
        return False

    return True
コード例 #3
def maybe_warn_user_removed_github(bounty, username):
    if (not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID) or (
            bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001) or (
                bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK):
        return False

    msg = f"@{username} are you still working on this issue?"

    post_issue_comment(bounty.org_name, bounty.github_repo_name,
                       bounty.github_issue_number, msg)
コード例 #4
    def test_post_issue_comment(self):
        """Test the github utility post_issue_comment method."""
        owner = 'gitcoinco'
        repo = 'web'
        issue_num = 1
        url = f'https://api.github.com/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_num}/comments'
        responses.add(responses.POST, url, headers=HEADERS, json={}, status=200)
        post_issue_comment(owner, repo, issue_num, 'A comment.')

        assert responses.calls[0].request.url == url
コード例 #5
def maybe_warn_user_removed_github(bounty, username, last_heard_from_user_days):
    if not bounty.is_notification_eligible(var_to_check=settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID):
        return False

    msg = f"""@{username} Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!
* [x] warning ({num_days_back_to_warn} days)
* [ ] escalation to mods ({num_days_back_to_delete_interest} days)

    post_issue_comment(bounty.org_name, bounty.github_repo_name, bounty.github_issue_number, msg)
コード例 #6
def maybe_notify_user_removed_github(bounty,
    if (not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID) or (
            bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001) or (
                bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK):
        return False

    msg = f"@{username} has been removed from this issue due to inactivity ({last_heard_from_user_days} days) on the github thread.  @{username} if you believe this was done in error, please <a href={bounty.url}>go to the bounty</a> and click 'start work' again."

    post_issue_comment(bounty.org_name, bounty.github_repo_name,
                       bounty.github_issue_number, msg)
コード例 #7
ファイル: notifications.py プロジェクト: pacoard/web
def maybe_warn_user_removed_github(bounty, username,
    if (not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID) or (
            bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001) or (
                bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK):
        return False

    msg = f"""@{username} Hello from Gitcoin Core - are you still working on this issue? Please submit a WIP PR or comment back within the next 3 days or you will be removed from this ticket and it will be returned to an ‘Open’ status. Please let us know if you have questions!
* [x] warning ({num_days_back_to_warn} days)
* [ ] auto removal ({num_days_back_to_delete_interest} days)

    post_issue_comment(bounty.org_name, bounty.github_repo_name,
                       bounty.github_issue_number, msg)
コード例 #8
def maybe_notify_user_escalated_github(bounty, username, last_heard_from_user_days=None):
    if not bounty.is_notification_eligible(var_to_check=settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID):
        return False

    if not last_heard_from_user_days:
        last_heard_from_user_days = num_days_back_to_delete_interest

    status_header = get_status_header(bounty)

    msg = f"""{status_header}@{username} due to inactivity, we have escalated [this issue]({bounty.url}) to Gitcoin's moderation team. Let us know if you believe this has been done in error!

* [x] warning ({num_days_back_to_warn} days)
* [x] escalation to mods ({num_days_back_to_delete_interest} days)

    post_issue_comment(bounty.org_name, bounty.github_repo_name, bounty.github_issue_number, msg)
コード例 #9
ファイル: notifications.py プロジェクト: pacoard/web
def maybe_market_tip_to_github(tip):
    """Post a Github comment for the specified Tip.

        tip (dashboard.models.Tip): The Tip to be marketed.

        bool: Whether or not the Github comment was posted successfully.

    if (not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID) or (not tip.github_url) or (
            tip.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK):
        return False

    # prepare message
    username = tip.username if '@' in tip.username else f'@{tip.username}'
    _from = f" from {tip.from_name}" if tip.from_name else ""
    warning = tip.network if tip.network != 'mainnet' else ""
    _comments = "\n\nThe sender had the following public comments: \n> " \
                f"{tip.comments_public}" if tip.comments_public else ""
        value_in_usd = f"({tip.value_in_usdt_now} USD @ ${round(convert_token_to_usdt(tip.tokenName), 2)}/{tip.tokenName})" if tip.value_in_usdt_now else ""
    except Exception:
        pass  # no USD conv rate
    msg = f"⚡️ A tip worth {round(tip.amount, 5)} {warning} {tip.tokenName} {value_in_usd} has been " \
          f"granted to {username} for this issue{_from}. ⚡️ {_comments}\n\nNice work {username}! To " \
          "redeem your tip, login to Gitcoin at https://gitcoin.co/explorer and select 'Claim Tip' " \
          "from dropdown menu in the top right, or check your email for a link to the tip redemption " \
          f"page. \n\n * ${amount_usdt_open_work()} in Funded OSS Work Available at: " \
          "https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n * Incentivize contributions to your repo: " \
          "<a href='https://gitcoin.co/tip'>Send a Tip</a> or <a href='https://gitcoin.co/funding/new'>" \
          "Fund a PR</a>\n * No Email? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>"

    # actually post
    url = tip.github_url
    uri = parse(url).path
    uri_array = uri.split('/')
        username = uri_array[1]
        repo = uri_array[2]
        issue_num = uri_array[4]
        post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)
    except Exception as e:
        return False
    return True
コード例 #10
ファイル: notifications.py プロジェクト: tardisdriver/web
def maybe_market_tip_to_github(tip):
    """Post a Github comment for the specified Tip.

        tip (dashboard.models.Tip): The Tip to be marketed.

        bool: Whether or not the Github comment was posted successfully.

    if not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID:
        return False
    if not tip.github_url:
        return False
    if tip.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK:
        return False

    # prepare message
    username = tip.username if '@' in tip.username else str('@' + tip.username)
    _from = " from {}".format(tip.from_name) if tip.from_name else ""
    warning = tip.network if tip.network != 'mainnet' else ""
    _comments = "\n\nThe sender had the following public comments: \n> {}".format(
        tip.comments_public) if tip.comments_public else ""
    msg = "⚡️ A tip worth {} {} {} {} has been granted to {} for this issue{}. ⚡️ {}\n\nNice work {}! To redeem your tip, login to Gitcoin at https://gitcoin.co/explorer and select 'Claim Tip' from dropdown menu in the top right, or check your email for a link to the tip redemption page. \n\n * ${} in Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n * Incentivize contributions to your repo: <a href='https://gitcoin.co/tip'>Send a Tip</a> or <a href='https://gitcoin.co/funding/new'>Fund a PR</a>\n * No Email? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>"
    msg = msg.format(
        round(tip.amount, 5), warning, tip.tokenName,
        "(${})".format(tip.value_in_usdt) if tip.value_in_usdt else "",
        username, _from, _comments, username, amount_usdt_open_work())

    # actually post
    url = tip.github_url
    uri = parse(url).path
    uri_array = uri.split('/')
        username = uri_array[1]
        repo = uri_array[2]
        issue_num = uri_array[4]

        post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)

    except Exception as e:
        return False

    return True
コード例 #11
ファイル: notifications.py プロジェクト: pacoard/web
def maybe_notify_user_removed_github(bounty,
    if (not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID) or (
            bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001) or (
                bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK):
        return False

    if not last_heard_from_user_days:
        last_heard_from_user_days = num_days_back_to_delete_interest

    status_header = get_status_header(bounty)

    msg = f"""{status_header}@{username} has been removed for inactivity and [the issue]({bounty.url}) has been returned to an ‘Open’ Status. Let us know if you believe this has been done in error!

* [x] warning ({num_days_back_to_warn} days)
* [x] auto removal ({num_days_back_to_delete_interest} days)

    post_issue_comment(bounty.org_name, bounty.github_repo_name,
                       bounty.github_issue_number, msg)
コード例 #12
ファイル: notifications.py プロジェクト: scottydelta/web
def maybe_notify_user_escalated_github(bounty,
    if (not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID) or (
            bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001) or (
                bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK):
        return False

    if not last_heard_from_user_days:
        last_heard_from_user_days = num_days_back_to_delete_interest

    status_header = get_status_header(bounty)

    msg = f"""{status_header}@{username} due to inactivity, we have escalated [this issue]({bounty.url}) to Gitcoin's moderation team. Let us know if you believe this has been done in error!

* [x] warning ({num_days_back_to_warn} days)
* [x] escalation to mods ({num_days_back_to_delete_interest} days)

    post_issue_comment(bounty.org_name, bounty.github_repo_name,
                       bounty.github_issue_number, msg)
コード例 #13
ファイル: notifications.py プロジェクト: pacoard/web
def maybe_market_to_github(bounty, event_name, profile_pairs=None):
    """Post a Github comment for the specified Bounty.

        bounty (dashboard.models.Bounty): The Bounty to be marketed.
        event_name (str): The name of the event.
        profile_pairs (list of tuples): The list of username and profile page
            URL tuple pairs.

        bool: Whether or not the Github comment was posted successfully.

    if (not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID) or (
            bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001) or (
                bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK):
        return False

    # Define posting specific variables.
    comment_id = None
    url = bounty.github_url
    uri = parse(url).path
    uri_array = uri.split('/')

    # Prepare the comment message string.
    msg = build_github_notification(bounty, event_name, profile_pairs)
    if not msg:
        return False

        username = uri_array[1]
        repo = uri_array[2]
        issue_num = uri_array[4]

        if event_name == 'work_started':
            comment_id = bounty.interested_comment
        elif event_name in ['work_done', 'work_submitted']:
            comment_id = bounty.submissions_comment

        # Handle creating or updating comments if profiles are provided.
        if event_name in ['work_started', 'work_submitted'] and profile_pairs:
            if comment_id is not None:
                patch_issue_comment(comment_id, username, repo, msg)
                response = post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)
                if response.get('id'):
                    if event_name == 'work_started':
                        bounty.interested_comment = int(response.get('id'))
                    elif event_name in ['work_done', 'work_submitted']:
                        bounty.submissions_comment = int(response.get('id'))
        # Handle deleting comments if no profiles are provided.
        elif event_name in ['work_started'] and not profile_pairs:
            if comment_id:
                delete_issue_comment(comment_id, username, repo)
                if event_name == 'work_started':
                    bounty.interested_comment = None
                elif event_name == 'work_done':
                    bounty.submissions_comment = None
        # If this isn't work_started/done, simply post the issue comment.
            post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)
    except IndexError:
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        extra_data = {
            'github_url': url,
            'bounty_id': bounty.pk,
            'event_name': event_name
        rollbar.report_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), extra_data=extra_data)
        return False
    return True
コード例 #14
def maybe_market_to_github(bounty, event_name, txid=None, interested=None):
    if not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID:
        return False
    if bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001:
        return False
    if bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK:
        return False

    # prepare message
    msg = ''
    usdt_value = "(" + str(round(bounty.value_in_usdt, 2)) + " USD)" if bounty.value_in_usdt else ""
    if event_name == 'new_bounty':
        msg = "__This issue now has a funding of {} {} {} attached to it.__\n\n * If you would like to work on this issue you can claim it [here]({}).\n * If you've completed this issue and want to claim the bounty you can do so [here]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            bounty.token_name, usdt_value,
    elif event_name == 'killed_bounty':
        msg = "__The funding of {} {} {} attached to this issue has been **killed** by the bounty submitter__\n\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            bounty.token_name, usdt_value,
    elif event_name == 'rejected_claim':
        msg = "__This fulfillment for the funding of {} {} {} attached to this issue has been **rejected** and can now be fulfilled by someone else.__\n\n * If you would like to work on this issue you can claim it [here]({}).\n * If you've completed this issue and want to claim the bounty you can do so [here]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            bounty.token_name, usdt_value,
    elif event_name == 'new_interest':
        msg = "__The funding of {} {} {} attached has been shown interest by: {}.__ {} \n\n * Learn more [on the gitcoin issue page]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        # Build interested profiles string.
        interested_profiles = ", ".join("[@%s](%s)" % interest for interest in interested)
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            interested_profiles if interested_profiles else "",
            "\n\n If you are interested, please leave a comment to let the funder {} and the other parties involved why you're interested in working on this issue and your plans to resolve it.  If you don't leave a comment, the funder may not think you're too interested.".format(
                "(@{})".format(bounty.bounty_owner_github_username) if bounty.bounty_owner_github_username else "",
    elif event_name == 'new_claim':
        msg = "__The funding of {} {} {} attached has been fulfilled {}.__ {} \n\n * Learn more [on the gitcoin issue page]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            "by @{}".format(bounty.claimee_github_username) if bounty.claimee_github_username else "",
            "\n\n {}, please leave a comment to let the funder {} (and the other parties involved) that you've fulfilled the bounty.  If you don't leave a comment, the funder may expire your claim at their discretion.".format(
                "@{}".format(bounty.claimee_github_username) if bounty.claimee_github_username else "If you are the claimee",
                "(@{})".format(bounty.bounty_owner_github_username) if bounty.bounty_owner_github_username else "",
    elif event_name == 'approved_claim':
        msg = "__The funding of {} {} {} attached to this issue has been approved & issued {}.__  \n\n * Learn more at [on the gitcoin issue page]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            "to @{}".format(bounty.claimee_github_username) if bounty.claimee_github_username else "",
        return False

    # actually post
    url = bounty.github_url
    uri = parse(url).path
    uri_array = uri.split('/')
        username = uri_array[1]
        repo = uri_array[2]
        issue_num = uri_array[4]

        if event_name == 'new_interest' and interested:
            if bounty.interested_comment is not None:
                patch_issue_comment(bounty.interested_comment, username, repo, msg)
                response = post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)
                if response.get('id'):
                    bounty.interested_comment = response.get('id')
        elif event_name == 'new_interest' and not interested:
            delete_issue_comment(bounty.interested_comment, username, repo)
            bounty.interested_comment = None
            post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)

    except Exception as e:
        extra_data = {'github_url': url, 'bounty_id': bounty.pk, 'event_name': event_name}
        rollbar.report_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), extra_data=extra_data)
        return False

    return True
コード例 #15
def maybe_market_to_github(bounty, event_name, interested=None):
    """Post a Github comment for the specified Bounty.

        bounty (dashboard.models.Bounty): The Bounty to be marketed.
        event_name (str): The name of the event.
        interested (list of tuples): The list of username and profile page URL
            tuple pairs.

        bool: Whether or not the Github comment was posted successfully.

    if not settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID:
        return False
    if bounty.get_natural_value() < 0.0001:
        return False
    if bounty.network != settings.ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_ON_NETWORK:
        return False

    # prepare message
    msg = ''
    usdt_value = "(" + str(round(bounty.value_in_usdt,
                                 2)) + " USD)" if bounty.value_in_usdt else ""
    if event_name == 'new_bounty':
        msg = "__This issue now has a funding of {} {} {} attached to it.__\n\n * If you would like to work on this issue you can claim it [here]({}).\n * If you've completed this issue and want to claim the bounty you can do so [here]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
    elif event_name == 'killed_bounty':
        msg = "__The funding of {} {} {} attached to this issue has been **killed** by the bounty submitter__\n\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
    elif event_name == 'rejected_claim':
        msg = "__The work submission for {} {} {} has been **rejected** and can now be submitted by someone else.__\n\n * If you would like to work on this issue you can claim it [here]({}).\n * If you've completed this issue and want to claim the bounty you can do so [here]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
    elif event_name == 'work_started':
        msg = "__Work has been started on the {} {} {} funding by__: \n 1. {} {} \n\n * Learn more [on the gitcoin issue page]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        # Build interested profiles string.
        interested_profiles = "\n 1. ".join("[@%s](%s)" % interest
                                            for interest in interested)
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            interested_profiles if interested_profiles else "",
            "\n\n __Please work together__ and coordinate delivery of the issue scope. Gitcoin doesn't know enough about everyones skillsets / free time to say who should work on what, but we trust that the community is smart and well-intentioned enough to work together.  As a general rule; if you start work first, youll be at the top of the above list ^^, and should have 'dibs' as long as you follow through. \n\n On the above list? Please leave a comment to let the funder {} and the other parties involved what you're working, with respect to this issue and your plans to resolve it.  If you don't leave a comment, the funder may expire your submission at their discretion."
                if bounty.bounty_owner_github_username else "", ),
    elif event_name == 'work_submitted':
        msg = "__Work for {} {} {} has been submitted {}.__ {} \n\n * Learn more [on the gitcoin issue page]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            "by @{}".format(bounty.fulfiller_github_username)
            if bounty.fulfiller_github_username else "",
            "\n\n {}, please leave a comment to let the funder {} (and the other parties involved) that you've submitted you work.  If you don't leave a comment, the funder may expire your submission at their discretion."
                "@{}".format(bounty.fulfiller_github_username) if
                bounty.fulfiller_github_username else "If you are the claimee",
                if bounty.bounty_owner_github_username else "",
    elif event_name == 'work_done':
        msg = "__The funding of {} {} {} attached to this issue has been approved & issued {}.__  \n\n * Learn more at [on the gitcoin issue page]({})\n * Questions? Get help on the <a href='https://gitcoin.co/slack'>Gitcoin Slack</a>\n * ${} more Funded OSS Work Available at: https://gitcoin.co/explorer\n"
        msg = msg.format(
            round(bounty.get_natural_value(), 4),
            "to @{}".format(bounty.fulfiller_github_username)
            if bounty.fulfiller_github_username else "",
        return False

    # actually post
    url = bounty.github_url
    uri = parse(url).path
    uri_array = uri.split('/')
        username = uri_array[1]
        repo = uri_array[2]
        issue_num = uri_array[4]

        if event_name == 'work_started' and interested:
            if bounty.interested_comment is not None:
                patch_issue_comment(bounty.interested_comment, username, repo,
                response = post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)
                if response.get('id'):
                    bounty.interested_comment = int(response.get('id'))
        elif event_name == 'work_started' and not interested:
            delete_issue_comment(bounty.interested_comment, username, repo)
            bounty.interested_comment = None
            post_issue_comment(username, repo, issue_num, msg)

    except Exception as e:
        extra_data = {
            'github_url': url,
            'bounty_id': bounty.pk,
            'event_name': event_name
        rollbar.report_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), extra_data=extra_data)
        return False

    return True