コード例 #1
    def add_labels(self, *args):
        """Add labels to this issue.

        :param str args: (required), names of the labels you wish to add
        :returns: list of :class:`Label`\ s
        url = self._build_url('labels', base_url=self._api)
        json = self._json(self._post(url, data=args), 200)
        return [Label(l, self) for l in json] if json else []
コード例 #2
    def test_equality(self):
        """Show that two instances of Label are equal."""
        label = Label(get_issue_label_example_data())
        assert self.instance == label

        label._uniq = ('https://https//api.github.com/repos/sigmavirus24/'

        assert self.instance != label
コード例 #3
    def replace_labels(self, labels):
        """Replace all labels on this issue with ``labels``.

        :param list labels: label names
        :returns: bool
        url = self._build_url('labels', base_url=self._api)
        json = self._json(self._put(url, data=dumps(labels)), 200)
        return [Label(l, self) for l in json] if json else []
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, issue, session=None):
        super(Issue, self).__init__(issue, session)
        self._api = issue.get('url', '')
        #: :class:`User <github3.users.User>` representing the user the issue
        #  was assigned to.
        self.assignee = issue.get('assignee')
        if self.assignee:
            self.assignee = User(issue.get('assignee'), self._session)
        #: Body (description) of the issue.
        self.body = issue.get('body', '')
        #: HTML formatted body of the issue.
        self.body_html = issue.get('body_html', '')
        #: Plain text formatted body of the issue.
        self.body_text = issue.get('body_text', '')

        # If an issue is still open, this field will be None
        #: datetime object representing when the issue was closed.
        self.closed_at = None
        if issue.get('closed_at'):
            self.closed_at = self._strptime(issue.get('closed_at'))

        #: Number of comments on this issue.
        self.comments = issue.get('comments')
        #: datetime object representing when the issue was created.
        self.created_at = self._strptime(issue.get('created_at'))
        #: URL to view the issue at GitHub.
        self.html_url = issue.get('html_url')
        #: Unique ID for the issue.
        self.id = issue.get('id')
        #: Returns the list of :class:`Label <Label>`\ s on this issue.
        self.labels = [Label(l, self._session) for l in issue.get('labels')]

        #: :class:`Milestone <Milestone>` this issue was assigned to.
        self.milestone = None
        if issue.get('milestone'):
            self.milestone = Milestone(issue.get('milestone'), self._session)
        #: Issue number (e.g. #15)
        self.number = issue.get('number')
        #: Dictionary URLs for the pull request (if they exist)
        self.pull_request = issue.get('pull_request')
        m = match('https://github\.com/(\S+)/(\S+)/issues/\d+', self.html_url)
        #: Returns ('owner', 'repository') this issue was filed on.
        self.repository = m.groups()
        #: State of the issue, e.g., open, closed
        self.state = issue.get('state')
        #: Title of the issue.
        self.title = issue.get('title')
        #: datetime object representing the last time the issue was updated.
        self.updated_at = self._strptime(issue.get('updated_at'))
        #: :class:`User <github3.users.User>` who opened the issue.
        self.user = User(issue.get('user'), self._session)
コード例 #5
 def test_equality(self):
     l = Label(load('label'))
     assert self.l == l
     l._uniq = ("https://api.github.com/repos/sigmavirus24/github3.py/"
     assert self.l != l
コード例 #6
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestLabel, self).setUp()
     self.l = Label(self.l.to_json(), self.g)
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
     super(TestLabel, self).__init__(methodName)
     self.l = Label(load('label'))
     self.api = ("https://api.github.com/repos/sigmavirus24/github3.py/"